Serviceto Civilian Transferring Military NDTTrainingand Experienceto NDTCareersin Private Industry

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From NDT Technician, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp: 1–4.

Copyright © 2011 The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc.

The American Society for Nondestructive Testing


Service to Civilian: Transferring Military NDT Training and

Experience to NDT Careers in Private Industry

by Bill Lawson,* William E. Blum † and James W. Houf ‡

Separation or retirement from to civilian careers, this article will guidance and counseling,
military service can be rewarding, also examine nondestructive testing workshops, publications, automated
exciting, challenging and sometimes (NDT) in the private sector with resources, information and
frustrating. For many, the biggest topics such as the differences educational programs along with
challenge is deciding what they between employer-based and third referrals to potential employers.
want to do and where they want to party certification, Veterans Service members taking
go in their second career. For Administration and GI Bill advantage of TAP have the easiest
others, it is simply how to get reimbursement for certification time finding employment and
there. All military personnel exams, the importance of getting established in the civilian
transitioning out of the service go obtaining and maintaining NDT world. Those who go it alone
through the fundamental stages of training and experience records and usually end up taking much longer
self-assessment, exploration, skills ways for NDT job applicants to to find suitable employment, miss
development, job search, job connect with potential employers. out on opportunities and benefits
selection and support. and in general have a tougher time
In addition to discussions of making the transition. The
Transition Assistance Program

some of the primary resources Many useful resources are available transition process begins with a
available to military personnel to help the service member visit to the installation's TAP
making the transition from service navigate through the transition into office. At this meeting, TAP
the civilian world. Primary among counselors will assist in developing
*NAS Whiting Field Fleet and Family Support
Programs; 7511 USS Enterprise St., Building
these is the Transition Assistance an individual needs assessment,
3025; NAS Whiting Field, FL 32570; Program (TAP). A collaborative identify helpful resources, offer
effort developed by the U.S. immediate and long-range career
(850) 623-7177;
† NDT Consulting Group, Inc.; Hurst, TX 76053;
(877) 638-2441; (214) 853-5131 fax;
Departments of Defense (DoD), guidance, provide benefits
‡ American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Labor (DOL) and Veterans Affairs
(VA), TAP provides professional
Columbus, OH 43228; (800) 222-2768 X212;
(614) 274-6899 fax; FOCUS continued on page 2.

Vol. 10, No. 4 TNT · October 2011 · 1

FOCUS continued from p 1

counseling and make referrals to other service providers for

additional assistance. In most cases, the TAP office is
located inside the installation's family center. Pre-separation
counseling appointments may be scheduled any time within
a year before the planned separation date and it is strongly
recommended they be scheduled no later than 180 days
prior to separation date.
TAP Workshops. TAP counselors will also schedule you to
attend comprehensive three-to-four day workshops. These
are held at most military installations with more than
500 active duty personnel. The workshops provide
employment and training information to separating or
retiring armed forces members and eligible spouses within
one year of separation or two years prior to retirement from
the military. Facilitators from state employment services,
military family support services, Department of Labor
contractors, or Veterans employment and training service
staff provide attendees with information covering job
searches, career decision-making, current occupational and
labor market conditions, resume/cover letter preparation,
and interviewing techniques. Participants are also provided
with an evaluation of their employability relative to the job
market and receive information on the most current
veterans’ benefits.
TurboTAP. TurboTAP is the interactive
web interface for the Transition Assistance Program that
provides information and support to transitioning military
service members (active duty, guard and reserve) and their
families. It is intended to supplement the services offered by
the Transition Assistance offices and other groups.

Occupational Information Network

Sponsored by the Employment and Training Administration
of the U.S. Department of Labor, the Occupational
Information Network (O*NET) is the primary source of
occupational information for the United States. Central to
the project is the online database that contains information
on hundreds of standardized and occupation-specific
descriptors. Continually updated by surveying a broad range
of workers from each occupation, the information from the
database forms the heart of O*NET OnLine, an interactive
application for exploring and searching occupations. O-Net
OnLine also provides a skills translator called Crosswalk
Search that is very useful in converting the Military
Occupational Code (MOC, Rating, MOS or AFSC) military
jargon you may have used on the job into civilian words and
phrases that potential employers will understand

