Monetary Articles 1

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Monetary Articles 1

By Jagadish

Text based jobs give you access to do job till death instead of video files when country is poor

When country is poor up gradation of videos is difficult to gauge

When country is poor internet access to upload files is difficult

When country is poor import export is not possible

When country is poor knowledge of gadgets is difficult to gauge

When country is poor knowledge of how to use different vehicles of apps is tough

Why text based is easy to earn income

Easily accessible

Easily dependable

Easily upgraded

Easily knowledgeable

Easily usable

Job till death is text based and not videos

You become old

You become aged

You become rigid

You become stoic

Thought of the day

Text based is not front end use but back end use where there is no interaction unless required


To be rich you have to promote to poor people and understanding is slow hence text based spread

World of third world is poor

Third world nations don’t know English

Third world nation’s population is huge

Third world nation receptivity is poor

Third world nation people can’t grasp matter

Why text based is understood by poor people

Can take time to comprehend

Can take time to grasp

Can take time to understand

Can take time to visualize

Can take time to navigate

Why payment in third world nations is not being rich

Slow understanding

Slow grasping

Slow response

Slow in being rich

Slow in understanding technology

Thought of the day

Text based easy and reliable and slow and can take time with it hence payment rich poor payable

Family knowledge is evergreen and those who involve themselves in PhD of earth are rich

Knowledge is ever green

Knowledge is going concern

Knowledge is huge

Doing PhD gives your insight into money earning

Doing PhD give your insight into knowledge

Doing PhD gives your insight into wealth of information

Who is rich?

Entropy work

Research based mind-set

24/7 work

Hard work

Constant thinking

Those who earn every hour

Passive income generator

Thought of the day

PhD which earns you passive income is job to be taken up which suits your passion to live long life

Best contribution of earth to itself is taking care of administration of marriage and family issues

To live on earth one has to look at family as basis to survive

To live on earth one has to look at society of marriage as institution

To live on earth one has to look at knowledge bank of family issues to solve money issues

Best strategy to live on earth is to design strategies of how to live in society with marriages in

Best strategy to live on earth is to work with society of family problems to keep money intact

Best strategy to live on earth is to solve family problems to keep society intact

Research best strategy is to look at marriage issues

Research best strategy is to look at family problems

Research best strategy is to look at writing issues pertaining to social debtors

To look at family problems is to solve earth issues

To look at family problems is to solve knowledge of geology

To look at family problems is to solve wisdom of women knowledge bank

Best encyclopaedia knowledge is to look at terminologies pertaining to family lifestyle

Best encyclopaedia knowledge is to look at work ethics pertaining to sustenance of families

Best encyclopaedia knowledge is to look at those issues which solve marriages

Best encyclopaedia knowledge to give knowledge of those problems which solve marriages

Best writing is to solve current affairs of family’s issues

Best writing is to solve current affairs of philosophy of family issues

Best writing is to solve entropy issues which get raised in earth Nitti gritty problems

Thought of the day

Entropy of family issues goes on increasing with geology and to write on it is money earning in rich

Those who are rich have healthy interaction with the public in the form of consultants on hire

Rich people are good at interaction with the public

Rich people are good at consultation

Rich people have networking with honourable citizens

Rich people socialize a lot

Rich people through interaction know public issues and solve them through money

Rich people invest in research and know public grievances and publish also for society benefit

Rich people attend meetings and know society in and out

Rich people are called out to solve public petitions through investment strategy

Rich people are made to sustain being rich through knowledge of public platforms

Rich people are all-rounders and know establishments and interact with them regularly for society

Why rich people are linked up with public




Contacts with high networking individuals

Contacts with politicians

Why people like rich people

Able to follow

Able to lead

Able to get face lift

Able to uphold institutions ethics

Able to know the path of earth through biographies

Thought of the day

Rich people have contacts across the globe because of their investments portfolio hence an asset


When you want to do a job in earth keep your profile low instead of face in the crowd annuity

Keep your profile low you would never be dead

Keep your profile low you would always be rewarded

Keep your profile low you would never lose job

Keep your profile low you would get bonuses cash rewards

Keep your profile low you would be able to do job till dead

Why face in the crowd is dangerous

Always coming under observation

Always followers are threatening you

Always people are criticizing you

Always media attention needed

Always coming under strict scrutiny

Why peace of mind is low profile

Freedom of lifespan

Can be a housewife

Never to do a job

Always happy state of mind-set

No tension in life

Always peace with self

Always happy
Thought of the day

Face in the crowd is always under observation and scrutiny 24/7 with no peace of mind tension


Biographies are drafted when you are face in the crowd legal battles compulsory be truthful

Biographers need money and draft anyone as big stalwart to see themselves rich

Followers make any person big stalwart to amass away wealth if available

Students make anyone leader to get wealth through jobs

Leaders are made and are forced to have followers for people to be rich and prosperous

