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Thematic Report on the Issue of Financial Protection Upon

Divorce: Muslim Women’s Rights under Family Laws in

Pakistan- Article 16

for Consideration by
CEDAW Committee in its 75th session 15th-28th February 2020

Prepared and Submitted by Fauzia Viqar

Rah Center for Management and Development (RCMD)

42 A Lawrence Road, Lahore Pakistan

Rah Center for Management and Development (RCMD) is a development organization that
provides technical assistance and advisory services for social and economic empowerment of women
and promoting sustainable development of communities. It works with governments, international
development agencies, non government organizations and private sector companies to achieve its rights
and development objectives.

Endorsed by:
1. Ms. Khawar Mumtaz, Former Chairperson Pakistan National Commission on the Status
of Women
2. Justice Retd Nasira Iqbal- Former Judge of the Lahore High Court, Pakistan
3. Mr. Sohail Warraich- Legal Expert and former member of Pakistan National Commission
on the Status of Women
4. Asad Jamal – Lawyer and member of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan
Financial Protection Upon Divorce: Women’s Rights under Family Laws in Pakistan


In Pakistan, Muslim family laws make no

provision for financial protection upon In case of dissolution of marriage initiated
divorce for Muslim women, despite the by a woman whereby, a family court can
question of post-divorce maintenance raised grant a decree of khul’ on failure of pretrial
in Pakistani courts repeatedly in view of reconciliation, the wife has to return the
financial challenges faced by women after dower2 (amounts vary according to
arbitrary divorce pronounced by men, often provincial law3) or some other benefits that
for no fault of the woman. she had received during the subsistence of
marriage.4 However, if no dower was paid
on the date of nikah then there is no
Background and Issue requirement to return any quantum of
dower, even if the full dower was paid to the
bride subsequent to the date of marriage.
Key Pakistani family laws for Muslim men
and women have been codified in detail in However, the courts have in recent years
the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance 1961, shown inclination to consider the time spent
the Family Courts Act 1964 as well as the by the wife with the husband as having
Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act 1939, economic value that is to be taken into
among others1 to deal with marriage and account while deciding the issue of return of
divorce as well as matters related to dower in divorce as well as khul cases.5
maintenance in the period following
separation and divorce. These laws do not Structure of society in Pakistan encourages
provide for access to matrimonial property women to restrict their role to care of the
or to maintenance after divorce except for family, and their activities are restricted to
the ‘Iddah’ or ‘Iddat’ period of three months the confines of the house. Consequently,
or, when a woman is pregnant she becomes termination of financial support from the
entitled to subsistence support until she spouse upon breakdown of marriage leaves
delivers the child (in case the delivery of women from all strata of society extremely
child is later than this three months period). vulnerable. This constitutes a major reason
behind women continuing to live in abusive
The concept of dower (prompt and deferred) relationships despite long standing neglect
is envisioned as a form of financial/material and suffering. Lack of State support for
protection in case the divorce is pronounced single women exacerbates vulnerability.
by a man. There is no provision of government
1 housing or unemployment support to
“Post-Divorce Financial Rights and Settlement of Matrimonial
Property For Muslim Women In Pakistan”- Punjab Commission on
the Status of Women, 2019- Other related laws include Muslim Section 10 (4) of the Family Courts Act, 1964 apply in Pakistan,
Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act 1962, Guardians and except for Punjab
Wards Act, 1890, the Succession Act 1925, the laws relating to 3
The Punjab Family Courts (Amendment) Act 2015 prescribes, in
restraints placed on child marriage such as the Child Marriage case of khula that, the Court “may direct the wife to surrender up
Restraint Act 1929 to fifty percent of her deferred dower or up to twenty-five percent
Pakistan like other countries in the region including India and of her admitted prompt dower to the husband”. Amendment stands
Bangladesh does not have a uniform code for different religious challenged before the Federal Shariat Court
denominations for adjudication of family matters. Members of 4
different religious denominations are governed by different sets of MA vs. SN 2015 SCMR 804
laws such as the Divorce Act 1869 and the Christian Marriage Act AR vs. SP 2013 YLR 2016 (Pesh) life spent by wife with
1872, the Hindu Marriage Act 2016 etc. husband could be considered as consideration for khula

