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Marked Top Secret by Ganner ISB

Mission Report
Alexander Bell

Operation Exogorth

Mission Brief

Covert Intel seeking and gathering mission in the Ord Mantell system to
locate, infiltrate and collect information in regards to enemy infiltration into
the industrial depot and intelligence into enemy build up for impending

Action Brief

Operation commenced with Imperial Ship Icarus, on board were myself and
Crew. We entered Ord Mantell and began scanning operations to ID
suspicious ship operations.

A Gozanti Class ship was PID’d in the dockyard as being one of the six
suspect ships from Agent Hux’s mission, I began slicing operations to
infiltrate the ship’s computer. My infiltration action was successful with little
setbacks, enemy encryption was high, but I managed to get in with little
alarm raised, and once the enemy security was bypassed, I was able to
remove the log of my infiltration attempt.

Once secured in connection and infiltrated into enemy systems, I began

pouring over enemy ship navigation data, navigation data was cleaned by
rebels 7 days prior.

After seeking nav data and finding nothing, I breached the enemy security
CCTV, found footage 5 days prior to current mission, of the gozanti docked
with PID on a converted freighter, a fighter carrier, Shipments of proton
torpedoes were being transferred from the gozanti to carrier.
I Then used a CCTV footage search to find bridge footage. A Rebel
oversight in not wiping bridge footage proved fruitful, and with the help of
IDA-69 we found transit data as follows from bridge footage.

The Gozanti ship spent 5 weeks in Yavin, then transiting to Taris before
using wild hyper lanes to transit to Ithor.

Ship weight was unchanged between Yavin to Ord Mantell where freight
was transferred to carrier freighter.

Believe Yavin to be a major rebel base, again.

I then used CCTV to ID any and all personnel on gozanti, a suspicious

individual was seen multiple times, how ever no facial was able to be
collected due to strange “interference”, how ever one footage shot shows a
astromech droid, white and blue paint markings, ID referencing on
individual with what data could be collected proved to show match to ISB
data base for a 98% match to “Rogue Leader” AKA Luke Skywalker.

After a brief period of time for the crew to collect themselves after this
revelation, the mission was seen by me to be completed with this
information collected.

After alerting the local station command of the gozanti being a rebel spy
ship, I moved to the station to rendezvous with Ganner, Hessen and

After docking I made my way immediately to meet Ganner, Hessen and

Laveer, “politely” to head to a briefing room, to debrief the information.

After entering and briefing Ganner, Hessen and Laveer to the footage and
information collected to Sky Walker being part of the attack, I informed all 3
of my actions in informing station security to the spys, Ganner quickly and
hurriedly took his leave alerting his team.
I left with Hessen, after Laveer also quickly left. I will admit upon reflection
that this decision to alert station security was an oversight by myself to the
actions that had to be taken next, to which may have majorly affected the
future of what is to come.

After heading to the hanger with Hessen and his team, myself and my
team, Ganner was able to stop the first station garrison response just
before they got to the hanger, we were informed that no response had been
taken just yet to the rebel presence and that these troopers were the first

Ganner and his team turned the local garrison away as this would be
special operations from here on. Ganner upon turning the local forces
away, made his way to his action point, Hessen also moved to the cargo
bay, I and my team moved to the other entry to the hanger, I hit the Rebel’s
comms system, shutting it down, I then tried to gain entry to the ship's
computer but failed due to encryption changes.

By this stage my team began firing on the enemy, killing 2 enemy rebel
squads, Ganners team flanked the enemy from the hangar’s vents, clearing
multiple rebel teams, with hessens team mopping up the rest, later the
rebels were ID to be rebel spec ops.

As the hangar was secured and ganner shut the hangar doors, I managed
to gain access to the ship's computer, forcing an emergency reactor shut
down, grounding the ship. Ganner and Hessens team then proceed to
climb the gozanti and force entry into the ship, boarding and clearing it,
capturing 2 rebel soldiers, one was too severely wounded to be of any use.

Upon securing the vessel, two of Hessen’s men opened the ship's ramp, for
my entry, to which a ship wide search for all comms devices, electrical and
any other devices system underwent inspection.

Data was found of the rebel plans for the attack on the station, with the
rebel spec ops ordered by luke himself to remain under radio silence, but to
prepare to attack the station destroy equipment and set charges, in this we
found that Wedge Antilles will be part of the boarding teams to attack the
station and freighters.

It is unclear at this time if “Rogue leader” AKA Luke Skywalker will assist
with the ground ops or Space Ops, but either way he will be an extremely
high value target, that is also extremely dangerous to all future operations.

Post Brief

Mission plans need to be changed severely to accommodate this new

information, it is also highly likely we will require additional combat assets
to engage Luke Skywalker.

In my honest opinion, if we are to come into contact with Luke Skywalker,

he will need to be a primary target for us to prosecute with extreme

1SG. Alexander Bell.

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