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Subject : Manufacture Process of Tire in Sailun Vietnam

Content: include four section:
Introduction of tire; Structure of tire; Tire manufacturing process; And finnal: Conclusion.
First, Introduction of tire consist: Function of tire and requirement of tire.
Functions of tire:
Fisrt: Carrying loads, second: Transmission of forces to the road surface; next is Decreasing vibration from road
surface and final: Handling and cornering.
Next content: Requirements of tire:
Requirement of tire: include four element: Stability; Comfort; Economy and Environment.
Stability consist: Durability, resistance of external forces, low air-permeability and Handling stability.
About Comfort, For example: Low noise; Absorption and Handling.
Beside, Economy and Environment is also very important requirement. For example, Environmentally friendly raw
materials is a element for sustainable development.
The next content is Structure of tire:
The structure of tire, shown as the illustration:
Components of tire, lay out from outside to inside as follow:
First: Tread; Next: Jointless belt, Steel belt; Following: Carcass; and innermost: Inner liner.
Sidewalls: on both sides and Bead: at the toe of tire.
Function the components of tire:
First, Tread contact the road, with function: Traction, rolling resistance and wear resistance.
Next, Joinless belt with role: Prevents separation of steel belts and Belts with function: Enhance tire strength and
Endure exterior shock.
Carcass: look like backbone of tire, so with fucntion: Controls internal pressure and maintains the tire‘s shape.
Sidewall: lay out over the carcass with function: Protects the carcass from external shock and Transmits torque to
the tread.
Final, Bead with function: Ensures firm seating on the rim; Handling and Comfort.
The tire manufacturing process, illustrated as flow chart below:
Raw materials, at first, carry out mixing, after this are Extrusion, Calendering and prepare Bead; Next step is
Building, Curing and final is Inspection.
Now, I present the details of each stage. First, the Calandering:
Calandering with Function: Topping the fabric or steel cords on both side, with specified thickness of rubber.
After, the calander process: Polyester into Carcass sheet; Steel cord into Belt sheet; and Nylon into Jointless belt
The Calander process includes: the calander polyester; steel cord and nylon.
The calander polyester and nylon have the same process, below:
Fabric cord from Wind off rolls to Splicer, in order to splice the leading end of first fabric and the second fabric.
Then, go across Reserve to Heat cans. Heat cans with purpose remove the moisture from the fabric. Then, go
through Crown width into the canlender rolls.
While, the fabric feeding , the rubber feeding, occur at the same time. Rubber sheet is given directly to Extruder,
in order to blend and preheating. Then, sent toward the Warm mill, to squeeze rubber uniformly, form the thin
sheet. The thin sheet is cut into bandage with specified width and go into canlander rolls.
At the canlander, the fabric cord is topping with a thin sheet of rubber on both side, into carcass sheet.
After this process, carcass sheet go through Beta gauge to control thickness of the sheet; Then, across the cool cans
to cooling the calander sheet. After the cooling, the carcass sheet go to Electron bean Irradiator for curing one-
sided of the sheet; Then pass through Reserve to the wind up rolls; where, the sheet is rolled and storage.
The Belt process is similar Carcass process. But, Steel cord replaced the Fabric cord.
The steel cords from the Spools pass through Rolling guides to EPI rolls. EPI rolls with function distribute the
density cord appropriate; Then, steel cord move directly into Calender rolls.
The rest of the Belt process is the same as the Carcass process. But the Belt process didn’t go pass the Electron
Bean Irradiator.
Specification of Carcass, Belt and Jointless, Belt: we can refer in table.
Next content is CUTTING:
Cutting with function: Cut the calendered sheet into semi-finished products, with the specified width and angle.
The semi-finished products of cutting consist: Carcass; Belt and Jointless belt.
Fisrt, I introdure the Cutting Belt:
Betl sheet from Wind off rolls passed on conveyor to the Cutter. At the cutter, Betl sheet is cut into piece of Belt
with the specified width and angle. For cutting belt, the setting angle is 24 or 27 depends on per specification. After
cutting, Piece of belt is sent to the Splicer, in order to splice back together. Then, the belts passe through
Divarication to Gum Strips rolls. Where, the Belts is applied Gum Strips at both the edges. And final, Belt is
rolled at the Wind up rolls and storage.
Specifications of the Cutting Belt, we refer in table.
Next is Cutting the Carcass:
Cutting Carcass is similar to Cutting belt. But Cutting carcass, add steps Pokes hole after splice head step and
setting angle for cutting carcass is 90.
Next is Cutting JLB
Unlike, Carcass and Belt cutting, Cutting JLB is not necessary to change angle the cord. The main process,
involve Two Cutting step to dividing the JLB sheet into smaller bandage of specified width.
Specifications of the cutting JLB, we refer in table.
The next content is PREPARE BEAD
Bead with function: Winding the rubbered steel wire into bead bundle and then apply the apex on it.
The process, including two main stages: Bundle Bead and Complete Bead.
First, the Bundle Bead process:
Steel wire from Spool to Cleaner in order to clean the dirt on the surface, then passed through the Heater to heating
the wire, better adhesion between steel and rubber. After the heating, the steel wire is sent towards the Extruder.
Where, rubber sheet is pressed through die to coated wire with the specified thinkness, make rubbered wire. Then,
Rubbered wire passed through the Reserve to the Bead winder. The winder rotate with speed 150 (rpm) to roll
wire into rings, call Bundle Bead with the specified diameter.
