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Review Article

Complications of Hysteroscopic Surgery

Surg Capt (Mrs) P Tameja., Surg Capt VK Tameja+, Lt Col BS Duggal#

MJAFl2002; 58: 331·334

Key Words: Complications; Correct surgical tec:hniques; Distension media; Preventable

Introduction [3}. With uncontrolled pressures there can be in-

creased PC02 resulting in metabolic acidosis and car-
D iagnostic and operative hysteroscopy are safe
procedures and many large series of operative
procedures are reported with no complications. As
diac irregularities.
Dextran 70 (Hyskon) possesses high viscosity that
hysteroscopy continues to proliferate as a diagnostic renders it immiscible with blood which allows clear
and therapeutic tool for intrauterine abnormalities and visualisation in presence of bleeding. However, prob-
is becoming extremely popular amongst gynaecolo- lems related with Hyskon are pulmonary oedema, al-
gists, the importance of preventing. recognizing and lergic reactions and coagulopathies. Hyskon being
appropriately managing hysteroscopic complications highly viscous, high pressures are required to create
rises. Complications tend to occur mostly when con- adequate flow into uterine cavity. Due to high pres-
traindications are ignored and when incorrect surgical sure, more dextran gets intravasated causing expan-
techniques or instruments are used. Some potential sion of plaisma volume and pulmonary oedema [4,5].
problems are inherent in therapeutic or operative hys- Dextran is also known to have anti clotting properties
teroscopic procedures and are more frequent with di- [6]. Ellingson and Aboulafia [7] described four prob-
agnostic hysteroscopy. lems associated with dextran - hypotension, hypoxia,
coagulopathy and anaemia and named it Dextran syn-
Complications of Distension Media drome. Minor allergic reactions and anaphylaxis to
dextran are reported. Hapten inhibitors are available to
Panoramic hysteroscopy requires uterine distension
prevent this problem but are not used because serious
for diagnostic and operative procedures. There are
three basic distending media : high molecular weight allergic reactions are uncommon, I:1500 to 1:300,000.
dextran , carbon dioxide (CO2) and low viscosity flu- Low viscosity fluids are the most commonly used dis-
tension media. The major complications of low viscos-
ids. Complications do not result from mere presence
ity media result from excessive absorption and conse-
of medium in the uterine cavity but because medium
enters the vascular system. Some vascular intravasa- quent fluid overload. Low viscosity media can be di-
vided in two groups depending on their tonicity and
tion is inherent in all hysteroscopic procedures [1,2].
electrolyte content : hypotonic electrolyte free media
The factors that influence the amount of intravasa- and isotonic electrolyte containing media.
tion are the pressure used to distend the uterine cavity,
The hypotonic group includes glycine and sorbitol.
the type of operation and the duration of procedure.
These solutions being electrolyte free are nonconduc-
Difficult dilatation causing laceration, hysteroscopic
tive, hence preferred during electrosurgical proce-
myomectomy and resection of endometrium, can open
dures. Being hypotonic and electrolyte free, excessive
vascular channels and increase intravasation. When-
absorption of this fluid causes hypervolaemia and hy-
ever fluids are used. the input and outflow of distend-
ponatraemia. After intravasation. glycine and sorbitol
ing media must be monitored carefully.
get metabolized leaving free water in intravascular
CO2 is mainly used for diagnostic hysteroscopy be- space which moves by osmosis into intracellular and
cause it does not allow clearing of debris from uterine extracellular space. Free water accumulates in brain
cavity during operative procedures. When used at a tissue which increases pressure and causes cellular ne-
maximal flow rate of 100mllm and pressure of crosis. Clinically it manifests as nausea, vomiting, agi-
1000mHg, controlled with Hysteroflator, CO2 is a tation and headache. If untreated it may progress to
safe medium. Although embolisation can occur with bradycardia and hypertension and subsequently hypo-
controlled pressure. it is not dangerous as C02 is dis- tension. pulmonary oedema. cerebral oedema and car-
solved readily in blood and released during ventilation

"Professor and He~. Department of Obstetrics ~nd G~naecolog~, ~Professor and Head, Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care,
Armed Forces Medical College. Pune - 411040. Classified Specialist (Obstetrics and Gynaecology). Military Hospital, Shillong -793007.
332 Tameja, Tarneja and Duggal

