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Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology

Structural Design: A description of the design philosophy followed for the principal load carrying structures, the materials employed and details of the structural
test programme
K.R. Obee, C.Eng., A.M.I.Mech.E., F.R.Ae.S.
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To cite this document:
K.R. Obee, C.Eng., A.M.I.Mech.E., F.R.Ae.S., (1967),"Structural Design", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 39 Iss 9 pp. 22 - 28
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Structural Design
A description of the design philosophy followed for the principal load carrying structures, the materials
employed and details of the structural test programme

By K. R. Obee, C.Eng., A.M.I.Mech.E., F.R.Ae.S.

Project Engineer (Structures), Handley Page Ltd.

LTHOUGH the first certification or the Jetstream
A is to be to B.C.A.R. Section K and F.A.R.
Part 23, it has always been intended that full
airline standards will be maintained and ultimately
certification to Section D, and Part 25 will be obtained.
From the point of view of static strength these
standards differ little and will have a minor effect only
on the structural design. The spirit of the full airline
requirements, however, is aimed at long life and fail
safe philosophies, and this has been foremost in the
thought behind Jetstream's structure. The design
crack- free life is 40,000 flights (30,000 hours) with the
additional aim of a fail safe primary structure. The
long crack-free life will be obtained by restricting the
working and fluctuating stresses to values decided for
each component by its own spectrum of load cycles.
Fail safe primary structure is achieved by the duplica-
tion of members, alternative load paths, 'catchers', or
by effective crack stoppers.
In the interests of both aerodynamic smoothness
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and to maintain the customer appeal of as near a 'car

type' finish as possible, aflushsurface overall has been
specified. To achieve this end, it was decided that
where mechanical attachments were necessary, cut
countersunk rivets and bolts would be used, the finish
obtainable with dimpled riveting being considered
unacceptable. Spot welding, of which the Company
have a wealth of experience, was also considered for
the flush jointing of thin skins. This has been largely
rejected because of the difficulty of maintaining a
good anti-corrosion finish for highly corrosive
environments, such as the bottom of the fuselage. The
use of spot welds is therefore confined to minor easily
replaceable parts, although somewhat more spot
welding is used on the prototypes than in production
aircraft, in the interest of rapid manufacture prior to stress concentration. Such chemical etching can also advantage in weight saving can be made, the higher
the development of alternative methods. be used as an alternative to the method of reinforcing static strength, artificially aged alloy is used. The use
The third major jointing method being used to thin skins with bonded strips for cut countersunk of unclad sheet is confined to chemically etched parts
obtain both directly and indirectly the objective of rivets. The use of which particular method, has been which are subsequently anodised as part of their anti-
smooth finish is adhesive bonding. Little use has been decided by the circumstances obtaining and by value corrosion protection.
made in past Handley Page aircraft of adhesive engineering—technically the results are practically Magnesium alloys have been largely excluded
bonding techniques, and most of the direct experience indistinguishable, as has been shown by detail tests. because of their low corrosion resistance, and most
available was in flat honeycomb sandwich. The ad- castings—the form in which large amounts of mag-
vantages, to both cost and finish, of bonding were nesium have been used in the past—are in an arti-
nevertheless apparent, and evaluation of several MATERIALS ficially aged aluminium 7 per cent silicon magnesium
adhesives led to the low pressure 'forgiving' but well Because of the restriction of working stresses to low alloy—U.S. type A.356.
tried Bloomingdale F.M.1000 being chosen on the values, the very high strength aluminium-zinc alloys For most steel parts a moderately high tensile
grounds of minimum plant cost, case of use with the were never seriously considered. The aluminium (55 ton/sq. in.) 2½ per cent Ni-Cr-Mo steel is used
minimum of trained labour, and low R. & D. costs. 4 J per cent copper alloys, medium strength, well tried (S.96), except where a significant weight or space
Once having accepted adhesive bonding, advantage and available throughout the world were obvious saving can result or where ultimate strength is the only
has been taken to reinforce thin skins with bonded choices, and both the naturally aged forms, L.70 and criterion. In such cases the 65 ton/sq. in. version of
strips and thus enable attachments by cut countersunk L.72 unclad and clad sheet, D.T.D.50I0 plate, L.64 the same alloy is used (S.98).
rivets to be made where direct bonding is not prac- bar and extrusion, L.76 forgings, and the artificially
ticable. aged forms L.71, L.73, D.T.D.5020, L.65 and L.77
are used. The lower static strength, naturally aged STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION
The philosophies of long crack-free life and flush
riveting has also led to the introduction of another material is used wherever tension fatigue strength is a Wing
new (to Handley Page) process. Chemical etching is design criterion, because of its marginally better The top and bottom wing skins which form the
used to enable reduction in thickness to be made fatigue life and definitely better crack propagation main wing torque box are each made from one 25ft.
between rows of rivets, or away from other areas of properties. Where fatigue life is not a criterion and long, 13 s.w.g. sheet. The lower wing surface is L.70
September 1967 AIRCRAFT E N G I N E E R I N G 23

