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Performance Dashboard

Cutting-Edge Business Intelligence and Data Visualization

Kumar SM, Meena Belwal

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Amrita School of Engineering Bengaluru
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,
Amrita University

Abstract: Executive decisions are the core components I. Introduction

affecting the growth of the organization. While one right
decision can make the business to reach the sky, one wrong Business dashboard is comparable to the automobile
decision can bring down the business. With the increasing dashboard. There could be numerous processes that impact the
competition of IT industries, the investments, business performance of a vehicle. The Dashboard empowers drivers to
directives and the business data are increasing focus on safe and sound operating of the vehicle and directing
exponentially. Hence, the business owner should be extra the numerous road threats present on a day-to-day travel.
cautious and must keep all the factors in mind while decision Similarly, a well architected dashboard is a efficient
making. Thus, demanding a great requirement of a tool information management tool [1].
which measures and monitors the growth of the business
and to evidence that the business is heading towards the In today's business market, the tendency is in the direction of
profitable direction. Even though there are few existing data, in technical terms ± ³Big Data´. Handling and retrieving
methods to measure the growth of the company, these are beneficial value from that huge volume of data is a key
limited to provide basic information or have restrictions in challenge tackled by current businesses. The performance
analyzing the behavior of the business. Therefore, fail to dashboards act as a solution by simplifying this complex
provide the complete assurance to business owners in processes into manageable, understandable chunks of
decision making. This work provides an efficient Nobel information so that the user can focus on the day to day
solution to address these problems by focusing on developing process of the business. This section describes the importance
a Performance Dashboard. The proposed technique involves of Business Intelligence and its effectiveness in a business
an integration of business intelligence technologies, data organization along with the need for data visualization.
mining and data visualization technologies creating a perfect
solution to analyze the business trends, business growth, the 1.1 Business Intelligence
amount of profit, employee performance, customer BI are the set of strategies,
satisfaction, areas of improvements in business and much processes, applications, data, products, technologies and
more. This performance dashboard showcases the technical architectures which are used to support the
information by understating the business behavior right collection, analysis, presentation and dissemination of
from the organization start period. It acts as an information business information [2]. BI technologies provide historic,
management tool that is used to track the metrics, Key existing and predictive sights of business operations. BI can be
Performance Indicators (KPIs) and additional key factors used to provision a widespread range of business decisions
applicable to the business or specific process. Using data extending from operational to tactical. Elementary operating
visualization techniques, dashboard simplifies the complex decisions comprise product positioning or pricing. Strategic
data sets to deliver users with a glancing awareness of business decisions include priorities, goals and directions at
present performance and to keep track on the department's the broadest level. BI is most effective when it associates data
capability to accomplish service level targets. from company sources internal to the business such as
financial and operations data (internal data) with data
derivative from the market in which a company operates
Keywords² Performance Dashboard, KPI, Data (external data). It is very difficult to retrieve sensible
Visualization, Business analytics, Business Intelligence, information regarding the business just with the raw data. So,
REST web services, Single Sign On, SAML, Pentaho, with the help of visualization technologies, it is possible to
Bootstrap, REST frame work, MVC, RBAC interpret the data efficiently.

