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Recorded voice: Thank you for calling Millenium Office Supplies. If you would like to place an order, please press one. Your call
has been placed in a queue. A customer service operator will be with you shortly.

Woman:    Gina speaking. How can I help you?

Man:     Oh, hello - I'd like to order some stationery, please.

Woman:    And who am I speaking to?

Man:     John Carter.

Woman:    Right - can I just confirm your account number and the name of your company, John?

Man:     Sure! The account number is 6 9 2 4 double 1

Woman:    Six nine two four one one. Right, and you're from 'Rainbow Computers?'

Man:     No. The company is Rainbow Communications

Woman:    Oh, OK, I'll just fix that on the system ... communications. And what would you like to order, John?

Man:     Envelopes. We need a box of A4 - that is, normal size envelopes

Woman:    White, yellow or vanilla?

Man:     We'll have the plain white please - but the ones with the little windows

Woman:    OK ... One box - A4 - white - just the one box, was it?

Man:     Urn, on second thoughts make that two boxes. We go through heaps of envelopes. As a matter of interest. Are they made
from recycled paper?

Woman:    No. You can't get white recycled paper. The recycled ones are grey and they're more expensive actually.

Man:     Right - we'll stick to white then.

Woman:    Something else, John?

Man:     Yes, we need some coloured photocopy paper. What colours do you have?

Woman:    We've got purple, light blue, blue, light green - whatever you want, pretty much. There are 500 sheets to the pack.

Man:     Let's see ... we're going to need a lot of blue paper for our new price lists so can you give us ten packs, please. Make sure
it's the light blue though ...

Woman:    Ten packs of the light blue. Anything else that we can help you with?

Man:     Let me think ... what else do we need? I'm sure there was something else.

Woman:    Pens, paper clips, fax paper, computer supplies, office furniture?

Man:     Oh, yes! We need floppy disks - do you have those nice coloured ones?

Woman:    Yes, but they're a bit more expensive than the black ones.

Man:     That's alright. I'm not paying, anyway!

Woman:    Right. Floppy disks. And what about diaries for next year? We've got them in stock already and it's a good idea to order

Man:     No - I think we're alright for diaries but something we do need is one of those big wall calendars - you know, one that
shows the whole year at a glance. Do you stock those?

Woman:    We certainly do.

Man:     OK - can you include a wall calendar then, with the other stuff. Just make sure it's got the whole year on the one side.

Woman:    Sure - and do you have a copy of our new catalogue?

Man:     No, I don't, but could you send one.

Woman:    Yes! I'll pop one in with the order. You'll find it a lot easier to remember what you need if you have our catalogue in front
of you next time.

Man:     Yes, good idea. And when can you deliver this?

Woman:    Should be with you tomorrow morning.

Man:     Can you make sure that it's not after 11.30am because I have to go out at 12 there's only myself here on Fridays.

Woman:    Fine - I'll make a note on the delivery docket that they should deliver before half past eleven. Thanks very much.

Holiday Rentals
You will hear a man called Ken talking on the phone to a friend called Liz about holiday accommodation.

Liz:              Hello?

Ken:            Hi Liz, it’s Ken here.

Liz:              Hi Ken! Nice to hear from you! Are you ...

Ken:            This is just a quick call, but Mary and I have just been talking about our summer holiday - we haven’t booked a place yet and we’ve left it
a bit late. We were just wondering if you know of any holiday rentals in your area - it’s so nice there.

Liz:              Well yes, I can think of two or three places that are very nice - what dates have you got in mind?

Ken:            The 10th of July to the 22nd of July.

Liz:              Oh yes, that is quite soon isn’t it? Well there’s a place near here called Moonfleet ...

Ken:            Is that M-double O- N-F-L-double E- T?

Liz:              That’s right. It’s quite a rural location, and it’s next to the owner’s house, but it’s got fields all around it, so it’s very pretty.

Ken:            Mm. Sounds OK. Can you tell me a bit more about it?

Liz:              Well it’s an annexe to the owner’s house, and it’s an apartment with two bedrooms, and an open-plan living area.

Ken:            Well I like the sound of it. Is there anything we might not like about it?

Liz:              Well it’s quite a distance from the nearest shops, that’s all ...

Ken:            OK. And ... well, I’ll tell Mary but I don’t think she’d mind that. Do you know how you book it?

Liz:              You have to book on the internet. There’s a web address - it’s www.summerhouses ...

Ken:            One word?

Liz:              Yes ... Then dot com. You’ll be able to look at a photograph on that.

Ken:            OK . And what about the others? Where are they?