loads out has itself laminated flanges, the upper one

being outside the wing contour, but buried in the wing
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The wing leading edge is detachable along the span
through countersunk screws—interchangeable assem-
blies being available—either plain or with a rubber
pneumatic de-icing boot. Both are of conventional
arch rib and riveted skin construction—the rubber
de-icing boot being rebated to lie flush with the wing
contour. Landing lamps are set within the leading
edges behind transparent plastic sections (FIG. 1).
Aileron shrouds are formed by extensions of the
wing skins overhung from the rear spar, but the flap
shrouds consist of thin sheet supported by cantilever
brackets at the top and of a metal bonded honeycomb
sandwich at the bottom.
The Frise ailerons and double slotted flaps are
conventional rib, spar and skin structures employing
both the chemi-etching and bonding processes to
maintain low weight flush surfaced components. The
aileron tab on the port side is a combined balance and
trim tab and that on the starboard is for balance only,
both being hung on piano-type hinges. All three
aileron hinges are fail safe by cither duplication of
brackets or by the provision of a 'catcher' which takes
over when one leg of a fork fitting fails. There are no
complicated flap movements—duplicated outrigger
brackets being provided for the three hinges which
(fatigue criterion) and the upper L.7I. Both are reduces it to less than half of its width at the root. are set well outside the lower wing contour. The flaps
chemically milled to reduce their thickness outboard To make up for this loss of bending section and to which are in two sections per side are driven from the
of the main undercarriage pick-ups, spanwise lands carry the increased bending moment towards the root, fuselage side, the two sections being connected by fail
being left to act with the bonded-on stringers as wing concentrated booms are grown up from a station a safe spigots. The centre hinge is common for both
bending material and also to act as crack stoppers. few feet outboard of the undercarriage to their sections. The multiple attached flap slats are made as
The lower panel is left unmilled along the centre third maximum area at the wing root (FIG. 2). At the root glass-fibre reinforced polyester (G.R.P.) laminated
of its chord to provide reinforcing round the oval the skin covers are terminated and the wing bending monocoques.
access holes between each of the ribs. These holes are moments are carried through the fuselage by exten- The engine mounting, which is attached to four
required both for access to the integral fuel tank, sions of the concentrated booms. The top boom angle fittings on the front spar, is fabricated from T.60
which occupies all but one rib bay at root and tip of (L.77) is jointed at the fuselage side through an 1 per cent Cr-Mo welded steel tube. This is a redun-
the wing torque box, and for manufacturing reasons. integral fork and lug single pin joint, the centre dant (fail safe) space frame which picks up the engine
The choice of bonded stringers in this region of the section member passing through the fuselage side. in three main positions and two further subsidiary
airframe was prompted very largely by the freedom The lower member which throughout its length is ones.
from tank sealing troubles that such skin-stringer laminated, being formed of an L.64 angle and a The lower surface of the wing below the fuselage is
attachments would provide. The closing members of nesting slab (D.T.D.5010), is attached at the wing root composed of large non-load carrying doors for access
the torque box are two orthodox sheet webs attached by a scarf joint, the inboard members (L.76/D.T.D. to the equipment below the fuselage. Extensive use of
by outward facing angles and conventional riveted 5010) passing beneath the fuselage pressure shell metal bonding is used for these and for the fixed
joints. All riveted joints within the integral tank are (FIG. 3). Each lamination of the bottom boom is covers over the undercarriage bay and the bay doors.
made with Thiokol as the interfay—special attention capable of carrying the wing limit load. The latter are in two parts, one being hinged at the
being paid to the detail design so that the often used, Chordwise ribs to stabilise the skin-stringer com- outer end of the bay and attached by a link to the
but heavy, 'slushing' would not be necessary. Inside bination and act as tank baffles are pitched at about undercarriage leg, and the other larger door hinged at
corrosion protection consists of anodising for all 18 in. throughout the span. The continuous flange of the inner end and driven through a mechanism by the
aluminium alloy parts, including clad sheet, followed these ribs, with certain exceptions, sits on the free undercarriage movement. Currently these doors and
by two coats of chrometch primer with a further layer flange of the lipped Z section L.73 stringers, each covers are made of a contoured plate with an internal
of Thiokol over all steel parts. stringer being attached to the ribs with shear cleats stiffening pressing, but serious consideration is being
Because of the very small diameter of the Turbomeca (FIG. 1). The more heavily loaded flap and aileron given to honeycomb sandwich for later production.
Astazou engine and its tail pipe, there is little alterna- hinge ribs are further attached to the wing skins
tive for the stowage of the retracting main landing through castellated shear plates bonded to the skins Fuselage
gear except within the wing contour. Inevitably this and riveted to the rib webs. The main undercarriage The main cabin is pressurised to a differential of
means a large cut-out in the torque box and in fact pintle loads are transmitted into the wing box through 6½ lb./sq. in. to give a cabin altitude of 8,000 ft. at
the outer of the two ribs which carry the engine bearer
attachments—both these ribs having heavy slab
booms on the outside of the wing contour, covered by
the engine nacelle fairing. The wing root attachment
rib transfers the torque and shear from the box
forward of the 30 per cent spar, to three vertical shear
carrying pickups. The forward of these at the wing
leading edge is a horizontal spigot with its axis normal
to the fuselage centre line. Failure of this pickup can
be tolerated since the other two are capable of
reacting the limit load wing shear and torque. The
next aft shear attachment is at the 30 per cent spar
through a multi-bolted shear joint between the spar
web and the fuselage frame (FIG. 3). Failure of this
joint or the fuselage frame throws the loads to the
forward and aft pickups. The aft pickup is at 70 per
cent chord through a pin joint in double shear, the pin
axis being parallel to the fuselage centre line (FIG. 4).
Failure-of this joint cannot be tolerated since the wing
torque would throw excessive loads on the other two
pickups, due to the small distance between them. It is
therefore made up of duplicated parts, any one of
which can carry limit load. The rib which sorts these
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September 1967