978-1-5386-0569-1$31.00 2017
c IEEE 1201
1.2 Data Visualization The work presented in this report is similar to the
work proposed by [2], [5] ,[8]and [6] such as the concept of
Visualization is the graphical representation of an using the Business Intelligence for better profitability, the data
information. The major goal of data visualization is to provide warehousing for data storage and usage of visualization for
the user with a qualitative and easy understanding of the better understanding. However, this work adds more features
information contents [3]. It is the process of transforming such as integration of business intelligence technologies, data
objects, numbers and concepts into a form that can be easily mining and data visualization technologies to analyze the
interpreted by the human eyes. Generally, ³information´, can business trends, business growth, amount of profit, employee
be data, relations, perceptions or processes. Here, its restricted performance, customer satisfaction and areas of
to Data. improvements.
The rest of the paper is organized as: Section II
describes the literature surveyed. The performance dashboard III. Performance Dashboard
architecture is described in section III. Section IV describes
the Implementation ± Case Study details and Section V In spite of their pervasive presence in business, dashboards
discourses the result and analysis. The Advantages of the can be problematic to develop, design, implement and
Proposed System is discussed in Section VI. The proposed frequently fail to accomplish their objectives. Common
work is concluded in Section VII. glitches include misalignment of dashboards with the business
goal line, impractical or poorly defined objectives and
II. Literature survey business problems impacting the implementation.
Hence, by considering the previous work done in this
For literature survey, the works that have been previously area and by understanding the respective drawback the
done in building a various dashboard using the different proposed dashboard is built to handle all the versatility of a
technologies and strategies is considered. business organization which is an idle solution for all the
The work presented by Elliot B. et. al., [1] describes addressed problems. The proposed dashboard development
new enhancements to a military medical informatics and architecture involves two major steps ± Business Architecture
business process reengineering research project. A Business and Technical Architecture as explained below.
Intelligence system called the JMAR Executive Dashboard
Initiative (JEDI) was. It helps in taking an efficient decision
3.1 Business Architecture
regarding the medical. Authors Sidra Ashraf et. al [3] defines
the key metrics to include in BI Dashboards to help visualize
the right metrics accurately to decision makers for an effective
market edge. The work proposes three business measures and
grading criterion for valued subscribers based on call detail
records and displays the results in an effective visualization.
Another work has been done to accomplish Smart Tourism by
understanding the tourist behavior and statistics by Hamed
Saif Albusaidi et. al. [4]. As majority of tourists leave an
electronic tracing and feedback during searching for
destinations and booking as well as feedback of tourism places
services. A knowledge based dashboard is built by considering
this data to determine the Tourist satisfaction. The work Fig. 1
presented by Pawan Chowdhary et. al. [5] describes an The above figure1 represents the high-level business
approach for dashboard development that is model driven and architecture of the proposed dashboard. The various success
can be integrated with the business performance models to factors considered to develop effective dashboard from the
adopt the business performance modeling framework and business perspective are explained below:
extend it to capture the reporting aspect of the business. The
work done by Ashish Thusoo et. al. [6] deals with the 3.1.1 Stakeholders Support: Dashboard initiatives need a
technologies to handle the large dynamic company¶s data champion, relatively a senior executive who has a complete
which will be increasing with respect to time. The work done understanding of business challenges and has adequate
by S. Sathyadevan Jaison et. al. deals with handling large set authority to make things happen. Senior executives essentially
of dynamic data and the method to represent it in browser [7]. involved in retaining the initiative. In several cases, initiatives
The work presented by P.N Kumar et. al. describes building start with a great flourish but then focus swings to other
an agent based model of stock market which analyze the priorities and teams mislay interest. Deprived of ongoing high-
historical data and determine the optimal market price [8]. The level support, dashboards risk fading into irrelevance and
work proposed by P.T. Ramya et. al. describes Web obscurity.
Personalization model which tracks user navigation and 3.1.2 Strategy: In the Dashboard development process, the
activities and provides report on user¶s behavior [10]. mission, vision, goals and objectives of an organization should