Financial Protection Upon Divorce: Women’s Rights under Family Laws in Pakistan

financially dependent women even when to divorced women. The quantum of mata’a
leaving abusive marriages. Across Pakistan, may be developed by legislators to correlate
longer term women’s shelters for the with the duration of marriage, the facts of
destitute also restrict single women’s the case, circumstances of divorce, and
residence, permitting widowed, divorced or financial stability of the husband. The Quran
destitute women who have to be does, however, direct the righteous to be
accompanied by children6 guided by the principles of “fairness” and
“reasonableness” in determining the
Financial protection for women in marriage quantum of maintenance10.
and upon divorce is not alien to Islamic
principles. Muslim scholars and jurists are Muslim law jurisdictions including
unanimously agreed that the woman’s right Morocco, Qatar, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey,
to maintenance arises upon marriage and, UAE, and Yemen have mandatory
while there is difference of opinion on provisions relating to mata’, often referred
extending this right after the marriage ends, to as “partying gift”.
a good number of experts on Islamic law
contend that it is available to women7. The concept of mata’ has been discussed in
Many Muslim countries across the world Pakistan since 1956 when the Commission
have safeguarded women’s rights through on Muslim Marriage and Family Laws in
two provisions: Pakistan observed that “a large number of
middle aged women who are being divorced
1) Islamic doctrine of Mata’ or or mata’ tu without rhyme or reason should not be
talaq, an Arabic term used for post-divorce thrown on the street without a roof over their
maintenance and translated variously as heads and without any means of sustaining
“gratification”, “obligatory gift”, “alimony” themselves and their children”, and
and “suitable gift”8. It refers to award of recommended that “such discretion should
maintenance to the divorced wife for life or be vested in the Matrimonial Court” 11.
till she remarries, piecemeal or in a one-time Between 1993 and 2009, the Law and
transaction. It is deemed to be a wife’s right Justice Commission of Pakistan twice
to receive property from her husband at the proposed draft law to provide for mandatory
time of divorce for period beyond iddat. The maintenance (mata’) by divorcing husband
concept of mata’a has originally been beyond the period of iddat. In 2008, the
derived from Surah Al-Baqarah: 2:241: Council of Islamic Ideology, a constitutional
body for making recommendations on new
“For divorced women maintenance (should legislative proposals, recommended
be provided) on a reasonable (scale). This is enactment of a law on mata’12, but the
a duty on the righteous.”9 Multiple parliament has not taken up the matter till
translations of this crucial verse of the now in 2020.
Quran reveal that something must be given
2) The second provision available for Post-
Rules governing shelters restrict single women’s admission- divorce financial protection of women is
7 10
Women Living Under Muslim Laws- Dossier 22: Post Divorce See Punjab Commission on the Status of Women, “Post-Divorce
Maintenance for Muslim Women and the Islamist Discourse- Financial Rights and Settlement of Matrimonial Property for Muslim Women in Pakistan”, by Asad Jamal- 2019
8 11
Muhammad Khalid Masud, The award of mata’a in the early Gazette of Pakistan Extraordinary, published June 20 1956, at
Muslim courts, in “Dispensing Justice in Islam” Masud, Peters, P.1215
Powers eds., Brill:2012 (pp. 349-381) at 355 12
See the annual report of the Council of Islamic Ideology for
Translation by M. Pickthall 2008

