Manpower Planning and Recruitment

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Manpower Planning and Recruitment – Internal Assignment

Question 1.
A job description is a document that clearly states necessary job requirements, job duties and
responsibilities, skills, and working conditions to perform a specific role. It also entails the job’s
title and the designation of the individual to whom the employee reports. A detailed job
description will describe how success is measured in the role, so it can be used for performance
evaluations. It is a narrative declaration that describes the general tasks, or related roles and
responsibilities of a position. It may also specify the hierarchy to whom the employee reports,
and parameters such as the qualifications or skills needed by the employee in the job,
information about the tools and work aids used, working conditions, as well as a salary range.
The primary purpose of a job description is to accurately clarify the requirements and
responsibilities of a role within an organisation. If done properly, this information can be used
to ascertain the value of a position to the organization, as well as what that position might get
compensated in the market.
To answer the question, no, I do not think that companies can really do without detailed job
descriptions. Small organizations can probably do without job descriptions but when they start
expanding, they need them. Once the teams expand, there is a need for structure in the
organization. Roles and responsibilities need to be clearly identified and formalized. Job
descriptions ensure that the managers and employees are clear on what needs to be done.
Responsibilities are clear and thus, accountability can be determined.
We must understand the importance of job descriptions in organizations. Job descriptions are
important for all organizations to have because they:
1. Help attract the right employees - Job descriptions prove to be a valuable tool in the
recruitment process, by specifically outlining job duties to applicants. It ensures that the
job will meet the needs of the organization and will recruit the appropriate talent for
the position. When the qualifications for a specific role are clearly specified, it is less
likely that employees who don’t fit the criteria will apply. This in turn, help save
valuable recruitment time by limiting the number of applications in the first place, thus
improving the quality of the applications that come in.
2. Help guide the training process - Deciding the type and depth of training employees is a
difficult task. However, with the help of a job description, it becomes easier. If the job
description is thorough, it will be easier to know where the employee falls short in terms
of knowledge, skills, or qualifications and where they may require additional training.
Using the skills gaps as a guide, customized training plans can be put together, that will
help get the employee into the fit position quicker.
3. Assist with retention and satisfaction - From an employee candidate’s perspective, a
job description is a sample picture of what their life with the company will look like. If
the organization fails to put forward an accurate job description, the employee will feel
that the company has been deceitful. They will also be more likely to quit. However, if
the job description is accurate, the likelihood that the employee will enjoy their job is
higher and they will develop a sense of purpose and loyalty towards the organization.
4. Help gauge performance - An in-depth job description serves as a tool to gauge
performance of a new employee. The job competencies, skills, abilities, duties, tasks,
and responsibilities are outlined in the description and will act as expectation guidelines.
Once the probation period ends, or when it is time for employee reviews, a job
description serves to be an excellent tool to measure performance shortcomings or
areas where the employee exceeds set expectations.
5. Help prevent unfair activities - Job descriptions make the difference between winning
and losing (paying hefty fines and penalties) employment related legal conflicts. In other
words, job descriptions could save thousands, even millions of dollars in terms of legal
fees and settlements. Whether it is unemployment or unfair employment practices
claims, job descriptions could prove to be the best defense in giving the organization
more leverage against such claims.
In addition to the above advantages of having job descriptions, they also provide clarity and
outline expectations. They help personnel understand the fundamental framework for their job
role. Without proper job descriptions, employees find themselves interpreting the job as they
see fit, bogged down in a swamp of tasks that may or may not be job-related or may not even
add value to the overall business strategy. Employees will be unable to have a clear focus on
where they should spend their time or what tasks are the most important, if not provided in a
job description.
Job descriptions also provide a road map in identifying qualified candidates so as to hire the
best talent available. Applicants are able to better understand the core responsibilities of a role
when they apply and thus, understand what they will be expected to do when hired. Lastly, job
descriptions assist managers during performance evaluations to accurately review an
employee’s ability to perform the job. Several managers struggle with performance reviews and
see them as a potential to create conflict. But the job description can lessen the advent of
conflict by providing objectivity in assessing employee performance against the clearly defined
responsibilities of the job. Comparing employee actions to the job description gives an accurate
assessment of performance.
Thus, job descriptions ensure that best talent is hired and expectations are established and
met. They support greater employee accountability and promote greater productivity. They
also mitigate risk and limit liability. Thus, all organizations need to have job descriptions.

