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SEM 1 2020/2021






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In our latest discussion about RCE Iskandar judging form we discuss how it was and how we
want it to be but in this part of the project we are going to discuss the steps of how we are going
to change the judging form to suit the situation of COVID-19 pandemic .

Our first step is to gather some information about RCE Iskandar Sustainable and Low Carbon
Schools Exhibition like what is the event about and what the judging form depends on. As
example the judging form in 2016 was dependent on 6 criteria :

1- Knowledge 1(10%)

1.1 Knowledge and understanding of low carbon society (5%)

1.2 1.2 Knowledge and understanding of sustainable development (5%)

2- School Structure & Education (30%)

2.1 School structure that supports green efforts (10%)

2.2 Formal education that promotes environmental education (10%)

2.3 Informal education that promotes environmental education (10%)

3- Quality & Quantity of Green Efforts (30%)

3.1 Quantity of green efforts (10%)

3.2 Quality of green efforts (10%)

3.3 Novelty of green efforts (10%)

4- Involvement (30%)

4.1 Involvement of students (5%)

4.2 Involvement of teachers (5%)

4.3 Involvement of parents (10%)

4.4 Involvement of local community (10%)

5- Impact (20%)

5.1 Impact on carbon reduction (10%)

5.2 National recognition (5%)

5.3 International recognition (5%)

6- Future Potential (20%)

6.1 Future plan (10%)

6.2 Potential to generate income or save expenditure for the school (10%)

And don’t forget that the judging happened face to face but now every school has to make a video to
explain it’s project for RCE Iskandar Sustainable and Low Carbon Schools Exhibition .

In the information gathering we are going to use the interactive method .interactive method has three
Interviewing is an important method for collecting data on human and system information
requirements Interviews reveal information about:
• Interviewee opinions

• Interviewee feelings

• Goals

• Key HCI concerns

To prepare the QUESTIONS in the interview we are going to use the main two types of interviewing
questions which are the OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONS & CLOSED QUESTIONS. Open-ended
interview questions allow interviewees to respond how they wish, and to what length they wish.
Closed interview questions limit the number of possible responses

The second step is to do the interview where we are going to develop relevant interview questions to
elicit requirements from different types of the stakeholders based on open-ended ,closed,bipolar and
probes categories .

Our third step is to do a survey to help us to develop suitable and relevant survey questionnaires so we
can elicit requirements from different types of stakeholders based on nominal, interval types of

The fours and last step we are going to make a DFD diagram. The DFD diagram will help us to make
a plan for design & Analysis of the proposed system (judging form). First step of creating a DFD
diagram is to plan the context diagram. Basically the context diagram consists of:

· one process—depicting the entire system

· external entities

· data flows from the external entities to the process

The diagram does NOT contain any data stores.

Step 2 to design a DFD diagram is to draw diagram 0. Diagram 0 is like the explosion of the context
To draw a diagram 0:

1. Start with the data flow from an entity on the input side

2. Work backward from an output data flow.

3. Examine the data flow to or from a data store

4. Analyze a well-defined process

5. Take note of any fuzzy areas

The last step in designing a DFD diagram is to create a child diagram. Child diagram is the diagram of
Each process on diagram 0. The Characteristics of the child diagram is :

• A child diagram cannot produce output or receive input that the parent process does not also
produce or receive

• The child process is given the same number as the parent process

• Process 3 would explode to Diagram 3

• Entities are usually not shown on the child diagrams below Diagram 0

• If the parent process has data flow connecting to a data store, the child diagram may include the
data store as well

• When a process is not exploded, it is called a primitive process


In this project ,we use the interactive method to gather all the information needed to elicit
human information requirements. Therefore, we conduct an interview session with the
stakeholders before making an interview during the Online ``Information Gathering and
Brainstorming Workshop” for our RCE Iskandar Sustainable and Low Carbon Schools
Exhibition. There are 3 stakeholders members with us on the online workshop. In this workshop ,
Dr Mahyuddin Arshad (Project Leader / Director) , Dr Norulhuda Ismail (Head of Judging
Committee)and Dr Munir Baharom (Assistant Director of Science and Mathematics Learning
Sector, Johor State Education Department) to give a briefing on RCE Iskandar Exhibition on
how does it really works in real life , what do they need to do since it change to a virtual
competition and what requirements needed to produce the system.

We have a brief from Dr Mahyuddin Arshad for the project description. From the workshop
, we might conclude that due to pandemic Covid-19 , all the physical competition or face-to-face
meetings came to virtual through online meeting platforms. It has been postponed for times
where they still believe they can do it physically when the pandemic has gone. Unfortunately, it
doesn’t stop but getting wider. Therefore, the exhibition all comes to virtual and online. Not only
exhibitions are included but competition for their project in low-carbon activities and green
activities are being graded for creativity and etc.

