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Week 7
Starter: Discussion of Lab safety rules
The Big Question

How important is the

scientific method?
LO: To be able to identify the steps of scientific
Success Criteria:

I can plan and predict the

outcome of an experiment using
the scientific method.

I can describe the scientific

processes and its terminologies.

I can name in correct order the

steps in scientific method.
Key Vocabulary

Question The question should be about the investigation

Research Books, Internet, Dictionary, Professionals

Hypothesis Guess, Predict

Materials to test the investigation Experiment

Create tables and graphs to write what happened during the experiment Analysis

Write down what was observed during the analysis Conclusion

Example: I predict
that cotton is If a houseplant
waterproof. plant is not
watered for three
weeks, then the
I predict that
plant will wither
friction is more on and die because
a rough surface. plants need
adequate amount
I think that plastic is of water to
waterproof because survive.
it does not absorb
Example: I am
dropping water
on different
materials to test
which one is
most absorbent.
Example: We are
writing down
what we
observed during
the experiment.
Example: We
conclude that
friction is more
on a rough
surface than a
smooth surface.
Mid-Plenary: Test your Knowledge

What is the scientific How many steps are in Can you name the steps Why do we need the
method? the scientific method? of the scientific method? scientific method?

In one or two paragraphs, answer the questions

to develop your scientific writing.
LO: To be able to identify the steps of scientific

I can plan and predict the

outcome of an experiment using
the scientific method.

I can describe the scientific processes

and its terminologies.

I can name in correct order the

steps in scientific method.
Task 1. What do plants need to grow well?
Question: What do you want to find out? Underline or Circle your choice.

What happens when a plant has no water?

If a If the plant has no heat, will it still grow?

Can a plant grow in the dark?

Hypothesis: What do you think will happen to your plant?

I thi I think my plant will _____________________________________.

Method: What are you going to do?

Think about where you will put your plant, or what you will do to it.
Task 2. What do plants need to grow well?
Question: What do you want to find out? Choose your question.

What happens when a plant has no water?

If a plant has no heat, will it still grow?

Can a plant grow in the dark?

Hypothesis: What do you think will happen to your plant?

I think my plant will ______________ because __________________.

Method: What are you going to do?

Think about where you will put your plant, or what you will do to it.
Task 3. What do plants need to grow well?
Question: What do you want to find out? Challenge yourself to think of your own.

Hypothesis: What do you think will happen to your plant?

I think my plant will ______________ because __________________.

If __________________ then ________________________________.

Materials needed:

Method: What are you going to do?

Plenary (Exit Ticket)
LO: To be able to identify the steps of scientific

I can plan and predict the

outcome of an experiment using
the scientific method.

I can describe the scientific processes

and its terminologies.

I can name in correct order the

steps in scientific method.
Fun Home Learning (Optional)
Scientific Method Booklet

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