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Just as bitter medicine is conducive to health, the readiness to accept failure and

frustration is essential for success in life.

Reference to context

These lines have been taken from the autobiography “Samidha” written by Sadhana Amte.
Here writes express that as a couple they face many difficulties positively. Baba Amte has
many good qualities as forgiveness and forget hatred for another person. Even he did help
those who keep full faith in him. On this context writer said this lines.

Explanation :

Under this explanation lines, she clarify that bitter medicine has been given to patients for
good health. By bitter medicine, patients get recovered from bad health. Although it is bitter
but it functions as a life for human being. Just as bitter medicine is useful for good health,
difficulties and obstacles are essential for success in life. Difficulties make them aware about
their performance. It gives opportunity to understand the real problem. It is the key of
success. So they should accept difficulties and failure in their life.

Critical Comments:

These lines provide experience of life of narrator. Here she considers difficulties and failure
as an opportunity for success. For this, she used suitable example of bitter medicine. It is very
philosophical lines which express the humanistic philosophy of life.

‘Our sense of pleasure and elation were never associated with comforts or achievements
on the material plane.’

Reference to context :

These lines appeared in the autobiography ‘Samidha’ written by Sadhana Amte. Here writer
presents her life experience of life. As a couple how they live amicably and face many
difficulties in their life. She lived very simple but actively participated in the works of Baba

Explanation :

As a couple, Sadhana Amte and Baba Amte face many difficulties in their life. They find
many challenges on the path of social activity. They decided to improve the life of down
trodden people. Baba Amte lives simple life as he born in landlord family. They never
attracted towards materialistic lifestyle. Sadhana and Baba Amte dislike the pleasure of life
they boldly face the difficulties in their life. They felt satisfaction in their simple living. They
never think about the pleasure in their life. Whatever they get they spend money for the
betterment of marginalised people. They avoid any kind of materialistic pleasure and lead a
simple life.
Critical Comments:

It shows the simple living of the couple. It also exemplifies the humanistic quality of them.
They face many difficulties but still believe on their attitude towards life.

If the seed is strong enough and the ground fertile, it takes no time for the tree to grow
in many direction

Reference to context:

These lines have been extracted from the well-known autobiography ‘Samidha’ written by
Sadhana Amte. Here Sadhana Amte presents the life journey of herself. In it, she shows her
life experience with Baba Amte. They came across with many difficulties as a social worker
but still they live happily.

Explanations :

Baba has done work for the betterment of marginalised people. As they were deserted like
leprosy patients, physically disable person, blind, orphan people. But Baba Amte tried to
uplift the condition of them. He faced many challenges to ripe out these humanistic values.
But his mind, heart filled with strong determination for the well fare of down trodden people.
So day by day, work of hardship become easier and flourished with its fruit. All the
difficulties were resolved and find a path of progress of any modest act.

Critical Comments :

Here this lines suggest the philosophy of hardship,dedication. Narrator beautifully compares
the seeds with the qualities like dedication,hardship and the trees with any firm social act.

“In the history of any institution comes a time when people come seeking after you”

Reference to context
What was Baba Amte’s motivation behind setting up community living? Did he

Ans = ‘Samidha’ an autobiography of Sadhana Amte , presents her life journey. It also marks
the different shades of life of Baba Amte as well as Sadhana Amte . They are dedicated
couple for the social works. They sacrificed their pleasure of life only for the marginalized

They have faith on humanity and for this, they do not care of themselves. At an early age,
Baba Amte felt pathetic on the wretched condition of marginalised people. This kind of
humanistic feeling become the main source of his social activity. As Sadhana Amte said,

‘ I think it is faith in the essential goodness of man that led to such experiment”.

He participated in many social activities. Firstly he involves himself in the work of

cleanliness as he inspired by the philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi. He himself takes the zadu
and cleans the locality to set example of cleanliness.

As a rationalist, he does not like the traditional aspect of religion. He puts many questions
over it and simply tried to solve the code behind various rites. Many traditional criticise his
rational thought as he lived among Harijan people. he consider all people are human being, so
he tried uplift the status of lower class people as Mahars, the cobblers, cane worker and
pardhan. Even in Anandwan, he provided many works to them to utilise their capacity. By
this activity, the orthodox people dislike him.

He also gets inspiration on seeing the wretched condition of leprosy patient. As Sadhana
Amte said,

“ Someone was calling from within, from some unknown region of his mind,
a voice, a sigh perhaps; he had heard it now and it soon became Baba’s calling”
They were outcast from the society and neglected as a human being. From there, he did
various hard work for the leprosy patients. At the beginning, he did not get many hands and
find difficulties to carry his duty. But the compassion for down trodden people, motivates
him to establish Maharogi Seva Samiti for them. Then he also formed Uttarayan for deserted
people, Gokul for orphane children. Gradually it is recognised as a paradise for leprosy

He also actively participated in Bharat Jodo movement, Narmada Bachav Movement. By

its success, his work spread up and formed project like Somnath Hemalkasa. Starting with
agriculture and expanding to various small industries, Maharogi Seva Samiti become
productive heaven of Baba’s dream.

Thus the humanistic, sympathetic, compassion for people are the motivation behind his
community work. It becomes an example for the community work and exaltation for deserted
Shankerrao Deo, general secretary of the All India Congress was the president of the
Korgaonkar Trust. Baba’s association with it provide 150rs honorarium for their daily bread.
Baba also came in contact with Dr. Wardekar, the internationally renowned specialist in
leprosy. Baba received valuable guidance from him. Baba also deeply revered Dr.
Dharmendra, who was his guru.

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