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교과서 기출문제

학교 기출문제
Update 2019. 9. 1.
학교기출 5과

텍스트를 입력하세요.
5과 다음 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은?3 [5과]
다음 대화의 흐름이 자연스럽도록 (A)~(E)를 순서대로 바
Yuna: Next Wednesday is Volunteer Day. We
르게 배열한 것은?1 [5과]
cleaned up the park last time. What are we going to
Hey, Minji! What’s wrong with your leg?
do this time?
(A) I was in a hurry to catch a train. But I fell down in Sumi: Why don’t we visit a nursing home and clean it
the street. up?
(B) Well, can you carry this bag? Seho: That’s not a bad idea. But I want to do
(C) I broke it last week. something fun. Why don’t we hold a party for the
(D) Really? What happened?
people there?
(E) That’s terrible. Is there anything I can do for you? Sumi: That’s a good idea. What can we do at the
(F) Sure! party?
Yuna: We can serve some food.
① (A) - (B) - (C) - (D) - (E) - (F) Seho: And how about playing some music? I can
② (A) - (C) - (E) - (B) - (D) - (F) play the piano.

③ (C) - (A) - (D) - (B) - (E) - (F) Sumi: And I can play the cello.

④ (C) - (D) - (A) - (E) - (B) - (F) Yuna: It sounds like a good plan.

⑤ (C) - (E) - (B) - (D) - (A) - (F)

① Seho wants to clean up the nursing home.

② They will do some volunteer activities at the

다음 대화의 빈칸에 가장 적절한 것은?2 [5과] park.

A: Why don’t we do volunteer work at the animal ③ Sumi will visit a nursing home and play some

center? music.

B: Sounds good. What can we do there? ④ Yuna will cook some food for the people at the

A: nursing home.

________________________________________. ⑤ They are holding a party at the nursing home this


① We can clean up a street.

② We can read books to children.

③ We can serve food to the homeless.

④ We can talk with the elderly people.

⑤ We can take care of the dogs and cats.

교과서 기출문제
학교 기출문제
Update 2019. 9. 1.
학교기출 5과

다음 입력하세요.
글의 괄호 (A)~(C) 안에서 들어갈 말이 알맞게 짝지 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?6 [5과]

어진 것은?4 [5과] When she grew up, Hepburn became a symbol of

It was a long day. I felt very (A)[tiring / tired] all day beauty. She was very popular because of her hit

because I didn’t sleep well last night. The first class movies, such as My Fair Lady and Roman Holiday.

was social studies, and we got our exams back. I The little black dress which she wore in a movie is

failed the test. I was so disappointed. My best friend famous even today.

Kevin was (B)[worrying / worried] about me and took The autumn of 1987 was a turning point in

me to a movie after school. We watched a movie Hepburn’s life. She went to an international music

about a hockey team. It was very (C)[interesting / festival in Macau. Many people donated money at

interested] and I became interested in hockey. I’m the festival, and the money went to UNICEF. Thanks

going to join a hockey team tomorrow. to her fame, UNICEF collected more money than
ever before. Hepburn realized that her fame could
help others, so she became a UNICEF Goodwill
(A) (B) (C)
① tiring worrying interesting

② tiring worrying interested

③ tiring worried interesting ① My Fair Lady is one of Hepburn’s hit movies.

④ tired worrying interested ② Audrey Hepburn produced the movie, Roman

⑤ tired worried interesting Holiday.

③ Hepburn wore a black dress in the music festival

in 1987.

