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Republic of the Philippines


Lucinda Campus, Tarlac City


Kaye Celyn I. Cainglet

MaEd Guidance and Counseling

 Realism is derived from the Greek word “RES” which means real which further is

related to object. Thus realism is an outlook about the existence of an object

according to which the objects of the word are real,i.e they are like they appear to


 Nature: Realism is a philosophy that believes that objects exist independent of

the mind.

Form of objectivism that assumes that some sort of reality is separate from the mind

(ontology); to know is to have a correspondence between the world and the mind


Realism is an act of accepting reality in its actual spirit and essence including facts,

physical universe, events, necessities of life, ground realities, favourable or

unfavourable situations, conditions and atmosphere, as they are, as opposed to the

abstract or ideal.

JOHN LOCKE (1632 – 1704)

“The mind represents the external world, but does not duplicate it. ”

“All ideas came from experience.”

 The key term in Locke's Essay is "idea," which he defined as ". . . whatsoever is

the object of the under-standing when a man thinks, . . . whatever is meant by

phantasm, notion, species, or whatever it is which the mind can be employed

about in thinking" (I.i.8).

 Any object of awareness or of consciousness must be an idea.

Realism And Aims Of Education:

1. Preparing the child for a happy and successful life.

2. Preparing the child for a real life

3. Emphasis on training of senses

4. Equal importance to individuality and sociability

5. Developing scientific attitude

6. Developing vocational efficiency

7. Acquainting a child with nature and social environment


 The teacher/counselor according to realist, is expected to have full knowledge of

the content and needs of the children. The teacher/counselor must be capable to

present before the children the in a clear and intelligible way by employing

psychological and scientific methods.

 The teacher/counselor himself should also be engaged in some research work and

experimentation. At the same time he must inspire the children to undertake wide

and close observation and experimentation so that they are able to find out the

new facts.

 Since realist emphasize on moral and religious education of the child hence

discipline is a prerequisite condition.

 They advocate self-discipline to affect smooth adjustment the child with the

external environment.

 The teacher/counsellor only inspires and encourages the child sympathetically.

Client / Pupil - According to Mulcaster, the chief aim of education is to deliver the

child’s real tendency to its perfection.

 An organism with a highly developed brain, superior to others

 4 principles comprises the essence of the human self:

 Appetitive

 Self-determination

 Self-realization

 Self-integration

Realist Behaviors:

 Gathers interpretable data from client.

 Persuades client to change behavior to become more self-disciplining.

 Verbally predicts possible client behavior.

 Explains to client how to solve problem

 Helps clients change their perception of their environment

Realistic Career Guidance

 Careers are voyages of discovery.

 Leading the client from behind works best.

 A strength focus is more effective than a deficit focus.



Lundin, R. W. (1996). Theories and Systems of Psychology. 5th edition.

Ryan, C.W. and Butzow, J.W. (1973). Philosophical Beliefs of Counselor Trainees.

Conseiller Canadien, Vol.7, No.2, Avril, 1973

Lucas, M.D. and Corpuz, B.B. (2007). Facilitating Learning: A Metacognitive Process.

Lorimar Publishing, Inc.

Coert, V. and Dierolf, K. (2004). Realistic Career Guidance.

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