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•Tidal energy , Is a form of hydropower that
converts the energy of tides .

•Tidal power is the only technology that used

orbital characteristics of the Earth–Moon system.

•Tidal power is practically inexhaustible.

The world's first large-scale tidal power plant (the

Rance Tidal Power Station) became operational in

Since the position of the earth and the moon with

respect to the sun changes throughout the year, we
can utilise the potential energy of the water contained
in the daily movement of the rising and falling sea
levels to generate electricity.

The generation of electricity from tides is similar in

many ways to hydro-electric generation we looked at in
the hydro energy tutorials. The difference this time is
that the water flows in and out of the turbines in both
directions instead of in just one forward direction.
Tidal energy, just like hydro energy transforms water in
motion into a clean energy. The motion of the tidal water,
driven by the pull of gravity, contains large amounts of
kinetic energy in the form of strong tidal currents called tidal

The daily ebbing and flowing, back and forth of the oceans
tides along a coastline and into and out of small inlets, bays
or coastal basins, is little different to the water flowing down
a river or stream.
The movement of the sea water is harnessed in a
similar way using waterwheels and turbines to that
used to generate hydro electricity. But because the sea
water can flow in both directions in a tidal energy
system, it can generate power when the water is
flowing in and also when it is ebbing out.

Therefore, tidal generators are designed to produce

power when the rotor blades are turning in either
direction. However, the cost of reversible electrical
generators are more expensive than single direction
 In a tidal energy power plant, we collect the water during high
tides in an artificial basin and release it during the period of low
tides. And use the water to spin a hydraulic turbine connected
to a generator while escaping. The three main components of a
tidal energy power plant are:
• powerhouse,
• dam to form the basin,
• sluiceways from the basin to sea and vice versa.
 The function of the dam is to create an obstacle between the
sea and the basin. The sluiceways are used to either fill the
basin during high tide or empty the basin during the low tide.
Single Basin Tidal Power Plant Working
However, in a double cycle system, power generation is
possible during the low as well as high tide. The direction
of flow during the low and high tide alternates and production
of power takes place during both the emptying and filling
cycle of the basin.

Double Basin Tidal Power Plant Working

In a double basin tidal power plant, two basins at different

levels are made, and a dam is provided in between them.
Inlet and outlet sluice gates are made in the dam. The water
level in the upper basin is maintained above the level of
water in the lower basin
The upper basin is filled with water during high tide, and the
lower basin is evacuated during the low tide. Therefore, a
permanent head is produced between the upper and lower

When a sufficient head is created, the turbines of the power

plant are started. The water flows from the upper basin to the
turbine, which discharges into the lower basin, and electrical
power is generated.

When the water level in the upper basin is maximum during

high tide, the inlet sluice is closed, and the level of the water
in lower basin keeps on rising due to the discharge of water
by the turbine
Power Output of Tidal System

We can express the power of a tidal turbine as;

P = ρQgH watts

Where, P = power of turbine in watts,

Q = quantity of water flow in m3/s
g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s2
H = water head in meters,
ρ = density of sea water = 1025 kg/m3

The water head H is generally taken as that from the water surface
behind the turbine to the centre of the turbine runner. H varies from a
maximum at the beginning of generation to zero at the end of the
generation. Though the variation of H during generation is nonlinear, we
assume the change to be linear.
As H varies from maximum to zero, the power output also
varies from maximum (equal to rated output) to zero. It is seen
that ρQgH is the total potential energy of water. The generator
output is equal to P multiplied by efficiencies of the turbine and
the generator.
Advantages of Tidal Power Plant

It is pollution-free.

Energy is freely available.

Power available around the year.

It is unaffected by the unpredictability of monsoon.

Disadvantages of Tidal Power Plant

The capital cost of the plant is high and needs a long construction time.

The interest and depreciation component of the generation cost is very


The construction of tidal barrage calls for advanced technology due to

very complex problems associated with it. The regions which are most
suitable for tidal energy generation tend to be the ones which are
difficult for barrage construction. So every location is not ideal for
installing such a system

Sedimentation of basin is a problem

Marine life will be damaged

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