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 NAME :


 NO :
 YEAR : 2021-22
Rural Engineering


First and foremost we are thankful to WBSCTE to include Rural Engg. as a part of our course
curriculum. We would like to express our gratitude to our Principal Sri Soumitra Saha to permit us to
visit the village, we are also thankful to our faculty members ……………, ……..,… for their kind
supervision during the visit and for completion of the report.

In order to complete the fieldwork successfully we would like to convey our special thanks to
-------------, Panchayet Pradhan, and Mr …………., Member of Gram Panchayet, Kachhirapara,
Shahidpally, Rathtala, Kalyani, and at last but not the least the villagers who provided their valuable
time for our survey. We are very much thankful for the hospitality as tendered by the villegers.

Name and Roll No of the students in group …

The aim of the subject Rural Engineering is to study of socio-economical effects of rural area on
construction industry. By studying this subject the students will be able to
use knowledge for solving the problems of rural population and render their services for the
various development schemes of state / central Govt.
Students will prepare modified plan for existing farmer’s house with due suggestions.
They will also provide guidance to start cottage industries related to Civil Engineering.
and inspire the villagers for using non conventional energy appliances.
Students may provide services for developing and propagating the programmes of water shade
1.1 As part of the Rural Engineering includes village study, we conducted survey of village Birpara,
Charsarati, Kalyani, District Nadia, West Bengal. We had the opportunity to observe the socio economy
and cultural reality of rural life.


The village Debanandapur is located, District Hooghly , P.O.- Debanandapur in the state of West
Bengal. It comes under …… Gram Panchayet. It is located about 2 Km from Bandel station.

Social structure

The village has a homogeneous population of Hindu and Muslim. More than 55% of villagers are
engaged in agriculture. Due to fertile land,as river Ganga is only 1.5 km from the village, paddy, jute,
vegetables are cultivated in this village. Plenty of seasonal fruits like Mango, jackfruit, lichi, jamun,
banana, coconut are available there.


Electricity is available in the village and most of the households have electricity connection of their
own. For drinking water 6 nos. of tube wells are in working condition. Some households have their
own well and pond for daily use of water.

Drainage system is very poor in this area. Garbage disposal system is not available there.

As per our survey we have collected some data from the villagers which are enclosed in the
following pages.

We have some proposals also for the development of such rural areas.
(1) Questionnaire Format for Socio-Economic Survey

1 Name of batch who conducted the survey DCE-3RD YEAR (2019-22)

2 Location : Bandel

Place: Debanandapur State: West Bengal

District: Hooghly Village : Debanandapur

Police Station : Chinsurah Panchayat: Debanandapur

Block: Mogra Post Office: Debanandapur

3 (a) Head of the family :

Name (head of the family): Dilip Adak

Religion: Hindu/Muslim/Christian

Caste: General/SC/ST/OBC Mother tongue: Benagali

(b) Family details

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Names of the family Dilip Swapn Amit Bipul Puja Suvo

members Adak a Adak Adak Adak Adak Adak

Relationship with the head Wife Son Son Daughte Daughte Grand
r-in-law r-in-law son

Age 55 48 33 28 22 25 5

Marital status (M/U) M M M M M M U

Literate/Illiterate (L/I) L L L L L L I

Educational qualifications None None 9th 7th 10th 10th None

Year of drop out None None None None None None None

Present occupation Farmer House Farmer Farmer House House None

Wife Wife Wife
Monthly income 5000 5000 5000


1 Housing

Type : pucca/ semi-pucca/ kachha Plinth area: 42 m 2.

No. of rooms : one/ two/ three/ four/ five/ six

Separate bathroom : yes/ no

Kitchen : separate / not separate

Kitchen utensils : sufficient/ adequate/ inadequate

Kitchen Space (area): 2m 2.

Mode of utilization: unutilised/ vegetable production

2 Drinking water

Source: own well/pipe/hand pump; Community well/pipe/hand pump

Quality: good/ moderate/ poor

Quantity: sufficient/ adequate/ insufficient

Water storage : overhead tank/ loft tank/ basement tank/ bathroom tank/ buckets/

Sources of water for other uses: canal/ pond/ tank/ well/ river/ etc.