Knowledge is thrown at leaders for people to have faith in them fighting legal battles

Why law is integral part of face in the crowd story



Contribution is more

Knowledge is debatable

Writing forces people to comply to explanation

Why truthful people face in the crowd get saved and others have roller coaster ride of death

Legal battles

Enemies at the gate

Leadership issues

Partnership terms and conditions

Follower’s scrutiny

International relations

Consultation compulsory
Thought of the day

Truth is best weapon and if you don’t know you would be face in the crowd ask friends relatives


If you are rich it means people debated on your PhD delivery instead of copy paste text of authors

Rich people contributed something which nobody expected from them

Rich people did entrepreneurship

Rich people did creation

Rich people did leadership

Rich people follow only where rich people others lead them to

Rich people are followers of rich people

Rich people scrutinize works of rich people

Why rich people are not blind followers





Maintainers of peace


Reports generators

Thought of the day

Knowledgeable party has many friends outside inside country who look for ways to save society

Bridegrooms who groom up television are unethical those who groom up internet are ethical

Television is video gadget

It cant make you read or write

It can only make you integral part of internet boom

Internet is knowledge

Internet is wisdom of wise to learn from videos and audios

Internet is protection to children and family members

Television you are thrown at what you have already known and seen

Television you are thrown at what you are well versed in

Television you don’t have control over flow of information

Television you work at those areas which is decided by third party

Television is pre designed well in advance which is history and not current affairs

Internet there is choice

Internet there is purchase

Internet is quality development of mind body and soul

Internet is entrepreneurship

Internet is extension package of television

You can have both television and internet

Work with internet and see television in internet package

Next generation is internet and those who have it have general knowledge at keyboard tips

You can watch more and you can read more and you can do research extensively

Thought of the day

Vlogging blogging entrepreneurship websites podcasts videos audios purchases business fingertip

Bridegroom who groom up food in afternoon are ethical those who groom up night food unethical

Night time is after 11 it is evil

Afternoon is daylight can eat plenty

Positivism is afternoon

Negativism is night

Goodness is seen in hotel management in afternoon

Evil intentions are seen in hotel management in night time

Knowledge is shared in afternoon

Sex is sold in night time

Family affairs are sorted out in afternoon

Romance affairs are sorted out in night

Child is involved in afternoon full family support

Wife and husband combination in night time

Sleep integral part of afternoon is digestion

Porn sex integral part of night after food

Gods are involved in afternoon food

Satan is involved in night food

Thought of the day

Holistic knowledge of god’s food is served in the afternoon with serenity and purity spirit

Bridegroom who groom up brides job are unethical those who groom up brides housewife ethical

Bridegrooms involve brides in sexual office foreplay

Bridegroom involved brides in boyfriends

Bridegroom involve brides in socializing without them being involved

Why wife should stay with husband






Family values


When does husband leave the wife to herself?

Sexual foreplay



Extra marital affairs

When is marriage a success?


Food festivals


Child caring

Social debtors handling

Thought of the day

When social debtors don’t stay or not visited by the children marriage is divorce and child haywire


Bridegrooms who groom up house purchases through ladies online are ethical others unethical

House should be registered in the name plate of wife

Wife is dependent and husband can always earn income

Child can’t remove parent wife from the house

Wife can live till death if registered house under wife name

Wife can sell the house if registered under her name and be with finance in crisis

Husband can even do social service by having house 500 square yards instead of flat

Land registered under wife name can even construct flats and live in it with safety

Plots for sale are much more safety and security than flats

Land registration you can experiment but flats you have to do only sale

Plots purchased through builders is wisdom

Plots purchased through builders is security

Plots purchased through builders is safety

Plots purchased through builders is knowledge of secured transfer

Plots purchased through banks are safe

Plots purchased through financial institutions are secure

Thought of the day

Land purchases through institutions second time is knowledge of safe and secure transfers in India

Bridegroom who groom up bride online education throughout life is ethical university unethical

Education online is knowledge of family

Education round the corner is security of financial knowledge

Education online is knowledge to family members

Education online is entrepreneurship

Education online is safe and secure passage of completion of studies

Round the clock education is knowledge continuation

Bridegroom continuing education for bride is wisdom of family

Bridegroom continuing education for bride is ethical husband

Bridegroom continuing education for bride is quality life time

Bridegroom continuing education for bride is knowledge of books

Bridegroom continuing education for bride is financial security

Bride room continuing education or bride is current affairs sharing in the family

Family set up has to be on books

Family set up has to be online

Family set up has to be current affairs

Family set up has to be internet

Marriage is knowledge continuation

Marriage is financial knowledge

Marriage is continuation of family after father’s death

Marriage is safe and secure passage of children

Thought of the day

Online education never deleted continued till death which means finance is ever green available

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