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Instant Penis Enlargement – Exercises That Make You The King In Bed
By Swee Ling

According to statistics, 85% of men are unable to have sex longer than 3 minutes due to
a weak PC muscle. It has also been shown that more than 98% of men would increase
their penis size only if they knew how to do it. Anywa
Anyway y, as a man, you need to have the
ability to satisfy your woman in bed otherwise you may end up seeing her in another
man’ss arms. One of the major factors that make you good in bed is the size of your
 penis. But here’s
here’s the most important part:
part: you can increase the size
size of your penis using
some simple exercises.

The History of Penis Enlargement Exercises

The penis enlargement exercise has not come up just of recent. Men have been keen on
adding some girth to their penises for a long time now. The
The exercises have been
 previously linked to
to the Arabians, Chinese, Egypt
ian, and Indian cultu
res. This exercise
mainly involved the use of hand movements to apply controlled pressure with the aim ai m of
forcing blood into the penis. This concept is the one that is applied in the exercises used

What is The Principle behind the Penis Enlargement Exercise?

The basic principle behind instant penis enlargement is the response of the human body
to external stimuli. This is similar to what happens when you go to work out in the gym.
For instance, when you regularly lift dumbbells with the aim of building the biceps
muscle, the response you get is determined by the exercise you perform, the frequency,
and the weight you use to exercise. So, penis enlargement exercises will modify your

You Have to Actually Perform the Exercises to Achieve Desired Results

Well, these exercises do not work like magic in any way: you must actually do the
exercises correctly frequently.
frequently. The penis is made up of muscle just like any other body
organ. Regular exercising makes the muscle grow. You cannot sit back and expect the
 penis to become big by by itself. So, the bottom li
ne is that you must set aside some time
and put in efforts to see the results that you desire.

Types of Penis Enlargement Exercises

There are various exercises that you can perform to enlarge your penis. These come in
form of both simple and advanced exercises. It is usually recommended that you start off
with the simple exercises before moving on to the advanced ones. Some of the common
exercises are discussed below

You need to have lubricant to perform this exercise successfully. Put some lubricant in
your palms and apply it on the semi-erect penis. Using your thumb and the pointing
finger, make a circle at the base of your penis. Grip the penis a bit tightly and move the
grip towards the tip of the penis. TTo
o make the procedure work for you, make sure that
the grip is not too tight to cause pain. Instead, it is supposed to stimulate blood flow to
your penis. As soon as you reach the glans (head), stop gripping the penis. But there is
 just one small catch: the
the Jelqing should neve
neverr be applied to the glans
glans due to the sensit
nature of this part of your penis. The whole process should not take more than 5
seconds. After
After the first pass, repeat the procedure with the other hand. Make sure you do
this repeatedly several times a day to get the results you desire.

Kegel exercises
This exercise does not involve your penis directly, but works on the muscles of the
 pelvic floor.
floor. This exercise was in
itially intended for women
women to tighten thei
theirr vaginal
muscles after delivery. However,
However, it was discovered that men can also use the exercise to
tone the pelvic floor muscles. T
o effectively perform this exercise, start urinating as
normal but hold the urine flow in the middle before you resume. The muscles you use
are the muscles involved in ejaculating. Do this repeatedly to strengthen this muscle.

This works in the same way as Jelqing but it has some variation to it. TTake
ake your penis in
your hand as in Jelqing. Stretch the penis downwards and hold it in that position for 30
seconds or so. Repeat this step but this time towards the right. Do this for the left side,
up, and down, holding the stretch for 30 seconds each time. This will be one set. Repeat
this as many times as possible.

Instant Penis Enlargement the Right Way

I can’t stress this enough: you need to be aware of the right way of doing the penis
enlargement exercise. For one, do the exercise daily and do not rush yourself. YYou
ou need
to start with the basic exercises before you move up to the advanced ones. Y You
ou also need
to have patience. When you do the exercises as required,
r equired, you will notice significant
increase in the size of your
y our penis.

There you have it. Being good in bed is just a few exercises away. The practice of penis
enlargement has come a long way and has undergone some modifications. One of the
safest ways to make your penis bigger is by using exercises targeted to this organ. the
exercises are easy and take just a few minutes of your time each day
day.. No need for you to
apply dangerous chemicals or use complicated tools anymore! YouYou now have the answer
to better sex and a better relationship, don't you?

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