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Longitudinal Study of Apoptosis in Chronic Uremic Patients

Vincenzo D’Intini,* Valeria Bordoni,* Antonio Fortunato,† Elisabetta Galloni,* Mariarita

Carta,† Francesco Galli,‡ Irene Bolgan,* Paola Inguaggiato,* Sonya Poulin,* Monica
Bonello,* Ciro Tetta,* Nathan Levin,§ and Claudio Ronco*
Departments of *Nephrology and †Clinical Chemistry, San Bortolo Hospital, Vicenza, Italy, ‡Department of
Clinical Biochemistry, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy, and §Renal Research Institute, Beth Israel Medical
Center, New York, New York


Uremia is associated with a state of immune dysfunction, with U937 cells had a stronger apoptogenic potential compared
increasing infection and malignancy rates. Dysregulation of with PD and controls (HD: 26.08 ± 11.39; CRF:
homeostasis may be directly related to abnormal apoptosis 24.87 ± 9.07; PD: 12.13 ± 4.51; C: 11.69 ± 4.02). Inflam-
regulation, a process which is crucial for the maintenance of the matory markers (C-reactive protein [CRP], procalcitonin) and
biologic system. Abnormal apoptosis rates (ARs) have been cytokines (interleukin [IL]-1b, IL-2, IL-10) had a generally poor
reported in the literature. We performed a longitudinal study correlation except for tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a
over a 10-week period in three groups of uremic sub- (p < 0.001). The phagocytic ability of U937 cells when
jects—hemodialysis (HD), peritoneal dialysis (PD), and predi- incubated with the various plasma demonstrated impaired
alysis chronic renal failure (CRF). Our results showed that ARs response in the HD and CRF subjects (HD: 27.56 ± 6.67;
were consistent over the observed period. Monocytes extracted CRF: 30.24 ± 9.08; PD: 36.55 ± 9.80; C: 40.04 ± 6.98).
from HD and CRF subjects had higher ARs compared to PD These results suggest continuous renal purification, such as in
and controls (HD: 26.06 ± 8.82; CRF: 26.96 ± 12.81; PD: continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD), may have
14.77 ± 5.87; C: 11.42 ± 4.60) when placed in culture advantages over intermittent therapies in regulating apoptosis
medium. The plasma of HD and CRF subjects when incubated and maintaining biologic function and homeostasis.

Apoptosis is a highly regulated process used by the cysteine proteases, the caspases, are involved in all the
body to maintain homeostasis. It is a normal physiologic pathways and are the real effectors of apoptosis. Even if
phenomenon whereby selected cells undergo active the mechanisms are not fully understood, it is clear that
programmed death. It is seen in developing tissues, such the caspases are responsible for the cellular changes that
as in embryogenesis, normal cell turnover, and cell occur during apoptosis (3). Proinflammatory molecules
damage after insult. Apoptosis is essential and intricately such as interleukin (IL)-2, IL-1b, and tumor necrosis
related to the development and regulation of cells. factor (TNF)-a have been shown to inhibit apoptosis
Abnormal regulation in excessive or reduced amounts prolonging polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMNL) sur-
have pathologic implications as seen in diseases such as vival. Conversely, IL-10, which has an anti-inflamma-
malignancies, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome tory function, has been shown to promote apoptosis. The
(AIDS), and degenerative diseases (1). Apoptosis is role of various mediators in inducing apoptosis still
characterized by several complex morphologic and remains controversial, however, the role of important
biochemical events, such as cellular shrinkage, mem- regulators such as the Fas (APO-1; CD95)/Fas ligand
brane blebbing, chromatin condensation, DNA frag- (FasL) system, bcl-2 gene family, and the caspase cascade
mentation, and the fragmentation of cells in apoptotic are more certain (4–6). The prevailing theory is that of a
bodies, which are rapidly phagocytized and eliminated balance between factors that contribute to cell survival
without inflammatory response—the hallmark (2). and lethality that regulate the destiny of a cell (7).
Induction of apoptosis is an extremely complex The uremic syndrome is the progressive deterioration
process involving a mosaic of interactions of growth in biochemical and physiologic functioning of the kidney.
factors, cytokines, and membrane proteins. A family of This process is associated with the accumulation of a
broad spectrum of molecules directly related to the
failure of the kidney to eliminate these substances. There
is a strict interaction between uremic toxins and the
Address correspondence to: Claudio Ronco, MD, Depart-
ment of Nephrology, St. Bortolo Hospital, Viale Rodolfi,
biologic system. Toxins can trigger a number of cellular
Vicenza, Italy, 36100. or e-mail: responses such as phagocytosis and apoptosis, which
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