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Report Assignment 3


ANGELA LESMONO (1606887251)
DANDY FADHILAH (1606890233)
HURIYA (1606905336)
RIZKY MULIA (1606886961)
SAMANTHA SURYO (1606905241)



i Universitas Indonesia

The main objective of this assignment is to discuss one of crucial aspect of

a chemical plant, which is related to process control that is integrated to the plant
system, so that the plant is able to achieve maximum operation efficiency. There
are mainly three controlled variables which are temperature, pressure, and flow.
Flow controllers are mainly used for operation smoothness objectives, pressure
controllers are mainly for safety concerns, and temperature controllers are for non-
isothermal reactors for its safety. Process and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) for
the entire plant is required so that controllers can be integrated into the plant design.
Another aspect that is discussed in this assignment are health, safety, and
environment or also known as HSE analysis. In plant design, it is necessary to
identify potential hazards that could probably occur resulted by either the materials
or the operations throughout production process. These potential hazards analyzed
are in concern of the life workers in the plant and also the environment surrounding
the plant.
There are some methods to analyze hazard for HSE analysis such as Hazard
Identification (HAZID) and Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP). In these
studies, potential hazards in each equipment and each operation are analyzed in
HAZID and HAZOP studies. Then, it is also necessary to understand the start up
and shut down procedure, since it is one of the occurrences that is done constantly.
In this plant, material that is used in production process can also be the source of
hazard. The materials that used in the sustainable hydrogen production plant is corn
cobs, which contain mainly lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose, natural gas for
combustion purposes, water, nitrogen gas, carbon dioxide as the undesired product,
and etc. Some of those said materials could be the source of hazard, thus it is also
important to know the properties of material through Material Safety Data Sheet
(MSDS). MSDS can assist workers to avoid harm by wearing the appropriate
personal protective equipment.
Area classification and emergency action plant is discussed and planned as
well. Area classification is analyzed by classifying the environment in the plant

ii Universitas Indonesia
where explosive gas atmospheres may occur. Hazardous areas are classified into
zones based on an assessment of the frequency of the occurrence and duration of an
explosive gas atmosphere, there are zone 0, zone 1, and zone 2. The emergency
action plant is required by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA),
where the workers in office and plant are obligated to get emergency operating
procedure or training, and know about medical emergency plan, emergency escape
procedure and routes, and firefighting strategy.
To minimize the exposure to serious workplace injuries and illnesses for
plant workers, Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) must also be analyzed. These
injuries and illnesses may result from contact with chemical, radiological, physical,
electrical, mechanical, or other workplace hazards. PPE includes safety helmet,
safety footwear, safety goggles, safety gloves, earplugs or earmuffs, respirators,
coveralls, and safety harness.
Environmental hazards are also coming from unwanted waste produced
from the plant. Before it is discharged to the environment, waste needs to be treated
until it met the environmental standard made by government. The plant is
responsible towards the surrounding environment and to government regulation for
keeping environment safe from any hazardous material that could affects living
organism life in the environment. The waste of plant consists of solid, liquid and
gas waste, and noise. Solid waste mainly comes from pyrolysis process, which is
produced ash. The mass flow rate of the ash is 7.265 kg/hr, which mainly contains
carbon. Liquid waste mainly contains sludge and liquid waste. Sludge came from
filtration cake which contain of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. While liquid
waste came from by-product that contains of cellulose, hemicellulose. Gas waste
comes from the combustion of pyrolysis reactor, which is flue gas.
The location of this plant is in Lebak, Banten Province with following
considerations, which are access to raw material, infrastructure and transportation
facility, environmental aspects, etc. The plant will be built in total area 6 ha. Plant
layout is also made based on the possible hazard and its impact to the surrounding.
Overall plant layout is in 2d and consists of process layout, equipment layout, waste
treatment area, supporting area, and evacuation route layout.

iii Universitas Indonesia


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................... ii

LIST OF CONTENT ........................................................................................... iv
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................. vi
LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. vii
LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................... viii
1.1 Pipeline Specification........................................................................ 1
1.2 Main Process Piping and Instrumentation Diagram.......................... 8
1.3 Main Process Control Tabulation ................................................... 11
1.4 Pre-Treatment Process Piping and Instrumentation Diagram ......... 17
1.5 Pre-Treatment Process Control Tabulation ..................................... 19
1.6 Utility Piping and Instrumentation Diagram ................................... 21
1.7 Utility Control Tabulation ............................................................... 25
PROTECTION .................................................................................................... 28
2.1 Hazard Identification Study (HAZID) ............................................ 28
2.2 Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) ........................................ 34
2.3 Operational Details.......................................................................... 46
2.3.1 Startup Procedure ................................................................................. 46
2.3.2 Shut Down ............................................................................................ 48
2.4 Personal Protective Equipment ....................................................... 50
2.4.1 General Equipment............................................................................... 50
2.4.2 Special Equipment ............................................................................... 53
2.5 Area Classification .......................................................................... 55
2.6 Emergency Action Plan................................................................... 56
2.6.1 Emergency Operation Training ....................................................... 56
2.6.2 Medical Emergency ........................................................................ 58
2.6.3 Fire Fighting Strategy ..................................................................... 58
2.6.4 Emergency Escape Procedures and Routes..................................... 61
2.7 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) ............................................... 64
CHAPTER 3 WASTE MANAGEMENT ........................................................ 68
3.1 Solid Waste Management ............................................................... 68
3.2 Liquid Waste Management ............................................................. 69
3.3 Gas Waste Management .................................................................. 72
3.4 Noise Waste Management............................................................... 74
CHAPTER 4 PLANT LAYOUT ...................................................................... 75
4.1 Plant Location ................................................................................. 75
4.2 Safe Range Between Equipments ................................................... 76

iv Universitas Indonesia
4.3 Total Factory Layout ....................................................................... 78
4.4 Production Process and Utility Plant Layout .................................. 79
CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION ........................................................................... 87
REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 89
APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 91

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Figure 1.1 Main Process Piping and Instrumentation Diagram .............................. 9

Figure 1.2 Pre-Treatment Process Piping and Instrumentation Diagram ............. 18
Figure 1.3 Water Utility Process Piping and Instrumentation Diagram ............... 22
Figure 1.4 Nitrogen Utility Process Piping and Instrumentation Diagram ........... 23
Figure 1.5 WWTP Piping and Instrumentation Diagram ..................................... 24
Figure 2.1 Safety Helmet ...................................................................................... 51
Figure 2.2 Example of Body Protector ................................................................. 52
Figure 2.3 Safety Shoes for Plant Worker ............................................................ 53
Figure 2.4 Safety Goggles ..................................................................................... 53
Figure 2.5 Ear Plugs and Ear Muffs ...................................................................... 54
Figure 2.6 Respiratory Mask ................................................................................. 54
Figure 2.7 Hand Protector ..................................................................................... 55
Figure 2.8 Safety Harness ..................................................................................... 55
Figure 2.9 Fire Extinguisher ................................................................................. 60
Figure 2.10 Fire Hydrant ....................................................................................... 60
Figure 2.11 Safety Shower and Eye Wash Station ............................................... 61
Figure 2.12 Escape Route ..................................................................................... 63
Figure 2.13 NFPA Rating Explanation Guide ...................................................... 65
Figure 2.14 Parameter for Personal Protection based on HMIS ........................... 67
Figure 3.1 Concrete Brick from Solid Char .......................................................... 69
Figure 4.1 Plant Location Map.............................................................................. 75
Figure 4.2 Inside Battery Limits Values ............................................................... 76
Figure 4.3 Outside Battery Limits Values ............................................................ 77
Figure 4.4 Battery limit between storage tanks and vessels.................................. 78
Figure 4.5 Total Factory Layout ........................................................................... 79
Figure 4.6 Detailed Total Factory Layout ............................................................. 81
Figure 4.7 Main Process Plant Layout .................................................................. 82
Figure 4.8 Pre-Treatment Process Plant Layout ................................................... 83
Figure 4.9 Water Utility Plant Layout .................................................................. 84
Figure 4.10 WWTP Plant Layout.......................................................................... 85
Figure 4.11 Plant Office Layout............................................................................ 86

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Table 1.1 Pipeline Specification Main Process ....................................................... 2

Table 1.2 Pipeline Specification Pre-Treatment Process ........................................ 4
Table 1.3 Pipeline Specification Water Utility ....................................................... 5
Table 1.4 Pipeline Specification Nitrogen Utility ................................................... 6
Table 1.5 Pipeline Specification Waste Water Treatment ...................................... 7
Table 1.6 Main Process Control Tabulation ......................................................... 12
Tabel 1.7 Pre-Treatment Process Control Tabulation ........................................... 20
Table 1.8 Utility Control Tabulation ..................................................................... 26
Table 1.9 Waste Water Treatment Control Tabulation ......................................... 27
Table 2.1 Hazard Effect Parameter for HAZID .................................................... 28
Table 2.2 Hazard Frequency Parameter for HAZID ............................................. 28
Table 2.3 Plant and Office Hazard Identification ................................................. 29
Table 2.4 Standard HAZOP Deviation Matrix ..................................................... 35
Table 2.5 Hazard and Operability Study Analysis ................................................ 36
Table 2.6 Parameter for Material Safety based on NFPA ..................................... 65
Table 3.1 Flow Rate of Liquid Waste for Each Unit in The Plant ....................... 71
Tabel 3.2 Quality Standard of Sanitation Water ................................................... 72
Table 3.3 Gas Waste from The Plant .................................................................... 73
Table 4.1 Process Section Area ............................................................................. 78
Table 4.2 Facilities Area ....................................................................................... 79

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APPENDIX A PIPE ........................................................................................... 91

APPENDIX B Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) ....................................... 92
B.1 Carbon Dioxide ...................................................................................... 92
B.2 Carbon Monoxide ................................................................................. 101
B.3 Water .................................................................................................... 110
B.4 Hydrogen .............................................................................................. 115
B.5 Oxygen ................................................................................................. 124
B.6 Nitrogen ................................................................................................ 126
B.7 LDPE .................................................................................................... 136
B.8 Starch .................................................................................................... 140
B.9 Pectin .................................................................................................... 146
B.10 Xylan .................................................................................................. 151
B.11 Lignin ................................................................................................. 161
B.12 Cellulose ............................................................................................. 163
B.13 Hemicellulose ..................................................................................... 165
B.14 Methane .............................................................................................. 167
B.15 Ethylene .............................................................................................. 175
B.16 Methanol ............................................................................................. 177
B.17 Ethanol ................................................................................................ 187
B.18 Acetone ............................................................................................... 193
B.19 Ethylene Oxide ................................................................................... 203
B.20 Formaldehyde ..................................................................................... 213
B.21 Formic Acid ........................................................................................ 215
B.22 Glyoxal ............................................................................................... 223
B.23 Glycolaldehyde ................................................................................... 230
B.24 Phenol ................................................................................................. 237
B.25 Hydroxymethyl Furfural ..................................................................... 243
B.26 Levoglucosan ...................................................................................... 251
B.27 p-Coumaryl Alcohol ........................................................................... 259
B.28 Natural Gas ......................................................................................... 263
B.29 Chlorine .............................................................................................. 276
B.30 Calcium Hydroxide (Ca(OH)2)........................................................... 286

viii Universitas Indonesia


Universitas Indonesia

1.1 Pipeline Specification

Piping systems in a chemical plant are hollow cylinder used to convey fluid,
vapor, slurries, solids flow under various conditions as imposed by the process
design of the plant. In designing pipes, all the severest conditions of the plant such
as high temperature, pressure, flow and combination of these are considered.
Piping, in operation, is always in movement and subject to pressure and forces with
consequent reactions on equipment’s such as pumps, compressor, turbines, vessels,
and many else.
The Piping Specification is a document prepared during the design phase of
any project. It provides the appropriate selection, specification and material grade
of pipe and piping components for a given service. The common pipe is hollow
cylinder using the circular cross-section. The pipe has the function to convey fluid
which consists of liquid and gases, solid granules or pellet, slurries, and many else
from a certain place to another place. The pipeline specifications in pre-treatment
plant, main process plant, and utility plant are shown in Table 1.1 to Table 1.5.