30,000 ft. There is a flat sloping pressure bulkhead coamings. The frames are currently machined from
just forward of the crew compartment. The nose D.T.D.5020 plate, but in later production will be
wheel gear is mounted on a pair of robust vertical A.357 Premium Castings. The centre window is of HP
beams on the sloping bulkhead and retracts forward. laminated transparent plastic, and the windows in
The aft boundary of the pressure cabin is a flat
bulkhead which also carries the fin front spar on two
near vertical members (FIG. 7). Both L.72 sheet bulk-
front of the pilots of laminated gold film glass. These
three panes all meet the bird impact cases of B.C.A.R.
Section D. Aft of these, the D.V. windows and those
heads are stiffened by Z sections which are in turn behind are of double pane transparent plastic, the
supported by the bulkhead-to-skin angle attachments outer pane carrying the cabin pressure. All crew
and the above mentioned vertical beams. Between windows are flat panels, but passenger cabin windows
these bulkheads the L.70 pressure shell consists of a are curved, moulded transparent plastic. These, too,
6 ft. 6 in. maximum diameter circular cross section are double pane windows with the outer pane the main
(except the crew cabin) of chemi-etched sheets and pressure load carrying member.
riveted Z section L.73 stringers. No bonding is used On either side of a central walkway, which is set
on the pressure cabin skins because of the necessity low on the vertical diameter of the fuselage, and gives
of providing the maximum corrosion protection a headroom of 5 ft. 11 in., are vertical keel members
including the interfay area between skin and stringers. which support seat rails. Further rails are mounted
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The stringers are therefore flush-riveted to the skins at the fuselage side with a 'shelf between them. The
with cut countersunk rivets, both elements having rails allow universal pitching of seats and other
received their corrosion protection in the detail stage, optional extra equipment (FIG. 5). The walkway and Tail Unit
Between the stringers the skin thickness is reduced by 'shelf flooring are made from expanded P.V.C. cored The fin is mounted on to the fuselage by four
chemical milling, except where reinforcing is required metal faced sandwich. The use of this core was multi-bolted joints (FIG. 7), to carry side bending loads
for the windows and door cutouts or where any dictated by the heat and sound insulating require- and by shear connections on all four sides of the torque
riveting is required. Thick lands are left at all frame ments which would have necessitated additional box. These fail safe connections have also to carry the
positions whether the frames are riveted to the skins weight of insulation if a metal honeycomb cored tailplane loads, which are carried into the fin by four
or not, to act as longitudinal crack stoppers. Three sandwich had been used. pin joints. The four lugs are mounted on the top of
heavy frames at each of the three wing pickups are As has already been mentioned, the upper wing two sub spars running parallel to the main fin spars
attached directly to the skin, these frames being of spar boom is extended through the fuselage, being and between them. The L.72 fin skins are interrupted
L.65 stretched I extrusions, or cold compressed L.77 slightly kinked downwards at the fuselage side pin to allow the tailplane structural box to pass through
forgings. The continuity of the stringers at these joint in order to reduce the inevitable step in the cabin the fin between the main spars. The bottom part of
frames is made up by judicious use of chemi-etching. walkway. The height of this 'hurdle' inside the fuse- the fin, therefore, naturally forms a multi-spar con-
