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A Prevention System to Avoid Nature Disaster

on Focusing Highline Road

Ni Putu Ayu Ratna Dewi, Muhammad Ilham Akbar, Kevin William
Christopher, Januardiaz Sipayung, Alifian Adam Dalimunthe


According to Indonesian National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB),

there were 2,766 landslide cases that occurred in Java from 2014 to 2019
caused 622 deaths. The frequency of landslides and the fact that a large
number of people live in the landslide prone-areas lead to a high death
percentage (Akhmad Zamroni, 2020). This paper aims to discover the
function of system arduino for aiding the society as an early warning of
Landslide Detector, trouble in highline road, and traffic accident in cross-
regional road for each province moreover we have combined nature
response of Sengon tree with arduino system technology as an innovation
of early warning detector focusing highline road. The previous research
revealed that vibration, tilt and shift at the road can detect the land
movements (Silhan, 2015). We found that geographical condition is
suitable as an indicator of this research because it has enough sensitivity
to respond the land movements. We put a prevention system with Arduino
based on data point of bending, from the data we have discovered, the
ideal position is on 0 - 41,2 cm from the land surface. The pointer will give
response regarding the land movements when landslide, vibration, tilt and
shift happened. Changes of degree is used as the indicator changes of tilt.
We set maximum value at 10 degree. So, if the trees making changes of
degree more than the maximum value, Arduino system will turn on the
alarm and it’s sound will be sent to the villagers by radio. It will be the sign
that landslide is happening and the villagers can save themselves.

Keywords: landslide; Sengon (Paraserientes falcataria); arduino; point of




The vulnerability of the cross-provincial route has various

vulnerabilities ranging from flash floods and landslides. The damage is
caused by high rainfall which causes unstable cliffs or slopes, the service
life of the road has been exceeded, the topography is steep and the
location is difficult to reach. (Kementrian PUPR,2020)
Landslide is one type of mass movement of soil, rock, or a mixture
of both, down or out of the slope as a result of the disruption of the stability
of the soil or rocks that make up the slopes (Dr. Ir. M. Taufik, 2016), so
that the mass of soil or rocks that create the slopes or a mixture, hence
making downward movement of the slopes. Landslide in the area is
triggered by the unconformity contact of fresh and weathered rock of
breccia with the underlying mudstone (Widagdo, 2014).Landslides rarely
occur due to a single cause. There are several factors that cause
landslides which include: geological conditions, hydrology, topography,
climate, and weather changes can affect the stability of the slopes
resulting in landslides (Meita Eka Fitrianingrum, 2018). It is recorded that
landslides often occur in Indonesia with an average of 92 cases per year.
Under wet soil moisture condition, the rainfall around 80 mm/day is likely
to produce the hydrologic condition leading to landslide initiation (tohari,


The high level of losses experienced by the community caused by

the occurrence of landslides due to the lack of information obtained by the
society about the possibility of disasters that happened around them, so
that public awareness of disaster response is low. Therefore, initial
information about the potential and risk of disasters is one of the
information media that can be used as basic disaster response education
for the community (Heru Sri Naryanto, 2019).

Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) Nielse, also known as Sengon, is a

multifunctional plant that grows in Indonesia (Haruni Krisnawati, 2011).
Sengon tree is a tree-habitual plant that easily adapts to various
environmental conditions. The roots can do symbiosis with rhizobium
bacteria and form root nodules. Sengon is an intolerant plant so it is
suitable for accelerating the succession of land cover (Sukarman, 2012).

The proportion of Sengon Tree’s tertiary roots is 50%, higher than

the secondary (43%) and primary (7%) roots. However, in terms of
diameter, tertiary roots have the smallest size, ranging from 0.2 to 0.5 mm.
This diameter belongs to the fine root group. Besides being small in
diameter, tertiary roots also short in size and very sensitive to
disturbances, especially shifted in the soil (Omo Rusdiana, 2000).

To detect the potential for landslide disasters, disaster risk

management actions are carried out. The solution to manage the risk of a
disaster is to create an innovation that provides early warning to local
residents as a medium to minimize losses from residents. This innovation
utilizes a system of Arduino to create a graph of ground movement that
has the potential to cause landslides.