3 Lighting

Source of light: electricity/ kerosene/ gas/ oil/any other (Pl. specity)

4 Fuel for cooking

Type : wood/ coal/ charcoal/ kerosene/ LPG/ electricity/ bio-gas

Source of fuel: Wood

Availability of fuel: with ease/with difficulty

Fuel consumption (qty/month): 100kg/month

5 Sanitation facility

Toilet: septic / non-septic / community / open land

6 Drainage & sewerage

Drainage & sewerage: no facility/ personal/ community

7 Garbage disposal facility

Garbage disposal : thrown outside/ community service/ any other

8 Food and nutrition : Sufficient/ Insufficient

9 Other important facilities

Daily market facility: yes/ no Weekly hat facility: yes/ no

Performance of Ration/Co-operative shop: very good/ good/moderate /poor

Facilities for other commercial purposes: yes/ no

10 Level of satisfaction of the general characteristics of Basic Life Needs

Light and air Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Drainage and sewerage Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Humidity and general cleanliness Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Bedroom facility Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Kitchen facility Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Drinking water facility Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Other water facility Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

House surrounding Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Sanitation facility Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor


1 Employment

Cultivation: own / agricultural labour/ share cropper

Cottage /Small scale industry: own / employed

Subsidiary activities: mushroom cultivation/ bee keeping/ fishery/ carpentary/ bari &
papad making/ agarbatti making / grocery shop/ pottery/ bamboo product/ tailoring/

Others: public sector/ bank/ state govt. undertaking/ private undertaking/ others

2 Ownership of household items

Sewing Machine X Clock/Watch Sofa set X

Refrigerator Television (B & W/ Colour) Fan

VCR/VCP/ VCD Dining table X Dining chair X

Almirah Pressure cooker Cooking grill X

Micro-oven X Bicycle Scooter X

Motor cycle X Car X Others X

4 Ownership of land
Type of land : cultivated land/ doubled cropped land/ irrigated / fallow land/ barren land

Quantity: katha/ acres

5 Health

Addiction Smoking/ chewing petal nuts with tobacco or without tobacco /drinking
alcohol/ others

Access to medical facilities: dispensary/ health center/ family planning center/ hospital/
specialized medical facility

Distant to nearest medical facilities: within the village/ Block/ District (25 km)

Distant to nearest family planning center: within the village/ Block/ District (

Occurrence of child death (last five years): None

Occurrence of adult death (last five years): None

6 Safety

Police Station: within the village/ block/ district

Crime status: very high/ high/ moderate/ low

Performance of the Police Station: very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

7 Level of satisfaction of the general characteristics of Well-being Needs

Employment opportunity/ status Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Status of livestock owned Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Status of ownership of household items Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Status of ownership of land Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Status of health facilities Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Status of safety facilities Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor


1 Education status & facilities

Education status Illiterate/ literate/ primary (up to Std. IV)/ middle (below Std. VIII)/
matriculate/ graduate/ engineering or medical graduate/ post
graduate and higher

Existence of primary school Within the village/ block/ district

Existence of secondary school Within the village/ block/ district

Existence of class XII education facility Within the village/ block/ district

Existence of college Within the village/ block/ district

Existence of engineering / medical college Within the village/ block/ district

2 Transportation/mobility

Access of road : kachha road/ pucca road with bus facility

Nearest bus stoppage: within 0.5 / 1 / 2 / 5 km

Bus service : very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

Transportation facility during emergency: very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

3 Information and communication

Public library Very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

Newspaper Very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

Post Office Very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

P&T Very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

Banking Very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

Computer and internet Very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

4 Level of satisfaction of the general characteristics of Opportunity Needs

Status of educational facilities Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Status of transportation facility Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Status of information & communication Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor



1 Recreation

Existence of Club : yes/ no

Facilities within the club: Card/ Carom/ Chess/Badminton/Table Tennis/ Volley ball, etc

Activities of the club Organising drawing competition for children / organising

sports & athletics activities for children/ arrange music concert,
drama, etc./ involve in welfare activities/ festivals

Existence of Parks: yes/ no Existence of cinema hall : yes/ no

2 Environmental status

Air pollution Very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

Water pollution Very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

Noise pollution Very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

Others Very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

3 Cultural Opportunity

Organisation of dance/ drama/ music events, etc. : frequently/ time to time/ rarely
Organisation of fairs/ festivals, etc. : frequently/ time to time/ rarely

Organisation of sports events: frequently/ time to time/ rarely

4 Level of satisfaction of the general characteristics of Amenity Needs

Status of cultural activities Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

(2) Questionnaire Format for Socio-Economic Survey


1 Name of batch who conducted the survey DCE-3RD YEAR (2019-22)

2 Location

Place: Debanandapur State: WB

District: Village : DV

Police Station : Bandel Panchayat: BV

Block: BV Post Office: DV

3 (a) Head of the family

Name (head of the family): Jayanti Adak

Religion: Hindu/Muslim/Christian

Caste: General/SC/ST/OBC Mother tongue: Bengali

(b) Family details

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Names of the family Jayanti Sunil Prati Jharna Rina

members Adak Adak m Adak Adak
Relationship with the head Son Son Daughter Daughter
in law in law

Age 70 55 50 45 40

Marital status (M/U) M M M M M

Literate/Illiterate (L/I) I I I I I

Educational qualifications NO NO NO NO NO

Subsidiary occupation, if any Aggric


Any other skill No


1 Housing

Type : pucca/ semi-pucca/ kachha Plinth area: m 2.