1 Universitas Indonesia
Table 1.1 Pipeline Specification Main Process

Pipe Pressure
ID (in) OD (in) Schedule Nominal Size Length(ft) Material
name Drop (psi)
6 0.862 1.315 40 1 5 0.22 carbon steel 106
7 0.862 1.315 40 1 10 0.44 carbon steel 106
8 0.050 0.406 40 0.13 50 11.97 carbon steel 106
9 0.489 0.675 40S 0.38 35 1.87 stainless steel 316
10 0.494 0.675 40S 0.38 50 2.61 stainless steel 316
11 0.662 0.840 40 0.5 200 7.92 carbon steel 106
12 0.662 0.840 40 0.5 10 0.4 carbon steel 106
13 0.579 0.840 40S 0.5 5 0.54 stainless steel 316
14 0.579 0.840 40S 0.5 10 0.96 stainless steel 316
15 0.042 0.406 40 0.13 5 0.28 carbon steel 106
16 0.146 0.406 40S 0.13 5 1.4 stainless steel 316
17 0.114 0.406 40 0.13 10 5.89 carbon steel 106
20 0.085 0.406 40 0.13 50 51.13 carbon steel 106
21 0.096 0.406 40 0.13 150 6.22 carbon steel 106
21b 3.294 4.000 XS 3.5 10 0.5 carbon steel 106
22 4.457 5.560 XS 80 5 5 0.3 carbon steel 106
23 0.157 1.900 40 1.5 50 11.3 carbon steel 106

2 Universitas Indonesia
Table 1.1 Pipeline Specification Main Process (cont’d)

Pipe Pressure
ID (in) OD (in) Schedule Nominal Size Length(ft) Material
name Drop (psi)
24 2.974 3.500 40S 3 50 0.223 stainless steel 316
25 6.764 8.625 40S 8 50 0.045 stainless steel 316
26 10.071 10.750 40S 10 5 0.031 stainless steel 316
27 1.821 2.375 40 2 5 0.05 carbon steel 106
27b 1.821 2.375 40 2 5 0.05 carbon steel 106
28 0.064 0.405 40 0.13 100 38.35 carbon steel 106
29 0.702 1.050 40S 0.75 50 0.99 stainless steel 316
30 5.899 6.625 40S 6 50 0.02 stainless steel 316
31 5.187 6.625 40S 6 50 0.02 stainless steel 316
32 4.681 5.563 40S 5 5 0.006 stainless steel 316
32b 4.314 5.563 40S 5 15 0.01 stainless steel 316
33 4.538 5.563 40S 5 10 0.01 stainless steel 316
34 8.749 10.750 XS 140 10 15 0.007 carbon steel 106
35 4.017 4.500 40S 4 15 0.02 stainless steel 316
36 3.733 4.500 40S 4 10 0.04 stainless steel 316
37 1.718 2.375 40S 2 5 0.02 stainless steel 316
38 3.995 4.500 40 4 100 0.05 stainless steel 316
39 1.842 2.375 40S 2 100 0.9 stainless steel 316

3 Universitas Indonesia
Table 1.2 Pipeline Specification Pre-Treatment Process

Pipe Pressure
ID (in) OD (in) Schedule Nominal Size Length(ft) Material
name Drop (psi)
6 4.017 4.500 40S 4 50 11.23 carbon steel 106
7 4.017 4.500 40S 4 10 5.33 carbon steel 106
8 4.017 4.500 40S 4 15 7.29 carbon steel 106
14 4.017 4.500 40S 4 15 7.29 carbon steel 106
16a 0.579 0.840 40S 0.5 15 10.32 carbon steel 106
16b 0.579 0.840 40S 0.5 10 9.44 carbon steel 106
17a 0.579 0.840 40S 0.5 35 3.47 carbon steel 106
17b 0.579 0.840 40S 0.5 35 3.47 carbon steel 106
18a 0.579 0.840 40S 0.5 50 5.43 carbon steel 106
18b 0.579 0.840 40S 0.5 50 5.43 carbon steel 106

4 Universitas Indonesia
Table 1.3 Pipeline Specification Water Utility

Pipe Pressure
ID (in) OD (in) Schedule Nominal Size Length(ft) Material
name Drop (psi)
1 0.579 0.840 40S 0.5 30 0.28 carbon steel 106
2 0.579 0.840 40S 0.5 75 2.67 carbon steel 106
3 0.579 0.840 40S 0.5 15 0.13 carbon steel 106
4 0.579 0.840 40S 0.5 15 0.13 carbon steel 106
5 0.545 0.675 10S 0.375 5 0.67 carbon steel 106
6 0.545 0.675 10S 0.375 5 0.67 carbon steel 106
7 0.545 0.675 10S 0.375 15 2.75 carbon steel 106
8 0.364 0.540 40S 0.25 5 1.87 carbon steel 106
9 0.579 0.840 40S 0.5 35 1.87 carbon steel 106
9b 0.579 0.840 40S 0.5 50 2.61 carbon steel 106

5 Universitas Indonesia
Table 1.4 Pipeline Specification Nitrogen Utility

Pipe Pressure
ID (in) OD (in) Schedule Nominal Size Length(ft) Material
name Drop (psi)
1 0.146 0.406 40 0.13 25 19.87 carbon steel 106
2 0.146 0.406 40 0.13 10 5.48 carbon steel 106
3 0.364 0.540 40S 0.25 15 7.29 carbon steel 106
4 0.364 0.540 40S 0.25 15 7.29 carbon steel 106
5 0.146 0.406 40 0.13 5 2.43 carbon steel 106
6 0.146 0.406 40 0.13 5 0.22 carbon steel 106
7 0.146 0.406 40 0.13 10 0.44 carbon steel 106
8 0.146 0.406 40 0.13 50 11.97 carbon steel 106
9 0.579 0.840 40S 0.5 35 1.87 carbon steel 106
10 0.579 0.840 40S 0.5 50 22.61 carbon steel 106
11 0.364 0.540 40S 0.25 50 11.97 carbon steel 106
12 0.364 0.540 40S 0.25 35 5.87 carbon steel 106

6 Universitas Indonesia
Table 1.5 Pipeline Specification Waste Water Treatment

Pipe Pressure
ID (in) OD (in) Schedule Nominal Size Length(ft) Material
name Drop (psi)
1 0.862 1.315 40 1 15 24.32 carbon steel 106
2 0.862 1.315 40 1 10 10.49 carbon steel 106
3 0.579 0.840 40S 0.5 15 7.29 carbon steel 106
4 0.146 0.406 40 0.13 5 7.29 carbon steel 106
5 0.862 1.315 40 1 15 2.43 carbon steel 106
7 1.842 2.375 40S 2 30 0.44 carbon steel 106
8 0.579 0.840 40S 0.5 20 11.97 carbon steel 106
9 0.364 0.540 40S 0.25 15 1.87 carbon steel 106
10 0.579 0.840 40S 0.5 15 2.61 carbon steel 106
11 0.579 0.840 40S 0.5 15 2.61 carbon steel 106
12 0.146 0.406 40 0.13 5 0.44 carbon steel 106
13 1.842 2.375 40S 2 50 11.97 carbon steel 106
14 1.842 2.375 40S 2 150 24.32 carbon steel 106

7 Universitas Indonesia

1.2 Main Process Piping and Instrumentation Diagram

Piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID) is designed by using a diagram
which shows the interconnection of process equipment and the instrumentation
used to control the process. In the process industry, a standard set of symbols is
used to prepare drawings of processes. The main process piping and
instrumentation diagram of biomass to hydrogen is shown in the Figure 1.1.

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Figure 1.1 Main Process Piping and Instrumentation Diagram

9 Universitas Indonesia
Figure 1.1 Main Process Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (cont’d)

10 Universitas Indonesia

1.3 Main Process Control Tabulation

These are the parameters that is controlled in the process and Table 1.6 also
shows how controller works. Usually, controller sends electric signal and
pneumatic signal to the valve so it can adjust to the desired operating condition.

Universitas Indonesia
Table 1.6 Main Process Control Tabulation

Operation Controlled Controlling

Controller Function Control Procedure
Equipment Parameter Parameter
When the temperature out from
furnace is not in allowable range,
Control the
Temperature temperature transmitter will give
Temperature Flow Rate temperature out from
Indicator Control signal to TIC so that the heating
Furnace (F- agent going into furnace will be
101) increased.
When the air fuel ratio is below
Flow Indicator Control the air-fuel the desired ratio, flow of air is
Flow Flow Rate
Control ratio increased by increasing the valve
When the syngas temperature is
Flow Indicator Control the syngas
E-101 Temperature Flow Rate too hot, the valve opening will be
Control temperature

12 Universitas Indonesia
Table 1.6 Main Process Control Tabulation (cont’d)

Operation Controlled Controlling

Controller Function Control Procedure
Equipment Parameter Parameter
Control the flow of
Flow transmitter will emit
Pump (P- Flow Indicator the stream to adjust
Flow Flow Rate pneumatic signal to control the
101) Control the amount of
flow rate of water
required water
Flow transmitter will emit
pneumatic signal to control
Control the
Temperature operating temperature inside
Temperature Electrical current temperature inside
BM Indicator Control pyrolysis reactor. When the
pyrolysis reactor
Pyrolysis temperature is low, controller will
Reactor (R- increase electric furnace current.
101) Flow transmitter will emit
Control the flow of
Flow Indicator pneumatic signal to control the
Flow Flow Rate the nitrogen gas
Control nitrogen flow rate before entering

