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When managing stakeholders, there should be consider about what are the strategies that can be

adopted to the organization. Before deciding which strategy to use managing the stakeholders, must
consider about important of the stakeholders and their characteristics. When consider about the
characteristics, what is the contribution that need from the stakeholder, what they expect from the
organization like rewards and how much power over the activities that provide from the
organization are few of them. Based on those characteristics’ organization can decide what strategy
they should implement for manage the stakeholders. There have different strategies for each
stakeholder who are with different level of power and interest.

Low power and low interest stakeholders

Those stakeholders are flexible and more likely than other to accept what they are told and follow
instructions. Therefore, the strategy is monitor them and keep eye on them and make sure they are

Low power and high interest stakeholders

Those have high interest in the organization’s projects, and they can be helpful for get details and
help for the projects in the organization. Because of that as a strategy, there can be keep inform

High power and low interest stakeholders

As a strategy they should keep in satisfied. Because yield power. Furthermore, should be deal with
cautiously. Hence, they may use their power in a not desired way if they become unsatisfied.
Identify these stakeholders and investigate opportunities to leverage their positive perception as
project advocates.

High power and high interest stakeholders

They are key players and key drivers in the organizations. They should closely manage and closely
look at them. Always talk with them and get their information. Also, Stakeholders will react in
different ways to different project actions, however by identifying triggers and mitigation measures,
there can avoid preventable complaints.

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