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The Design Thinking Process

Design Thinking is a 5-step process to come up with meaningful ideas that solve real
problems for a particular group of people. The process is taught in top design and
business schools around the world. It has brought many businesses lots of happy
customers and helped entrepreneurs from all around the world, to solve problems with
innovative new solutions.

Step 1: Empathize
The purpose of step one is to conduct interviews that give you an idea about what
people really care about. We need to empathize with their situation.
For example, if you want to help old people, you might find that they want to keep the
ability to walk around. In your conversations, they might share with you different ways
they can do that. Later into the interview, you'll want to dig a little deeper, look for
personal stories or situations where things became difficult. Ideally, you redo the
process with many people with the same problem.

Step 2: Define the Problem
Looking at the interviews, you can now understand the actual needs that people are
trying to fulfill with certain activities. One way to do that is to underline the verbs or
activities that the people mentioned when talking about their problems: like going for a
walk, meeting old friends for tea, or simply going grocery shopping around the corner
store. You might realize it's not so much about going out, but more about staying in
touch. After your analysis, formulate a problem statement: “Some elderly are afraid to
be lonely. They want to stay connected.”

Step 3: Ideate
Now focus only on the problem statement and come up with ideas that solve the
problem. The point is not to get a perfect idea, but rather to come up with many ideas:
like unique virtual reality experiences, senior-friendly hoverboards or a modified
pushcart. Whatever it is, sketch up your best ideas and show them to the people you
are trying to help, so you get their feedback.
Step 4: Prototype
Now take a moment to reflect on what you have learned from your conversations about
the different ideas. Ask yourself, how does your idea fit in the context of people's actual
lives. Your solution could be a combination of a new idea and what is already being
used. Then connect the dots, sketch up your final solution and go build a real prototype
that's just good enough to be tested.

Step 5: Test
Now test your prototype with actual users. Don't defend your idea in case people don't
like it, the point is to learn what works and what didn't, so any feedback is great. Then
go back to ideation or prototyping and apply your learning. Repeat the process until you
have a prototype that works and solves the real problem. Now you are ready to change
the world or open a shop.

To experience design thinking first hand, do the free virtual design thinking crash course
from Stanford’s D-School right now. You will learn to design a new gift-giving
experience. Find the link and a guide for facilitators in the description below. After you
are done, share your experience and gift idea in the comments. To learn more about
creative and critical thinking, check out our other sprouts videos. And if you want to
support our channel, visit

Design Thinking Crash Course:

For Facilitators:

Design Thinking process is a human-centered process used to innovatively and
creatively solve real-life problems for a particular group of people. It has brought many
businesses lots of happy customers and helped entrepreneurs from all around the
world, to solve problems with innovative new solutions. In the 5-step process, students
and employees deal with realistic issues to provide meaningful solutions. The process is
taught in top design and business schools around the world.
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Design Thinking Crash Course:

For Facilitators:

DIG DEEPER with these top videos, games and resources:

Read about the flip side and get a better picture with criticism and historical context
8 Design Thinking Problems and How to Fix Them

Why Design Thinking Won't Solve All Your Innovation Problems

Obstacles to Problem Solving and Innovation in Design Thinking
Lead your students through the design thinking process in your subject! Pose a problem
from society and set this as a topic for discussion in your class. Perhaps in the weeks
leading up to a science fair or a scheduled project, you could introduce the topic and

guide your students step by step until they showcase their work in front of the school.
How about challenging other classes to join you? The possibilities are endless Let
us know how it works out!

Check out these links for some great ideas:

● The beginner’s guide to design thinking in the classroom

● Design Thinking: A Problem Solving Framework

TAGS: #design #learning #Process #Techniques #Thinking

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