Financial Protection Upon Divorce: Women’s Rights under Family Laws in Pakistan

linked to their share in matrimonial

property which may become due because of Many Muslim law jurisdictions including
the woman’s contribution in cash or Turkey and Iran have detailed legislation
otherwise by virtue of physical or which provides for recording a woman’s
intellectual labour. In Pakistan there is no contribution to family business and property
legal framework for recording or acquired during the subsistence of marriage
ascertaining a woman’s contribution, in kind which in case of divorce or khul’ would help
or otherwise, to the acquisition of assign respective share to man and woman13.
matrimonial property during the subsistence Article 202 of the Civil Code of Turkey
of marriage. states that any property acquired during
marriage must be joint by default unless the
3) A wife can also file a suit in the Family spouses can agree to another arrangement
Courts for recovery of her personal property provided by law.14
and belongings. On questions of what
constitutes a wife’s personal property, the Indonesia’s Marriage Law (1974) maintains
courts have interpreted broadly, the property that any property acquired during the
a wife owned, acquired or made during marriage shall become joint property and
marriage whether of her own resources or the property brought into the marriage by
with resources of her husband to be included the husband and the wife respectively or
in the definition of personal property. Suit acquired by either of them as a gift or
for recovery of property can be filed by a inheritance shall remain under their
woman during subsistence of marriage or on respective controls, unless otherwise
divorce and, Family Courts are empowered mutually decided by the parties.15 Tunisian
(section 21-A) to pass an interim order to and Malaysian family laws similarly provide
preserve and protect any property in dispute for a woman’s right to ownership of
in a suit, the preservation of which is property acquired during their marriage
considered necessary for the satisfaction of
the decree.
It is necessary for Pakistan also to introduce
Bridal gifts given before, at or after marriage measures to protect women’s rights in
also become absolute property of wife and, marriage and work towards similar
are not returnable whether the marriage legislation to secure economic rights of
subsist or ends in divorce, under The Dowry women in case of divorce. This can be either
and Bridal Gifts (Restriction) Act, 1976. The in the form of property, gifts, or
courts have upheld claims filed by a wife, maintenance money as acknowledging the
whenever a suit has been filed on this work done by women during the sustenance
ground of recovery of bridal gifts. of marriage.

Another factor that supports women’s claim

to matrimonial assets is the husband’s
responsibility to provide for his wife and
children irrespective of the financial status
of the couple. This role of the man must be 13
See Punjab Commission on the Status of Women, “Post-Divorce
taken into account while determining share Financial Rights and Settlement of Matrimonial Property for
Muslim Women in Pakistan”, by Asad Jamal- 2019
of the wife in property and her claim on any 14
Turkish Civil Code, 2001
assets made during the marriage. 15

Financial Protection Upon Divorce: Women’s Rights under Family Laws in Pakistan

Economic and Social Status and associate professionals and 0.83% of

of Women in Pakistan
Further, women lag behind men in terms of
registration with the local authorities e.g.
Economic and social status of women in
birth, death, marriage, and divorce
Pakistan provides a basis for law reform for
introducing mata’ or post-divorce
maintenance for Muslim women
The Punjab Economic and Social Wellbeing
Survey 2018 indicates that only 6% women
Women’s employment in Pakistan is very
had accounts in formal banking institutions
low at 21.9%16 compared to 80.3% for men,
and only 13% had access to credit.
and with formal labour force participation
Poverty is another issue that has a
ranging between 9–26% (wide provincial
tremendous impact on divorced women.
variations) 17 and; increasing informality in
Pakistan is the sixth most populous country
women’s work at 13.45%. Around 14
in the world, of which women constitute
million women are engaged in the informal
nearly half.21 Feminization of poverty is
sector where working conditions are
observed among the 24.3% population living
exploitative and discriminatory.
in severe poverty.
Employment discrimination not only limits
job opportunities but also deprives them of
The trends in employment show that women
equal wages for equal work based on
are far more vulnerable than men. 77%
gender. Social constraints also limit
female and 42% male paid employed
women’s work outside home, and also what
workers earned less than minimum wages of
kind of work they can engage in.18 Access to
10,000 rupees in 2013-14.22
finance is a key to women empowerment but
remains limited. Overall only 13 % women
have access to any kind of loan and 87%
men are getting loans. The size of the loan
dispersed is higher on average for men than
for women. Ownership of house or land is
We invoke:
an essential component of economic
empowerment of women. Yet only 2 % 1. CEDAW Committee 75 th Session-
women own land. (CEDAW/C/PAK/Q/5, para. 21)- In
the light of the Committee’s previous
Women occupy less than a quarter positions concluding observations, please
in the combined categories of legislators, provide information on progress
senior officials, managers, 1% as technicians achieved in revising discriminatory
laws that provide for unequal rights of
women with regard to marriage,
divorce, inheritance and property and
See National Commission on the Status of Women, Inquiry
Report on the Status of Women Employment in Public Sector 19
Organizations 20
18 Punjab Commission on the Status of Women, Punjab Gender
UN Women and NCSW: Women’s Economic Participation and Parity Report 2018
Empowerment in Pakistan. Status Report 2016, at pp.18, 42-52
available at 21
/05/status-report-on-womens-economic-participation-and- UN Women and NCSW: Women’s Economic Participation and
empowerment Empowerment in Pakistan. Status Report 2016