No. of rooms : one/ two/ three/ four/ five/ six

Separate bathroom : yes/ no

Kitchen : separate / not separate

Kitchen utensils : sufficient/ adequate/ inadequate

Kitchen Space (area): m 2.

Mode of utilisation: unutilised/ vegetable production

2 Drinking water

Source: own well/pipe/hand pump; Community well/pipe/hand pump

Quality: good/ moderate/ poor

Quantity: sufficient/ adequate/ insufficient

Water storage : overhead tank/ loft tank/ basement tank/ bathroom tank/ buckets/

Sources of water for other uses: canal/ pond/ tank/ well/ river/ etc.

3 Lighting

Source of light: electricity/ kerosene/ gas/ oil/any other (Pl. specity)

4 Fuel for cooking

Type : wood/ coal/ charcoal/ kerosene/ LPG/ electricity/ bio-gas

Source of fuel:

Availability of fuel: with ease/with difficulty

Fuel consumption (qty/month):

5 Sanitation facility

Toilet: septic / non-septic / community / open land

6 Drainage & sewerage

Drainage & sewerage: no facility/ personal/ community

7 Garbage disposal facility

Garbage disposal : thrown outside/ community service/ any other

8 Food and nutrition : Sufficient/ Insufficient

9 Other important facilities

Daily market facility: yes/ no Weekly hat facility: yes/ no

Performance of Ration/Co-operative shop: very good/ good/moderate /poor

Facilities for other commercial purposes: yes/ no

10 Level of satisfaction of the general characteristics of Basic Life Needs

Light and air Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Drainage and sewerage Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Humidity and general cleanliness Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Bedroom facility Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Kitchen facility Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Drinking water facility Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Other water facility Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

House surrounding Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Sanitation facility Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor


1 Employment

Cultivation: own / agricultural labour/ share cropper

Cottage /Small scale industry: own / employed

Subsidiary activities: mushroom cultivation/ bee keeping/ fishery/ carpentary/ bari

papad making/ agarbatti making / grocery shop/ pottery/ bamboo product/ tailoring/

Others: public sector/ bank/ state govt. undertaking/ private undertaking/ others

2 Livestock owned
Bullock - Cow - Buffalo -

Goat - 3,5 Sheep - Camel -

Horse -

Livestock shed Own Community

3 Ownership of household items

Sewing Machine X Clock/Watch Sofa set X

Refrigerator Television (B & W/ Colour) Fan

VCR/VCP/ VCD Dining table Dining chair

Almirah Pressure cooker Cooking grill X

Micro-oven X Bicycle Scooter X

Motor cycle Car X (BIKE AND TOTO) Others

4 Ownership of land

Type of land : cultivated land/ doubled cropped land/ irrigated / fallow land/ barren land

Quantity: 10 katha/ acres

5 Health

Addiction Smoking/ chewing petal nuts with tobacco or without tobacco /drinking
alcohol/ others

Access to medical facilities: dispensary/ health center/ family planning center/ hospital/
specialized medical facility

Distant to nearest medical facilities: within the village/ Block/ District(100 m)

Prevalence of disease: water borne/ air borne/ heart related/ Eye/ ENT/ others : No
6 Safety

Police Station: within the village/ block/ district

Crime status: very high/ high/ moderate/ low

Performance of the Police Station: very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

7 Level of satisfaction of the general characteristics of Well-being Needs

Employment opportunity/ status Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Status of livestock owned Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Status of ownership of household items Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Status of ownership of land Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Status of health facilities Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Status of safety facilities Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor


1 Education status & facilities

Education status Illiterate/ literate/ primary (up to Std. IV)/ middle (below Std. VIII)/
matriculate/ graduate/ engineering or medical graduate/ post
graduate and higher

Existence of primary school Within the village/ block/ district

Existence of secondary school Within the village/ block/ district

Existence of class XII education facility Within the village/ block/ district

Existence of college Within the village/ block/ district

Existence of engineering / medical college Within the village/ block/ district

2 Transportation/mobility

Access of road : kachha road/ pucca road with bus facility

Nearest bus stoppage: within 0.5 / 1 / 2 / 5 km

Bus service : very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

Transportation facility during emergency: very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

3 Information and communication

Public library Very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

Newspaper Very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

Post Office Very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

P&T Very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

Banking Very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

Computer and internet Very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

4 Level of satisfaction of the general characteristics of Opportunity Needs

Status of educational facilities Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Status of transportation facility Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Status of information & communication Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor



1 Recreation

Existence of Club : yes/ no

Existence of Parks: yes/ no Existence of cinema hall : yes/ no

(3) Questionnaire Format for Socio-Economic Survey

1 Name of batch who conducted the survey DCE-3RD YEAR (2019-22)

2 Location

Place: Debandapur State: WB

District: Hooghly Village : DV

Police Station : Bandel Panchayat: BV

Block: BV Post Office: DV

3 (a) Head of the family

Name (head of the family): Sushil Das

Religion: Hindu/Muslim/Christian

Caste: General/SC/ST/OBC Mother tongue: Bengali

(b) Family details

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Names of the family Sushil Pratim Saurav

members Das a Das Das

Relationship with the head Wife son

Age 65 45 25

Marital status (M/U) M M U

Literate/Illiterate (L/I) I I L

Educational qualifications No No Yes

Subsidiary occupation, if any aggricul

Any other skill No


1 Housing

Type : pucca/ semi-pucca/ kachha Plinth area: m 2.