In virtual form , there are several selected schools invited who are participating into several
projects that are related to Green activities or low-carbon activities during the submission date.
There are 3 mediums used to exhibit their Green activities that are related to RCE exhibitions
with low carbon projects. The mediums include posters , 3 minute video presentation and all
posts inside the Facebook page. All these mediums will be submitted by all participants to
several platforms such as by email to the director and submission link of schools’ Facebook page
to google form. These submitted materials will be judged by the committee.

The knowledge sharing during the exhibition also advantages all the participants to
understand and utilize this knowledge into society and community with their creativity and
innovation. For the judging part, numbers of judges came from UTM and Johor state Education
Department and RCE Iskandar organization to form a committee to judge all submissions.3 days
given to these judging committees to finish all the judgement on all medium submitted.

Other than that , we are so lucky to have the head judge from the judging committee to give
more understanding as well. She talked about how the participants submit their work, how they
going to organize the judging process and how they going to judge.To be more specific, their
presentation video will be uploaded into Youtube on all the low-carbon initiatives that they
conducted throughout the year.Head judge need to organize all the submission or schools’
information into google form to ease the work during the 3 days judgement. With 12 judges in
total separated into 4 groups and the compacted google form shared to each group for the judging

Inside the judging form, criteria to be judged will be inside the google form. There are 8
criteria budget information knowledge school strategy and education quality and quantity
development impact which potential and then a recommendation or whether they should get gold
silver or bronze.But it will be a problem , when the participants keep on submit with new form
with updated link make the combining work getting worse and wasting time.Thus, she wish to
have a system that allow the judges process to be done just in 1 page or screen layout.

It is a tough and wasted work when they need to do and redo all the copies into a new
platform with all the judging criteria and marks filling corners. It is a waste to keep on doing the
same thing.Other than that , after the judgment process ,it will convert into a google sheet with
all scores in rows and columns. It is somehow a crazy work when 12 judges will give their own
scores through the google form for each schools’ submission . For example, with 12 judges and
10 schools’ submission , there will be 120 final scores inside the google sheet. And Dr Huda said
it is really hard to digest when she needs to do the scores calculation on total and average
manually even having the tools inside the google sheet.

After summing and calculating average work, she also needs to add up with the numbers of
likes inside the Facebook page into percentage of the total scores where it stands 20% from the
whole judgement. Jumping from here and there takes more time to transfer and combine results
into a visual result as well. Due to crashing time with another meeting , Dr Munir can’t share any
ideas or talks during the workshop.

From the briefing session , they are given several basic requirement that needed inside the
system.The basic requirements are :

1. Hope to have a system with just 1 page or 1 layout .

2. All the associated links during the submission period will be inside the system.

3. The page will be separated into several parts :

a) Submission corner includes

i. Separate according to the schools’ name

ii. Facebook page links

iii. Video presentations

iv. Posters

b) After the submission

i. It will be a header name of each school

ii. Judgement can be done inside the header file

c) Judging corner with all criteria

i. 8 criteria shown in the system

ii. Scores given recorded and saved inside system

iii. With the schools’ name, each judgement can be done

iv. All materials will be inside the header

d) Automatic calculation inside system (sum, average, highest, lowest)

e) Keep on updating the changes inside system when

i. Any submission uploaded

ii. Any editing process for scores

iii. Scores from each judges uploaded

f) Large storage or space to allow about 2000+ submissions

g) Simple interface , easy for senior lecturers to give marks

These are the overall requirements before we go through any interview session from our class
section and listed in correct order.
After all the briefing sessions ,we have an interview session. Before the interview started,
our group had made several questions to ask to the stakeholders. The beforehand interview
questions preparation are :

1. How are you going to judge on the project among the submitted works ?

2. Would you rather have a website or application or both for the upcoming system ?

3. Do the organizers share the scores result of the Excel sheet to the participants ?

4. May I know if it is possible to just submit the video file inside the system or rather to have
the Facebook link on the video presentation ?

5. Will the judgment form change after a time period ?

6. Is there any requirement to have a comment area after all the judges have done the
judging process ?

7. Do we need to be one of the background support on the judgement parts after we

proposed to RCE , such as editing all the calculations or we will just hand over the work to the
members from RCE or organizers ?

8. Do you like to have several tabs to judge each participant or schools ?

9. Are there any complaints from the previous judges about the judging process?

10. What other requirements do you wish to have inside the system ?

These are the preparations from us before the interview session during the workshop. We go
through all the websites , judging forms, flyers, posters, submission links etc to collect all the
information about the exhibition, judging process, . However , we don't use all the questions
because some of our friends from the section have asked before us. But the information has been
noted inside our memos.
Summary of the interview session :

1. They wish to have an application too despite the website where the judges might use their
free time on the couch or bed to give the scores easily anytime, anywhere , anyhow.

