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Trident University International

HRM402: Training and Development

Module 3 – Case Assignment

Dean Francis Aviado


ADDIE plan to train 10 motel supervisors to conduct ongoing training on HOW TO

CLEAN A MOTEL ROOM for new employees who are working from the ground up in the

hospitality industry.

Phase 3: Implementation

The training for each of the topic shall include the conduct of lectures, followed by a time

allowance whereby the supervisor-trainees could ask the resource person any questions they may

have. An online and interactive group shall also be established in order for the supervisor

trainees to have the chance to as any other questions regarding the lecture. Thereafter, a written

and oral examinations will take place. Then, the supervisor-trainees will be asked to conduct a

discussion in front of their co-trainees regarding the specific topic they have randomly picked.

Finally, the supervisor-trainees will be asked to pair-up with another trainee to present a skit

presentation. The instructors chose the foregoing methods of delivery as the same were viewed

to give the best possible learning experience for the supervisor trainees. As mentioned earlier, the

trainers will be making use of the following delivery methods:

1) Lecture with Visual Aids – This method of instruction delivery is common and can

work well whether in training small or large groups of trainees (Ritzhaupt, 2020). This method of

instructional delivery will be complemented by the necessary hand-outs which shall be prepared

prior to the scheduled training and shall be disseminated to the supervisor-trainees upon the start

of each lecture. The hand-out shall be accomplished with coordination with the Motel’s owners

and officers and shall contain both the lecturer-expert and the Motel’s owners and officers

chosen areas to which the Supervisor-trainees must focus on. The hand-outs shall likewise

contain a “notes” section on the right part of each page to enable the supervisors to jot down any

relevant matter they picked up from the lecture.


The designated speaker or resource person who will conduct the lectures for each of the

topic will likewise prepare a power point presentation which shall be used while the lecture is

ongoing to visually aid the supervisor trainees in understanding the topic being discussed. After

each lecture, the supervisor-trainees will be allowed to ask any regarding the lecture to

encourage active participation from the supervisor trainees (Ritzhaupt, 2020).

2) Small Group Instruction - According to Ritzhaupt (2020) this method of instruction

delivery works well in a group of ten (10) learners and would involve activities such as

discussion, recitation, and even role playing. Among the advantage of this instructional learning

method is that if allows the learners, or the supervisor-trainees in the instant case to reflect and

share their ideas regarding the topic (Ritzhaupt, 2020). Another important feature of this

instructional method of delivery is the fact that it gives opportunity to the learners to give and

receive feedback from the instructor and co-trainees and even promotes good flow of healthy

discourse (Ritzhaupt, 2020).

3) Role-Playing – Role-playing is defined as the enactment by two or more persons of a

situation simulating a problem (Ritzhaupt, 2020). Through this method of instructional delivery,

the supervisor-trainees will be given the freedom to interpret the given scenario according to

their own understanding. As such, the instructors would be able to determine and gauge the

degree of understanding that the trainees acquired. This will also help the supervisor-trainees in

viewing the given scenario in the perspective of the party they are assigned to play.

Aside from the instructional mentioned in the preceding paragraphs, other various

instructional materials shall also be utilized by the instructors to supplement and complement the

foregoing methods of instructional delivery. Said instructional materials are as follows:


1) Questionnaires and Answer Keys for the scheduled topic for the week shall be

prepared by the lecturer with the approval of the Motel’s Owners and Officers. The same shall

contain questions which have been discussed during the lecture and situational questions wherein

the Supervisor-trainees would have the liberty to answer the same using the knowledge they have

acquired during the training as well as their stock knowledge.

2) Fishbowl questions which shall be prepared for the oral examinations. Each

question (which can either be a topic on the lecture or a situational question in relations to the

scheduled topic) shall be written on a piece of paper and the same shall be rolled thinly and shall

be placed inside a fishbowl. The supervisor-trainees will then pick-one up during the oral

examinations and he or she must be able to discuss the topic on the picked paper. The lecturer

will then be given the chance to ask questions to the Supervisor-trainee to test the latter’s

understanding of the topic fixed.

3) An interactive online website shall also be established whereby each of the

Supervisor-trainees would have an account which they can only access by logging in using their

nominated and registered usernames and passwords. The registration shall be facilitated by the

Motel’s HR head with the assistance of 2 of the motel’s I.T. employees/experts prior to the start

of the training. The online group can also be accessed by the lecturers to enable them to upload

additional references, recording of the earlier lecture, online hand-out, as well as for them to

respond to any queries that the Supervisors may have on the lecture which they were not able to

ask immediately after the lectures. This shall be done in order for the Supervisor to have all the

means of accessing the relevant materials to review and prepare for the exams incorporated

during the training and to make it available to them as their references once they finish their

training and proceed with training the new housekeeping employees. It must be stressed that

online learning has become one of the most popular type of learning as it enables trainees or

student to study at their own pace (Maier & Thomas, et al., 2013).


Ritzhaupt, A. (2020). ADDIE explained: Introduction. An Open Educational Resource for the

educational technology community. Retrieved from An Open Educational Resource for the

Educational Technological Community.

Thomas A. Maier & Nicholas J. Thomas (2013) Hospitality Leadership Course Design and

Delivery: A Blended - Experiential Learning Model, Journal of Hospitality &

Tourism Education, 25:1, 11-21, DOI: 10.1080/10963758.2013.777585. Retrieved from:



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