No. of rooms : one/ two/ three/ four/ five/ six

Separate bathroom : yes/ no

Kitchen : separate / not separate

Kitchen utensils : sufficient/ adequate/ inadequate

Kitchen Space (area): m 2.

Mode of utilisation: unutilised/ vegetable production

2 Drinking water

Source: own well/pipe/hand pump; Community well/pipe/hand pump

Quality: good/ moderate/ poor

Quantity: sufficient/ adequate/ insufficient

Water storage : overhead tank/ loft tank/ basement tank/ bathroom tank/ buckets/

Sources of water for other uses: canal/ pond/ tank/ well/ river/ etc.

3 Lighting

Source of light: electricity/ kerosene/ gas/ oil/any other (Pl. specity)

4 Fuel for cooking

Type : wood/ coal/ charcoal/ kerosene/ LPG/ electricity/ bio-gas

Source of fuel:

Availability of fuel: with ease/with difficulty

Fuel consumption (qty/month):

5 Sanitation facility

Toilet: septic / non-septic / community / open land

6 Drainage & sewerage

Drainage & sewerage: no facility/ personal/ community

7 Garbage disposal facility

Garbage disposal : thrown outside/ community service/ any other

8 Food and nutrition : Sufficient/ Insufficient

9 Other important facilities

Daily market facility: yes/ no Weekly hat facility: yes/ no

Performance of Ration/Co-operative shop: very good/ good/moderate /poor

Facilities for other commercial purposes: yes/ no

10 Level of satisfaction of the general characteristics of Basic Life Needs

Light and air Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Drainage and sewerage Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Humidity and general cleanliness Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Bedroom facility Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Kitchen facility Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Drinking water facility Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Other water facility Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

House surrounding Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Sanitation facility Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor


1 Employment

Cultivation: own / agricultural labour/ share cropper

Cottage /Small scale industry: own / employed

Subsidiary activities: mushroom cultivation/ bee keeping/ fishery/ carpentary/ bari

papad making/ agarbatti making / grocery shop/ pottery/ bamboo product/ tailoring/

Others: public sector/ bank/ state govt. undertaking/ private undertaking/ others

2 Livestock owned

Bullock - Cow - Buffalo -

Goat - 3,5 Sheep - Camel -

Horse -

Livestock shed Own Community

3 Ownership of household items

Sewing Machine X Clock/Watch Sofa set X

Refrigerator Television (B & W/ Colour) Fan

VCR/VCP/ VCD Dining table Dining chair

Almirah Pressure cooker Cooking grill X

Micro-oven X Bicycle Scooter X

Motor cycle Car X (BIKE AND TOTO) Others

4 Ownership of land

Type of land : cultivated land/ doubled cropped land/ irrigated / fallow land/ barren land

Quantity: 10 katha/ acres

5 Health

Addiction Smoking/ chewing petal nuts with tobacco or without tobacco /drinking
alcohol/ others

Access to medical facilities: dispensary/ health center/ family planning center/ hospital/
specialized medical facility

Distant to nearest medical facilities: within the village/ Block/ District(100 m)

Prevalence of disease: water borne/ air borne/ heart related/ Eye/ ENT/ others : No

6 Safety

Police Station: within the village/ block/ district

Crime status: very high/ high/ moderate/ low

Performance of the Police Station: very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

7 Level of satisfaction of the general characteristics of Well-being Needs

Employment opportunity/ status Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Status of livestock owned Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Status of ownership of household items Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Status of ownership of land Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Status of health facilities Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Status of safety facilities Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor


1 Education status & facilities

Education status Illiterate/ literate/ primary (up to Std. IV)/ middle (below Std. VIII)/
matriculate/ graduate/ engineering or medical graduate/ post
graduate and higher

Existence of primary school Within the village/ block/ district

Existence of secondary school Within the village/ block/ district

Existence of class XII education facility Within the village/ block/ district

Existence of college Within the village/ block/ district

Existence of engineering / medical college Within the village/ block/ district

2 Transportation/mobility

Access of road : kachha road/ pucca road with bus facility

Nearest bus stoppage: within 0.5 / 1 / 2 / 5 km

Bus service : very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

Transportation facility during emergency: very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