2. The best condition is to connect the Facebook platform with the system where judges can
easily watch the videos or post from the link without opening a new tab or new page where it
might cause a problem where there are numbers of tabs to be open. It is a funny scene when the
judges just want to give scores in 1 tab but due to the link submission numbers of tabs appeared
side by side in the web browser.

3. They wish to keep on using Facebook more than any other social media platform because
almost every school in Malaysia provides at least 1 Facebook page but might either have another
platform or neither too.

4. They require any available and possibilities to edit all the background system when there
is any changes or updating information through the system easily without making a system

5. It is a great idea if all the video presentations can be uploaded inside the system and stored
inside the header file name related to each school without any extra work to download or keep
the videos inside the laptop or smartphones before watching.

6. Other than that, they hope to make the system to be all in one where it is available to
combine the final result, submission materials to be in just 1 layout to perform to the public.

7. But for restricted parts, they hope the judging process won’t be known by any outsiders or
public to know how they judge and give marks especially the judging criteria. Next, the judges
also won’t be known by the public after the judging process.

8. They hope to have a setting on the time duration such as the moment of judging period
will not allow any editing from participants, no more submission , set the time for participants to
submit their works etc.
9. They hope all students take part in producing the best system for the exhibition to ease all
the works to the organizers and also the most important reduce the work of the judging
committee to do the wasted works.

10. Currently , the judging form or criteria will still maintain but might have any changes in
future require a simple background work so that the organizers or admin is easy to do the
updating or changes on the system no matter on submission issues or judging issues.

11. Our help is also needed at any time if the system is started to use and have problems
behind the system , they will still need us to do the correction or make the most suitable workout
for them.

12. They hope the system might support as many as the submission numbers which is 1000
and above without any congestion inside the system.
Survey :
We also provided a survey form in terms of questionnaires to RCE Iskandar participants
and last but not least judges team committee as well to know how satisfied in the current
submission form. The google form is provided in different targets , thus we might conclude how
they feel and how much changes that we need to have in the coming proposed system.

Google form for RCE Organization :

Participants :

With different targets, we have different questions to separate their thoughts on the
current system . And from that, we might easily clarify what users want the most and how they
want the submission done during the material submission.
Open-ended questions are used to get the opinion from the response given while closed
questions are also provided to let them choose the options on how they experienced before. Not
only open-ended and closed questions are used, but the measurement also has a special usage
where we have nominal scales and interval scales . Nominal is useful to let us know the actual
idea but not perfect to show the exact thoughts on the system. Therefore, interval scales are also
given in the survey form to see how they give marks on the characteristics on the system.
Context diagram :
According to the current system , we provided a context diagram as well to show the
overall ideas on how the coming data flow diagram is going to be.
Workflow :
Data Flow Diagram (DFD) ~ Parent diagram (level 0)

From the current system , this is how the system runs during the exhibition for RCE Iskandar
Malaysia in parent diagram with the processes in level 0 of data flow diagram.
Data Flow Diagram (DFD) ~ Child diagram (level – 1 & 2 at least)

1. LEVEL 1 DIAGRAM for Process 1 Submit Form (Child Diagram)

2. LEVEL 1 DIAGRAM for Process 2 Submit material (Child Diagram)

3. There is no child diagram for process 3 where it already reaches the primitive process
where there is no exploded process.
4. LEVEL 1 DIAGRAM for Process 4 Give score (Child Diagram)

5. LEVEL 1 DIAGRAM for Process 5 Calculate score (Child Diagram)

Conclusion :
In our team A, part 2 project is focused on the information gathering and the start of
doing the data flow diagram for the existing system. The information gathering is important to
know what is the basic requirement and their perspectives on the current system before we solve
their problems as system analysts, while the data flow diagram is needed to analyze the system.
With the data flow diagram , we know the basic functions inside the system when we might
improv it according to the problems stated.
The workshop is useful for all of us by giving us an opportunity to communicate with the
RCE Iskandar Malaysia organization and the stakeholders in one platform before we go through
the problem system. From the interview session , we collect the information to know more about
the project, the problems, what solution they expected, what wish they wanted the most. We also
ask a lot of related questions to increase the functions of the system and they answer all the
confusion inside our mind.
For the coming project parts, we will propose the new system with the basic data flow
diagram to see how the system created by us will be used in real life soon. More details on the
system after analyzing the criteria needed.
References :
Books :
1. Shelly, G., & Rosenblatt, H. J. (2011). ​Systems analysis and design​. Nelson Education.
2. Kendall, K. E., & Kendall, J. E. (2011). ​Systems analysis and design​ (Vol. 2013). Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
3. Whitten, J. L., & Bentley, L. D. (1997). ​Systems analysis and design methods​. McGraw-Hill

Appendix :

Image 1 : Information of the participants on survey

Image 2 : Nominal scale questions
Image 3 : Interval scale questions

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