1202 2017 International Conference On Smart Technology for Smart Nation

be considered to build the respective metrics. In this step, all Hence the dashboard architecture should be able to handle
the information which previously brought profit to the all forms of data Examples: JIRA, Footprints, Sales etc.
company and the metrics which will lead to the future
development of the company towards the profitability should 3.2.2. Data Integration: Data Integration Layer is built
be collected. Also, the inputs from the stockholders with
using Pentaho Data Integration and helps to extract data
respect to the upcoming strategies of the organization should
be collected. from data sources, transform the extracted data to match
destination format (SQL tables) and load the transformed
3.1.3 Tactics: As the growth of the company directly depends data into the data warehouse. On identification of the data
on the quality of the employees, the information regarding the sources, a connection needs to be established to extract the
employee knowledge, the work efforts, Projects and employee
data from the source to the application. The obtained raw
engagement is considered in this phase. The efforts of each
employee must be monitored as it should be channeled data may consist noise. As mentioned in above section, the
towards the profitability of the company. raw data may be structured or semi-structured or
unstructured. Hence there is a need to perform Extract
3.1.4 Semantics: On deciding the strategies and tactics, a Transfer and Load (ETL) process as per the type of data
precise metadata of the process should be created and
before using it.
conferred among the organization so that everyone will agree
to the rules and terms. Then monitor the subsequent progress.
x Extract
3.1.5 Proper metrics: The preliminary focus on business ± If the data source is an Excel file then just create
objectives permits definition of suitable metrics, those that are Pentaho transformation which extracts the rows of the
evocative to the business and the stakeholders. Effective
excel sheets
metrics results in terms of defining significant action and
improvement, rather than simply monitoring only the ± If the data source provides API to extract data and
performance. A concentration on defining appropriate metrics expose read-only database schema. Then, create
at the outset also dodges the problematic availability of data or Pentaho transformation which acts as a connector
tools and technologies, rather than the business aims, to drive between Data source and the dashboard application. If
the process, execution of the initiative irrelevant to the data source is expecting and authentication, then
performance issues. By choosing a few effective key metrics provide the required credentials to access the data.
to start with, organizations can secure preliminary successes x Transform
and improve more strategic elements and complexity. The data from the Data source may consist of noise
which leads to miss calculations while analytical
process. The transforms process takes care of noise
3.2 Technical Architecture
reduction before using the data. Few noise handling
methods in terms of transformations are as follows:
- Default values can be provided for any missing
fields in the data
- Providing the missing data values based relation
with its adjacent data values
- Removal of unwanted columns or data which is
not useful for the analytical computations
Once the noise is removed, the next step is to load the
clean data to the application data base. To do this,
Fig 2 respective Pentaho jobs should be created which load
the data into the corresponding MySQL tables. To have
an effort less interface or light weight load on the
The technical architecture as shown in figure 2 can be server, the separate schema for each data source is
segmented into the following five components as described created.
3.2.1 Data Sources: In an organization, there will be 3.2.3. Centralized Data Warehouse: Centralized data
various data source provides raw input data in different ware house is built using MySQL server [6]. Data
formats like structured or semi-structured or unstructured Integration Layer and Business Integration Layer make use
data. In fact, the data sources can be on premise or cloud. of JDBC connection pooling to read/write tables. Data from
Some of the standard data formats are file based, API to multiple sources irrespective of their location is stored in
extract data and can expose read-only database schema. one single location. The dashboard has exclusive
connectors for each data source which is built using
Pentaho integration tool. These connectors will play the

2017 International Conference On Smart Technology for Smart Nation 1203

role of importing the data from all the data sources and Backend Technologies:
storing in the Centralized data warehouse. It is a key component reflecting the Performance of the
The implementation of the central data warehouse application. The front end and back end are directly
has a great advantage like, it provides data security, dependent on each other. So, designing of the back end has
reliability and infrastructure cost reduction. Also, provides a direct impact on the user experience. The required data to
easy implementation of data mining and machine learning the graphs present in the frontend is supplied by the
technologies which can be an additional advantage in backend services. In case the backend of the application
dashboard developing process. fails then the application will not be accessible.
The backend of Dashboard is developed using Java and
3.2.4. Business Integration: It is the key component of the J2EE, RESTful Web Services and JDBC which makes it
Dashboard. There exist few software companies which reliable and flexible. Building the backend in Java makes
provide the business integration tool which can be directly the dashboard platform independent.
integrated into the business organization. But each has their The data after ETL step will be residing in the
short comings. Either the products are too overpriced or do database. It is retrieved using the RESTful Web services
not provide all the required functionalities to build the and converted into a consumable format to the AmCharts
model. Hence, the proposed model is a perfect solution as it and represented in the frontend as a graphical format. The
uses only open source software which has the flexibility to RESTful framework allows to perform the CRUD ± Create
alter and integrate in accordance to the organizational Delete Update Delete operations on the database. Required
requirement. The proposed Dashboard¶s Business data is retrieved by custom queries through RESTful calls
Integration Layer is built using open source to the database by establishing JDBC connection.
frameworks/libraries as follows: As the dashboard is developed using REST framework,
it exposes the API feature as a data provider and data
Frontend technologies: reusability. This is one of the most powerful functionality
The proposed dashboard is developed using the of the dashboard. If anyone needs to access the dashboard¶s
technologies like HTML5, CSS3, Java Script, jQuery, data, they can make rest calls to the dashboard and retrieve
Bootstrap and AmCharts [11]. The most important of these, the data in structured manner and start using the data for
the bootstrap and AmCharts are described below: their requirements.