3 Information and communication

Public library Very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

Newspaper Very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

Post Office Very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

P&T Very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

Banking Very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

Computer and internet Very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

4 Level of satisfaction of the general characteristics of Opportunity Needs

Status of educational facilities Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Status of transportation facility Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Status of information & communication Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor



1 Recreation

Existence of Club : yes/ no

Existence of Parks: yes/ no Existence of cinema hall : yes/ no

4. Questionnaire Format for Socio-Economic Survey


1 Name of batch who conducted the survey DCE-3RD YEAR (2019-22)

2 Location

Place: State: WB
District: Hooghly Village : DV

Police Station : Bandel Panchayat : BV

Block: BV Post Office: DV

3 (a) Head of the family

Name (head of the family): Sambhu Ghosh

Religion: Hindu/Muslim/Christian

Caste: General/SC/ST/OBC Mother tongue:

(b) Family details

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Names of the family Sambhu Rita Nimai

members Ghosh Ghosh Ghosh

Relationship with the head Wife Son

Age 75 60 35

Marital status (M/U) M M U

Literate/Illiterate (L/I) I I L

Educational qualifications NO NO NO

Subsidiary occupation, if any Aggricult


Any other skill No


1 Housing

Type : pucca/ semi-pucca/ kachha Plinth area: m 2.

No. of rooms : one/ two/ three/ four/ five/ six

Separate bathroom : yes/ no

Kitchen : separate / not separate

Kitchen utensils : sufficient/ adequate/ inadequate

Kitchen Space (area): m 2.

Mode of utilisation: unutilised/ vegetable production

2 Drinking water

Source: own well/pipe/hand pump; Community well/pipe/hand pump

Quality: good/ moderate/ poor

Quantity: sufficient/ adequate/ insufficient

Water storage : overhead tank/ loft tank/ basement tank/ bathroom tank/ buckets/

Sources of water for other uses: canal/ pond/ tank/ well/ river/ etc.

3 Lighting

Source of light: electricity/ kerosene/ gas/ oil/any other (Pl. specity)

4 Fuel for cooking

Type : wood/ coal/ charcoal/ kerosene/ LPG/ electricity/ bio-gas

Source of fuel:

Availability of fuel: with ease/with difficulty

Fuel consumption (qty/month):

5 Sanitation facility

Toilet: septic / non-septic / community / open land

6 Drainage & sewerage

Drainage & sewerage: no facility/ personal/ community

7 Garbage disposal facility

Garbage disposal : thrown outside/ community service/ any other

8 Food and nutrition : Sufficient/ Insufficient

9 Other important facilities

Daily market facility: yes/ no Weekly hat facility: yes/ no

Performance of Ration/Co-operative shop: very good/ good/moderate /poor

Facilities for other commercial purposes: yes/ no

10 Level of satisfaction of the general characteristics of Basic Life Needs

Light and air Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Drainage and sewerage Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Humidity and general cleanliness Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Bedroom facility Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Kitchen facility Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Drinking water facility Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Other water facility Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

House surrounding Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Sanitation facility Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

1 Employment

Cultivation: own / agricultural labour/ share cropper

Cottage /Small scale industry: own / employed

Subsidiary activities: mushroom cultivation/ bee keeping/ fishery/ carpentary/ bari

papad making/ agarbatti making / grocery shop/ pottery/ bamboo product/ tailoring/

Others: public sector/ bank/ state govt. undertaking/ private undertaking/ others

2 Livestock owned

Bullock - Cow - Buffalo -

Goat - 3,5 Sheep - Camel -

Horse -

Livestock shed Own Community

3 Ownership of household items

Sewing Machine X Clock/Watch Sofa set X

Refrigerator Television (B & W/ Colour) Fan

VCR/VCP/ VCD Dining table Dining chair

Almirah Pressure cooker Cooking grill X

Micro-oven X Bicycle Scooter X

Motor cycle Car X (BIKE AND TOTO) Others

4 Ownership of land

Type of land : cultivated land/ doubled cropped land/ irrigated / fallow land/ barren land

Quantity: 10 katha/ acres

5 Health

Addiction Smoking/ chewing petal nuts with tobacco or without tobacco /drinking
alcohol/ others

Access to medical facilities: dispensary/ health center/ family planning center/ hospital/
specialized medical facility

Distant to nearest medical facilities: within the village/ Block/ District(100 m)

Prevalence of disease: water borne/ air borne/ heart related/ Eye/ ENT/ others : No

6 Safety

Police Station: within the village/ block/ district

Crime status: very high/ high/ moderate/ low

Performance of the Police Station: very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

7 Level of satisfaction of the general characteristics of Well-being Needs

Employment opportunity/ status Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Status of livestock owned Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Status of ownership of household items Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Status of ownership of land Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Status of health facilities Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Status of safety facilities Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor


1 Education status & facilities

Education status Illiterate/ literate/ primary (up to Std. IV)/ middle (below Std. VIII)/
matriculate/ graduate/ engineering or medical graduate/ post
graduate and higher

Existence of primary school Within the village/ block/ district

Existence of secondary school Within the village/ block/ district

Existence of class XII education facility Within the village/ block/ district

Existence of college Within the village/ block/ district

Existence of engineering / medical college Within the village/ block/ district

2 Transportation/mobility

Access of road : kachha road/ pucca road with bus facility

Nearest bus stoppage: within 0.5 / 1 / 2 / 5 km

Bus service : very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

Transportation facility during emergency: very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

3 Information and communication

Public library Very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

Newspaper Very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

Post Office Very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

P&T Very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

Banking Very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

Computer and internet Very good/ good/ moderate/ poor

4 Level of satisfaction of the general characteristics of Opportunity Needs

Status of educational facilities Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Status of transportation facility Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor

Status of information & communication Highly satisfied/ satisfied/ moderate/ poor



1 Recreation

Existence of Club : yes/ no

Existence of Parks: yes/ no Existence of cinema hall : yes/ no

1.2 plan of exiting house of a farmer

1.3 modified plan of the house


The Socio-economic survey of the small village was conducted by us, the students of DCE 6th Sem, of
Hooghly Institute of Technology. We interviewed about ten households throughout the village and
some important areas of their needs were identified which are as follows:

 Lack of proper planning of their dwelling house

 Lack of water supply system, only 6 nos of tube wells installed by the panchayat out of them two
nos have arsenic removal device. Though some of the households have their own tube well.

 Poor drainage system

 Lack of garbage disposal system

 Lack of any health center in the vicinity

 Lack of implementation of Govt Schemes like Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna, Swajal Dhara Yojna,
Jwahar well yojna etc.

During the visit we were divided in ten groups comprising of ten members in each group. Our group
visited Mr………”s house. Based on the interaction we prepared a data sheet and a measured
drawing of the house. We have prepared a modified plan with due suggestions with respect to
water supply, sanitation, cattle shed, fodder shade, composting yard, pond etc.

After the visit we felt that this type of survey is required to know the overall lifestyle of the people
of our state in rural areas. We can aware the people about the need of education, health, sanitation
etc by interaction. Moreover we can apply our civil engg knowledge to improve the lifestyle of the
villagers and thus we can develop a healthy society around us.
1.4 Provide guidance to start cottage industries related to Civil Engineering


(1) Multi-purpose farming is a concept where various farming are integrated to meet the
requirements of family life.

(2) Due to increased population, urbanization and industrialization, agricultural land holding are
decreasing day by day.

(3) There has been great demand of food grains and daily needs nowadays.

(4) In such circumstances, traditional farming is not very remunerative and could not support
better livelihood of the farming community.

(5) Therefore, there is need to adopt such farming system in which farmer can earn handsome
profit with their limited resources as well as ensure nutritional security for family members
and recycling of resources for enhanced profit margin in a sustainable way.

(6) Adoption of fish farming based integrated agriculture and animal husbandry practices would
serve the above purpose of farmers.


(1) Generally, it is seen that a farmer having more land and he is cultivating only one crop.

(2) Here, whatever, the earning is coming, now the farmer is spending the money to purchase
different other food items such as milk, egg, fish, meat, vegetables and fruits mainly from
market at higher price as well as these food items are up to certain extent unhealthy due to
use of pesticides, plant growth hormones, antibiotics and other chemicals.
(3) If farmer takes a plan to initiate a farm where he can produce all the food items homely way
(using no pesticides or other chemicals or minimum use) for home requirements as well as
selling excess product in market for earning money, it will be a wise decision.

(4) One way he is assuring all the major food items for home requirement those are healthy in
nature and in other way whatever the main consideration of farming to earn money that is
also fulfilled.

(5) Hence, farmers, having a satisfaction along with full confidence to push the farming forward
and secure a healthy socio-economic status.

Area of Operation

(1) One hectare of area is considered a standard size of farm to introduce different enterprises,
(2) Less than one acre of land is not so suitable for the present concept of farming.

(3) Though, according to availability of land and socio-economic condition, each farmer can
modify the farming pattern according to their suitability.

(4) A square or rectangular field, four sides bund should be given. The bunds’ width will be
2.5m minimum.