2 · Vol. 10, No. 4 This is Department of Defense. For this Program (ACCP) in five methods, MT,
a great tool for use in developing reason, DD form 2586 is not available PT, RT, UT and VT. ACCP
resumes, cover letters and interview to U.S. Coast Guard personnel. certification is transportable. That is
preparation. Enter the code or title for to say, it does not expire when you
your military job in the search field for Additional Resources change employers and can be accepted
Military. The search results will break & Monster. by employers without additional
down the common elements of your and Monster have collaborated to form testing. ACCP is administered by
military job into civilian equivalents in a database for military job search at ASNT and meets the requirements of
the following categories: tasks, tools Here SNT-TC-1A. It is valid for 5 years. To
and technology used, knowledge, you can also find dates and locations gain ACCP certification, candidates
skills, abilities, work activities, work for military community job fairs must take the ACCP Level II general
context, work styles, work values and offered by most military installations. and specific written examinations and
related civilian occupations. General These venues are always free to hands-on practical exams for each
information on wages and job-seekers and are usually free or at applicable test method. (This includes
employment trends at both state and minimal cost to recruiters. writing a work instruction for each
national levels are also provided. Additional websites offering NDT applicable test method.) Candidates
employment opportunities can be can determine eligibility by comparing
Verification of Military Experience
found by conducting an online search current training and experience
and Training
using the keywords “NDT inspection records with those at
The Verification of Military jobs.” certification/levelii/accpqualifications.
Experience and Training (VMET) htm. If the candidate meets or
document (DD form 2586) is an “all
NDT in the Civilian Sector exceeds these requirements, they are
services” integrated form that lists In-house Certification. Most civilian eligible to apply for ACCP Level II
your military experience and training NDT certification in the United States certification. More information on
which may have application to is employer-based. NDT companies ACCP certification can be found at
employment in the private sector certify their own NDT personnel in-house in accordance with the index.htm.
index.jsp. It will provide dates and ASNT Recommended Practice It should be noted that many
official titles of all formal training you No. SNT-TC-1A, which lists the civilian aviation/aerospace companies
attended while in the military.The guidelines recommended for the prefer to have their NDT personnel
form displays demographics, training, training, qualification and certification certified in accordance with the
and experience information that is of NDT personnel. Job candidates Aerospace Industry Association's
retrieved from your military records. must take Level II examinations National Aerospace Standard 410
The VMET document should be through the prospective employer. (NAS 410), which is an employer-
used as a tool to prepare resumes and Because these are employer-issued based standard. Veterans should check
job applications, in concert with certifications, certification terminates with potential employers regarding
evaluation reports, training certificates, when the employee leaves the which certification system would best
awards, transcripts, and other company. That employee will then meet their needs.
pertinent documents. It is not an have to retest using a prospective new
employer's examinations. For
VA/GI Bill Reimbursement
official transcript for purposes of
granting college credit, but it can be transitioning military personnel, this The ASNT NDT Level III, ASNT
used to support your having met means they must take a prospective PdM Level III and IRRSP certification
training and/or course requirements employer's Level II examination for exams were approved for
to qualify for civilian occupations, each applicable test method to reimbursement in 2001 by the U.S.
certificates, licenses, or programs of become certified with that company. Department of Veterans Affairs under
study. Note that the U.S. Coast Guard Third-party Certification. Third party the GI Bill. To see the list of
operates under the Department of certification can be obtained through approved examinations and
Homeland Security and not the U.S. the ASNT Central Certification FOCUS continued on page 4.

TNT · October 2011 · 3

FOCUS continued from page 3. J3ABP732 000), you should also try Connecting Job Applicants with
to obtain documentation such as
reimbursement amounts, go to
Potential Employers
training course outlines that show the specific number of hours of training ASNT Positions Wanted. As a free On that for each individual NDT test method. service to members, ASNT provides a
page, leave the field for "L&C Name" For experience you should be able to Positions Wanted list on the ASNT
blank, select "Certification" from the use copies of your annual or semi- website and in Materials Evaluation
drop down menu for "LAC Category annual fitness reports from your (M.E.). Listings are posted online for
Type” and then click on the state of NDT job supervisors. Most of your 90 days and appear in M.E. for
Ohio on the map. The search results military certification documentation, 60 days. To preserve privacy, each
will show you a list of items. Click on such as NDT training courses, hours member posting a Position Wanted ad
receives an anonymous department
Non Destructive Testing NDT Level III of training and NDT certificates
to see a list of ASNT NDT Level III number. Interested employers may
should be in your personnel file.
exams; ASNT Predictive Maintenance contact the Assistant Editor of M.E.
Copies of these may be in your
(PDM) Level III to see the PdM to reply to the Position Wanted
separation packet. If they aren’t,
exams; and Industrial Radiography postings on the website or in the
check with personnel and ask for
Radiation Safety Personnel to see the journal. The Assistant Editor will
copies now. Don’t be concerned that
IRRSP exams. To apply for benefits, forward the employer's contact
you may end up with too much
go to information to the member who
paperwork. You can always pitch what placed the Position Wanted listing.
apply-for-benefits/. you don't need later. For more information, contact M.E.
You may also want to ask your Assistant Editor Toni Kervina at
current supervisor or commanding
Importance of Obtaining and or (800) 222-2768
officer if they will write a "to whom it
Maintaining Records
X205. Annual dues for current
It is essential that transitioning may concern" letter stating that you members of the military rank E-5 or
military personnel have copies of have been performing NDT lower are $30 per year.
their military NDT training records (NDI/NDE) work equivalent to that Personnel for Quality
and documentation of their NDT done by an ASNT NDT Level II as and NDT, Inc. (PQNDT)
work experience. No matter where follows: is one of the largest
you go in the NDT field, you will be NDT recruiters in the U.S. with more
required to document your military than forty years of experience
An NDT Level II individual
training and experience. You are connecting NDT job candidates and
should be qualified to set up and
strongly encouraged to get copies of
calibrate equipment and to potential employers. Most significant
any training and certification
interpret and evaluate results with to NDT job candidates, PQNDT
documents before you leave the
respect to applicable codes, conducts an annual salary survey that
service. It can be very hard to get
standards, and specifications, can be downloaded in PDF format
copies of these documents after you
should be thoroughly familiar from the PQNDT website. Results of
separate from military service.
with the scope and limitations of the salary survey are broken down by:
Instructors often change duty stations · full-time or contract employment,
the applicable methods and
or rotate to other assignments and · certification level,
should be able to organize and
can be hard to track down and · industry and
report the results of NDT tests.
records may go to permanent storage, Ask that they list the NDT test · region.
making them even harder to access. methods for which you were qualified. Dedicated solely to the NDT/quality
What records do you need? In If your experience is documented in field, the online service is free to job
addition to copies of your general such a letter and you have copies of candidates. PQNDT offers assistance
NDT certificate(s) stating the test your FITREPS (fitness reports), that to employers and candidates across a
methods you were trained and should be more than sufficient to wide range of industries that includes
certified in (for example, U.S. Navy document your military NDT aerospace, petrochemical, defense,
C-603-3191/708Z or U.S. Air Force experience. construction and utilities.

4 · Vol. 10, No. 4

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