Liz:              The second one I’m thinking of is called Kingfisher, and that’s even more rural. It’s a really beautiful location in fact, it’s by the river, and
it’s got nice views - it overlooks woodland on the other side.

Ken:            Is that an apartment?

Liz:              No, it’s a three-bedroomed house. And that’s got a dining room as well as a separate living room and a kitchen. But I expect it’s more
expensive. You’ll have to check the prices.

Ken:            Mm. It’s probably a bit bigger than we need, but our nephew might be joining us, we’re not sure yet. How do you book Kingfisher?

Liz:              You have to phone the owner directly. Shall I give you the number? I’ve got it here in my phone book ... It’s oh one seven five two,
double six nine, two one eight.

Ken:            Right ...

Ken:            And you mentioned a third place?

Liz:              Yes, there’s a house that my sister stayed in last year - it’s called Sunnybanks.

Ken:            Nice name.

Liz:              And the location of that one is rather different ... It’s in the centre of a village, but it’s a very small and quaint place.

Ken:            Did your sister like it?

Liz:              Oh yes, it’s by the sea so her children really loved it ...

Ken:            What’s the accommodation like?

Liz:              I’m not sure about the number of rooms because I haven’t been in it myself, but I think she said it’s quite spacious ... And I know it’s got
its own garden. It’s not very big, but it’s not shared with anyone else, and it’s supposed to be very pretty.

Ken:            Any snags? Problems?

Liz:              The only other thing I can think of is that there’s nowhere for parking. The streets are too narrow. So you have to leave your car
somewhere else and then walk to the house - it’s only about ten minutes away, but ...

Ken:            OK. Well ... I don’t think it matters personally. How do you book it?

Liz:              There’s an agent you have to contact.   I don’t know his details, but I can ask my sister and let you know tomorrow.

Ken:            Thanks Liz, that’d be great. I’ll talk to Mary and see what she says. Thanks for your help.

Liz:   That’s OK Ken, I’ll speak to you again tomorrow. I hope you find what you’re looking for ...

Family Excursions
Hi. Can I help you?
VISITOR: I’d like to find out if you have any excursions suitable for families.
TC Sure. How about taking your family for a cruise? We have a steamship that takes
EMPLOYEE: passengers out several times a day - it’s over 100 years old.
VISITOR: That sounds interesting. How long is the trip?
TC About an hour and a half. And don’t forget to take pictures of the mountains.
EMPLOYEE: They’re all around you when you’re on the boat and they look fantastic.
VISITOR: OK. And I assume there’s a cafe or something on board?
Sure. How old are your children?
VISITOR: Er, my daughter’s fifteen and my son’s seven.
Right. Well there are various things you can do once you’ve crossed the lake, to make a day
TC of it. One thing that’s very popular is a visit to the Country Farm.
EMPLOYEE: You’re met off the boat by the farmer and he’ll take you to the holding pens, where the
sheep are kept. Children love feeding them!
VISITOR: My son would love that. He really likes animals.
Well, there’s also a 40-minute trek round the farm on a horse, if he wants.
VISITOR: Do you think he’d manage it? He hasn’t done that before.
Sure, It’s suitable for complete beginners.
VISITOR: Ah, good.
And again, visitors are welcome to explore the farm on their own, as long as they take care
TC to close dates and so on. There are some very beautiful gardens along the side of the lake
EMPLOYEE: which also belong to the farm - they’ll be just at their best now. You could easily spend an
hour or two there.
VISITOR: OK. Well that all sounds good. And can we get lunch there?
TC You can, and it’s very good. though it’s not included in the basic cost. You pay
EMPLOYEE: when you get there.
VISITOR: So is there anything else to do over on that side of the lake?
Well, what you can do is take a bike over on the ship and then go on a cycling trip. There’s a
TC trail there called the Back Road - you could easily spend three or four hours exploring it. and
EMPLOYEE: the scenery’s wonderful. They’ll give you a map when you get your ticket for the cruise -
there’s no extra charge.
VISITOR: What’s the trail like in terms of difficulty?
TC Quite challenging in places. It wouldn’t be suitable for your seven-year-old. It needs
EMPLOYEE: someone who’s got a bit more experience.
Hmm. Well, my daughter loves cycling and so do I, so maybe the two of us could go, and my
VISITOR: wife and son could stay on the farm. That might work out quite well. But we don’t have bikes
here... is there somewhere we could rent them?
Yes, there’s a place here in the city. It’s called Ratchesons.
VISITOR: I’ll just make a note of that - er, how do you spell it?
R-A-T-C-H-E-S-O-N-S. It’s just by the cruise ship terminal.
TC You’d also need to pick up a repair kit for the bike from there to take along with you, and
EMPLOYEE: you’d need to take along a snack and some water - it’d be best to get those in the city.
VISITOR: Fine. That shouldn’t be a problem. And I assume I can rent a helmet from the bike place?
Sure, you should definitely get that. It’s a great ride, but you want to be well prepared
because it’s very remote - you won’t see get shops round there, or anywhere to stay, so you
need to get back in time for the last boat.
VISITOR: Yeah. So what sort of prices are we looking at here?
Let’s see, that’d be one adult and one child for the cruise with farm tour, that’s $117, and an
adult and a child for the cruise only so that’s $214 dollars altogether. Oh, wait a minute, how
old did you say your daughter was?
VISITOR: Fifteen.
TC Then I’m afraid it’s $267 because she has to pay the adult fare, which is $75 instead of the
EMPLOYEE: child fare which is $22 - sorry about that.
VISITOR: That’s OK. Er, so how do ...