13 Universitas Indonesia
Table 1.6 Main Process Control Tabulation (cont’d)

Operation Controlled Controlling

Controller Function Control Procedure
Equipment Parameter Parameter
Control the
temperature of Flow of reboiler hot fluid through
Reboiler Hot Fluid Temperature stream before heat exchanger will increase when
PW Temperature
Flow Indicator Control entering reactor to the temperature couldn’t achieve
adjust the operating the operating condition
Reactor (R-
Control the flow of Flow transmitter will emit
Flow Indicator
Flow Flow Rate the stream to prevent pneumatic signal to control the
feed loss in reactor flow rate before entering reactor.
When the syngas temperature is
Temperature Control the syngas
E-107 Temperature Flow Rate too hot, the valve opening will be
Indicator Control temperature

14 Universitas Indonesia
Table 1.6 Main Process Control Tabulation (cont’d)

Operation Controlled Controlling

Controller Function Control Procedure
Equipment Parameter Parameter
Flow Indicator Control the flow of When the flow of feed is too high,
Flow Flow Rate
Control feed the valve opening decreases
Steam When the pressure exceeds 1.2
Control the pressure
Reformer atm, the pressure transmitter will
Pressure Safety of reactor by
(R-103) Pressure Vent Flow give an electric signal to PSV and
Valve reducing exceed
open the pressure relief valve to
reduce the pressure inside reactor
High When the water-syngas ratio is
Temperature Flow Rate of cooling Flow Indicator Control the water- below the desired ratio, flow of
Water-Gas water Control syngas ratio water is increased by increasing
Shift (R-104) the valve opening

15 Universitas Indonesia
Table 1.6 Main Process Control Tabulation (cont’d)

Operation Controlled Controlling

Controller Function Control Procedure
Equipment Parameter Parameter
High When the pressure exceeds 2 atm,
Control the pressure
Temperature the pressure transmitter will give
Pressure Safety of reactor by
Water-Gas Pressure Vent Flow an electric signal to PSV and open
Valve reducing exceed
Shift (R-104) the pressure relief valve to reduce
(cont’d) the pressure inside reactor
When the water-syngas ratio is
Flow Rate of cooling Flow Indicator Control the water- below the desired ratio, flow of
water Control syngas ratio water is increased by increasing
the valve opening
When the pressure exceeds 2 atm,
Water-Gas Control the pressure
the pressure transmitter will give
Shift (R-105) Pressure Safety of reactor by
Pressure Vent Flow an electric signal to PSV and open
Valve reducing exceed
the pressure relief valve to reduce
the pressure inside reactor

16 Universitas Indonesia

1.4 Pre-Treatment Process Piping and Instrumentation Diagram

Pre-Treatment process plant do the treatment of raw corncobs biomass
wastes and also the LDPE plastic wastes before entering the main process plant.
The piping and instrumentation diagram od the pre-treatment process is shown in
Figure 1.2.

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Figure 1.2 Pre-Treatment Process Piping and Instrumentation Diagram

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1.5 Pre-Treatment Process Control Tabulation

From the pre-treatment process, the equipments controlled are pumps and
the air heater. The process control tabulation is shown in Table 1.7.

Universitas Indonesia
Tabel 1.7 Pre-Treatment Process Control Tabulation

Operation Controlled Controlling

Controller Function Control Procedure
Equipment Parameter Parameter
Control the flow of Flow transmitter will emit
Pump Flow Indicator the stream to adjust pneumatic signal to control the
Flow Flow Rate
(P-001) Control the amount of flow rate of water that will be go
required water to the corncobs washer
Control the flow of Flow transmitter will emit
Pump Flow Indicator the stream to adjust pneumatic signal to control the
Flow Flow Rate
(P-002) Control the amount of flow rate of water that will be go
required water to the plastic wastes washer
Flow transmitter will emit
electrical signal to control
Control the
Air Heater Electrical Temperature operating temperature inside the
Temperature temperature inside
(E-001) current Control heater. When the temperature is
the air heater
low, controller will increase
electric furnace current.

20 Universitas Indonesia

1.6 Utility Piping and Instrumentation Diagram

Utility Plant consists of nitrogen utility plant, water utility plant, and
wastewater treatment plant. The utility piping and instrumentation diagram is
shown in Figure 1.3 to Figure 1.5.

Universitas Indonesia
Figure 1.3 Water Utility Process Piping and Instrumentation Diagram

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Figure 1.4 Nitrogen Utility Process Piping and Instrumentation Diagram

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Figure 1.5 WWTP Piping and Instrumentation Diagram

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1.7 Utility Control Tabulation

From the utility plant, the equipments controlled are water storage tank,
nitrogen separation membrane, clarifier, neutralizer tank, and aerator tank. The
process control tabulation is shown in Table 1.8 to Table 1.9.

Universitas Indonesia
Table 1.8 Utility Control Tabulation

Operation Controlled Controlling

Controller Function Control Procedure
Equipment Parameter Parameter
Water Control flow rate of Level transmitter will emit
Level Indicator
Storage Tank Level Inlet Flow the disinfection pneumatic signal to control the
(T-201) stream to the tank flow rate of disinfection

When the pressure exceed 7 bar,

Control the pressure
Nitrogen the pressure transmitter will give
of the stream
Separation Pressure electrical signal to the pressure
Pressure Stream Flow entering the nitrogen
Membrane Controller controller to cut the stream flow
(R-201) therefore reduce the pressure of
the inlet stream

26 Universitas Indonesia
Table 1.9 Waste Water Treatment Control Tabulation

Operation Controlled Controlling

Controller Function Control Procedure
Equipment Parameter Parameter
Level transmitter will emit
Control flow rate of
pneumatic signal to control the
Clarifier Level Indicator the outlet stream
Level Outlet Flow flow rate of outlet stream
(FIL-208) Control entering the
therefore the flow entering
neutralizer tank
neutralizer tank is measured
Control flow rate of Level transmitter will emit
Neutralizer Level Indicator calsium hydroxide pneumatic signal to control the
Level Inlet Flow
Tank (V-202) Control stream to the flow rate of calsium hydroxide
neutralizer tank to neutralize the wastewater

Flow transmitter will emit

pneumatic signal to control the
air flow rate before entering the
Control the flow
tank based on measurement of
Aerator Flow Indicator rate of the air
Flow Flow Rate both wastewater and recycled
Tank (V-203) Control entering the aerator
activated sludge flow rate. Also,
the FIC will emit electrical
signal to adjust the motor of
sludge pump (P-202)

27 Universitas Indonesia

2.1 Hazard Identification Study (HAZID)

HAZID is performed for the objectives listed below (Norsok, 2010):
• To identify hazards associated with the defined system and to assess the
sources of hazards, events, or sets of circumstances which may cause the
hazards and their potential consequences.
• To generate a comprehensive list of hazards based on those events and
circumstances that might lead to possible unwanted consequences.
• To identify possible risk reducing measure.
Hazards are identified from each area of the plant and office. Plant area will
be divided into several nodes based on process occurred on each node to enable a
detail analysis of hazards and their causes. After listed from each node, hazard
effect is analyzed and frequency based on parameters listed in Table 2.1 and Table
2.2. The HAZID analysis of plant and office is shown in Table 2.3.
Table 2.1 Hazard Effect Parameter for HAZID

Parameter Severe Major Minor

Human Resources Fatal accident Non-fatal accident No accident
Losses between
Losses more than Losses less than
Asset US$ 100,000 –
US$ 1,000,000 US$ 100.000
Environment Major damage Minor damage No damage
(Source: McKay, 2017)

Table 2.2 Hazard Frequency Parameter for HAZID

Parameter Most Likely Unlikely

More than 10
Hazard 1-10 times in Once in 10
times in 10
Frequency 10 years years
(Source: McKay, 2017)

28 Universitas Indonesia
Table 2.3 Plant and Office Hazard Identification

Location Description Cause Hazards Effect Frequency Prevention

To store corn The existence of
storage Fire hazard Severe Unlikely Hydrant system
cobs ignitable material nearby

To shred corn
Over Capacity, blunt Changes the blade
Shredder cobs in small Stuck Minor Likely
blade periodically
Installing silencer on
To flow the pollution can
Pump Units Operation Noise Minor Likely equipment which emit
liquid damage
noise, using earplugs
To increase or
Heat Leakage, Monitoring and
decrease the Corrosion of tube or
Exchanger process Major Likely maintenance frequently,
temperature of shell; mixing of fluids
Units disruption change gaskets periodically
Leakage, Monitoring and
Piping To transport
Corrosion plugging, Major Likely maintenance frequently,
Units fluid
failure using corrosion inhibitor

29 Universitas Indonesia
Table 2.3 Plant and Office Hazard Identification (cont’d)

Location Description Cause Hazards Effect Frequency Prevention

Sound pollution Installing silencer on
Compressor To flow the gas
Operation Noise can damage Minor Most equipment which emit
Units product
hearing noise, using earplugs
Create a material container
To transport corn
Sudden change at the bottom; ensuring the
Bucket Elevator cobs to pyrolysis Material spill Minor Unlikely
in speed load is treated under the
maximum design load
Change the worn rubber
Worn (Wear) on
lagging, add tension belt
Over Capacity the rubber bottom Minor Likely
conveyor, plug belt cleaner
belt conveyor
at the end of the runway
To load corn cobs
that has been Set the material to fall in
Belt Conveyor Material loading the middle, install
crushed through a
belt fall is not right Does not move additional components for
in the middle, fluently and not Minor Likely the belt and roller always
roller and belt straight attached or in touch with
do not touch the fitting

30 Universitas Indonesia
Table 2.3 Plant and Office Hazard Identification (cont’d)

Location Description Cause Hazards Effect Frequency Prevention

Heat of combustion; high
Using PPE, monitoring
Combustion To raise the fluid’s temperature difference Hotspot,
Minor Likely and maintenance
Area (Furnace) temperature between equipment and failure
To chemically
decompose High temperature and Monitoring and
Pyrolysis Area Explosion Severe Unlikely
biomass (biomass pressure maintenance frequently
pyrolysis reactor)
To run the reaction
Steam High temperature and Monitoring and
and produce the Explosion Severe Unlikely
Reforming Area pressure maintenance frequently
main product
To separate Leakage,
Absorber- High temperature and Monitoring and
between CO2 and plugging, Major Unlikely
Stripper pressure maintenance frequently
hydrogen product failure
To collect char
Char Collector High temperature and Monitoring and
product from Leakage Severe Unlikely
Tank pressure maintenance frequently
pyrolysis reactor

31 Universitas Indonesia
Table 2.3 Plant and Office Hazard Identification (cont’d)

Location Description Cause Hazards Effect Frequency Prevention

To neutralize pH of
water before
Input flowrate Installing flow control in
released to Flooding Minor Unlikely
is too large the inlet valve
(Neutralizer Tank)
To kill germs and
oxidize chemicals
Input flowrate Installing flow control in
in the water Flooding Minor Unlikely
is too large the inlet valve
Utility and
Treatment Area
To filter micro
solid particle and
remove Large cake Monitoring and
Plugging Minor Likely
contaminant and accumulation maintenance frequently
(Filter Units)
To settle and
precipitate solid No sediment Cleaning up the
Overflow tank Minor Unlikely
particulates cleanup sedimentation regularly