Distribution of area for various set up

Sl. Particulars Area Sl. Particulars Area

1 House 25m X 25m=625 m2 7 Paddy straw (4 X 1.5)m2 = 6m2


2 Cowshed 20m X 20m=400 m2 8 Bund (3) (74mX2.5m=185m2-6m2)=179 m2

3 Poultry shed 10m X 10m=100 m2 9 Bund(4) 55mX2.5m=137.5 m2

4 Compost pit 6m X 6m=36 m2 10 Pond area 4072 m2

5 Bund (1) 65m X 2.5m=162.5 m2 11 Paddy field 4072 m2

6 Bund(2) 84m X 2.5m=210 m2 Total area 10000 m2 = 1 hectare

Multipurpose Farming Method

For healthy life, food items are necessary for maintaining nutritional status of body. The foods
are generally-cereals, pulses, vegetables, fruits, milk, fish, egg, and meat. Therefore, we will
arrange our cultivation pattern (farming) in such a way that it will provide all the basic
requirements of family consumption as well as will provide better earning opportunities. So, we
can get a stable family life.

Family is the base of our society, hence if each family according to its requirements, modify
their farm and farming methods, obviously in large scale, our whole society will be stable up to
a great extent.

Various Steps

Step-1: In this system, pond and nearby field embankments are used for growing
vegetables, grasses, fruits and flowers. In water logged areas, paddy- fish
farming has been highly profitable farming systems. The deep areas are used for
fish raising while shallow areas are used for growing paddy. At the end, farmer
will get fishes in addition to the paddy crops, vegetables, grasses, fruits and

Step-2: Dairy is one of the oldest components of integrated fish farming system. Cow
possesses a distinct digestive system in which food material is crushed
repeatedly in the presence of micro-organisms and become digestive which is
directly utilized by fishes. For one hectare of water area 5-6 cows would be
sufficient. In dairy fish combination, farmers can produce 3000-4000kg/ha/yr fish
in addition to the milk

Step-3: Poultry is also an important component of integrated fish farming system.

Poultry birds are restricted to their houses. In one square meter 4-5 birds can be
kept and 500-600 birds would provide sufficient quantity of manure for one
hectare of water area. Considering the market demand broiler for meat purpose
and layer for egg purposes are reared. The important breeds of birds are Rode
Island and Leg Horn. Birds require 80-100gm feed/bird/day. The birds start egg
laying at the age of 5-6 months and continue for 16-18 month.

Step-4: Crop cultivation on bund (1):-Area=65mX2.5m=162.5 m2; coconut plants are

cultivated outside of the bund (half part) at 7.5m distance. In between of two
coconut plants, papaya plants are grown. Later half part, guava plants are
cultivated maintaining distance 5m and in between two guava plants, lemon
trees are planted. Inside of the bund –vegetable crops are cultivated
mainly-cabbage, cauliflower, knolkhol, brinjal, chilli, capsicum, radish, taro etc.

Step-5: Crop cultivation on bund (2):-Area= 84mX2.5m=210 m2; Outside of bund-banana

should be cultivated at 2m distance. Inside of band-three-fourth part area for
pigeon pea cultivation at row to row and plant to plant distance=60cmX15cm
and remaining one-fourth part area near poultry farm, cowpea should be

Step-6: Crop cultivation on bund (3):-Area=74mX2.5m=185 m2- paddy straw stack

(4X1.5)m2 =(185-6) m2 =179 m2; all the area is used to cultivate grasses i.e.
napier, lucerne, berseem, guar etc. for providing feed to cows

Step-7: Crop cultivation on bund (4):-Area=55mX2.5m=137.5 m2; Outside of bund,

coconut plants will be cultivated at 7.5m distance and in between two coconut
plants, one betelnut plant is cultivated. Inside of the bund –three-fourth area is
used to cultivate various leafy vegetables i.e. palak, amaranthus, methi, coriader
etc. remaining one-fourth area is used to cultivate flowers mainly-marrigold and
tube rose


Other plant cultivation:-

(1) In front of house a mango plant will be there

(2) In front of cowshed a hog plum tree (Spondias mangifera) will be there
(3) In side of compost pit a ‘Chalta Plant’ (Elephant apple-Dillenia speciosa)
will be there.

(4) In front of poultry farm, a drumstick plant (Moringa oleifera) will be


Income Security: A

Actual income: Suppose one hectare of land is used for paddy cultivation, then the income

(1) Aman improved paddy minimum yield=2000kg

(2) Boro paddy minimum=3000kg

(3) Total=2000+3000=5000kg of paddy

(4) Price of each kg. of paddy=Rs. 15. Therefore, total income annually from 1 ha of paddy
land =5000X15=Rs. 75000/-

Income Security: B

Income from paddy –fish farming

(1) Paddy field (4072 m2) earning = (75000X4072)/10000=Rs. 30540

(2) Income from fish:Yield of fish of fish field in rainy season(4072+4072)m2 =1500kg

(3) Yield of fish of fish field in summer season (4072m2) =500kg

(4) Total annual production=1500+500=2000kg

(5) Price of fish per kg minimum=Rs. 100/-

(6) Total income from fish=Rs. (2000X100)=Rs.200000/-

Income Security: C

Income from dairy

(1) If 5-6 milk cows are maintained, minimum 2-3 cows will be always in milking condition
(lactating stage)
(2) Per cow per day milk production minimum=5 litre

