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“MOV Ko, Always on the Go (Digitized RPMS-IPCRF MOV’s

I. Project Brief

The innovation shall be called “MOV Ko, Always on the Go (Digitized RPMS-
IPCRF MOV’s)”. It aims to introduce digitization in the gathering, sorting, organizing
and gathering of the RPMS-IPCRF 2020-2021 MOV’s and make them accessible both
online and offline for the convenience of both Ratees and Raters and to minimize physical
contact during this time of the pandemic.
If approved, this innovation supports the DepEd Core Value
MAKAKALIKASAN. Since printed documents require a large number of paper pages, it
indirectly means more trees sacrificed for the purpose. Paperless or digitized MOV’s
undoubtedly helps the environment as less paper use means helping to protect the

II. Reasons and Educational Relevance

As the entire world battles an unknown and unseen contagion, the COVID-19
pandemic, cultural, social, political and religious landscapes have changed. Needles to
say, the pandemic has modified the way people live and interact with each other; hence,
this time has been dubbed as the ‘new normal”.
Lockdowns have been imposed; people are forced to stay at home in an attempt to
prevent the contagion from spreading. However, delivery of key services like education
can not be halted or learners are sacrificed. Teachers, being hailed as one of the front
liners in this fight against COVID-19, have found themselves in the face of a dilemma
that they haven’t yet faced before. From pens and paper, teachers found themselves trying
to learn the ropes of digitization by learning to use ICT resources as these have become
the means to reach our students.
Because social distancing has become the new normal, an innovation that calls
and supports accomplishment of MOV’s with no or limited physical contact between
Raters and Ratees is definitely an in-game. “MOV Ko, Always on the Go (Digitized
RPMS-IPCRF MOV’s)” . There is no change to the outputs being required; only the
process is modified.
If this innovation is approved and accepted, teachers and schools will be
unburdened from cumbersome documents which can be destroyed by rain, fire or any
other natural calamities. Teachers and schools will likewise be confident that even if their
machine (PC/laptop/ smartphone) will fail, they will not lose access to their RPMS-
IPCRF 2020-2021 files because these are already stored and backed-up in the clouds.

III. Objectives of Innovation

Objectives of the innovation, “MOV Ko, Always on the Go (Digitized RPMS-

IPCRF MOV’s) are the following:
a. Digitize hard copies of MOV’s and make them accessible both online and
b. Minimize or eliminate physical contact of raters and ratees in order to
uphold everyone’s safety in this time of the pandemic.
c. Save resources (bond paper, ink, folders, envelopes) in support of the
agency’s call for austerity measures to address resource gaps brought
about by the COVID-19 pandemic
d. Save time photocopying, printing, binding and/or organizing the RPMS-
IPCRF Portfolio

IV. Methodology of Innovation

Keeping a tangible portfolio of the RPMS-IPCRF MOV’s comprising of

expandable and/or ordinary folders, containing printed and/or photocopied documents is
not a new practice among teachers. Ever since the PPST-RPMS was formally introduced,
teachers kept hard copies of these documents as basis for rating of their performance
during the school year. While performance monitoring and rating is a necessary part of
assessing whether learning goals have been achieved during the school year, there is no
need to encumber teachers with numerous folders that they need to carry around during
evaluation. As we are already living in the digital era, we might as well utilize the
resources that are made available to us.
“MOV Ko, Always on the Go (Digitized RPMS-IPCRF MOV’s) is portfolio
keeping that can be done in three ways:
a. Online

Online portfolios contain documents that are stored in the clouds using
cloud storage services. The proponents highly encourage the use of Google Drive
since it is the most user friendly among the cloud storage services available online
and offers free 15 GB of storage for every user. Moreover, Google Drive is pre-
installed in every Android device which makes it more convenient to synchronize
important files anywhere and everywhere for as long as internet connection is
The following are the steps to keeping the online RPMS-IPCRF Portfolio:
1. Go to
If you are not logged in to Google on your laptop/PC, you will see this

What to do next:
i. Click on the encircled link:
ii. Enter your log-in credentials

iii. Your online Google Drive will be displayed. Click on the +

New symbol.
iv. A list of options will be shown. Choose Folder.