At all other frames, except at the door opening, the lage is only 6½ in. (FIG. 5). The fuselage skins are struction (FIG. 6) and this is continued above the tail-
continuous Z section L.72 frames sit on the free flanges interrupted by the shear web joining the upper to the plane. There is a total of only five ribs in the fin—at
of the stringers and are shear cleated to them. Where lower spar boom, the latter, it may be remembered, root, below and above the tailplane opening, at tip and
shear attachments of the frames to the skin are passing under the pressure shell. The centre section one intermediate between tailplane and tip. The fin
necessary this is provided by riveted castellated shear spar web is made up of bonded laminated plates to skins are composed of a continuous skin below and
plates (no. 5). reinforce the many holes through which services and another above the tailplane, to each being bonded
The outwards opening entry door aft of the wing controls run down the length of the fuselage under the 'waffle' plates which form the necessary reinforce-
on the port side is hinged at the bottom and fitted seat 'shelves'. ments at areas of high load and round the access
with G.R.P. moulded airstairs. The double skinned Outside the pressure cabin at the forward end above panels, and also give the necessary thickness for cut
door is stiffened with internal diaphragms carrying the nose wheel bay is a large avionic compartment countersink riveting. The spars are of orthodox L.65
two shoot bolts on each side. A further shoot bolt is (FIG. 1) to which access is available through two large extruded angle and L.72 tension field web construc-
provided at the top and a shear block at the bottom, doors hinged on the top centre line and secured by tion—the extruded angles being jointed at their upper
the door carrying a proportion of fuselage shear load toggle fasteners at the lower edges. Forward of this ends to thin drawn section L.72 angles. The upper two
but no pressure hoop tension. The hinges are rubber compartment the metal nose cone can be replaced of the three rudder hinges are similar to those for the
mounted and carry no loads when the door is closed. when required, by a radome to house the optional aileron, and fail safe in design, but the lower datum
The only other pressurised hatch in the pressure shell extra weather radar scanner. hinge which carries the rudder torque tube and spring
is the 'pull in' escape hatch over the wing on the star- Aft of the rear pressure bulkhead the fuselage shell tab mechanism has an additional 'catcher' spigot
board side. This, too, carries a proportion of fuselage is continued to the rear fin pickup frame of similar mounted in a bracket on the rear fuselage bulkhead.
shear load through two side shoot bolts and shear construction to the pressure bulkhead, but without This only acts when a failure of the datum hinge
blocks, but no hoop tension. the extra pressure carrying capability. Between these occurs.
The crew windscreens are set in seven separate two frames access is obtained to the equipment therein The aerodynamically horn balanced rudder is of
quadrilateral frames, which lie between upper and through a shear carrying door in the bottom of the orthodox single spar and rib construction, making
lower continuous horseshoe coamings. The window fuselage. Aft of the rear bulkhead is the detachable use of the bonded 'waffle' plate technique for rein-
frames thus form duplicated ties between the crew tailcone, removal of which by toggle fasteners gives forcement where necessary. The mass balance is
compartment roof and the frames below the lower access to the rudder control connections. carried in the foremost part of the horn. The mass