다음 글의 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말은?5 [5과] ④ Hepburn did some volunteer work and donated

money in Macau.
Talking Books Program
⑤ Hepburn became a UNICEF Goodwill
This is a program that makes audiobooks for
Ambassador to win fame.
______ people. It was started in 1931 in the United
States. You just read books and record your voice.
These audiobooks are given to ______ people for

① deaf ② poor ③ blind

④ silent ⑤ hungry

교과서 기출문제
학교 기출문제
Update 2019. 9. 1.
학교기출 5과

다음 ⓐ~ⓔ입력하세요.
중 전체 글의 흐름과 관계없는 것은?7 [5과] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [5과]

ⓐMany people praised her beauty and style, but During World War II, a little girl and her mother were

Hepburn’s real beauty was her heart. ⓑMany people hungry and sick. The only food that they could find

still love her style. ⓒTo honor her, UNICEF made a was grass. The little girl felt scared all the time.

statue, The Spirit of Audrey. ⓓPeople who respect Luckily, the girl survived, thanks to the help of others.
One of the groups that helped her was UNICEF.
her keep her mission alive. ⓔHer favorite saying
Later, the girl became a worldwide movie star. Her
shows her mission.
name was Audrey Hepburn.
As you get older, remember you have two hands.
One is for helping yourself, and the other is for
helping others. 위 글을 읽고 답할 수 없는 것은?9

① When did the story start?

①ⓐ ②ⓑ ③ⓒ ④ⓓ ⑤ⓔ ② How did Hepburn survive from the war?

③ What is the name of the group that helped


다음 대화의 빈칸에 알맞은 문장을 쓰시오.8 [5과] ④ How did Hepburn become a worldwide movie

⑤ What was the only food that the girl could find
▶ 대화의 내용상 적절해야 함.
during the war?
▶ 주어, 동사를 포함한 문장으로 써야 함.
위 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?10

① Audrey Hepburn’s Childhood

A: When do you feel scared? ② Audrey Hepburn’s Hit Movies
B: I feel scared when _______________________. ③ Audrey Hepburn As a Movie Star

④ Audrey Hepburn’s Volunteer Work

정답 ⑤ What UNICEF Do During World War II

교과서 기출문제
학교 기출문제
Update 2019. 9. 1.
학교기출 5과

다음 입력하세요.
그림을 보고 대화의 상황에 맞도록 빈칸에 알맞은 표 다음 대화를 읽고, 관계대명사를 사용하여 문장을 완성하시

현을 쓰시오.11 [5과] 오.12 [5과]

<조건> <조건>

▶ 그림의 내용과 일치해야 함. ▶ 관계대명사를 사용해야 함.

▶ 괄호 안에 주어진 단어를 포함해야 함. ▶ 대화의 내용상 적절해야 함.

▶ 주어, 동사를 포함한 의문문으로 써야 함.

A: Which is a park you often visit?

B: Yongdusan Park is a park _________________.

정답 Yongdusan Park is a park


A: Minsu, can I ask you a favor?

B: Sure. What is it?

(help, move, the books)

B: No problem. What are you going to do with them?
A: I am going to donate them to a children’s library.


(help, move, the books)

교과서 기출문제
학교 기출문제
Update 2019. 9. 1.
학교기출 5과

다음 입력하세요.
글을 읽고 질문에 알맞은 답을 쓰시오. [5과]


▶ 지문의 내용과 일치해야 함.

▶ 주어, 동사를 포함한 문장으로 써야 함.

First, Hepburn went to Ethiopia in 1988. There, she

brought food to hungry children. She was shocked
because their lives were very difficult. After that, she

volunteered in other countries. In 1990, she visited

Vietnam to hand out medicine and support clean
drinking water programs. Her last trip was to Somalia
in 1992, and she passed away the following year.

What did Hepburn do when she visited



In what year did Hepburn pass away?14



교과서 기출문제
학교 기출문제
Update 2019. 9. 1.
학교기출 5과

텍스트를 입력하세요.
1 ④
2 ⑤
3 ③
4 ⑤
5 ③
6 ①
7 ②
8 I see the ghost.
9 ④

10 ①

11 Can you help me move the books?

12 that I often visit
13 She handed out medicine and supported clean drinking water programs.

14 She passed away in 1993.

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