Question 2.
Induction training is the process of introducing new employees to the culture and practices
that are prevalent in the organization. The needs of new employees can be addressed through
a structured and formalized induction program. It is a joint responsibility of senior managers
and section in charges. The strategic purpose of induction training is to integrate new
employees into the organization and make them understand the systems and procedures, and
culture and values followed. It helps new employees ease into their new work environment,
and provides them with a sense of belonging.
“Irrespective of the experience level, Induction Training plays an important role for a new
employee.” I agree with this statement and believe that Induction Training plays a key role for a
new employee irrespective of their experience level.
Several studies have shown that induction training directly impacts the employee attrition rate.
Employee training is very significant for the organization, and delivering an effective induction
training program to the new employees joining the company should be its priority. It’s vital for
new employees to know the purpose, direction and values of the organisation from the
leader. This allows them to put their contribution into perspective and offers them a greater
purpose for work. A well-developed induction program is one of the most effective and efficient
ways to bring the new team members up to speed on a whole new array of company policies
and legislation that apply to the role, along with a strong understanding of what and how the
company delivers its services and products.
To further explain the statement, let us take a look at the importance of Induction training and
the benefits it provides to an organization. They are:
1. Saves money and time - Induction training is the first training program that the
employee participates in after they join the organization. Induction training provides
him with all the information required to start performing the duties. When an employee
is trained well in the induction program, they can easily adapt to the new role and start
delivering results quickly. This ensures that the employee will not be dissatisfied and
leave the company. This saves the company time and money that could have been spent
had there not been a successful induction program.
2. Reduces employee attrition - Employees join an organization with expectations and
questions. All these queries are answered in the induction training program. Ineffective
induction training leaves new employees confused about the job role. Employees may
feel upset, frustrated and helpless if they are not trained properly. On the contrary,
effective induction training goes a long way in terms of increasing staff retention rate
and reducing employee attrition in a huge way.
3. Ensures efficiency in operations - A well-designed induction training program blankets
all aspects of the organization thoroughly. It helps new employees familiarize with the
company’s work culture, vision, mission, and goals. It also helps new employees
understand their own role in accomplishing the goals of the company. This will support
in enhancing the efficiency of employees swiftly, as they adapt to the work culture of
the company and get involved in their job. To a large extent, it helps increase the
operational efficiency of the company.
4. Reduces risk - New employees need to be aware of any legislative and compliance
requirements related to the business, as well as the processes and procedures when it
comes to how business is done. They need to be aware of the culture, vision, mission,
goals and objectives. For employees to operate efficiently, they must know what their
requirements and responsibilities as an employee are. New employees understanding
the these, is a good risk management exercise to prevent potential confusion down the
5. Results in a smooth transition – When the induction training program is well-developed
and successfully conducted, the organization should be clear about its corporate
expectations and ensure that the new employee does not pick up a second-hand
distorted view. A good induction program does not have to be extensive, but rather it
should be structured and thus easily rolled out to each new employee. This helps in a
smooth transition for the new employees.
Induction training is the first formal interaction between the new employee and the
management. The time spent at this stage with the new employee earns long-term dividends in
terms of greater productivity, disciplined conduct and fewer accidents. Proper induction helps
in developing confidence among the new employees, which in turn develops a positive thinking
among them about the organization. Organizations should view induction programs as a way to
help employees become productive quicker.
Induction training programs are important for an organization’s new employees and essential
for the overall health of the business. A good induction program facilitates seamless integration
of the new employee, thus enabling him to contribute to the organization effectively. As a
result, it benefits the organization as well as the new employee. Thus, irrespective of the
experience level, induction training must be delivered to all new employees as it plays such an
important role.
Question 3. (a)
360-degree feedback is a system in which employees receive confidential and anonymous
feedback from the people who work around them. This commonly includes the worker's
manager, peers, and direct reports. A set of about eight to twelve people fill out an anonymous
online feedback form that asks questions covering a broad series of workplace competencies.
The feedback forms comprise of questions that are measured on a rating scale, which also ask
the raters to provide written comments. The employee receiving feedback also fills out a self-
rating survey which includes the same survey questions that the others receive in their forms.
Managers in organizations use the 360-degree feedback surveys to get a better understanding
of their strengths and weaknesses. The 360-degree feedback system automatically presents the
results in tabular format that helps the feedback recipient create a development plan.
Individual responses are always pooled with responses from other people in the same rater
category, that is peer or direct manager, in order to preserve anonymity and to offer the
employee a clear picture of their complete strengths and weaknesses.
There are various reasons why the 360-degree appraisal is an effective way of appraising
performance. It increases self-awareness in employees as this method is a combination of self-
appraisal and appraisal by direct reports, which enables the employee to have an overall idea
regarding their performance. The 360-degree feedback provides a full perspective of
employees’ strengths and weaknesses. It helps in building confidence and boosting morale,
while creating a culture of openness in the organization. It reduces employee turnover rates
and increases accountability. This method of appraisal helps develop personal, team and
organizational performance. It also provides comprehensive information about training needs
and assists in the overall career development of employees. 360-degree appraisal fosters
continuous improvement and is a way to enhance the culture of the organization.
360-degree feedback assesses behaviors and competencies and provides a feedback on how
others perceive an employee. It addresses skills, such as listening, communicating, planning and
goal-setting. The evaluation also focuses on subjective areas such as teamwork, character, and
leadership effectiveness.
The 360-degree appraisal is also a useful development tool for people who are not in a
management position. For non-managers, it is a valuable tool to help people be more effective
in their current roles, as well as to help them understand areas in which they should focus on,
in case they want to move into a management role. 360-degree appraisal is extremely effective
as a development tool. The feedback process gives individuals an opportunity to provide
anonymous feedback to a colleague that they may otherwise be uncomfortable giving.
Feedback receivers gain insight into how they are perceived and have an opportunity to adjust
their behavior and develop skill sets that will enable them to excel at their jobs. It is thus, an
effective method of performance appraisal.