v. Key in your folder title: RPMS-IPCRF 2020-2021 MOV’s

vi. The folder is now created.

vii. Double-click on the folder and a blank space stating “Drop
files here” will open.

viii. Click on +New and choose folder again. Key in KRA1 to

KRA 5. The end-result will look like this:
ix. Double click on each KRA and click on +New to create
folders for each objective. In the folders for each objective,
repeat the same process, creating folders as necessary for an
organized digital portfolio.
x. Take clear pictures of your documents.
xi. Upload to the Google Drive folder you created for each
specific objective.
xii. Repeat process as needed.

2. If you have previously logged in to Google Drive, this page will be

shown. All you have to do is to follow steps iii to xii .

b. Offline
As teachers, we are all aware that we need to create files for our job.
Most of these files are “offline” since they are not found on the internet. But
they can be uploaded and “backed-up” online.
The RPMS-IPCRF files can be digitized using the following method:
i. Right click on your Desktop (or anywhere on your PC/laptop) to create
a new folder. Label it RPMS-IPCRF MOV’s.
ii. Double click to open the folder you created. Inside the folder, create
New folders and label them KRA 1, KRA 2, KRA 3, KRA 4, and KRA

iii. Click on each KRA folder and create new folders for each objective
included in the KRA.

iv. In the folders for each objective, upload clear pictures or PDF files of
your gathered MOV’s.
v. Save your folder on USB/ CD and hand it in to your rater.
vi. If possible, keep multiple copies of your digitized MOV’s because
technology can be treacherous. Your machine may run into a technical
problem and you will lose all your files. Keep at least 3 USBs as back-
up because your MOV’s are very important.
vii. If you want your documents to be safe, you can keep an online backup
of your files using any of the cloud storage services available on the

c. Offline and Online

As experienced by the proponents, the best method for backing-up

digital /soft copies of important files is both online and offline. Offline
backups can be accessed whether internet connectivity is available or not;
however, it is also more prone to being corrupted through virus infections.
Online backups on the other hand are safer to access since virus scanners
are integrated into the browsers to ensure that files downloaded from the
internet are not infected; however, accessibility can be affected by unstable
internet connectivity.
Offline files can be synchronized online using this method for
Google Drive:

i. Download and install “Backup and Sync”

ii. A Google Drive folder will automatically be created on your

iii. Drag and Drop the RPMS-IPCRF 2020-2021 folder into the
Google Drive folder in your PC/ laptop.
iv. If you have internet connectivity, the files automatically
synchronizes both online and offline.
v. You will know that your files are synchronized because folder
icons will show this instead of bare yellow ones.
vi. You will also see that the Backup and Sync icon on your Task
Bar is moving. For as long as you are connected to the internet,
your files will always be synchronized and you can access and
edit them on different devices as much as you want and need

Now that the different ways of keeping the digitized RPMS-IPCRF 2020-2021
portfolio have been thoroughly discussed, we will proceed to the procedures on
sharing our online digitized files.

a. Right click on the folder labelled as RPMS-IPCRF 2020-2021 and click on

b. Change folder settings so that your rater can see what the portfolio
contents are. Choose “Viewer” so your files can be seen but cannot be
downloaded or modified.

c. Copy the folder link.

d. Send the link to your rater so that he/ she can access your MOV’s at any
time and can rate your IPCRF accordingly.
V. Adaptability and Applicability of Innovation