32 Universitas Indonesia
Table 2.3 Plant and Office Hazard Identification (cont’d)

Location Description Cause Hazards Effect Frequency Prevention

To monitor and Error in
Good training, tight
control all monitoring and Operational
Control Room Major Unlikely procedure obedience,
operation in the controlling disruption
regular briefing
plant operation
Using anti-slip coating for
A place for flooring, Using appropriate
Slippery floor Slipped Minor Likely
meeting, apparel (PPE, lab coats,
administration, etc.)
medical Monitoring and
treatment, or Electrical maintenance frequently,
Short-circuit Major Unlikely
training shock, fire using appropriate circuit
breaker and insulation

33 Universitas Indonesia

2.2 Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP)

Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) is a structured, systematic
examination of a process or operation that takes place and is still in the planning
stages in which aims to identify and evaluate problems that may pose` a danger to
the individual employees, equipment operation, or efficiency of the process
operation. HAZOP is the identification of irregularities or deviations that occur in
the operation of an industrial installation, along with the consequent undesirable
effects concerning safety, operability, and environment. The possible deviations are
generated by rigorous questioning, prompted by a series of standard ‘guideword’
applied to intended design. HAZOP is done on planning stage for new installation
and before doing equipment modification or adding new installation. HAZOP is
usually called systematic analysis for industry critical installation design, the
effects, and potential deviations that occur together with possible hazard potential
occurrence. The goals after doing HAZOP are:
• To identify safety, hazard, and operational problems that are related to
process which immediately threatens safety of workers or operation.
• To determine the severity of identified problem effect.
• To identify and evaluate the engineering and procedural safeguards.
• To recommend additional engineering and procedural safeguards.
HAZOP is performed by a group of experts from multiple disciplines and
led by an experienced safety specialist or training consultants. The main HAZOP
procedures are (Timmerhaus, 1991):
1. Collecting all process lineation for each process in the plant.
2. Process breakdown into little and more detail sub-process. To clarify the
breakdown of sub-process is given nodes in upper-ends of each sub-process.
There is no particular rule about limiting the distance of process.
3. Searching all possibilities of deviation in each process through uses of
systematic questions (HAZOP model for question is made by using
keywords, intended to make the analysis process easier).
4. Scoring for each negative effect that caused by every deviation mentioned
before. The criterion of harmful degrees for those negative effects is

Universitas Indonesia

determined by safety efficiencies operational condition of the plant in

normal condition.
5. Determination of overcome action to every deviation happened
We use two groups of keywords to emphasize systematic question in
HAZOP procedure, which are
1. Primary Keywords
Primary keyword is every word that is related to condition or parameter of
a process. For example: flow, pressure, temperature, viscosity, corrosion,
erosion, level, density, relief, composition, addition, and reaction
2. Secondary Keywords
Secondary keywords are every word which is merged with primary keyword
will shows probability of deviation that can be happened for example: no,
more, less, reverse, and as well as
Table 2.4 below show standard HAZOP deviation matrix.
Table 2.4 Standard HAZOP Deviation Matrix


Flow High F Low F No F
Temperature High T Low T -
Pressure High P Low P -
Level High L Low L No L
(Source: McKay, 2017)

Universitas Indonesia
Table 2.5 Hazard and Operability Study Analysis

Parameter Deviation Possible Causes Effect Prevention/ Action Control
Lack of supply by Material quantity target is
Biomass suppliere not accomplished Controlling the supply
Level Human Control
Storage Problem of next by supplier
More Flooding
None Pump clogged Process flow is hampered
Processing liquid supply
Pump blockage,
hampered, low water
plugging or blocking Installing a control
Low supply to next unit and
in pump so feed valve before pump to
there might possibility of
flowrate is too low maintain the flow,
regular maintenance
Pump Flow High water supply to next Flow Control
and control
unit. When the fluid flow
periodically and clean
Excessive impeller is too fast, the pump will
the pump
High performance, feed run out of fluid and could
flowrate is too high cause heat and fires at the
pump so the pump can be

36 Universitas Indonesia
Table 2.5 Hazard and Operability Study Analysis (cont’d)
Parameter Deviation Possible Causes Effect Prevention/Action Control
Cavitation may occur,
Suction pressure is reverse flow occur, pump Control pressure
too low can't distribute the liquid periodically
Pressure to the next process Pressure Control
Decrease the inlet
Suction pressure is
High Pumps quickly broken flow to pump, switch
too high
into secondary pump
Disruption in
Less upstream processes, Surging on compressor
equipment failure Install recycle route to
Compressor Flow manage flowrate to Flow Control
Disruption in compressor
More upstream processes, Stonewall on compressor
equipment failure

Outlet temperature of the Controlling the inlet

Less Fouled or failed heat
streams is not the same as flow of hot and/or cold
exchanger tubes,
Heat target temperature, stream, cleaning up Temperature
Temperature cooling
Exchanger changes the product fouling regularly, Control
More composition in replace the corroded
medium failure
distillation operation tubes

37 Universitas Indonesia
Table 2.5 Hazard and Operability Study Analysis (cont’d)
Parameter Deviation Possible Causes Effect Prevention/Action Control
Outlet temperature of Controlling the inlet
the streams is not the flow of hot and/or
There are same as target cold stream, cleaning
Less bypassing of fluid temperature, changes up fouling regularly,
in heat exchanger the product replace the corroded
composition in tubes, install venting
distillation operation system on condenser
Heat Exchanger Too much fouling Pressure
Pressure Outlet temperature of
(cont‘d) on exchanger Controlling the inlet Control
the streams is not the
surface, leakage on flow of hot and/or
same as target
exchanger tubing cold stream, cleaning
temperature, changes
More and welding, up fouling regularly,
the product
accumulation of replace the corroded
composition in
non-condensable tubes, install venting
distillation operation,
gases (mostly system on condenser
increased pressure drop
Material input flow is
Low power to Controlling the
Low stuck and piled up in
move the belt electricity power
one point Speed
Belt Conveyor Speed
Material input flow is control
Determining new set
High Incorrect set point too fast and supply will

38 Universitas Indonesia
Table 2.5 Hazard and Operability Study Analysis (cont’d)

Parameter Deviation Possible Causes Effect Prevention/Action Control
Too many corn
Bucket Corn cobs drop and Controlling the inlet Capacity
Capacity High cobs feed do not
Elevator damage tools flow of corn cobs Control
match the capacity
Sorting corn cobs Size
Shredded corn cobs go
Shredder Particle Size High Failure shredding thoroughly using (diameter)
through the next step
screening Control
The temperature of
Too little air flow Increasing valve
Less furnace outlet stream is
in the furnace opening of air
too low Temperature
Furnace Temperature
The temperature of Control
Too much air flow Dereasing valve
More furnace outlet stream is
in the furnace opening of air
too low

39 Universitas Indonesia
Table 2.5 Hazard and Operability Study Analysis (cont’d)

Parameter Deviation Possible Causes Effect Prevention/Action Control

Bottom product
Low Weeping
flowrate is too low Level controlling by
Level installing the input
Bottom product and output valve
High Flooding
flowrate is too high
Top product
Low Pressure controlling
flowrate is too low
Separation process by installing the Pressure
failure input and output Control
Top product valve
flowrate is too high

40 Universitas Indonesia
Table 2.5 Hazard and Operability Study Analysis (cont’d)

Parameter Deviation Possible Causes Effect Prevention/Action Control
Output pressure Increasing rotation
Disruption of reaction
Less from compressor is of compressor motor
too low shaft
Opening pressure Pressure
Pyrolysis Output pressure relief valve; Control
Disruption of reaction
Reactor; More from compressor is reducing rotation of
conversion, explosion
Steam too high compressor motor
Reforming shaft
Reactor Increasing valve
Too little heat from Disruption of reaction
Less opening of air
furnace conversion
entering furnace Temperature
Decreasing valve Control
Too much heat Disruption of reaction
More opening of air
from furnace conversion, explosion
entering furnace

41 Universitas Indonesia
Table 2.5 Hazard and Operability Study Analysis (cont’d)

Parameter Deviation Possible Causes Effect Prevention/Action Control

The reactor does not go

Steam flowrate that
well since the optimum Increase steam
Low enter the WGS
condition is not flowrate
reactor is too low Flowrate
Temperature maintained
Steam temperature
Explosion due to Decrease steam
High that enter the WGS
excess temperature flowrate
reactor is too high
HT-WGS Pressure controlling
Pressure drop in The reaction does not
Reactor via vapour outlet
pipe before go well since the
Low control valve, and
entering HT-WGS optimum condition is
installation of relief
reactor not maintained
valve Pressure
Pressure controlling Control
Explosion and/or
High inlet pressure via vapour outlet
leakage due to pressures
High going to HT-WGS control valve, and
above design
reactor installation of relief

42 Universitas Indonesia
Table 2.5 Hazard and Operability Study Analysis (cont’d)

Parameter Deviation Possible Causes Effect Prevention/Action Control

The reactor does not go

Steam flowrate that
well since the optimum Increase steam
Low enter the WGS
condition is not flowrate
reactor is too low Flowrate
Temperature maintained
Steam temperature
Explosion due to Decrease steam
High that enter the WGS
excess temperature flowrate
reactor is too high
LT-WGS Pressure drop in Pressure controlling
The reaction does not
Reactor pipe after HT- via vapour outlet
go well since the
Low WGS reactor control valve, and
optimum condition is
before entering installation of relief
not maintained
LT-WGS reactor valve Pressure
Pressure controlling Control
Explosion and/or
High inlet pressure via vapour outlet
leakage due to pressures
High entering LT-WGS control valve, and
above design
reactor installation of relief

43 Universitas Indonesia
Table 2.5 Hazard and Operability Study Analysis (cont’d)
Parameter Deviation Possible Causes Consequence/ Hazard Prevention/ Action Control
Pump fails
Material quantity target
(electrical or Controlling the flow Flow Indicator
Low is not accomplished,
mechanical), valve of the stream Control
sales interrupted
The product
Controlling the flow
specification is
Filter Flow Overworked of the stream to
overwhelmed and can
pump, valve is not prevent feed loss in
not be controlled, Flow Indicator
High working (open high pressure pump
possible overheating Control
widely, and reverse osmosis
pump, the impurities
uncontrolled) and installing safety
harms the next process,
Input flowrate is Close the inlet valve
too large to reduce the flowrate
Less Flooding
Level; Output flowrate is Open up the output Level Control;
Neutralizer too small valve
Temperatur Temperature
Tank Input flow rate is Open the inlet valve to
e Material damage and the Control
too small increase the flowrate
More production process is not
Output flowrate is Reduce the output
too large
running optimum flowrate