After process, Bundle Bead transfer to applying the apex into Complete Bead.
Complete Bead process, carry out follow:
Rubber sheet go directly to the Extruder and pressed through die to form the apex. The apex across the Cooler
drum to clooling the rubber apex. After cooling, the apex pass through Reserve to Attached drum. On the drum,
Bundle Bead is supplied automatically to applied with the Apex, into Complete Bead.
Next content is EXTRUSION
Extrusion with Function: Pressing the rubber sheet through die, into semi-finished products of the specified width
and thickness.
Principle of extrusion process, below: First, Rubber sheet go directly into the Extruder to heating and soften.
Then, rubber compound is forced through the die to form the desired shape. After forming, the form shape go
across Cooling conveyor to stabilize the structure and prevent the stretching.
The Extrusion make the semi-finished products: Tread; Sidewall and inner lineer.
First, I present the details Extrusion the Tread:
Tread involve three types of rubber: Cap rubber, up rubber and Wing rubber.
Types of rubber this give directly into Triplex extruder to form the shape of Tread; After forming, the Tread go
across Groove roller to create grooves for air escape and sent toward the Printing to print production information
of tire. Then, pass through the weight to control of weigh per meter and into Cooling conveyor. Where, the Tread
is cooling to stabilize shape. After cooling, the Tread go pass the Air Blower to remove water from the surface;
And final, roll at wind up roll and storage.
Some Basic Specification of Tread, we refer to in the table.
Next content is the Extrusion sidewall.
Similar to the Tread extrusion, the Sidewall extrusion process also includes steps such as: Extrusion, Create
grooves’s air escape, weight, cooling, blow air and wind up.
But, unlike the ingredient of Tread, the Sidewall involve only two types of rubber: Elastic rubber, Abrasive rubber.
Beside, after Blow Air, Sidewall extrusion add step is Poke holes on the surface to escape the air and didn’t printing
The final extrusion is inner liner extrusion, inner liner consist 2 layer: backing linner and airtight liner.
Two liner is make from two tyre of rubber is Airtight rubber and Baking rubber.
Two tyre rubber go through the Extruder to heating, then pass toward Calander in order to squeezer into linner.
After forming, Backing liner and Airtight liner is sent toward the Roller squeezer to pressed stitched together into
inner linner. Then, the inner liner pass through Cooler drum to cooling; And final, roll at the Wind up rolls and
transfer for later processing.
Some Basic Specification of inner liner, we refer to in the table.
Building with function: Assembling all tire components such as: Belt, JLB, tread, Bead and etc according to the
specified procedures into a green tire.
Building process by applied method 1 - 1, often built on three drum: Carcass drum, Belt drum and BBL drum
At first, on the Carcass drum, the main step carried out, follow as:
First, The inner liner are applied and rotated around the drum. Next step is attached the fisrt carcass and then the
Bead is brought to the carcass automatically. After the Bead mounted on both sides carcass, Bladder turn-up and
stitched carcass lying flat on the drum. Next, the second carcass is applied, then, Sidewall is attached around the
drum and set end to end. The joint of sidewall is pressed carefully together. After attached Sidewall, Spinner is
applied to pressed sidewall tightly. Result this stage, obtain the case 1.
The Belts and Tread are assembled on Belt drum:
Two belt is attached on the drum respectively and the ends set together.
Then, JLB bandage is wound on top of the belts with specified layer. Final, Tread is applied and jonts is fastened
together manually. Result this stage, obtian the case 2.
Case 1 and case 2 are combine automatically on the BBL drum
At first, The case 1 conduct Expanding, then the spinner is applied to fastened, stitched case 1 and case2 together
make Green tire. After building, the green tyre it is transferred to the curing.
Next process is THE CURING
The curing is a process: Forming of chemical crosslinks between individual polymer chains into a three
dimensional network through three main factor: Temperature, Time and pressure.
After the curing, Rubber compoumd’s strength is increased; All tire components are welded onto each other; And
Tread pattern and sidewall graphics are engraved on the tire.
Curing process is carry out, belows:
Green tire from tire building is sprayed non-stick agent, call GIP, to avoid adhesion between bladder and tire. After
this, the Green tire is inserted in the mold, carry out shaping stage. The purpose of shaping aim avoid the bladder
wrinkle before vulcanization, ensure the correct position of the green tire in the mold.
Aftre shaping, the mold closes, the Curing stage is started. Condition of the curing: Pressure: 17 to 25 bar,
Temperature: from 170 to 210 degrees, and Time: about 15 minutes.
In the curing process, the Tire is cross-linked of the rubber compound in a series of chemical reaction.
After the curing, the cured tire is mount on Post Cure Inflation ( abbreviate is PCI ). PCI stage is inflating the cure
tire with compressed air to avoid deformation and hence to stabilize tire’s shape.
PCI stage be done with time 5 mintus and pressure about 2 bar.
Final stage of process manufacture the tire: INSPECTION
After the curing process, the Trimming is done to removing the excess material makes the tire good look; Then the
Visual inspection is carried out to check the defects and classify quality of tire. After this, uniformity
measurement is a test to check for uniformity and dynamic balance.
Products that are qualified are sent to finish good ware house.

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