Question 3. (b)
The 360-degree appraisal, or multi-rater feedback is a process in which employees receive
anonymous, confidential feedback from the people who are associated with them, such as their
supervisors, peers, manager and direct reports. It is powerful tool which when used
correctly encourages employee growth. It provides data and material about an employee’s
work competencies, behavior and working relationships.
Nevertheless, there are several factors that influence the success of the 360-degree review.
There are some the difficulties that can be faced by the organizations when implementing a
360-degree appraisal. The 360-degree feedback process does not exactly determine whether an
employee meets the job requirements. Its focus is not based on technical or job specific skills.
This method of appraisal serves only as part of the overall performance measurement system.
It also causes organizational issues if implemented hastily and may fail to add value if not well-
woven into the existing performance plans.
The multi-source feedback prevents recipients from getting more information as the process is
anonymous. 360-degree feedback focuses more on employees’ weaknesses and shortfalls
instead of strengths. The feedback from this process also provides feedback from inexperienced
raters, and groups have the ability to manipulate the entire process by creating biases. It may
result in inaccurate and conflicting feedback. It also requires a large degree of data collection
and processing in a few cases. The 360-degree appraisal may garner dishonest feedback if there
is a lack of trust in the people directing the appraisal and if respondents answer dishonestly, the
feedback process becomes useless. It may also lead to skewed results if the participants give
biased feedback. The 360-degree appraisal consumes significant amount of time which makes it
a challenge to implement.
There are difficulties when it comes to implementing the 360-degree feedback process, but like
with any other performance feedback process, it can also increase positive and powerful
problem solving besides providing a profoundly supportive and organization-affirming method
for promoting employee growth and development.

To address and overcome these difficulties, the organization may follow a few guidelines while
executing the 360-degree appraisal system. The management must prepare the recipients for
their feedback. The process must strive for objectivity and honesty. It should have an
appropriate set-up and be clear about rater selection. Most times this system of feedback
remains unsuccessful as there is no action taken after the process is completed. The
management must move from feedback to corrective actions. If effective training is provided
with a clear plan of how the 360-degree appraisal is to be performed, then these problems will
disappear, thereby, providing the organisation with an anonymous, reliable and valid means of
providing feedback for personal development.
Thus, in spite of these challenges, it proves to be a great development tool to use when trying
to generate authentic, reliable, honest and balanced feedback. It provides a complete picture of
employee performance, and provides crucial insights to help them grow and develop.

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