44 Universitas Indonesia
Table 2.5 Hazard and Operability Study Analysis (cont’d)

Parameter Deviation Possible Causes Consequence/ Hazard Prevention/ Action Control
Pressure drop
The level decreased, dry Installing low level Indicator
Low along the pipe,
out tank alarm Control, Level
leakage unit
Aeration Control
Tank Control valve Installing high level
failure, suction Flooding/overflow of alarm, installing high
High Level Control
pressure in pump wastewater level trip to shut down
is increased the pump
Increasing valve
Flooding, causes
Coagulation opening in outlet
Restricted outlet disturbance in
and stream, open the drain
Level High flow, overflow in downstream processes, Level Control
Flocculation valve if the action
inlet stream short circuit on electrical
Tank before doesn‘t solve
the problem
Too little liquid Decreasing valve
Clarifier Level Low Ineffective solid removal Level Control
inside opening of outlet

45 Universitas Indonesia

2.3 Operational Details

The main key to run the plant with a long operating life depends on the
operation and maintenance stage from system, including commissioning and startup
stages. Commissioning is to ensure the plant is ready to startup. The explanation of
the procedure related to the startup and shutdown in the hydrogen production plant
is shown below.
2.3.1 Startup Procedure
A. Commissioning
• Piping and Instruments
All equipment and lines in the plant must be installed properly according
to Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID). Checking activities for
the equipment and lines are including check each location of equipment,
check valve condition, pump, compressor, reactor, venting system,
electrical system, instrumentation, control system, and many more.
• Equipment Checking for Safety Aspect
All of equipment inside the production plant must be checked in term of
safety aspect. It is need to be ensure that every equipment ready to start
the process. For the safety aspect, testing of all control and
communication system is important. Testing all equipment signals,
alarms, output devices, and communication devices to operate correctly
to ensure that all control and communication system is works properly.
• Pressure Leak Testing
Pressure leak testing is conducted by inserting a pressurized fluid. This
step has aims to ensure the connections in equipment is arranged
perfectly and no leaks. The fluid which used in this test is inert fluid.
For non-hydrocarbon system, the fluid for this test are water, air, and
nitrogen. Leak test is done at the maximum normal operating pressure
or 90% of design pressure. Leakage is characterized by decrease in
pressure. The leaks location is tracked using gas as a fluid. It will make
soap superimposed into the connection. If there are no bubbles, there is

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Equipment for liquid handling especially piping system need to be free

from scaling and internal debris inside pipe. Scaling and internal debris
can e cleaned by blowing or washing with air, steam, water, and other
suitable medium.
• Cleaning and Flushing
Piping system needs to be free from construction debris. Ensure that
there is no construction debris inside the piping system. To start the
flushing procedure, check the process thoroughly to ensure screens have
been installed in front of pump suctions. Pipes cleaned with water, air,
steam, or nitrogen with high flow velocities to ensure that pipes will be
suitably scoured. It is need to be ensure that the debris from one piece
of equipment will not simply be flushed into another.
B. Utilities Commissioning
All utilities should be commissioned. Utilities system need to make sure that
all the valves and compressor are installed properly. Water and steam
utilities are needed for cooling and heating system in pre-treatment and main
C. Operational Testing
In operational testing, try to operate the process system closer to the actual
operating conditions. Operating testing has aim to make sure that the
equipment installed properly and there is no leak in all equipment. This
stage lasts for 2-3 weeks after all the equipment have been independently
checked or tested. Water and steam tests should be set up in a closed loop
with fluid continuously recycled, with loops as large as possible. The loop
should ideally be the same loop that will be subject to solvent testing. Tests
should continue for several days in order to give all shifts a chance to
conduct the same tests. All shifts should be given the opportunity to start up
and shutdown each closed loop test.
D. Start Up Procedure for The Plant
Startup procedure is start after the commissioning phase done. Here is the
startup phase for the plant:
• Make sure the feedstock is enough for the process operation

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• Check the electricity supply

• Catalyst loading in the reactor. Then, the reactor should be purged to
minimize the air content.
• Set the setpoint value for all parameters in control system of plant, such as
pressure and temperature.
• Turn on the combustion for ractor and other section.
• Prepare the reactor for the process. This step is to maintain the temperature
and pressure in the reactor to avoid the shock in reactor.
• Open all inlet valves to flow the inlet stream.
• Open utility valve for water, nitrogen, and wastewater.
• Turn on all rotating equipment such as pump and compressor.
• The pre-conditioning is 1 – 2 hours to see if the raction occurs or not.
• If the reaction does not occur, the start-up procedure should be repeated.
2.3.2 Shut Down
A. Initiated Shutdown
Initiated shutdown is done for maintenance of process equipment in plant.
The procedure is same as stopping equipment when process has done.
Typical procedure shutdown process can be seen on the following steps:
• Close all the inlet raw material valve.
• Shut down heating and cooling sources.
• Flooded with water or a solvent to remove deposit inside the reactor.
• Purge the piping system with steam or inert gas to remove small
particulate inside pipe.
• Eliminating undesirable materials through cleaning process.
• After an hour, stabilize the temperature of reactor to prevent thermal
• Pressure trapped between two closed valves or closed process
equipment loops should be released immediately.
• Bring the vessel to atmospheric pressure.
• Shut down the electricity.
B. Process Shut Down (PSD)

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A process shutdown is defined as the automatic isolation and deactivation

of all or part of a process. During a PSD, the process remains pressurized.
In our case, PSD consists of field-mounted sensors, valves and trip relays, a
system logic unit for processing of incoming signals, alarm and HMI units.
The system is able to process all input signals and activate outputs in
accordance with the applicable Cause and Effect. PSD is integrated with the
control system, such as pressure control and temperature control. When the
pressure is far from its set point, and potentially harms the equipment,
human, or environment, the PSD will automatically initiate. For example,
when the temperature of the reactor is far from the maximum temperature
allowed, there will be an alarm on the operating room for the operator to
take action, but if in some cases, the level is still getting higher, until the
highest point. The process shutdown will automatically initiate to prevent
the losses.
C. Emergency Shut Down
The Emergency Shutdown System (ESD) will minimize the consequences
of emergency situations, related to typically uncontrolled flooding, escape
of hydrocarbons, or outbreak of fire in hydrocarbon areas or hazardous
areas. Risk analyses have concluded that the ESD system is in need of a
high Safety Integrity Level, typically SIL 2 or 3. An emergency shutdown
systems represent a layer of protection mitigating and preventing the
occurrence of hazardous situation. An ESD system must be highly reliable.
During emergency, it is a must to shut down the plant in safety way. The
situations that initial the emergency shutdown such as:
• Electric power failure.
• The temperature of reactor outlet is too high.
• Manual alarm.
• Rotating equipment (pump and compressor) failure.
• Feed failure to any hot equipment such as reactor and boiler.
The main objectives of emergency shutdown are:
• To shut down the plant safely
• To minimize emission

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• To prevent over pressure in the equipment

• To protect equipment from damage
Shut down processes are performed by these following steps:
• Shutdown all transportation of gas and liquid
• Decrease the pressure and temperature of any equipment
• Perform electrical isolation
• Start all safety equipment

2.4 Personal Protective Equipment

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires
personal protective equipment or PPE, which are devices designed to protect
employees from serious workplace injuries or illnesses resulting from contact with
chemical, radiological, physical, electrical, mechanical, and other workplace
hazards. Appropriate PPE should be used and selected carefully so that it is able to
protect individuals involved in chemical emergencies from hazards that could affect
the respiratory system, skin, eyes, face, hands, feet, head, body, and hearing.
Employers are required to train each worker required to use personal
protective equipment to know:
 When it is necessary?
 What kind is necessary?
 How to properly put it on, adjust, wear and take it off?
 The limitations of the equipment?
 Proper care, maintenance, useful life, and disposal of the equipment?
There are 2 types of personal protection equipment (PPE), general
equipment and special equipment.
2.4.1 General Equipment
a. Head Protection
Head protection against impact blows are necessary to withstand penetration
and absorb the shock of a blow. Head protection comes in a form of a
protective hats. It should also protect against electric shock. Recognized
standards for hats have been established by the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI). For chemical plants, the chosen type of helmet

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or protective hat is type 2, class C. Type 2 helmet is a brimless helmet with

a peak extending forward from the crown and class C means it is a special
service helmet with no voltage protection. Class C helmets are mostly used
in chemical plant like PDO plant where there is actually no danger from
electrical hazard or heavy corrosion. It is used for the possibility of bumping
the head against a fixed object.

Figure 2.1 Safety Helmet


b. Body Protection
Body protector is clothing to protect the body against hazardous chemicals.
There are variety of materials of protective clothing, each is effective for
particular hazards.
• Paper-like fiber
Paper-like fiber used for disposable suits provide protection against
dust and splashes.
• Treated wool and cotton
Treated wool and cotton adapts well to changing temperatures,
comfortable, fire resistant, protects against dust, abrasions, rough and
irritating surfaces.
• Duck
Duck is a closely woven cotton fabric that protects against cuts and
bruises when handling heavy, sharp or rough materials.
• Leather
Leather is often used to protect against dry heat and flames.
• Rubber, rubberized fabrics, neoprene, and plastics

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The materials are used to protect against certain chemicals and physical
hazards. Checking with the clothing manufacturer is necessary to
ensure that the material selected will provide protection against the
specific hazard.

Figure 2.2 Example of Body Protector


c. Safety Footwear
The performance standard of safety footwear must meet ANSI minimum
compression and impact performance standards in ANSI Z41-1991
(American National Standard for Personal Protection-Protective Footwear).
The type of safety footwear used in the plant is metal toe. Metal toe safety
footwear is waterproof and electric shock resistant and is protective against
chemicals splashes, falling heavy materials, and other dangerous
substances. Metal toe is the perfect selection in industrial plant because they
are particularly created to protect foot from typical machinery hazards, for
instance slipping or rolling objects, and also from cuts and punctures.

Universitas Indonesia

Figure 2.3 Safety Shoes for Plant Worker


2.4.2 Special Equipment

a. Eye Protection
Eye protectors is necessary to protect eyes or face from flying particles,
molten metal, hazardous chemicals, or potentially hazardous light radiation.
Every protector shall be distinctly marked to facilitate identification of the
manufacturer and must meet the following minimum requirements, such as
provide adequate protection against the particular hazards for which they
are designed, be reasonably comfortable when worn under the designated
conditions, fit snugly without interfering with the movements or vision of
the wearer, be durable, be capable of being disinfected, be easily cleanable,
and be kept clean and in good repair.

Figure 2.4 Safety Goggles


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b. Ear Protection
Hearing protection should be used where sound levels are greater than 85
dBA. The type of the protection used could be ear plugs and ear muffs. Ear
muffs itself is suitable for condition with sound level exceeding 105 dBA.

