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Kaye Celyn I.

MaEd Major in Guidance and Counseling


MUSIC and DEVELOPMENT (Prenatal, Birth and Infancy)

 To be Human is to be Musical
 Music is universal. All cultures have music.
 Field of Bio musicology suggests we may have music because musical males were
more likely to reproduce than males that were not.
 Musical Intelligence has to do with rhythm, music, and hearing and such people
display greater sensitivity to sounds, rhythms, tones, and music [Howard
 Developmental Psychology in music helps educators to understand children’s
musical cognition, emotions, experiences, engagement in music, and the learning

 Musical Womb
 Young children and even infants are known to have surprisingly complex abilities to
perceive and respond to basic components of music. This musical competency,
evident long before the development of speech or the ability to play a musical
instrument, raises the question of the earliest age at which the nervous system and
brain can adequately process, learn and remember music. Increasing evidence
suggests that the answer is well before birth. In short, the womb appears to be the first
concert hall.

 What is that Sound … ?

 Ear starts to develop after a few weeks of conception; auditory system of brain at 26
the week.
 Altered sound reaches the womb
 Response generally includes change in heart rate and body movements – most sounds
slowing the heart rate; very loud noise, increasing it.

 Evidence of Pre-natal Learning

 Habituation - During the last trimester of pregnancy, the fetus is clearly capable of
habituating to a repeated stimulus applied to the mother's abdomen, and also
responding again when the stimulus is changed.
 In one study, the abdomen received a gentle vibratory stimulus that did not itself
produce fetal responses; this was followed by a loud sound that did provoke
movement. After several paired presentations, the subjects responded to the gentle
vibration, showing that they anticipated receiving the loud sound.
 Prenatal Stimulation
 Prenatal stimulation is a method that uses stimuli such as sounds (mother's voice and
musical ones), movement, pressure, vibrations and light to communicate with a
developing baby prior to birth
 While in the womb, Baby learns to recognize and respond to different stimuli, which
leads to encouragement of physical, mental and sensory development.
 Stimulation exercises will allow Baby to communicate through her movement in the
womb, establish a relationship between specific stimuli (such as mother’s voice) and,
most importantly, help develop her memory.

 Music – Balm to the Soul

 Bonding through music is a very special and profound experience for the parents and
 The language of music is non-verbal, easily accessible to everyone
 Parents can directly convey their feelings of love through their chosen music
 Lullabies, traditional as well as newly composed, in addition to the womb-song, are
personal musical expressions of love from the parents to their babies
 These are remembered for a lifetime and help comfort the baby who has colic or cries
a lot.

 Music encompasses all of life [Abraham Maslow]

1. Music tapes continues to promote good sleeping patterns+ have a calming effect on
baby Future sessions provide socializing and enjoyment
2. First language lessons begin in the womb
3. Bonding through music forms first intimate r/s; based on which future r/s are based
4. Creativity leads to self-discovery and self-empowerment

 Benefits of Prenatal Music

 Stress relief and these babies were also calmer
 Early bonding and strengthening the attachment to the baby
 Nurturing an early communication
 Supporting physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being
 Stimulating a holistic development of the baby in the womb
 Promoting creativity and imagination, qualities needed for parenting
 Creating a transition from the baby's inner environment of the womb to the outer
world through lullabies and the womb-song
 Individual preparation for labor and delivery during the birth of your baby
 Parental support - prenatal stimulated babies showed better visual, linguistic, and
motor development than those who were not.
 Prenatal stimulation heightens musical ability, language skills and overall cognitive
 It gives the brain more opportunity to make use of more brain cells before birth, thus
giving the baby a greater total brain capacity and a true “head-start” in life, also
influencing their musical talent.

 What Kind of Music ??

 Babies enjoy a mix variety of music
 Most pediatric specialists agree that almost any type of music is suitable for the
parent and Baby to enjoy.
 Diversity of different kinds of music are essential and can be useful for the baby's
future writing, reading and language skills
 Peppy music may excite the fetus while peaceful music may soothe the fetus
 Mozart’s playful and happy style appears to have a universal appeal with children.
 Research has shown that music which is personally enjoyable to the mother would
have positive effects on the fetus.

 The Research
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the Firstart prenatal
stimulation method, which attempts to “advance the intellectual and physical
development of the fetus by means of musical stimuli”; (Lafuente et al., 1997)
One-hundred-seventy-two maternity patients who were enrolled in a birth preparation
course participated in this study. The mothers were separated into experimental and
control groups. For an average of seventy hours from about twenty-eight weeks to the
end of pregnancy, the mothers in the experimental group wore small speakers
attached to a waistband and connected to a tape player that played a series of eight
tapes of violin sounds. After the births of their babies, all of the mothers charted the
onset of their infants' behaviors from zero to six months utilizing the Observational
Scale of Development.
Results: The behaviors of the experimental-group babies were significantly advanced
compared to the behaviors of the control-group babies. The experimental-group
babies were superior in gross and fine motor activities, linguistic development, some
aspects of body-sensory coordination, and certain cognitive behaviors.