(3) Three cow produce total =3X5=15 litre of milk each day

(4) Price of 1 litre of milk in market minimum=Rs. 25

(5) Total earnings from milk annually= 365X15X25=Rs. 136875/-

Income Security: D

Income from poultry

(1) Poultry (100 birds), no. of egg production=12000

(2) Price of each egg in market=Rs.5/-

(3) Total income from eggs=12000X5=Rs. 60000/-

(4) 100 poultry each year produces 200kg of meat

(5) Price of each kg of meat minimum=Rs. 100/-

(6) Total income from meat=200X100=Rs. 20000/-

(7) Total income from poultry farming= Rs. (60000+20000)=Rs.80000/-

Grand Total

(Paddy + Fish + Dairy + Poultry) =

Rs.30,540.00 + Rs.2,00,000.00 + Rs.1,36,875.00 + Rs.80,000.00

= Rs. 4,47,415.00

Suppose half of price is management cost (Labour charge + feed price + purchasing cow +
purchasing poultry birds + purchasing fish seed + purchasing paddy seed etc).

So net profit is Rs.2,23,707.50 per month net profit = Rs.18.642.29Approx. Rs.19,000.00

(Approximate Estimation).
Sustainable Income

Depending on only one enterprise is always a risk. Suppose, a farmer is only cultivating paddy
the risks are –

(1) may be crop failure due to heavy rain(flood)

(2) severe disease infestation (generally blast disease)
(3) severe infestation of insect-pests (stem borer, ear head cutting caterpillar, brown plant
hopper mainly)
(4) lack of irrigation water for boro rice
(5) low price of product in market etc.

But depending on several enterprises provide income security in a sustainable manner.

It means if one enterprise is failure other enterprise (s) will provide income.

Therefore, motivation towards integrated farming is a well thought and wise decision.

Income Opportunities

In this present operation the income opportunities are-

(1) Income from paddy

(2) Income from fish

(3) Income from dairy

(4) Income from poultry

(5) Income from vegetables

(6) Income from fruit crops

(7) Income from flowers.

Open Door to other Enterprises

Simultaneously, farmers having an open door to initiate other enterprises if they have

economic ability and more family members (family labours).

The other enterprises are generally-

(1) Goat farming

(2) Duck farming and
(3) Pig farming.

Points to be noted to Initiate Multipurpose Farming

(1) This farming concept will not match to all farmers. The farmers who will think that the
concept is matching with their situation only they will introduce multipurpose farming
(2) The farm must be connected with road or the farm will be on road side
(3) The produce of multipurpose farm must have demand in nearby market
(4) According to their situation farmers can include more farming or exclude any farming.
(5) Shade producing plants should not be planted on pond bund, it will hamper fish
production as well as hamper the crop production of side by farmer’s field
(6) Each year pond bunds should be repaired by the soil of pappy field.
(7) Every 3-4 years interval pond base should be renovated for better fish production
(8) Pond should be kept clean always from aquatic weeds or other plant waste residues
(9) There is need of lump sum amount of money at initial stage of farming or farmer can
gradually make it
(10) Multipurpose farming is labour intensive and more care is needed.
(11) It is recommended not to use chemical pesticides, if it is used follow precautions
(12) Lime should be applied in pond in certain time interval
(13) There must be electricity provision in farm
(14) At the time of floating of fish on pond surface water, the water pump must be used to
add oxygen in water through rotating water
(15) According to family requirement, the farmer can cultivate a certain part of land for
paddy cultivation and remaining part can use for fish cultivation to enhance profit
(16) House must be within multipurpose farm-otherwise this type of farming is a great risk
(17) When farm size will be larger, then family consumption for 5-7 members family
(expenditure) is not a prominent matter.

Greatest Consideration

For multipurpose farming, more care and proper management is highly needed.
Therefore, only depending on labourers is a great risk. It will be more convenience if farmer has
more family members (family labour).


Indian agriculture is now in transition period. Nowadays youths either literate or illiterate are
not interested in agriculture.

They prefer to engage themselves in per day income activities or monthly income; as well as
introduction of MGNREGA has aggravated the problem of availability of labourers for
agricultural activities.

In this background, to make agriculture attractive, profitable and employable is a great


Agricultural scientists are showing several ways of farming; in this way multipurpose farming is
really a ray of hope where several objectives are fulfilled i.e. income security, nutritional
security, proper recycling of resources and employment opportunities.
The multipurpose farming is area specific though it is sure that a certain percent of farmers
must get benefit from this type of farming, but initiators must keep few considerations (points)
in their mind to make it successful.

Multipurpose farming is an up to date technology for better livelihood of farm families.

Therefore, the extension agencies at base level must have focus on it for its proper

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