Considering the evolving landscape of education brought about by this

pandemic not only locally but also globally, the proponents state that the innovation
“MOV Ko, Always on the Go (Digitized RPMS-IPCRF MOV’s)” is both adaptable
and applicable.
It is adaptable in the sense that most teachers are already at the throes of
adapting to the digital challenge. The distance learning modalities introduced to us at
the onset of this pandemic has pushed teachers to learn the ropes of digitization and
the language of technology in order to adapt to the sudden change. Many teachers
who weren’t interested in upgrading their knowledge and skills in ICT prior to the
pandemic have found themselves learning to swim digitally. The increasing demand
of printers and computers and smartphones at present just proves that teachers have
become adaptable to this inevitable change. And given the choice between the
cumbersome papers, folders and envelopes, the proponents are certain that majority of
the teachers at present will embrace this innovation. Having gained knowledge on
ICT along the way, the proponents believe that they will be more appreciative of this
innovation as it helps unburden them from tedious and repetitive tasks that can be
accomplished simply.
Applicability means “the quality of being relevant or appropriate”. The
innovation “MOV Ko, always on the Go (Digitized RPMS-IPCRF MOV’s)” is very
much applicable in the present situation when physical interaction is limited or
altogether prohibited. Productivity can still be proven and performance assessment
can still be successfully done even without physical interaction. This innovation not
only helps protect everyone concerned -the Rater and the Ratee- from possible
transmission of the dreaded disease; it also helps the teacher concerned save resources
for more important expenses as well as it helps save time.
At this time, it is but fitting and proper for teachers to embrace non-
conventional approaches to accomplishing work or performing tasks because this is
what the situation calls for. Since time moves forward and moving forward means
embracing digital challenges, teachers need to sail with the current in order to achieve
the desired outcomes using the most efficient and convenient means.
VI. Innovation Impact
As with any other innovations, “MOV Ko, always on the Go (Digitized
RPMS-IPCRF MOV’s)” is introduced to bring forth positive impact to stakeholders

1. To the School
 The school can save resources that are used in printing
organizing and storing these cumbersome hard-copies and can
use these said resources instead for other important purposes.

2. To the Teachers

 The teachers shall be relieved of cumbersome paper-gathering

portfolios; thus, helping them save money, time and effort and
channel these resources towards other teaching-learning

3. To the Students

 Because teachers are now unburdened of the physical task of

storing, organizing and gathering hard documents and have a
bit more free time on their hands, they will have more time to
design learning activities, do home visitations and other
“reaching-out” activities that will surely benefit the learners.

VII. Innovation Cost

The most common issue arising from the introduction of innovations,

whatever they may be, is that of cost. Affordability is of paramount consideration
considering that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about economic hardships as
well. The innovation “MOV Ko, always on the Go (Digitized RPMS-IPCRF
MOV’s)” is a budget-friendly innovation since it does not require regular allocation of
funds both from the school and the teachers as well. Since digitized files can be saved
offline, then, no monetary expense is required of the teachers concerned for data and
connectivity. The folders can be saved in their laptops/ PC’s. Should there be a need
to submit copies of the saved data, old but functional flash drives can be used to store
these data.
If the teacher so chooses to regularly backup his files and folders to a cloud
server like Google Drive, it is not necessary to allocate a separate budget for this
purpose. Since teachers are most often required to attend webinars and online
conferences and are allocated a certain amount to defray connectivity expenses, if the
app is set to auto start at boot-up, then the data is automatically synchronized and
saved online in the background. While the teacher listens to the discussions during
online meetings, Backup and Sync or One Drive seamlessly and quietly do their jobs
of ensuring that files from a teacher’s computer are stored and saved safely in the
clouds for easy access anytime and anywhere. As one of the proponents has proven,
the total file size of uploaded data for the RPMS-IPCRF MOV’s is only 24.7 MB.

VIII. Timeline

Since the RPMS-IPCRF is an ongoing process until the scheduled end of

School Year 2020-2021 in July, this innovation shall cover the time frame from May,
2021 to August 2021 or until all teachers have been rated for the current school year.
The proponents hope that this practice will be replicated not only by their
colleagues in Enrique Villanueva National High School but also by the teachers
within the Division of Siquijor.

IX. Sustainability and Replicability

In as much as use of cloud storage services has become the new norm not only
of large companies but also of individuals for safekeeping of important files, once the
teachers get used to the innovation introduced, they will surely choose to make use of
this convenient and resource-efficient means of securing that MOV’s related to their
jobs will be accessible anytime, anywhere.
This innovation can easily be replicated. Since most teachers nowadays
already know the basics of saving documents on specific folders in their PC/laptop,
then they can easily create the RPMS-IPCRF 2020-2021 file folder, drag and drop it
to their synchronized Google Drive folder, send the link to their Raters and they are
good to go.

X. Appendices

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