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Poem Sad I Ams (Form 1) : Meaning

Stanza One
Line Line Interpretation
1 I am The persona thinks/feels that he
is like…
2 the ring The ring of a can which people
3 always throw after opening the
from an empty Cola can can before drinking
4 the scrapings The food that is stuck at the
5 bottom of a pan which people
from an unwashed scrape off/remove before
porridge pan washing the pan
6 the severed arm The broken arm of a toy (called
7 Action Man) which was
of last year’s Action Man. bought/used last year.

Stanza Two
Line Line Interpretation
1 I am The persona thinks/feels that he
is like…
2 the envelope The envelope which cannot be
3 used because the glue is not
on which the gum is gone sticky anymore
4 the Sellotape The cellophane tape that
5 angers/annoys/
where you can’t find the Irritates people because they
end cannot find the end of it
6 the toothless stapler, The things that
anger/annoy/irritate people such
springless bulldog clip as a stapler that has no
bullets/staples in it or a clip that
has no spring/grip, so they are
useless when people need them
7 the dried-up liquid paper The liquid paper that cannot be
8 used anymore because it has
that mars instead of dried up. It smudges/dirties the
mends paper (mars) than it helps
(mends) to erase/correct the
9 the stamped addressed The letter (as a reply to
someone) which you already
reply wrote the address and put a
10 that you forgot stamp on, but sadly you forgot
11 to send. to post it!
Stanza Three
Line Line Interpretation
1 I am The persona thinks/feels that he
is like…
2 the battery in which no The battery that cannot be
charged at all, so it is now
charge is left useless
3 the starter motor which The motor/engine that has no
remains inert
4 the tyre on which the tread The tyre that is already worn out
and dangerous to be used, so it
is worn has to be replaced with a new
5 the sparking plug which The sparking plug that does not
shows no sign of spark work
6 the carburettor choked by The carburettor cannot function
because it is filled with dirt and
bits and dirt dust
7 the chromium trim from The metal plating that is no
which the shine has gone. longer shiny.

Stanza Four
Lin Line Interpretation
1 I am The persona thinks/feels that he
is like…
2 a garden A garden which is neglected (not
3 being taken care of)
overgrown with weeds
4 a library book A book in the library that nobody
5 is interested to borrow/read
that no one ever reads
6 a stray A stray animal that is not being
7 given food by anybody
that no one thinks to feed
8 the piece of good advice An advice which is very good but
9 nobody wants to follow it.
which no one seems to

1. Rejection
2. Being neglected
3. Being forgotten
4. Feeling  of uselessness

1. Appreciating others
2. Recyling

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