Figure 2.5 Ear Plugs and Ear Muffs


c. Respiratory Protection
Workers should use respirators for protection from contaminants in the air
only if other hazard control methods are not practical or possible under the
circumstances. Respirators should not be the first choice for respiratory
protection in workplaces.

Figure 2.6 Respiratory Mask

d. Hand Protection
Protective equipment for hand protection includes gloves, finger guards and
arm coverings or elbow-length gloves. This equipment protects hands
against skin absorption of harmful chemicals, thermal burns, electrical
dangers, bruises, abrasions, cuts, punctures, fractures and amputations.

Universitas Indonesia

Figure 2.7 Hand Protector


e. Fall Protection
Fall protection is used when someone is working at height. The minimum
number that this equipment should be applied is 3 m. This tool works for
worker who fell caught and not directly touch the ground. Fall protection is
divided into fall resistant and fall arrest.

Figure 2.8 Safety Harness


2.5 Area Classification

Area classification is a method of analysing the classification of the
environment where explosive gas atmospheres may occur. The main purpose is to
facilitate the proper selection and installation of apparatus to be used safely in that
environment, taking into account the properties of the flammable materials that will
be present. DSEAR specifically extends the original scope of this analysis, to take
into account non-electrical sources of ignition, and mobile equipment that creates
an ignition risk. This plant will be built with the total area 6 ha. The main processes

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of this plant consist of several sections, including water utility and its treatment.
Hazardous areas are classified into zones based on an assessment of the frequency
of the occurrence and duration of an explosive gas atmosphere, as follows.
a. Zone 0: A place in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mixture
with air of dangerous substances in the form of gas, vapour or mist is
present continuously or for long periods or frequently.
b. Zone 1: A place in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mixture
with air of dangerous substances in the form of gas, vapour or mist is
likely to occur in normal operation occasionally.
c. Zone 2: A place in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mixture
with air of dangerous substances in the form of gas, vapour or mist is not
likely to occur in normal operation but, if it does occur, will persist for a
short period only.
The plant is divided into several sections, which are the warehouse, parking
area, administration area, pre-treatment area, pyrolysis area, steam reforming area,
utility area, and wastewater treatment area.
a. Zone 0: pyrolysis area and steam reforming area
b. Zone 1: pre-treatment area, utility area, wastewater treatment area
c. Zone 2: warehouse, administrative section, parking area

2.6 Emergency Action Plan

2.6.1 Emergency Operation Training
In training, information about emergency operating procedures is
distributed widely and personally to every employee working on the plant or office.
The emergency procedure must entail instructions for dealing with fires, leaks, and
spills, also medical emergencies and escape procedures. By teaching each employee
this, in the case of accidents occurring, every one of them should be able to:
 Raise the alarm and call the fire brigade.
 Tackle fire or control spills and leaks if entirely safe to proceed.
 Evacuate the site or nearby premises.
All procedure regarding emergency action instructions must be memorized
by all workers in order to save every life in case of accidents. These instructions

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consist of a four–step procedure that employees should follow during a fire

accident. This procedure must be memorized by all employees. Experience has
shown that the best response to a plant fire is first, sound the alarm, then let others
know there is a fire, then combat the fire if possible, and the last, evacuate if
necessary. The plan works best when expressed as an easily recalled acronym, such
as SAFE:
 S - Sound the alarm: Either sound it yourself or call out to someone else to
sound it. This allows the fire department to be on its way while other
activities are being performed.
 A - Alert others: Quickly tell others in the area of the fire. Do this in a calm,
firm manner. Do not cause a panic. Secure the area for the fire department.
Close all doors and windows to prevent the spread of smoke and flames.
Call security to give verification and information about location of fire.
 F - Fight the fire: Do this only in the case of a manageable fire, one that you
have the training and experience to fight. For example, fire in a wastebasket.
If it possible two employees should fight the fire together using two fire
extinguishers. If you have any doubt about your ability to fight the fire, then
do not attempt to combat it.
 E - Evacuate the area: If necessary, the burned are should be evacuated until
the authorities come. Alarm which used for evacuation system is an alarm
system standard from OSHA. It applies to provide an early warning for
emergency actions or reaction time for employees to safely escape the work
place, the immediate work area, or both. Type of alarms which used in this
plant is:
o Audible Alarm
Audible alarm consists of horn and sirens. Horns produce a very loud
distinctive sound that immediately attracts attention. Horns can be
useful to call attention to critical situations. Signals other than those
used for evacuation purposes do not have to produce the temporal
coded signal. Thus, sirens produce a loud piercing wail that makes
them ideally suitable for initiating a site-wide evacuation

Universitas Indonesia

o Visible Alarm
Visible alarm consists of flashing/steady lights and strobe lights.
Steady lights are well suited for areas where ambient noise makes
audible signals difficult to hear, for an example in area where the
compressor is in. These types of lights come with different colored
covers for increased attention and can be ordered with rotating or
flashing lights. Strobe lights use high intensity flash tubes that are
ideally suited for areas where high ambient light levels make
traditional rotating or flashing lights difficult to distinguish or where
ambient noise makes audible signals difficult to hear.
2.6.2 Medical Emergency
Whenever an employee or visitor is injured or develops a medical
emergency condition on plant property, follow the protocol below and notify your
immediate supervisor as soon as possible. Medical emergency instruction:
 Dial the plant infirmary and inform the nurse of emergency and its location
in the plant.
 If the nurse cannot be reached, dial emergency call, and inform any hospital
or fire department of the medical emergency. Give the dispatcher the nature
and location in the plant of medical emergency.
 Unless you have been designated by management to be a first aid responder,
do not provide first aid. Make the victim as comfortable as possible until
medical help arrives.
2.6.3 Fire Fighting Strategy
Fire-fighting strategy should consider the following items.
 Appointment of fire wardens, with subsequent training.
 Location plans of safety shower, fire hoses, extinguishers, and water
 Access for emergency services.
 Provision of firewater lagoons.
Fire-fighting strategy involves the following basic procedures.
 Arriving at the scene of the fire as rapidly as possible.

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 Assessing the nature of the fire by determining its intensity and extent, the
type and abundance of fuel, the danger of entering the fire area, and the most
effective techniques for extinguishing the fire.
 Locating and rescuing endangered persons.
 Containing the fire by protecting adjacent areas; ventilating the fire area to
allow for the escape of heat and toxic gases.
 Extinguishing the fire.
The procedure carried on if a fire is occurred in our plant known as AReFo:
o Alert: Alert the occupants around the fire source by voice or pull the
fire alarm (if available and not already activated), in order to warn
occupants to evacuate.
o Report: Dial emergency numbers to call for report and help. In
Indonesia the emergency numbers are 110 – Police, 118 or 119 –
Ambulance, 113 or 1131 – Fire Department, and 112 – to Indonesia’s
emergency center. Provide the following information:
• Business name and street address.
• Nature of fire.
• Fire location (building and floor).
• Type of fire alarm (detector, pull station, sprinkler waterflow).
• Location of fire alarm (building and floor).
• Name of person reporting fire.
• Telephone number for return call.
o Follow: Plant evacuation team will direct evacuation of employees
and must be followed in order to prevent any misshapen during
There are several important aspects in firefighting equipment, which are:
a. Fire Extinguisher
Fire extinguisher is the equipment that is used to extinguish the fire in small
scale. This equipment usually in tubular form and used to extinguish the fire
in the emergency situation. Fire extinguisher which will be used in our plant
is class B fire extinguisher. This type usually used for flammable liquids

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and gases. We chose this type because our products, which are hydrogen
and oxygen gases, are highly flammable when exposure to heat.

Figure 2.9 Fire Extinguisher


b. Fire Hydrant
Fire hydrant is a permanent system that is used to extinguish the fire. It uses
pressurized water which flowed through pipes and fire hose to extinguish
the fire. In our plant, there are class 2 of building hydrant system. This type
has 1,5 inch diameter of a hose. This type usually used for untrained people.

Figure 2.10 Fire Hydrant

c. Safety shower and eyewash station
Safety showers and eye wash stations are the emergency facilities that
should be available in every chemical laboratory. They are used by
laboratory workers in case of splash of toxic or corrosive chemicals or fire.
This equipment should also provide a drainage system for the excess water
and should not come into contact with any electrical equipment that may
become a hazard when wet, and should be protected from freezing when

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installing emergency equipment outdoors. Whereas, an emergency blanket

should be available near the shower to prevent from shock and cover the
place for removal of clothes.

Figure 2.11 Safety Shower and Eye Wash Station

(Source: homedepotcom)

2.6.4 Emergency Escape Procedures and Routes

The purpose of the escape procedure is to help the employee evacuate to
predetermined assembly areas whenever the alarm sounds. Here is the emergency
escape procedures:
 In the event of an emergency, employees shall activate fire pull stations
without exposing themselves to serious hazards and leave the work area as
soon as possible via the emergency route assignments posted in your
immediate work area.
 All primary emergency escape routes and designated meeting locations shall
be provided to each employee by departmental managers as part of the
emergency planning process. These primary route and designated meeting
locations must be approved by the plant manager.
 An orderly evacuation shall be supervised by departmental managers, line
supervisors, and designated wardens who will check all rooms/enclosed
spaces and report any problems via telephone or radio to plant security.
 Each local manager or supervisor shall provide for the specialized
evacuation of any handicapped employees.

Universitas Indonesia

The entire plant will evacuate by designated routes to predetermined

assembly areas when the emergency alarm go off. If the gas alarm went off, the
entire plant, will evacuate by designated routes to predetermined assembly areas. If
the given alert is clear, the workers may return to their work stations unless they are
given different instructions from the local supervisor or manager. Once an
evacuation is begun, it will be carried to completion even if it is known to be a false
alarm. Re-entry will not be permitted until the "all clear" signal is announced. The
evacuation route for this plan is shown below.

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Figure 2.12 Escape Route

63 Universitas Indonesia

2.7 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is a document that contains
information on the potential hazards (health, fire, reactivity and environmental) and
how to work safely with the chemical product. It is an essential starting point for
the development of a complete health and safety program. It also contains
information on the use, storage, handling and emergency procedures all related to
the hazards of the material. The MSDS contains much more information about the
material than the label. MSDSs are prepared by the supplier or manufacturer of the
material. It is intended to tell what the hazards of the product are, how to use the
product safely, what to expect if the recommendations are not followed, what to do
if accidents occur, how to recognize symptoms of overexposure, and what to do if
such incidents occur. Employers must make sure that all controlled products have
an up-to-date (less than three years old) MSDS when it enters the workplace.
The MSDSs must be readily available to the workers who are exposed to
the controlled product and to the health and safety committee or representative. If
a controlled product is made in the workplace, the employer has a duty to prepare
an MSDS for any of these products. Employers may computerize the MSDS
information as long as all employees have access to and are trained on how to use
the computer, the computers are kept in working order, and that the employer makes
a hard copy of the MSDS available to the employee or safety and health
committee/representative upon request.
There are two common symbols used on labels to quickly provide
information of the relative hazards of a material. One is called the National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA) warning diamond. The other is the Hazard
Materials Information System (HMIS) system. Both systems use a numerical rating
of hazards in each of three sections (health hazard, fire/flammability hazard and
reactivity hazard). The key to the hazards associated with the numerical ratings is
provided in Table 2.6 below.