Occupations and places

Examiner Can you tell me what you do, Hanan? Do you work, or are you a student?
Hanan Yes, I’m a student. I'm studying medicine because I want to be a doctor. At the moment, I’m
studying English as well because I hope to do part of my degree course in Australia
E And where do you come from?
H I come from Muttrah in Oman.
E Can you describe Muttrah a little bit for me?
H Yes. It’s quite a large city by the sea and also near the mountains. It’s very beautiful and very old. It’s
very hot in the summer, but the winter is usually very pleasant. Also, Muttrah is an important port.
E Can you tell me what you do, Kwan? Do you work, or are you a student?
Kwan: I’m a student. I’m studying economics at Chonju University at the moment.
E And where do you come from, Kwan?
K I come from a small village near Chonju in Korea.
E Can you describe your village to me?
K Well, it’s in the mountains. The people work as farmers and they are very friendly It’s a good place to
live, but not much happens there.

Eye for Colour Exhibition

Narrator:            You will hear someone talking about a colour exhibition.

Announcer: Now. I'd like to welcome onto our show today Darren Whitlock, who's going to tell us about a very vibrant exhibition.

Darren: Thanks. Melanie. Yes. in fact, it's an exhibition called 'Eye for colour'. It’s packed with hands-on exhibits and interactive
displays and it explores the endless ways in which colour shapes our world.

Now. there are 40 exhibits altogether that come under six main sections. Sadly. I haven't got time to tell you about them all today,
so let me just give you a taste of what's on offer.

So to start off. there's a section simply entitled 'Seeing colour', which is. well - as the title suggests - about how we do just that. And
it’s a good starting point, because basically, you look at the museum gallery through a giant eyeball that’s standing on a circular foot
What you don't know is that this houses a 32" camera and screen, and the overall effect of these is quite amazing.

Another section that’s very interesting is called 'Colour in culture'. Here, there are a number of activities designed to illustrate the
powerful links that exist between colour and certain aspects of our lifestyle, and this is done through a range of images and objects.
You can visit the color cafe that contains meals that really make you question how conditioned you are. How hungry do you feel
you're faced with a plate of pink and green fried eggs and blue sausages, for example? This section also includes activities that
give visitors some idea of what it's like to view the world with a visual disability, which is something that many people have to do.

Then there's a 'Colour in nature' section, designed to illustrate the many amazing colours that we see everywhere around us - from
rainbows to autumn leaves - and to give us an idea of what its like surviving in the external environment. So you can try
camouflaging yourself. This really is one for the kids - dressing up ir a suit and then selecting a background where, to all intents and
purposes, you disappear. And you can look at the world through the eyes of a dog or fish .. what do these creatures really see?

I’d recommend ending the trip with a visit to the 'mood room', which explores the influence of colour on the way we feel. Here, you
can lie back and listen to music as a projector subtly alters the lighting in the room and with it. the atmosphere. How does each
colour affect your emotions? You'll be surprised!

BOB: Hello, Pembroke Cycling Holidays, Bob speaking.