 The Research
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of daily listening of music on
fetuses and newborns Wilkin, P. E. (1993) Experimental Group: N = 32 Control
Group: N = 34
The test-group fetuses were monitored for fetal movements and heart rate at thirty-
two and thirty-eight weeks gestation. Following ten minutes of monitoring with no
stimulus, headphones were secured to the mother's abdomen and covered with a
pillow, and a tape [ White noise
Piano solo, Choral (a cappella), Rock (instrumental): was played]. The control group
was given no specific listening tasks.
A high percentage of test-group fetuses had heart-rate decelerations greater than or
equal to five seconds duration during the playing of the audio test tape at thirty-eight
weeks gestation. This was highly significant in comparison with the test group,
indicating that the daily playing of the music influenced fetal responses.
The largest deceleration effect and also the highest number of fetal movements was
accrued during the playing of the Beethoven sonata.
The babies in the test group were more ready to listen, more receptive and alert, and
more active in response to the music than the control group babies were. They were
less disturbed than the control group by the rock music (though both groups
demonstrated anxiety through facial and body tension). A number of the test babies
appeared to recognize the sound of the piano within the rock music, relaxing the body
and facial tension during the several bars in which it appeared; the tension quickly
returned when the other instruments resumed.


 Many experts say the jury's still out on whether it's in-utero interventions -- or simply
genetics and a nurturing environment after birth -- that make your baby smarter, more
musically inclined or better adjusted.
 If over stimulation occurs it is stressful for the fetus and they are unable to organize
the information. Over stimulation can actually undue whatever good you may have
already done. It is important to create a low stress, warm, loving environment for the
fetus while in-utero.
 Hence, experts suggest moderation and mild volume when it comes to sonic
stimulation. Perhaps the best suggestion is to simply relax and enjoy music the way
you normally do - and chances are your baby will relax along with you.

 Music and Infancy [0-2 years]


 According to latest research, 2-3 day old infants can detect the beat and rhythm in
 This suggests that beat perception in innate or learnt in the womb itself.
 For infants, musical patterns must bear considerable similarity to the prosody of
speech [notably in intonation, rhythm and stress]
 Universally, lullabies are regularly sung to soothe infants and to induce sleep.

 Music in Infant and Pediatric Care

 Music therapy supports the infants' behavior - these infants maintained the same
levels of irritability and crying that they had at admission, meanwhile, those babies in
the Neonatal Unit who did not have music therapy deteriorated in their irritability and
crying behavior - coping less with their hospitalization as time went on.
 If a baby is less irritable and cries less, this has implications for rate of healing and
weight gain, two significant factors which contribute to the length of a hospital stay.
 A study conducted in a newborn intensive-care unit found that playing lullabies with
a heartbeat can be so beneficial to premature infants that they are discharged as much
as two weeks earlier than babies who aren't serenaded </li></ul><ul><li>Music in
the neonatal intensive care unit can mask the aversive sound levels there, hence
facilitating homeostasis.
 Dr. Johann Lowey has shown that drugs can be avoided during procedures involving
infants. The music can be the anesthetic.

 Benefits of childhood music

 Music can help to develop a child's fine motor skills (i.e. using small muscle groups
to play a piano) and gross motor skills (i.e. using large muscle groups to dance). In
addition, music improves vocal, speaking and listening skills.
 Rhythm and pitch are part of child's natural development. In what experts refer to as
“The Mozart Effect” exposure to classical music can have a significantly positive
effect on humans' physical and mental health.
 The sharing of musical instruments and playing in a &quot;band&quot; can help
toddlers to learn important social skills.
 Music can have an important influence on the development of a child's brain.
 Infants and toddlers tend to be less inhibited about making errors, than older children

 Music and cognitive and language development

 At first, the very young child can’t pronounce the words, or that she isn’t sure what
the words mean (Honig, 2004). The sound of the music will encourage the child to
make an effort to try to say the words. Eventually, the meaning of the words will
come, especially if there are meaningful motions being performed by the mother
along with the singing. Singing also helps young children concentrate on learning
tasks and aids in establishing rituals. Music encourages dramatic play and aids in the
understanding of concepts, including quantity, number, and space. Many of the songs
that toddlers love end in rhyme. It is an important cognitive achievement when young
children learn that two words that sound the same are rhymes (Honig, 2004).
 Language development: Toddlers commonly sing long phrases of familiar songs,
even though they customarily speak in two- or three-word phrases (Honig,2004).
They are not simply reiterating familiar phrases, but are learning and building
vocabulary (NAEYC, 1997). Eventually, the child will develop the ability to put his
own words to the tunes of these now very familiar songs.
 Lullabies are composed of words, and use certain aspects such as repetition, rhyme,
assonance and alliteration. The repetition of certain songs will reinforce sound
recognition. Your children may even find themselves singing the songs and practicing
 It also aids in the learning of foreign languages.