balanced combined spring and trim tab is of constant

section and the skins are bonded to identical ribs.
The tailplane box is structurally continuous from
tip to tip and is a distributed flange beam (Fig. 8).
The construction is similar to the outer part of the
wing, being L.73 Z section stringers bonded to the
L.72 skins. The continuous rib flanges pass over the
free lip of the stringers and where necessary separate
castellated shear plates are riveted on. The closing
web at the rear of the tailplane is curved to act as the
shroud for the inset hinge type elevator. The skins,
stringers and spar webs are jointed to a separate
centre structure through multi-riveted joints. The
four fork fittings which attach to the fin structure are
mounted off the front and rear centre section webs.
The elevator is acrodynamically balanced by horn
and inset hinges. The horn carries the mass balance
and in order to avoid cutting the structurally valuable
elevator leading edge at the outermost hinge, a swan-
necked fitting is employed. In other respects the
elevator construction follows that of the rudder. The
elevator interconnecting tube, which carries the
control lever at the aircraft centre line, is supported
by the root hinges and connected to the elevator halves
by shear and torque carrying couplings, no elevator
bending moment being transmitted. The highly five different cases, three of which include a cabin ting loads. The in-flight cycle of gust and manoeuvre
tapered combined trim and balance tabs are of pressure loading. The whole airframe will, for these loads is being 'randomised' by computer so that no
'waffle' plate reinforced skins and riveted rib con- three cases, be immersed in a water tank, the small one 'flight' will be exactly as another. The cumulative
struction. wing span justifying such a course, rather than the damage will be known as a percentage of the total
Both vertical and horizontal fixed surfaces are fitted provision of water seals round the wings in a tank to target at all times. The tailplane and elevators of this
with detachable metal leading edges which can be immerse the fuselage only. This same airframe will airframe are being held in reserve for fatigue testing
replaced by others containing rebated de-icing boots be used for the control circuit tests which will be if and when required. Currently calculations show
as optional extras. interspersed between the major strength tests. The such a high reserve of life on the fail safe design that
F.A.A. mandatory limit load tests on control surfaces any testing can be safely left to a later time in the
will be covered by this programme. aircraft development. Following completion of the
A second airframe will be used for fatigue testing. fatigue testing a programme of fail safe and static
PROTECTIVE TREATMENT Initial testing will be confined to the pressure cabin, residual strength tests will be carried out on this air-
Much attention has been paid to the internal but following the completion of the programme on frame.
protective treatment. Reference has already been the static strength airframe, the same tank and rig The welded steel engine mounting will be statically
made to the integral fuel tank where anodising will be used for a programmed fatigue test. This tested to design ultimate conditions following which
followed by two coats of chrometch primer is applied. will cover the whole flight cycle from take-off to its fail safe characteristics will be extensively in-
Inside the pressure cabin, probably the most vul- landing, including taxying and undercarriage opera- vestigated.
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nerable part of any aircraft structure, the protection In addition to this major test programme there
consists of anodised skins followed by two stoved have already been completed a large number of R. &
coats of epoxy primer in the detail stage. The epoxy D. and other back-up tests. Tests on small specimens
primer will leach strontium chromate in the presence to determine the fatigue characteristics of chemi-
of water, and barium chromate if salt water is present. etched plate both with and without the cut counter-
Both these compounds are corrosion inhibiting. After sunk riveted joints typical of the fuselage shell, and to
assembly with a non-hardening barium chromate investigate the effects of various surface finishes and
compound (J.C.5A) or Thiokol if at a pressure seal, treatments, were completed very early in the design
a further coat of polyurethane enamel is applied to the stage. A whole series of tension areas on the wing
lowest underfloor areas, where the most corrosive were chosen for fatigue tests, typical examples being
media collect. The polyurethane is also a Skydrol the wing access panel joints, stringer and spar boom
resistant coating and is therefore used in all servicing joints in combination with the chemi-etched skin
bays and other areas where Skydrol could reach if thickness changes, and the centre section bottom boom
spilled or if a hydraulic leak or failure occurred. In scarf joint. Skin-stringer combinations representative
other less vulnerable internal areas, one coat of of both wing and fuselage have been tested statically
chrometch followed by a coat of epoxy primer is under compressive endloads. Other detail tests which
applied to details. After assembly with J.C.5A at the have been carried out include the mandatory ones of
interfay, a further coat of epoxy enamel is required. castings, forgings and windows. An investigation into
The final external finish is, of course, to the cus- the effects of environment on the adhesive properties
tomer's requirements, but the undercoating consists of F.M.1000 will continue for some time yet under
of a standard treatment of epoxy primer with a much more severe conditions than could reasonably
Skydrol resistant polyurethane coat applied where be expected to occur to any aircraft in service.
applicable. Resonance tests as confirmation of the calculations
used in determining flutter speeds are being done on a
complete airframe, and specifically on the rudder
spring tab and its control circuit.
STRUCTURAL TESTING All the tests results obtained to date confirm the
At the original concept of the Jetstream a major design assumptions and strength calculations they
structural test programme was devised which was to have been intended to check.
have completed both fatigue and static testing on one
airframe. The success of the venture, together with the
object of obtaining results which would enable rapid IN CONCLUSION
development of the airframe to higher all up weights
and other variants, has now led to the technically more It is confidently predicted that the structural design
satisfactory method of using two specimens. The first and the means whereby it is being proved, will enable
of these is a complete airframe which will undergo the airframe to match the initial success and ultimate
static strength tests covering the critical stressing development which the whole Jetstream concept is
cases for wing, fuselage and tail unit. This involves expected to provide.

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