Oh hello. I’ve seen your advert for people to lead cycle trips. Are you the right person to
speak to?
BOB: Yes, I am. Could I have your name, please?
MARGARET: It’s Margaret Smith.
BOB: Are you looking for a permanent job. Margaret?
No. temporary. I’ve got a permanent job starting in a few months’ time, and I want to do
something else until then.
BOB: What work do you do?
This will probably sound crazy - I used to be a lawyer, and then I made a complete career
change and I’m going to be a doctor. I’ve just finished my training.
BOB: Right. And have you had any experience of leading cycle trips?
Yes. I’ve led several bike tours in Africa. The trio to India that I had arranged to lead next
MARGARET: month has now been cancelled, so when I saw you were advertising for tour leaders, I
decided to apply.
OK. Now we normally have two or three leaders on a trip, depending on the size of the
group. Some tours are for very experienced cyclists, but we’ve got a tour coming up soon in
Spain, which is proving so popular we need an additional leader. It’s a cycling holiday for
families. Would that suit you?
It certainly would. I enjoy working with children, and I probably need some more experience
before I go on a really challenging trip.
BOB: That tour includes several teenagers: have you worked with that age group before?
Yes. I’m a volunteer worker in a youth club, where I help people to improve their cycling
skills. Before that I helped out in a cycling club where I taught beginners.
Well that’s great. Now the trip I mentioned is just for a fortnight, but there might be the
possibility of leading other tours after that. Would that fit in with your plans?
That’d be fine. I’ll be free for five months. my job is due to start on October the 2nd, and I’m
available from may the 1st until late September.
Good. Now is there anything I need to know about the food you eat? We usually have one or
BOB: two people in the group who don’t eat meat, or have some sort of food allergy, so we’re
always very careful about that.
MARGARET: Yes. I’m allergic to cheese. Would that be a problem?
BOB: No, as long as we have enough notice, we can deal with that.
MARGARET: That’s great.
MARGARET: it sounds really interesting - would you like me to fill in an application form?
BOB: Yes, please. Where should I post it to?
Could you send it to 27 Arbuthnot Place - A-R-B-U-T-H-N-O-T - Place. Dumfries.
BOB: And what’s the postcode. please?
BOB: Was that P Papa or B Bravo?
Got that. If you could return the application form by Friday this week, we can interview you
on Tuesday next week. Say half past two. Would that be possible for you?
Yes, it’s fine. You're quite a long way from where I live, so I’ll drive over on Monday. Should I
bring anything to the interview?
We’ll have your application form, of course, but we’ll need to see any certificates you’ve got
that are relevant, in cycling, first aid, or whatever.
And at the interview we’d like to find out about your experience of being a tour guide. so
BOB: could you prepare a ten-minute talk about that, please? You don’t need slides or any
complicated equipment - just some notes.
MARGARET: Right. I’ll start thinking about that straightaway!
Good. Well, we’ll look forward to receiving your application form, and we’ll contact you to
confirm the interview.
MARGARET: Thanks very much.
BOB: Thank you, Margaret. Goodbye.

Moving Company Service Report

CLERK: Good morning, ma’am, and welcome to “Australia’s Moving Experience”! How can I help you?
WOMAN: Well, I... I hope you can help me. I’m so up in the air right now... I...
CLERK: Just calm down, now. Let me guess: you’re moving and it has you a little confused.
WOMAN: That’s it exactly. You see, I’m relocating to the United States next month and I’m having a hard
time getting organised.
CLERK: Here, fill out your name and address, and let me ask you a few questions. Oh, what should I call
WOMAN: My name is Jane, Jane Bond. 
CLERK: OK, Jane, first of all, what’s your work phone number? In case I have any questions about things.
WOMAN: My work phone is 94635550. But please try not to call me too often there. My boss hates
personal calls.
CLERK: So does mine, ma’am, so does mine. And what address should we ship your things to?
WOMAN: My new company is letting me stay temporarily at 509 Clark House, that’s C-L-A-R-K,
1137 University Drive in Seattle.
CLERK: Seattle? Beautiful city, I hear. Mountains right beside the ocean, almost. Cooler than Australia,
too. OK, and when should we come pack your things?
WOMAN: I guess that would be on Monday, March 11th.

