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How does vimana add value to

stockpile monitoring
Contour Map
Contour mapping is commonly used to understand the terrain
profile. By tying together all the spots with comparable elevations,
contour mapping is created. These lines are created on a terrain
plan to help comprehend the surface type, determine cut fill
volume, research water flow characteristics, and gauge the depth
and steepness of valleys. A smooth curve is formed by contour
lines using the same elevation points.
Volumetric Analysis
Most significantly, manually measuring stock piles might be risky
depending on your site. Drone stockpile measurement not only
saves you time but also fully eliminates safety issues as
measurements can be conducted from a distance without any hard
lifting. UAV photogrammetry for stocktake volume measurement
entails collecting several photos of a feature from various angles
or lines of sight and stitching them together with Vimana software.
Cut-Fill Measurement
Drones are a significant advancement over traditional cut and fill
measuring techniques. Cut and fill calculations with drones are
accurate and effective without interfering with work. Drones hover
over the job site, allowing other labor to go without interruption
below. Measurements are taken more quickly than in the past,
using much less people.
Improved data reliability
A highly efficient and precise technique for stockpile
measurements can be done with Vimana platform. Reconciliation
is made easier by having precise data, which lowers the
discrepancy between what is projected and what is provided. As a
result, you will be aware of the quantity that must be produced to
satisfy demand. Additionally, you won't have to borrow more
money than is necessary or miss out on sales because the
product isn't accessible.
Object detection
Vimana uses a multi-class object identification model (Mask-RCNN)
that can recognize and categorize cars (e.g., trucks, earth-movers).
Furthermore, for huge vehicles like earthmovers, the detection offers
a detailed contour of the car, allowing for precise geo-referencing. In
addition, the individual identified objects can be edited or annotated
for subsequent processing.
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s a l e s @ a s p e c s c i r e . c o m

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