diovascular collapse [8]. Premenopausal women are lions. Maximum operating time in our cases was 50
25 times more prone to develop this complication be- minutes. Strictly following this principle we resected
cause the cation pump of cerebral neurons which re- sub mucus myomas in two sittings in two cases .
duces cerebral oedema by throwing out osmotically Traumatic cervical dilatation and uterine perfora-
active cations, remains inhibited by sex hormones [9). tion create vascular rents and increase fluid absorp-
Glycine is metabolized to ammonia which at higher tion. Expanding hydrophilic dilators can be used pre-
concentrations contributes to muscle aches, visual dis- operatively in post menopausal women with stenosed
turbances and encephalopathy . cervix. In one case, while doing TCRE, perforation
In our series of 85 hysteroscopic procedures in took place but procedure could be completed. Immedi-
cases of infertility and 60 TCRE we had one case of ately after the procedure we realized fluid deficit was
excessive glycine absorption after TCRE. Patient had more than 2 litres. During laparoscopic evaluation for
blurring of vision for one day postoperatively. In addi- perforation, 1.5 litres of fluid was removed from peri-
tion patient had low sodium and responded well to toneal cavity. Patient made an uneventful recovery but
saline infusion. Recently mannitol has been evaluated it is always advisable to abandon the procedure as
as distension media. It is electrolyte free and also iso- soon as perforation takes place.
tonic. It does not get metabolized to ammonia so there Use of vasoconstrictor agents like vasopressin has
are less chances of encephalopathy [10]. been associated with less intravasation but is not rec-
The isotonic electrolyte containing distension media ommended because of its antidiuretic effect. Preopera-
commonly used are normal saline and Ringer's lac- tive use of gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists
tate. Their sodium content and their osmolality prevent has the advantage of causing less intravasation but at
hyponatraemic encephalopathy . Since these media are the same time softens the myometrium and increases
used only for diagnostic hysteroscopy, fluid overload the risk of perforation.
is not seen with these media. We have used these me- Meticulous measurement of inflow and outflow of
dia for more than thousand diagnostic hysteroscopies distension media is the most important factor to pre-
and found them absolutely safe. In case these media vent fluid overload. Automated fluid management sys-
can be used for operative hysteroscopy, it will dra- tems that continuously display distension media deficit
matically decrease the risk of hyponatraemia and are ideal, however, we keep one operating room staff
hypo-osmolality [II]. Versapoint is an example of bi- to monitor and alert the surgeon and anaesthesiologist
polar operating system that conducts electric current as soon as deficit exceeds 1OOOm!. If deficit exceeds
between two electrodes that are in close proximity and 1500ml it is advisable to terminate the procedure.
hence can be used with electrolyte containing isotonic
Uterine Perforation
media. Versapoint is useful for small polyps and
synechiae but is not suitable for resecting large Uterine perforation is the commonest complication
myomas or endometrial ablation. ERA sleeve and OP- of hysteroscopic surgery. Uterus can be perforated
ERA star system are modifications of unipolar system during dilation or with hysteroscope. Cervical
where return electrode is in close proximity to active stenosis, severe uterine anteflexion or retroflexion,
electrode rather than on patient's thigh. Higher power synechiae, myoma resection, endometrial resection,
settings are required with this system which can lead septa division and operator inexperience, all increase
to formation of bubbles and potential danger of gas the risk of perforation.
emboli . Infection
Problem of fluid overload is one of those complica- Infection is an uncommon complication of opera-
tions of hysteroscopic surgery which can be easily tive hysteroscopy. Various risk factors are : history of
prevented by following certain guidelines. Excessive pelvic inflammatory disease, pre-operative use of
infusion pressure that results in excessive intrauterine laminaria tent, long operative procedure, repeated in-
pressure is the most important risk factor. We have sertion and removal of hysteroscope through cervix
used Endomat for most of our cases but whenever we and tissue fragments left in utero. Most post operative
have used pressure bag, we followed the basic princi- infections are cystitis, endometritis, pyometra. and
ple to use lowest pressure to achieve clear view of rarely parametritis, tubo-ovarian abscess and broad
uterine cavity. In our experience, pressure reflected by ligament abscess. Although prophylactic antibiotics
manometer is not the true intrauterine pressure. have not been demonstrated to reduce the incidence of
Operative procedures that last more than one hour postoperative infection; we have used broad spectrum
and incorporate resection of large amounts of tissue antibiotics for all operative hysteroscopies and had no
are more likely to lead to fluid overload complica- post operative infections.
MJAFI, Vol. 58. No 4. 2002
Complications of Hysteroscopic Surgery 333

Electrosurgical Complications 4. Always keep anaesthesiologists informed about

The important intraoperative or postoperative com- the operative procedures like TCRE and myoma
plications from electrosurgical devices are thermal in- resection which can open venous sinuses and thus
juries to viscera which can lead to peritonitis, sepsis potential portals of air entry. Anaesthesiologists
and death. Thermal injuries usually follow perforation, during such procedures can closely monitor end
however, thermal bowel injury in absence of uterine tidal C02 (expired C02 measurement of each
perforation has been reported [14]. Electrosurgical breath amounts to non invasive estimation of
thermal effects with monopolar current are complex PaC02) and diagnose air embolism early. Dop-
and not fully understood Undesired energy transfer pler and transoesophageal echocardiography are
from active electrode to viscera can occur due to not recommended for monitoring because of high
faulty insulation, direct coupling and capacitative cou- false positive readings [15].
pling. Conclusion
Proper instrumentation and activation of electrode With proper preoperative evaluation, meticulous
always under vision, will prevent this undesirable en- technique and vigilance for impending problems, com-
ergy transfer but jumping of electrical energy due to plications of hysteroscopic surgery are largely pre-
capacitative coupling is beyond the control of surgeon. ventable. Fluid overload is the commonest complica-
Fortunately, capacitative coupling is not reported with tion. Hysteroscopists must know the various types of
hysteroscopic surgery. We had no electro-surgical media and peculiar problems associated with each so
complications as we always followed the basic princi- that he can make surgery safe . The knowledge of
ple of keeping active electrode under vision. physiology and management of air embolism is man-
Air Embolism datory for any active hysteroscopist. With ongoing re-
search and advancement in technology hysteroscopic
Air embolism is a rare but most dangerous and po-
surgery is going to become more safe and less morbid.
tentially fatal complication of hysteroscopic surgery.
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Various preventive measure s recommended are :- agulopathy following hysteroscopic surgery using 32%
I. Avoid Trendelenburg position as it places the Dextran 70. Chest. 1997:III :5 13-8.
uterus above the level of heart and creates a ve- 8. Witz CA. Complicat ions associated with absorption of hys-
nous vacuum with each diastolic relaxation. teroscopic fluid media. Ferti! Steril. 1993;60:745.
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try of room air. Keep the last dilator inside till ponatremic encephalopathy : comparison of serum sodium
resectoscope is assembled. Whenever electrode is and osmolality during operative hysteroscopy with 5% man-
to be changed keep the obturator inside. nitol and 1.5% glycine as distension media. J Am Assoc

MJAFI. Vol. 58. No.4. ZOOZ

334 Tameja, Tameja and Duual

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