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Hi everyone, my name’s Lin Tử Văn.

I’m 21 years old. I’m first-years
student of University of Economics
and Finance – UEF. I live in Long An
with my mom. Every days I have go
to school very far from my house, but
I think it's worth it. I hope I will have
a good time here. Thanks for reading.

Intelligence is the power
In the past centuries, the humans have vastly superior mental and
intellectual capacity. Until now, humans have not stopped learning to
advance the knowledge, we have the approaches was created by
scientists and artisans. One of them was Leonardo da Vinci – A man
called the Genius of the Renaissance – Who created two famous
pictures it called “Mona Lisa” and “The Last Supper”. In one of my
projects, I read about him and I totally sock about him, it like the
words “clever”, “smart”, “intelligence” was only for him. I’m hoping
that one day I can go to the museum where displays Leonardo’s

Learn English Through Story Level 2 🍁 Leonardo da Vinci

My sentence
1.There are so
many careers in
the world

2. he is a
dreamer who
dream about
famous and rich

3. Last night,
when I was
washing dishes
my father came
home with a

4. In the story,
Romeo and Juliet
were separated
by two families.
5. The lawyer is
trying to defend
his client.

6. Many parents
always try to give
their children a
good education.

7. The teacher
who taught her
students a lot of
things in 4 years
of college.

8. By the age of
20, he had a lot of
9. She showed the
drawing to her

10. He left like it

never existed.

11. when he was

playing with me
suddenly he
remember that he
forgot turn off the

12. He always
stopped at
instrument store
whenever he left
13. Two years ago,
her parents decided
to send her to
boarding school.

14. Peace gives us

a lot of things.

15. Last summer, I

spent most of my
time with my
family on vacation.

16. The
proportions in
chemistry must be
very careful and
17. The
architecture in
China is amazing.

18. The wedding

took place in the
cathedral in

19. She presents in

front of patrons

20. The ceramic

vase on display at
the museum in
seems expensive.

21. The
government helps
people fight the

22. Large guns

commonly used in
23. He hoped that
the contract would
be successful.
Unfortunately it
wasn't what he
24.Bullets made of
bronze have huge

25. My mother
used to go to
church on

26. He thinks that

when an
earthquake strikes,
the safe place is
under the table.

27. He left work

very late so he
took a taxi went

28. The fight

between Russia
and Ukraine
caused heavy
29. The defenses
of our country are
very strong.

30. Linda and July

as two enemies,
they always hated
each other.

31. Every week,

saturdays my
mom would cook
chicken stew.

32. Every year, the

monastery adopts
a lot of cats.

33. Whenever
school is out, I
often visit my
34. He tries to
interrupt her
every time she
tries to say

35.I like her

portrait photo

36. To get the

utility from
machine we have
today, we should
thank the
inventions of
those who came
before us.

37. Before
drawing he will
sketch first to see
opinion of

38. Weapons was

created for war.

39. The leader

asked us to submit
documents by
40. The journey
from the Indian
Ocean helped me
learn many things.

41. In the photo,

Luis stands
between two
cherry blossom
42. She's trying to
find a remediation
project for her

43. The shooting

star suddenly
disappeared in

44. During this

time, I studied at
university of
economics and
45. In many
centuries, the
profession has
made great
46. My father
accepted me to
study in a faraway

47. He crosses the

street to save the

48. Antibiotic
save many people
in the world

49. My husband
doesn’t agree with
my opinion.

50. He ordered
me to stop what I
was doing again.

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