Do you want any help with an after-packing clean-up? We do that for a small additional charge.
Yes, that would be helpful. I promised the landlord I’d give her the keys back by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday,
the 14th. 
Great, we’ll just schedule the clean-up for that day. That way, the place will smell clean and there’ll be no
Well, you do think of everything! Oh, how much is this going to cost?
Here is a list of our basic prices.
Oh dear, this seems rather expensive!
Yes ma’am, but you’re paying for the best. We’re careful and we’re fast. Like we say, the only thing we
break are speed records getting you moved.
Well... maybe that’s so... Oh, I nearly forgot to tell you. I don’t want my furniture shipped with me. I won't
be looking for an apartment till after I arrive in America. Would it be possible to put my furniture in storage
here for a month, then have it sent along later?
Of course, we do that all the time. A couple of other things.
Here at "A Moving Experience”, we try to pack your things logically. We don’t just throw stuff in boxes.
Do you have any special requests? You know, things you want packed in some special place, so you
know where to find them?
Like what?
Oh, I don’t know... Things like dishes maybe. Not to be rude, but you look like a lady who likes to eat.
Ahhh! Yes, I need my dishes and things where I can find them quickly.
Great. We'll put those dishes and cutlery in what we call the emergency pack. Can you think of anything
Ummm, I do have an antique tea kettle my great-grandmother gave my mother. I wouldn’t want to lose
that. So I guess you’d better put that in storage with the furniture. 
Grandma’s tea kettle with the furniture, got it! Say, how about things like your alarm clock? You don’t want
to miss your plane on the big day, right?
Well, you certainly think of everything! Yes, that’s right. I'll also need my alarm clock where I can find it.
Fine, we’ll put that in your personal package. And of course, we'll give you a list of where we pack
everything. So, all you’ll have to do on Thursday, the 14th is grab your luggage on your way out the door.
Um, I couldn’t help noticing the new CD player you’re carrying. Is that a Samsung?
Why? Yes, it is. One of their best. Cost me nearly a hundred dollars, it did!
Do you want to take special care of it? I mean it’s brand new.
Take care of it, but nothing special. You can just put it in storage with the furniture.
That looks like everything we need here. I guess you’re all set.
That was certainly quick. Thank you, young man. This has been a most moving experience!

Health club customer research

Oh, excuse me, I wonder if you’d have the time to take part in some market research?

Umm ... What’s it about?

About this club and your experiences and opinions about being a member. It’ll take less than five minutes.

Oh ... OK then ... as long as it’s quick.

Can I start by taking your name?

It’s Selina Thompson.

Is that T-H-O-M-P-S-O-N?


Great, thanks ... And what do you do for a living?

Well, I’m an accountant but I’m between jobs at the moment.

I understand, but that’s the job I’ll put down on the form. And would you mind my asking which age group you fall into? Below thirty,
thirty-one to fifty and above.

Over fifty ... I think we can safely say.

Great, thanks. And which type of membership do you have?

Sorry, I’m not sure what you mean? Do you mean how long ... ?

No, is it a single person membership ... ?

Oh right ... no, it’s a family membership.

Thanks and how long have you been a member?

Oh ... let me see ... I was certainly here five years ago ... and it was probably two to three years more than that ...

Shall I put down eight?

I remember now ... it’s nine ... definitely ... sorry.

No problem ... I’ve got that. And the last question in this first part is, what brought you to the club?

Sorry ... ?

How did you find out about the club? Did you see any ads?

Woman:      Well, I did actually but I have to say I wasn’t really attracted to the club because of that. It was through word of mouth.

Man:            So you were recommended by a friend?

Woman:      Actually my doctor ... I’d been suffering from high blood pressure and he said the club was very supportive of people
with that condition, so I signed up.

Man:            Great ... thanks.

Now for the second part of the form I want to ask a bit more about your experience of the club.


How often would you say you use the club ... ?

It varies enormously depending on how busy I am.

Of course ... but on average ... per month?

I’d say it averages out at twice a week.

OK, so eight on average.

Yeah. And four of those are aqua-aerobics classes.

That leads me to the next question ... would you say the swimming pool is the facility you make most use of?

Fair to say that ... yeah.

Right, thanks ... And are there any facilities you don’t use?

One area I realise I’ve never used is the tennis courts ... and there’s one simple reason for that ...
You don’t play tennis?

Actually, I’m not bad at it ... it’s that I’m not happy having to pay extra ... for that privilege.

I’ve made a note of that ... thanks. Now in the last section are there any suggestions or recommendations you have
for improvements to the club?

Only about health and fitness?

Anything at all ...

Well, I’d like to see more social events ... it isn’t just a question of getting together for games or classes but other things, you know.

Yes, sure.

And another thing that I was thinking when I had my yoga class in the gym last night - we were all sweltering in the heat - was that I
think they should put in ... you know ... air conditioning.

That’s exactly what I mean. The rooms are really light and well designed but they do need proper installations.

Sure ... well I’ve made a note of that ...


... so is there anything else you’d like to suggest ... about quality of service, for example?

Oh, everyone’s very nice here ... they couldn’t be more friendly and helpful ... oh but I tell you what ... it’s a shame
the restaurant isn’t open in the evening on Saturday ... and Sunday as well for that matter.

So ... the club should ...

... open it later on those days.

OK . well thank you very much, that’s all the questions.

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