 Music and physical coordination

 Physical coordination is promoted by music through motion. Both gross and fine
motor skills are affected. Young babies energetically move their arms and legs when
lively music plays, and older babies bounce and sway. Toddlers wave their arms,
jump, and turn. Music also provides a creative and productive channel to release
physical energy (Lagoni et al., 1996). Fine motor skills are enhanced through finger
plays and the playing of instruments, such as when pressing the keys of a toy (or
real!) piano or when covering the holes of a “flute” or tin whistle. Gross and fine
motor skills are strengthened through movement and dance.

 Music and emotional and social development

 The various forms of music promote social interaction in infants and toddlers. When
the mother (or the caregiver in a childcare setting) sings to the baby, the baby
responds, becomes attentive, and makes eye contact with her. Eventually, the
interaction becomes a duet, an interchange of communication between mother and
baby. Socialization has taken place. A relationship is developing At the toddler stage,
music continues to play an important role in a child’s social development. Toddlers
enjoy playing games, and music encourages cooperative and group play along with
developing social relationships. Music allows the toddler to be a “star” for a few
moments, so he gets the undivided attention that he craves from anyone who might be
in the vicinity.
 Because the very nature of music is sensual, it contributes much to the emotional
well-being of the infant and toddler. Most parents (and caregivers) can attest to the
fact that singing lullabies soothes a young child. Music helps relieve the tensions of
any emotional stress the infant or toddler may be feeling (Honig, 2004). The child can
then communicate his feelings through physical relaxation or smiling as well as
verbally if able. Music not only allows for release of tension, it is also used to express
happiness, sadness, excitement, and anger. Music is a great communicator

 Conclusion
 Music has proven to provide many more benefits to children and adults than simple
entertainment. It has even proven to help patients recover from diseases or surgery
more quickly and with less pain. Much research currently is being undertaken to learn
the effects of music on the mind and body, yet we now know from findings of several
of the most prestigious researchers in the field that it can have very positive effects on
child development.

 Why is play important?

 Play has been defined as any activity freely chosen, intrinsically motivated, and
personally directed. It stands outside ‘ordinary’ life, and is non-serious but at the
same time absorbing the player intensely. It has no particular goal other than itself.
Play is not a specific behaviour, but any activity undertaken with a playful frame of
 Psychiatrist Stuart Brown writes that play is ‘the basis of all art, games, books, sports,
movies, fashion, fun, and wonder – in short, the basis of what we think of as
civilization.’ (Brown 2009). As the noted play theorist Brian Sutton-Smith remarked,
the opposite of play is not work, but depression.
 All types of play, from fantasy to roughand-tumble, have a crucial role in children’s
development. Play is the lens through which children experience their world, and the
world of others. If deprived of play, children will suffer both in the present and in the
 With supportive adults, adequate play space, and an assortment of play materials,
children stand the best chance of becoming healthy, happy, productive members of
 Play and Child Development
 Play is essential to development because it contributes to the cognitive, physical,
social, and emotional well-being of children and youth. Play also offers an ideal
opportunity for parents to engage fully with their children. Despite the benefits
derived from play for both children and parents, time for free play has been markedly
 Children today receive less support for play than did previous generations in part
because of a more hurried lifestyle, changes in family structure, and increased
attention to academics and enrichment activities at the expense of recess or free play.
 What are the benefits of play in a child’s life? According to play therapist O. Fred
Donaldson, a child who has been allowed to develop play resources receives many
enduring advantages. She develops a universal learning skill. Play maximises her
potential by developing creativity and imagination. Play promotes joy, which is
essential for self-esteem and health.
 The learning process is self-sustained based as it is on a natural love of learning and
playful engagement with life. ( develop.htm)

 Emotional-behavioural benefits of play

•Play reduces fear, anxiety, stress, irritability

• Creates joy, intimacy, self-esteem and mastery not based on other’s loss of esteem

• Improves emotional flexibility and openness

• Increases calmness, resilience and adaptability and ability to deal with surprise and

• Play can heal emotional pain.

 Social benefits of play

• Increases empathy, compassion, and sharing

• Creates options and choices

• Models relationships based on inclusion rather than exclusion

• Improves nonverbal skills

• Increases attention and attachment

 Physical benefits

• Positive emotions increase the efficiency of immune, endocrine, and cardiovascular


• Decreases stress, fatigue, injury, and depression

• Increases range of motion, agility, coordination, balance, flexibility, and fine and gross
motor exploration

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