Bootstrap: Database: MySQL

One of the major challenges is the prediction of the MySQL is used to store the data in the
device through which the user is accessing the Dashboard. Centralized Data Warehouse. Data which is retrieved
If any user tries to access the dashboard with a device from Pentaho connectors is stored in a structured schema.
display other than the standard size, then the contents of the
dashboard will be rendered in an abrupt manner. This may Security: Spring SAML security - SSO
even result in overlapping or miss few contents of the page All the multi-national companies will be using
itself. Also, it is not a good practice to restrict the size of numerous application hosted within the organization.
the device display to the user. This will directly impact on Generally, each of the application will be having separate
the user experience and a major short coming. URLs to log-in and respective authentication credentials.
To overcome this problem, the proposed Being an employee, it is difficult to remember all the URLs
dashboard is developed using Bootstrap technology. This of the application and corresponding credentials. To
makes the pages of the dashboard responsive and the page overcome this, the proposed dashboard is integrated with
contents will be re-sized as per the display size of the Spring SAML security ± SSO.
device. Hence making the dashboard device independent. Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is
The proposed dashboard display is portable enough to work an open standard for exchanging authentication information
for a laptop, tablets as well as mobile phones. between a service provider-SP and an identity provider-IP . It
acts as a single sign-on for different application.
Am charts:
In the proposed dashboard, AmChart graphical RBAC ± Role Based Access Control
framework is used which provides a variety of graphs As the dashboard contains various important
making an easy interpretation [11]. It is very flexible and business information. It is not recommended to provide
supports different kinds of data input like CSV, JSON, access for all the employees of the company to all kinds of
XML etc. It supports various libraries and provides few data of the dashboard. There may be few sensitive
built-in functionalities like downloading the graph as information which must be maintained confidentially
image, excel, graph editing which reduces the development among the higher authority employees.

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The dashboard addresses this problem by lifecycle. It includes a wide set of tooling abilities and
implementing RBAC to differentiate user types and provision for various programming models and
permissions. Once the user logs in to the dashboard, the frameworks like JAX-RS with REST, Java Persistence
contents of the dashboard are filtered and displayed based API and Java Server Pages.
on the designation in the company. The user will neither be
aware of this filtering nor the user experience is affected.
4.3 Framework ± MVC
3.2.5. Clients: End users access the dashboard web The proposed framework for dashboard design is
model-driven. This framework contains several user-
application using a browser on their computer/laptop or
customizable models that can effectively capture the
mobile phone. This web app is responsive and user
functionality of a dashboard. It provides various models for
experience is seamless across all devices. modeling the data, the users and their data access privileges
and the navigation among the various data views.

IV. Implementation Details - Case Study

V. Results and Analysis
A case study of an organization named as 'X' for referral is
considered. The details of the database, the tools and The proposed system generates various kinds of reports for a
technologies and framework is discussed in the following. different class of users. The various reports are explained as:

4.1 Database 5.1 Report by Average Resolution of Tickets

There are multiple data sources such as JIRA,
Footprints, Zabbix etc. Each data source has different schema.
Few of the database is structured and few are semi-structured.
The details of them are as follows:
x JIRA: This data source consists the information regarding
the employees work efforts with respect to the project
within the organization. It consists 4 years of data,
approximately 3 lakhs records and 30 different tables.
x Footprints: It consists information regarding the number
of service tickets or issues raised within the organization
and the amount of time taken to resolve it. Also, the effort
in resolving the respective issue. This schema also Fig 3
contains 4 years of data, approximately 2 lakhs records
and 20 different table. This report is retrieved from JIRA data source. The X-axis
x Zabbix: This tool gives the information regarding to the denotes the date range and the Y- axis denotes the amount of
health of the different organizational applications like tickets.
application or server Uptime, Downtime, response time To build this two parameters are considered ± Issue
and download availability. The schema contains 4 years Created Date and Issue Resolved Data. With these, the
of data, approximately 5 lakhs records. average resolution of tickets and the issue which are yet to
x SFDC: It mainly consists information with respect to the be resolved (Open state) are obtained. It has filter option based
product sales. The end to end data that is from placing an on team, issue type, priorities and assignees. Hence, this report
order to the product delivery can be obtained. The schema helps in monitoring the performance of the team and amount
contains 4 years of data, approximately 5 lakhs records. of work accomplished by each team.

5.2 Report by Average Resolution Time

4.2 Tools and Technologies:
One of the major advantages of this dashboard is that
all the tools and technologies used to build the dashboard is
open source. Following are the details:
x Pentaho Data Integration Tool: It consists of a core data
integration (ETL) engine and GUI applications that allow
the user to define data integration jobs and
transformations. The raw data extracted from different
data sources are refined using Pentaho.
x Red Hat Developer Studio: JBoss Developer Studio
Fig 4
provides efficient support for complete development

2017 International Conference On Smart Technology for Smart Nation 1205

The report is retrieved from JIRA data source. The X-axis Created Date and Issue Resolved Data. Here, the tickets are
represents the number of tickets and the Y- axis represents the grouped based on year. It has filter option based on team and
issue type. To build it three parameters are considered ± Issue organization structure. Hence, this report helps in monitoring
type, Priority of the Issue, and issue created date. the overall business performance on yearly terms. It is easy to
By these, the Average time taken to resolve a interpret if the business is moving in a productive direction
specific type of issue is computed. It has filter option based on and the progress.
Project and time. Hence, this report helps in monitoring how
quickly the issue is being resolved with respective to its type 5.5 Report by Daily Sales
and the information about the type of request raised from the
customers that are ± Major issue, minor issue, critical issue or
trivial issue.

5.3 Report by Employee Performance

Fig 7

It is retrieved from SFDC data source. The X-axis represents

date and the Y- axis represents the number of sales. To build
this four parameters are considered ± Actual Sales, Target
Sales and Market Days. With these parameters, the target vs
actual sales and Average sales per day are calculated. It has
few filter option like target sales, actual sales and time.
Fig 5 Hence, this report helps in monitoring the business
performance from the sales perspective. This gives exact
It is retrieved from JIRA data source. The X-axis represents information regarding the day to day business activity and
the assignee names and the Y- axis represents the number of assures if the business is moving in a profitable direction.
tickets. To build it three parameters are considered ± Assignee Also, the trend in the sales can be retrieved from this.
name, Issue Created Date and Issue Closed Date. By these
parameters, the Average time taken by an assignee to resolve 5.6 Report by Quarterly Sales
the issue is obtained. It has filter option based on team and
assignee name.
This report plays an important role in monitoring the
performance of each employee. It gives a clear information
about the amount of work done by each employee. Hence, one
can get to know if an employee is over working or under
working. Even team wise work efforts can be retrieved from

5.4 Report by Yearly Performance Fig 8

This report retrieved from SFDC data source. The X-axis

represents the date (quarter) and the Y- axis represents the
number of sales with respect to 2015 and 2016. To build this
the number of sales is considered. The total number of sales
for the entire 2015 year is considered and grouped on
quarterly terms. Similar procedure is done for the year 2016.
Both the data are then compared graphically.
This report provides the trending pattern in the
Fig 6 organizational sales over a period. Which helps to take major
investment or improvement decisions bases on the
This report can be obtained from both footprints and JIRA performance. Also, assures if the business is moving in a
data sources. The parameters remain the same but the values profitable direction.
differ. To build it two parameters are considered ± Issue