Financial Protection Upon Divorce: Women’s Rights under Family Laws in Pakistan

permit polygamy marriage, family relations and their

(CEDAW/C/PAK/CO/4, para. 37). dissolution Section VII Paras 39-48

2. Concluding Observations on the 5. ICESCR, UNCRC, CEDAW-

Initial Report of Pakistan- UN Recommendations for Pakistan in the
Human Rights Committee on Concluding Observations of UN Human
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Committee on Pakistan’s Reports
Rights 23 on Human Rights Conventions25

 The Committee recommends that the

State Party adopt a framework
legislation relating to marriage, divorce,
custody, and inheritance, in line with
international norms and standards, with a Questions
view to providing effective and equal
legal protection for all women, We call upon the Committee to ask
particularly Hindu and Christian women Pakistan:
in Pakistan It also recommends that the
State party make every effort to fully
 What steps has the Government of
enforce the legislative framework once
Pakistan taken to provide financial
adopted and to raise the awareness of the
protection of women upon divorce for
public, as well as of law enforcement
Muslim women in the form of
and judicial officials, thereon.
3. Article 16 paragraph 1(h) CEDAW
 What measures has the government
1. States Parties shall take all appropriate
taken to put into effect the right to
measures to eliminate discrimination
matrimonial property and to determine
against women in all matters relating to
an equitable share for measuring
marriage and family relations and in
women’s contributions in cash or in kind
particular shall ensure, on a basis of
during the subsistence of marriage?
equality of men and women:
(h) The same rights for both spouses in
respect of the ownership, acquisition,  What steps are being taken to ensure that
management, administration, enjoyment the family laws of the Christian, Hindu,
and disposition of property, whether free Sikh and other minority religious
of charge or for a valuable consideration. communities provide for financial
protection upon divorce for women in
4. General recommendation24 on Article the form of maintenance and for an
16 of the Convention on the Elimination equitable share in matrimonial property
of All Forms of Discrimination against across all provinces/territories of
Women: Economic consequences of Pakistan?

Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights-
Concluding observations on the initial report of Pakistan*- 25
Adopt a framework legislation relating to marriage, divorce,
E/C.12/PAK/CO/1, 20 July 2017 custody, and inheritance, in line with international norms and
CEDAW/C/GC/29 standards, with a view to providing effective and equal legal protection for all women, particularly Hindu and Christian women
DAW-C-52-WP-1_en.pdf in Pakistan (ICESCR, UNCRC, CEDAW)

Financial Protection Upon Divorce: Women’s Rights under Family Laws in Pakistan

 What measures has the Government of

Pakistan taken to enact legal provisions
to ensure that, upon dissolution of
marriage, women have equal rights to
property acquired during marriage, in
line with Article 16 paragraph 1(h) of
the Convention and the Committee’s
general recommendation 21?

3. Undertake legislative reform to

Recommendations record husband and wife’s assets
and sources of earning to facilitate
determination of wife’s direct and
We recommend the CEDAW Committee
indirect contribution in assets made
to urge the State Party to:
by the family during marriage
irrespective of the title deed of any
property acquired.

1. Enact laws to provide for Mata’ or

post divorce maintenance for 4. Ensure family laws of the Christian,
2. Muslim
Undertakewomen to ensure
legislative their
reform for Hindu, Sikh and other minority
financial protection upon
provision of the right to divorce religious communities provide for
matrimonial property and to financial protection upon divorce for
determine an equitable share for women in the form of maintenance
measuring women’s contributions and for an equitable share in
in cash or in kind during the matrimonial property across all
subsistence of marriage provinces/territories of Pakistan

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