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Figure 2.13 NFPA Rating Explanation Guide

(Source: NFPA)
The parameter for material safety based on NFPA is shown in table below.
Table 2.6 Parameter for Material Safety based on NFPA

Health (Blue)
Life-threatening, major or permanent damage may result from single or
repeated overexposures.
Major injury likely unless prompt action is taken and medical treatment is
2 Temporary or minor injury may occur.
1 Irritation or minor reversible injury possible.
0 No significant risk to health
Flammability (Red)
Flammable gases, or very volatile flammable liquids with flash points
4 below 73°F, and boiling points below 100°F. Materials may ignite
spontaneously with air. (Class IA).

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Table 2.6 Parameter for Material Safety based on NFPA (cont’d)

Flammability (Red)
Materials capable of ignition under almost all normal temperature
conditions. Includes flammable liquids with flash points below 73°F and
boiling points above 100°F, as well as liquids with flash points between
73°F and 100°F. (Class IB & IC).
Materials which must be moderately heated or exposed to high ambient
2 temperatures before ignition will occur. Includes liquids having a flash
point at or above 100°F but below 200°F. (Class II & IIIA).
Materials that must be preheated before ignition will occur. Includes
1 liquids, solids and semi solids having a flash point above 200°F. (Class
0 Materials that will not burn.
Reactivity (Yellow)
Materials that are readily capable of explosive water reaction, detonation
4 or explosive decomposition, polymerization, or self-reaction at normal
temperature and pressure.
Materials that may form explosive mixtures with water and are capable of
detonation or explosive reaction in the presence of a strong initiating
3 source. Materials may polymerize, decompose, self-react, or undergo other
chemical change abnormal temperature and pressure with moderate risk of
Materials that are unstable and may undergo violent chemical changes at
2 normal temperature and pressure with low risk for explosion. Materials
may react violently with water or form peroxides upon exposure to air.
Materials that are normally stable but can become unstable (self-react) at
1 high temperatures and pressures. Materials may react non-violently with
water or undergo hazardous polymerization in the absence of inhibitors.
Materials that are normally stable, even under fire conditions, and will not
0 react with water, polymerize, decompose, condense, or self-react. Non-

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Table 2.6 Parameter for Material Safety based on NFPA (cont’d)

Special (White)
OX Oxidizer: allows chemical to burn without air supply
₩ Reacts with water in an unusual or dangerous manner
SA Simple asphyxiant gas (N2, He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe)
(Source: NFPA)

Figure 2.14 Parameter for Personal Protection based on HMIS

(Source: HMIS)
The main substances involved in the plant include hydrogen, water,
nitrogen, oxygen, cellulose, lignin, LDPE, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, etc.
The material safety data sheets are described in the appendix.

Universitas Indonesia

Residue from industry processing which is called as waste. Waste of

processing in industry has to be handled well or it may give damage that affects
environment or sustainability of production in the plant. There are several wastes
in the result of process in the plant which classified into four kinds. All of those
wastes can be directly discarded, recycled, used again in the process, or even can
be sold to other plant as their raw material. Government gives boundary for every
industrial plant to process their waste based on Human Safety Environment. Based
on the explanation above, we will identify waste in our plant and manage them as
seen below.

3.1 Solid Waste Management

Solid waste mainly comes from carbohydrate pyrolysis process, which is
produced char. The mass flow rate of the char is 7.265 kg/hr, which mainly contains
carbon. Char can be collected and transported to other industries as a fuel feedstock.
Such industry that would accept char as fuel is cement plant which needs various
source for its rotary kiln fuel, for example PT Ceminindo Gemilang Tbk. This
practice has been approved by Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan
(KLHK). KLHK has advised several industries which have an unused char to be
transferred to other industries which will be used as a furnace feed. Before char is
transferred and utilized in other plant, hazardous waste should be stored in such
manner to fulfill PP 101/2014 regulatory aspects. The second option of solid waste
management is delivered the char to Waste Bank to process the municipal solid
waste to be other product, such as cement or concrete brick. Waste Bank is
developed as a business unit by community initiative and creatives through the
implementing 3R program of solid waste management.

68 Universitas Indonesia

Figure 3.1 Concrete Brick from Solid Char

(Source: Waste Bank Indonesia, 2017)

3.2 Liquid Waste Management

The plant has several liquid wastes, which comes from pre-treatment
process for corncobs and plastic waste washing process. The liquid from washing
process at pre-treatment corncobs and plastic waste (which is mainly consist of
water) will be recycled through the process. Meanwhile, the liquid waste from
washing process will be treated in wastewater treatment plant. For waste water
treatment process, the liquid waste contains many harmful substances and cannot
be released back into the environment until it is treated. The major aim of
wastewater treatment is to remove as much of the contaminant before the remaining
water is discharged back to the environment.
There are two types of waste from processing corn cobs into hydrogen gas,
sludge and liquid waste. Sludge came from filtration cake which contain of
cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. While liquid waste came from by-product that
contains of cellulose, hemicellulose, bacteria, and acetic acid. All types of waste
are processed in a treatment before going to the sea. The waste treatment process
for the plant including:
a. Filtration (for the sludge)
Before going to the clarifier tank, sludge waste must be trough filtration
process, to separate solid and liquid component in the sludge. The solid

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waste then can be used for organic fertilizer. While the liquid waste will be
put together with liquid waste from dark fermentation to the next process.
b. Clarifier
The first process after the two waste combined is clarifier. Waste will be
accomodated in clarifier tank. Process that occur in that tank is
sedimentation without presence of coagulant. In this process it is expected
to occur separation between solid and liquid. Sediment that formed in
clarifier can be used for fertilizer and feed for biogas, while the liquid waste
will be directed to the neutralizer tank.
c. Neutralizer
Liquid waste that resulting from dark fermentation is at acidic conditions
wit pH ± 4.5, so that the liquid needed to neutralized by added alkaline
solution (Ca(OH)2), until the pH ± 7.
d. Aerator
The next step is biological treatment, using activated sludge in the storage
tank. Activated sludge is used for digest organic compound (so that can
fulfill the requirement for liquid waste can be released into the environment)
and make the precipitate process faster. There will be a number of air
pumped into the tank for supply oxygen. Then the waste will be flow into
the secondary tank, the remaining activated sludge will be formed in the top
of the tank, then it will be pumped back into the first tank for recycle. Solid
waste will be formed in the second tank and will be taken manually. The
remaining liquid then will be treated by adding chlorine so that the liquid
waste can be released into the sea. The residue (which contains chrysene)
will be sale to other company, because chrysene can be used as raw material
for making an asphalt. So, the wastewater treatment plant will be treated
light hydrocarbon stream, propane stream, and water stream only. The
detailed about components and the flow rate of each stream can be shown
in Table 3.1.

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Table 3.1 Flow Rate of Liquid Waste for Each Unit in The Plant

Mass Flow for Each Unit (kg/hr)

Components Waste Water Treatment
Sludge Chlorina-
Clarfier Neutralizer Aerator
H2O 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.5 7
CA(OH)2 0 0 27.5 14.5 7
Air 0 0 0 14.5 7
Chlorine 0 0 0 0 10

The wastewater treatment plant is focused to separate H2O and other

components, so the water can be so the water can be clean and according to standard
before being released into the environment. before being released into the
environment, process water will be treated first, like Filtration (for the sludge).
Before going to the clarifier tank, sludge waste must be trough filtration process, to
separate solid and liquid component in the sludge. Second is Clarifier,the first
process after the two waste combined is clarifier. Waste will be accomodated in
clarifier tank. Process that occur in that tank is sedimentation without presence of
coagulant. In this process it is expected to occur separation between solid and liquid.
Sediment that formed in clarifier can be used for fertilizer and feed for biogas, while
the liquid waste will be directed to the neutralizer tank. Next is Neutralizer. Liquid
waste that resulting from dark fermentation is at acidic conditions wit pH ± 4.5, so
that the liquid needed to neutralized by added alkaline solution (Ca(OH)2), until the
pH ± 7. And the next step is biological treatment, using activated sludgve in the
storage tank. Activated sludge is used for digest organic compound (so that can
fulfill the requirement for liquid waste can be released into the environment) and
make the precipitate process faster. There will be a number of air pumped into the
tank for supply oxygen. According to Permenkes Number 246/1990, there are
several parameters for hygiene water to be used as sanitation water as listed in Table
3.2 below.

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Tabel 3.2 Quality Standard of Sanitation Water

Maximum Allowed
No Parameter Metric
1 Smell No smell detected
2 TDS mg/L 1,000
3 Turbidity NTU scale 5
4 Favor No favor detected
5 Temperature Air temp ± 3oC
6 Color TCU scale 15
1 Fe mg/L 0.3
2 CaCO3 mg/L 500
3 Chlorine mg/L 230
4 Chromium mg/L 0.05
5 Mangan mg/L 0.1
6 Natrium mg/L 200
7 Nitrate mg/L 10
8 Zinc mg/L 5
9 Cyanide mg/L 0.1
10 Sulfate 400
11 Sulfide mg/L 0.05
12 Copper (Cu) mg/L 1
13 Lead (Pb) mg/L 0.05
6.5-8.5 (minimum and
14 pH
maximum allowable standard)
(Source: Permenkes 416/1990)

3.3 Gas Waste Management

The gas waste from this plant is produced flue gas units. The flue gasses are
from the combustion of pyrolysis reactor. The detailed for gas components can be
shown in Table 3.3.

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Table 3.3 Gas Waste from The Plant

Mass flow for each unit (kg/hr)

Components Pyrolysis
Flue Gas Humid Gas Syn Gas
0 0 0
Nitrogen 0 0 0
Oxygen 0 0 0
Water 0.44 3.67 0.44
0 0 86.6
Methane 0 0 0
Formaldehyde 0.025 0 0
Ethylene 0 0 0
Formic Acid 0.007 0.12 0
Hydrogen 0 0 30.43

The flue gas will be treated by combusted with flaring process. Flare is
effluent exhaust gas safely by combustion with many types of applications used in
industrial process. Occasionally flaring is located on certain height, according open
ended in air with burner tip design using fuel, steam or air. Flaring process can be
produced undesired by product, such as sound, smoke, heat radiation, light, SOX,
NOX, and CO, so the design of flare is important to reduce undesired matter.
Meanwhile, for excess air and humid gas will be released to atmosphere directly,
because they don’t contain any dangerous components.
The type of flare that used is thermal oxidizer. Thermal oxidizer has a
function such as incinerator that burning low heating value exhaust-gases. Exhaust-
gases cannot burn itself, so it needs fuel additional to increase heating value. So,
thermal oxidizer design equipped with burner that has function as added fuel. That
type of flare has many advantages such as reduction of acoustic emission and
reduction of heat radiation.