1206 2017 International Conference On Smart Technology for Smart Nation

5.7 System Health Report business trends, monitors the business growth, the amount of
profit, track the employee performance and customer
satisfaction and through Data Visualization the generated
reports can be easily interpreted by the users. Also, a
significant amount of reduction in the development effort
when compared to the traditional approaches.
The dashboard can further be enhanced by adding the
following capabilities in future
x Collaboration - Agile decision making through connecting
to the organizational social network.
x Predictive - Predicting outcomes and timing of actions
Fig 9 through the Intensive usage of scenario analysis, what-if
analysis and Artificial Intelligence application.
This report is retrieved from Zabbix data source. The X-axis
represents date and the Y- axis represents the count of VIII. Reference
activities. This report provides the information about the
System Uptime, System Downtime, Response time and [1] Elliot B. Sloane, Senior Member, IEEE, Eric Rosow, Joe Adam,
Download availability. Hence, it makes it easy to monitor the Dave Shine, IBM T.J. Watson ³JEDI ± An Executive Dashboard
Health of the System. It also has an alert functionality which and Decision Support System for Lean Global Military Medical
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downtime or server crash. International Conference 2006.
[2] Liya Wu, Gliad Barash, Claudio Bartolini , ³A Service Oriented
Architecture for Business Intelligence´ , IEEE International
VI. Advantages of the Proposed System
Conference 2007.
[3] Sidra Ashraf, Shoab A. Khan National University of Sciences
The proposed Performance Dashboard reflects the following and Technology, ³Visualizations-based Analysis of Telco Data
benefits: for Business Intelligence´ ,2015.
1. Enhance decision making and policy implementation. [4] Hamed Saif Albusaidi, Prakash Kumar Udupi, Vishal Dattana,
2. Identify and consolidate relevant information, such as ³Integrated Data Analytic Tourism Dashboard´ International
Key Performance Indicators from multiple sources. Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and
3. Handling and Evaluating Dynamic data. Optimization, 2016.
4. Implementation of various views for the single Business [5] Pawan Chowdhary, Themis Palpanas, Florian Pinel, Shyh-Kwei
Intelligence Model. Chen, Frederick Y. Wu, ³Model Driven Dashboard for Business
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5. Role-based views and self-service capabilities will further Distributed Object Computing Conference, 2006.
enhance the business processes. [6] Ashish Thusoo Dhruba Borthakur Hao Liu,´ Data Warehousing
6. Platform and device independent. and Analytics Infrastructure´, IEEE International Conference
7. Application can act as Data Provider via REST Api. 2014.
8. User access control and Easy login. [7] S. Sathyadevan Jaison, P and Sankar, GB, ³Proposal of browser
9. It is scalable and flexible. by exploiting the proficiency of V8. For large data
10. Enforce single sourcing of data and publish it to multiple visualization´, in International Journal of Applied Engineering
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11. Avoids data redundancy and inaccuracy. [8] P.N Kumar, G. Seshadri, R., Hariharan, A., Mohandsa, V.P, and
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Journal of Imaging Science and Engineering, 2010
VII. Conclusion [9] D. Singh and Balasuramanian, P.,´ Price-Volume Replationship:
Some Evidence from the Indian Stock Market´, Vision: The
The proposed Performance Dashboard was implemented Journal of Business Perspective,2000.
which can provide key insights of an organization through the [10] P.T. Ramya, Sajeev,G.P., ³Building Web Personalization
report by daily sales, report by employee and team System with Time-Driven Web Usage Minig´, in Proceedings of
performance, yearly or quarterly report, the average resolution Third International Symposium on Women in Computing
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[11] Hudson, S.E., Pausch, R. Past, ³Present, and Future of User
effective and efficient manner. Hence, the Performance Interface Software Tools´. ACM ToCHI 7, (2000).
Dashboard is an ideal single pane real-time user interface,
showing a graphical presentation of the status and historical
trends of organization¶s key performance indicators that
enable Executive decisions to be made at a glance and
improves the business performance.
Significant advantages to the business will be
accomplished as the Performance dashboard identifies the

2017 International Conference On Smart Technology for Smart Nation 1207

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