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24) 20, indicat substantial eect a)furicar; —_b) petri c) copiag: 4 cisoaie. 31. Care este forma corel de genitv-dai singular (atculat cu aticol hott) a cuvantuiui coarta? a)cearei, beer; c)cete, dco. 532, Cate adjective invariable exist in seria antpersonal, antitut carame )nicunul; —_b) tre c) dou; )unul 38, Cate grsoll confne textul ,Cartea care mial meso este la ea"? a)pairu, b)trel; —e)dous; do gregeala 34, Cuvantul curech este @)ewént dervat cu sufi. b) arhaism; «)neologism; 4) regionalism; 35, Formeaz® plralul In -0 toate cwintele cin seria €)copiator,atemativa, calculator, _b) sarpe, cas ntlegere; ) acord, momeala, brat; 4) impiegat, buic, masa. 36, Propoziia ,Nuinfelagea nimic din loctic" este: a) dezvollad, exciamatva, negativs; »)simpla,nterogaiva, negativa )dezvollata, enuntiatva, negatva; i) sinpl8, enuniatvd,airmatva 37. Cuvntl sublniat din enuntul: fi vine 8} complemont circumstantial de mod, adjecty Ac; b}nume predicatv, ajectv N; «) complement crcumstantal de mod, adjectiv InN; 4) nume preicatv,adjectv Ac 38, Care serie confine numa verbe de conugarea a na? a} aputea,aavea,asodoa, b) adezlega, a auzi, a hota; } acta veri, a vor d)2merge, ajne, a descr. 39. In enunful,Plecarea pe cdmp in timp de noaple e periculoasd, cuvintole sublniate sunt @} complement cicumstanjal de loc, complement circumstantial de timp, atrbut; ') att, complement circumstantial de timp, abut; dupa pli este: c) atribute; «d) complement crcumstanjial de scop, aribut, abut 40, Pronumele din enuntut:,Prieste mai dograba injuru” este: a) posesivin 1b) personal in D; ©} personal in G; «personal n Ac. 41, Acordul et fost corea in stuture: a)mamazcare fu; b) mama al car fu; c)mamazeBrefu; —_d) mama acaruifs 42. Substevivu in enuntl,Vo nu mai umblt dupa burda este: 2) complement creumstanjal de mod; 'b) complement circumstantial de loc; _c} complement indirect; 4) complemen crcunstanal de oop 43. Cavin sblnat din erunl Am rcurascu po omul cia ma tecomandet atl de caus" et: 2) sublet in dav. b) abut pronominal 6) abut adjectival d) complement incest; 44, Identical seria care confine numa locufun substantive! 2) bigare de seam, tere de mint, baie de cap; )mpreun cu, fr uf, de duh; c) un nu sv ce, alar de, in dr eli: <) de pomana, nod In papur el def 48, Proposiia Nu kam invins ugor ese 2) enunjiava, negatva,simpla,b) enuiavs, nega, dened; ©) enunjava, frmatva, denvete’, ) enunfiava, afrmatva, simp 46, Structura subliniata din enuntul , Vizita le prieteni ma incdnta" are func staciea de: @) atribut adjectival. b} complement direct; ) complemen indirect; 4) arbut substantial prepoziional 47. Reg variant creca de floie a asjectiear pronominal de inti 2) Tu insu a fost ami uy ») Lorinselorl-aatrbuit alti supanatuale, ru me ns €) Tie nsf, Clava, fa plus eeferimpotanta studi 6) Folosires inusia eefonulu mobi afeteaza sanatatea 48, In enunju Nu da cu span pe acasa"cuvéntulsubiniat este 2) complement circumstantial de tim »b) complement circumstantial de mod: <)nume preicatv 4) complement inirect 48, Verbu a ntloge are funcia de atibut in enunta 2) Dorinta ta de a alege est evident; e ) El pose intlege ugor, c) Am reugitinelegeabia acum; 4) Nu usor a inflege tet 50, Formele afrmatve corece ae verbelor af ase duce, a face, a zice, ase preface (penta pers. ara singular) sunt fi duse, (8, 29, pefecee; ——_b) fi, du, 13,2, preite; ¢) fi, cute, 1,2, prof 4) fi, du, f, zi, prefate 51. Numeral dn enuntulNoutsprezece elove cdnté la pian” are valoare: a) adjectivals; _b) substantive 4) nvare valoae morfologica 52. Nupotfolosit atatcaverbe copuative, cat sca verbe ) adverbial’ predictive a)ainserna,apirea, bj af, aajunge: ©) face, a sos; 4) a dover, as0 face. '53, In propozita .Conteazd ne coi ma pega angola prepoztia se analzeaza cu 8) cei mai preg b)oai mai; ©) prepa: d) angaat Be Se ain ab de shone tate covoe dn seri a) inst, ones, oneros, i a B) decor, eres, dente, decato 6) echt, amon benedune, gas: e 4) decizie, hotarare, ordonanta, edict; 55. Avoonme cowl dn seri 2) rege reli, bane, ve. 2) van, promotor, en; 6) breasch diomat chee, da, bse var, oe cunt 56. In enuntul Dosarale candidatilor au fost analizate si ordonate dupa afaber" exist: 4} dou’ predicate nominale;_b) dova predicate verbale; )un prodicat nominal; «dun predict verbal. 57. Expresia,acaea in strachini inseam’ a} acomite 0 gal b) a avea un mers cudat cladistuge; @) a schiopata 58, Sinonimele substentivl recurs sunt: 1) apelece, slcitae; —_b) destndere, relaxare; °} retuzare respingere; 0) holaare, fermitate 59, Exist adjective pososive in toate stuctrie 2} cattea noasra, sorsul ;,ideea ta; ) cartea lu, scrsu-m, ideoa sa c} cartea mea, scrsul tu, dea sa, 4) cartea voasrs scrsu-, ideea ul 60._Interjectia cin enuntul.E var de fine!” are functasintactica de: é 2) atbut adjectival 1) preicat verbal, c} complement direct; _d) num predicatv, LIMBA ENGLEZA 61. Sheccant play... guitar very vel, a- be the oa dan 62, This was... amazing showindeed! aan b- ca ithe 63, Lots of... were playing in the yard a.chids —b. children's ‘cchidons— cidren 64, Ihave vsted many... in Europe. aciyes — b. cys «cities doty’s 85, There isnt... bread in the basket aa many cany d.some 66, This is one of. houses | have ever seen. athe svangest strangest «.the serge di stanger 687, The move wes than we expected. a.goodest — «.gooder 4. beter © 82. 1 bouoht fing the shop, 2 the more expensive » the most expensive «. mst expensive 4: expensivest 69, Take your bog, Ihave taken amet bay cme dine 70. None of... could answer the queston. atom b they ether dei 71, Theo's in he fide, ts empy. .anybingb.nobhng ceveryhing 4. something 72. Thisis lime | have vised tis cast atid bth hind cthetiree the teeth 2 students gathered in ont ofthe school, a. Hundred of .Ahuncted of Hundieds of 4. Houndred of 74, We went to Spin on hoday. a lest year » tomorrow «today 4 next year 75. He inthe poo for more han an out (pa V5 swing swam is simming has been swimming Oe his homework inthe evening. isdoing b. does edo 4. doing 77. When he wes young, he. play the piano amy b.can could must 78, Idon'tknow hat about the problem. atodo — doing did 79, He denied the computer, a.break breaking c.tobreak —d.tobroke 80. He doesnt speak English . better —b. good best 4. well 81. I have boon working very hard lately b.late «later 4.too late 2. When we were in tly, we spent a few days... Venice ato baat cin on 83, We ef the house early, we sill missed the bus 1a Because b. In spite of Despite Although 8. + o you play football? Twice a week" 2. How many . How much 5c. How often 4. Where ‘You cin‘ tll him anything, you? id bdo didnt d.doat 86, I were you, | uti this weather. a. wontgo . woulda go ©. wouldnt have gone 4.90 87. fl had had more money, | anew laptop. 2, would bought would buy «. wll buy 4. would have bought 88, Choose the correct antonym for faire: asanty — b.reward c.beneft success 89. Choose the correct synonym for clover ‘anarrow —b. huge . smart dsim 90. This calendaris date, | need anew one. a. out boutof cat dof PRECIZAR! 1 2 3. timpul de lucns: 180 minute; Punctajul maxim al uci scrise: 0 puncte _aprecierea probe se face prin calficatv *Promovat’/Nepromovat’.Promoveaz aceasta proba ‘candidat care obtn la ucrereasersa minim 40 puncte ‘ori deciaral“Admis" candida cere dup& ordonarea stct

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