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Nama: Singgi


Kelas: A1
English for Medical Purposes - Feeling Queasy
Feeling Queasy
Nurse: Greetings, Mr. Adams. What are you doing right now?
Patient: That's awful! I am unable to eat anything. The only feeling I have is
nausea. Remove the tray.
Nurse: What a shame. I'll leave this over here for the time being. Do you
frequently get nausea?
Patient: In the middle of the night, I woke up. I'm miserable right now since I was
unable to fall asleep again.
Nurse: Have you used the restroom lately? Vomiting or diarrhea are there?
Patient: I've used the restroom twice, but I haven't had any diarrhea or vomiting. I
should probably have a drink. Can I please have sometea?
Nurse: Of course, I'll fetch you a cup right now. Would you like peppermint tea or
black tea?
Patient: Please, some peppermint. Would it be possible for me to get another
blanket? I'm freezing. I believe I am experiencing chills.
Nurse: I have an extra blanket here. Let me put you to bed.
Patient: You are really kind. Describe yourself.
Nurse: Alice is my name. For the next three days, I'll be working during the day.
Patient: Hello Alice: I go by Jack. I'm glad to have you.
Nurse: Let's help Jack feel better! Do you need anything else, please?
That's okay, patient. I believe a hot beverage and a cozy blanket will be beneficial.
Okay, nurse. As soon as the tea is prepared, I'll return.
Patient: I'm grateful.
English for Medical Purposes - A Physical Examination
A Physical Examination
Doctor: When was the last time you had a physical examination?
Patient: My previous physical was two years ago.
Doctor: Have you lately had any further exams? An ultrasound, an EKG, or blood
Patient: Well, the dentist took a few X-rays of me.
Doctor: In general, how are you feeling?
Patient: I'm doing okay. Really no complaints.
Doctor: Could you please roll up your left sleeve, doctor? Your blood pressure
should be taken, please.
Patient: Of course.
Doctor: 120 above 80. It's alright. It's encouraging that you don't appear to be
overweight. Do you regularly work out?
Patient: No, really not. It takes me a bit to catch my breath after running up a
flight of stairs. I must venture outsidemore.
That sounds like a smart concept, doctors. How's your diet going?
Patient: I believe I maintain a healthy diet. Although I occasionally eat a
hamburger, I normally eat well-balanced meals.
Doctor: That's excellent. I'm going to start listening to your heart now.
Patient: "That's freezing! Ooh!"
Doctor: Don't worry, it's only my stethoscope, said the doctor. Now take a deep
breath and hold it. Please take a big breath and pull up your shirt. It all sounds
excellent. Now let's examine your throat. Please say "ah" and open wide.
Patient: "ah"
Doctor: OK. Everything appears in good order. All I'm going to do is request
some blood testing. When you provide this slip to the front desk, they will set up a
time for thetesting.
Patient: Thankyou.

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