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3.4 Noise Waste Management

Sound is generated by rotating equipments. Operation of rotary tools in the
plant, such as pumps and compressor motors drive are source of noise. The noise
level rotary tools are depending on the type of rotary tools, capacity, performance,
area and equipment operating effectiveness of treatment or preventive maintenance
programs are conducted. To reduce the noise level, performed regular maintenance
and replacing parts causing noise.
Noise not only damage the health of personel, can also damage to the
mechanical system on the appliance. To reduce the noise level, performd regular
maintenance and replacing parts causing noise. Workers need to use ear plugs if
they’re entering the plant area. Tools such as damper can be applied for equipments
or tools that can generate noise.
The noise standards set by the Ministry of Health is 60-70 dB and according
to the Ministry of Manpower Decree No. Kep.51/MEN/1999, the TLV (Threshold
Limit Value) for noise hazard is 85 dBA. Noise level exceeding the limit can cause
disorder includes physiological and psychological disorder. To overcome those
disorders, control of noise is needed by following procedures:
1. Eliminate noise transmission to workers. To eliminate or reduce the
transmission of noise to do with insulation workers labor or machinery is to
shut down or isolate the machine or equipment that emits noise. Basically,
to cover the noisy machines are as follows: Close the engine as close as
possible, rework the doors and all the holes are acoustic. If necessary, isolate
the machine from the floor to reduce vibration propagation.
2. Eliminate the noise from the sound source. Eliminating noise from the
sound source can be done by putting the marinade in a vibration source.
3. Providing protection to employees. Efforts to protect employees from noise
in the work environment can be applied by wearing ear protection devices
or personal protective equipment, in the form of ear plugs

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4.1 Plant Location

Plant location is one of the important things to maximize the operation
effectiveness and cost. The location of the plant will affect many aspects of the
manufacturing process. It will be determining the sustainability of plant activities,
includes raw material distribution, manufacture process and the distribution of the
products to the consumer. The location selected for this plant in Lebak, Banten. The
plant will be built on a land that has an area of 6 ha. The yellow line on the figure
below represents the place where the plant will be built.

Figure 4.1 Plant Location Map

(Source:, 2019)

75 Universitas Indonesia

4.2 Safe Range Between Equipments

The space available must be enough for the whole plant and its supporting
facilities. The facility should reflect recognition of the importance of smooth
process flow. Spacing between process instruments is ruled by Inside Battery Limit
(IBL), and the spacing between supporting facilities is ruled by Outside Battery
Limit (OBL). Safety is the main consideration in the plant layout. For example, the
fire fighter unit should be placed close to the unit that may cause a fire and there is
minimum spacing for hazardous reactor and high temperature vessel so that impact
cost can be minimalized. The value of IBL and OBL is given in figures below.

Figure 4.2 Inside Battery Limits Values

(Source: Global Asset Protection Services LLC, 2015)

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Figure 4.3 Outside Battery Limits Values

(Source: Global Asset Protection Services LLC, 2015)

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Figure 4.4 Battery limit between storage tanks and vessels

(Source: Global Asset Protection Services LLC, 2015)

4.3 Total Factory Layout

Based on equipment spacing, every process section area can be determined such
as described in Table 4.1 below.
Table 4.1 Process Section Area

Process Section Area (m2)

Pre-Treatment 810
Main Process 827
Wastewater Treatment 644
Water Intake System 728
Nitrogen Plant 390
Product Storage 289
Control Room 65

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For the supporting facilities, the spacing is used on outer battery limit. The
following facilities are considered in this design and the total factory layout can be seen
in Figure 4.5.
Table 4.2 Facilities Area

Facility Area Occupied (m2)

Parking area 192
Security 9
(Praying Room and Canteen included)
Praying Room 39
Canteen 46
Clinic 35
Fire Station 35

Figure 4.5 Total Factory Layout

4.4 Production Process and Utility Plant Layout

Process layout of this plant consist of production process layout pre-
treatment and main process layout. The layout can be seen in Figure 4.6 to Figure
Utility has a very vital role for the operation of the production process in
order to support production process to be able to proceed smoothly with the
specified standards. Utility is not a part of main process, but it is something to
support process and cannot be separated. Utility plant is consisit of water utility,

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nitrogen plant, and wastewater treatment plant. The brief description is explained
a. Water Utility
This area is consisting of several equipment such as pump, rapid mixer, sand
filter, sedimentation tank, flocculation tank, and storage tank. This area is
needed to separate the lake water from the impurities to make it as a makeup
b. Nitrogen Plant
Nitrogen plant consists of several equipment, such as filters, heater, and
nitrogen membranes. This plant is needed to produce pure nitrogen gas that
is used for pyrolysis reaction in the main process as the inert gas.
c. Wastewater treatment plant
Wastewater treatment plant is a plant which separates the wastewater that
contains light hydrocarbon and water from major units to be sanitation
water. The area is consisting of sludge filter, clarifier, neutralizer tank,
aerator tank, settler tank, pump, and chlorination tank.

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Figure 4.6 Detailed Total Factory Layout

81 Universitas Indonesia
Figure 4.7 Main Process Plant Layout

82 Universitas Indonesia
Figure 4.8 Pre-Treatment Process Plant Layout

83 Universitas Indonesia
Figure 4.9 Water Utility Plant Layout

84 Universitas Indonesia
Figure 4.10 WWTP Plant Layout

85 Universitas Indonesia
Figure 4.11 Plant Office Layout

86 Universitas Indonesia

Several conclusions could be inferred from the data and analysis provided
in previous sections. It can be concluded that:
• Process control is conducted to control all process variables with the aim of
seven objectives in process control. The variables controlled include
pressure, temperature, level, flow, and analyzer parameter (concentration).
• In each process control, determination of manipulated and controlled
variable, as well as controller and controlling procedure is made through the
whole process interpretation.
• Process and Instrumentation Diagram is made for displaying control process
and piping. The components include instrumentation, process equipment
and stream number, and pipe size.
• Health, Safety, and Environment analysis is needed to make sure the safety
and obey the rules of production process standard from Government
• The analyses consist of HIRA, HAZID and HAZOP, with also the MSDS.
• Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) is needed to protect workers from
hazards. Exposure to serious workplace injuries and illnesses can be
• Emergency operating procedure has been developed and workers are to
prepare for hazardous situations. Emergency alarm and fire-fighting
equipment are prepared, including emergency escape route and procedure.
• Process manufacturing in this plant produces several types of waste phase.
There are solid waste, liquid waste, gas waste, and noise waste.
• The solid waste produced from pyrolysis unit is sold to cement industry.
• The liquid waste from pre-treatment process will be recycled in main
process units, water treatment unit, and wastewater treatment.
• Gas waste and sound pollution is below Maximum Limit Value so it is safe
to be released to environment directly.

87 Universitas Indonesia

• The plant will be built with the total area 6 ha that consists of several areas,
including the warehouse, parking area, administration area, pre-treatment
area, pyrolysis area, steam reforming area, utility area, and wastewater
treatment area.
• Spacing between process instruments is ruled by Inside Battery Limit (IBL),
and the spacing between supporting facilities is ruled by Outside Battery
Limit (OBL).

Universitas Indonesia

Branan, Carl. 2002. Rules of Thumb for Chemical Engineers. Houston: El- Sevier.

Chao, Elaine L., Henshaw, John L. (2001). How to Plan for Workplace
Emergencies and Evacuations. OSHA 3088.

Coulson & Richardson. 1983. Chemical Engineering Design. Oxford: El-Sevier.

Chemical And Process Design Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Liebermann, N.P., and Liebermann, E.T., 2008, A Working Guide to Process

Equipment, 3ed, McGraw-Hill, New York.

Mannan, S., 2005, “Lees’ Loss Prevention in the Process Industries”, 3rd ed.,
Elsevier Butterworth – Heinemann, Burlington.

Perry, Robert H. 1999. Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook. McGraw-Hill

Companies, Inc.

Prett, David and Garcia, Carlos E. 1998. Fundamental Process Control. California
Institue of Technology.

Rusli, A., 1997. Prospect of HTGRs for Hydrogen Production in Indonesia. 1st ed.
Jakarta: Elektro Indonesia.

ScienceDaily. 2019. Fossil fuel. [ONLINE] Available

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September 2019].

Seider, W. D., Seader, J. D. & Lewin, D. R. 2009. Product and Process Design
Principles 3rd ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Smith, Robin. 2005. Chemical Process Design and Integration, 2nd edition. Centre
of Process Integration, University of Manchester, UK.

University of Nebraska Lincoln. 2015. Personal Protective Equipment (Ppe) –

Body Protection. UNL Environmental Health and Safety, [Online]. 2, 1-4.
Available at:

89 Universitas Indonesia

Vilbrandt, F. C. 1959. Chemical Engineering Plant Design. United State: McGraw-

Hill Inc

ZME Science. 2019. How long before the world runs out of fossil fuels?. [ONLINE]
Available at:
fossil-fuels-last-43432/. [Accessed 23 September 2019].

Universitas Indonesia

1. To calculate the size of the pipe, off-grid plant needs to volumetric rate of
fluid which goes through it and also the velocity of the fluid. Assume that
the velocity of water is 3 m/s, non-water is 1 m/s, and gas is in the range of
𝑄 = 𝑚̇𝜌

𝐼𝐷 = √

2. After getting the minimum internal diameter, use the table to find the
appropriate size from vendor. Using schedule 20 for low pressure, schedule
40 for medium pressure, and schedule 80 for high pressure.
Table F. 1. Thickness of Shell

3. Choose the appropriate material by considering pressure, temperature, and

4. Determining the pressure drop of the pipe.

91 Universitas Indonesia
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
B.1 Carbon Dioxide

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B.2 Carbon Monoxide

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B.3 Water

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B.4 Hydrogen

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B.5 Oxygen

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B.6 Nitrogen

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Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia


Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

B.8 Starch

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

B.9 Pectin

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

B.10 Xylan

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

B.11 Lignin

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

B.12 Cellulose

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

B.13 Hemicellulose

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

B.14 Methane

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

B.15 Ethylene

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

B.16 Methanol

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

B.17 Ethanol

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

B.18 Acetone

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

B.19 Ethylene Oxide

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

B.20 Formaldehyde

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

B.21 Formic Acid

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

B.22 Glyoxal

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

B.23 Glycolaldehyde

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

B.24 Phenol

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

B.25 Hydroxymethyl Furfural

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

B.26 Levoglucosan

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

B.27 p-Coumaryl Alcohol

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

B.28 Natural Gas

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

B.29 Chlorine

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

B.30 Calcium Hydroxide (Ca(OH)2)

Universitas Indonesia

Ethylene Glycol

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia

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