The purpose of making this innovation is to help residents to detect

the potential for landslides as an early warning by utilizing a prevention
system Arduino, a tool to see movements on the ground that are not
visible, especially the possibility for landslide to happen.
The Prevention system Arduino tool has considerable benefits for:
a.) The Government:
1. Helping to make preventive efforts in terms of landslide.
2. Pressing the number of material losses in context of national

b.) The Society:

1. Increase public awareness of landslide disaster.
2. Minimize the losses from residents.
3. Facilitate people that live on the highland.
4. Fast Respond.
5. Easy to use.
6. Affordable Price.
7. As an innovation for early warning landslide detector.



The research method used by the researchers are experimental

science. This research uses Sengon (Paraserientes falcataria) as the main
material. Previous study revealed that tree tilting can be used to indicate
slope movement mechanism, Silhan (2015). When landslide occurs, the
roots will respond it and create a tilt between the land surface and the tree.

Research Tools and Materials:

1. Arduino Uno
2. MPU6050 Gyro & Accelometer
3. Transmitter Radio
4. Radio FM
5. Accumulator
6. Jumpper Cable
7. PCB Alarm

The experiments are divided into 8 work steps:

1) Prepare the tools
2) Observation
3) Choose ideal tree
4) Attach Arduino system on the tree
5) If the land is moving, vibration or shif the Sengon tree will tilt
6) Arduino system will record the angle changes on the tree
7) If the angle of the tree moves abnormally, the alarm will turn on
8) The alarm sound will be sent by the transmitter radio to the
villager’s radio

Research Method Chart

Choose the ideal
Reading literature Observation
from various tree

Paper Make a paper and Record the

Presentation presentation Observation


The result revealed Sengon has ideal sensitivity than other trees for
detecting landslides. In the research area, we received 10 samples. The
average of stem circumstance was 26,4 cm. It was weak and also stiff.

Specimen K=2πr
1 27 cm
2 24,5 cm
3 26 cm
4 30 cm
5 26 cm
6 32 cm
7 26 cm
8 27 cm
9 25,5 cm
10 26,5 cm
Average 26,45 cm
Minimum 24,5 cm
Maximum 32 cm
Std 3,17
Table 1.1 Bending Point

To apply Arduino system on the stem, we have the point of

bending data. The ideal position of Arduino system installation is around 0-
41,2 cm from land surface.

Point of Bending R=πd

Sampels Full Lower Middle
Upper (cm)
(cm) (cm) (cm)
Average 123,7 41,2 41,2 41,2 26,4
Minimum 113,0 37,6 37,6 37,6 20,0
Maximu 32,0
135,0 45,0 45,0 45,0
Std 3,2
Deviatio 7,0 2,3 2,3 2,3

Table 1.1 Bending Point

To know when landslide happen, we can see this picture :


Picture 1.1 The simulation data

The value of Cos θ = 1 indicates the safe position (safe) and cos θ
< 0,98 indicates alert position (aware). The alarm signal will be sent by
Arduino system in the alert position. Arduino system signal is the latest
innovation to reduce the risk of landslides. For this reason, arduino system
is an effort to prevent landslides.

We combine nature response of Sengon (Paraserientes falcataria)

with technology of Arduino System. It needs other components to support
it. To compare the sensitivity of the tree roots to land movements between
Sengon, Bamboo, Rambutan Tree, Banana Tree and Teak Tree.

Picture 1.2 The Sensitivity of sengon compared to another trees

By this picture, we can conclude that Sengon tree has ideal

sensitivity than other trees. the ideal posisition of Arduino system
installation is provided in the table: This data is used to place the Arduino
system on Sengon stem. The lower part of Sengon is more sensitive than
the others. The ideal position of Arduino system instalation is around 0 -
41,2 cm from land surface. When landslide happened, the alert will be
ringing if deviation reach its range. The value of Cos θ = 1 indicates the
safe position (safe) and cos θ < 0,98 indicates alert position (aware). The
alarm signal will be sent by Arduino system in the alert position.


Sengon (Paraserientes falcataria) is a bioindicator of land

movements, because it has the most ideal sensitivity than other trees.
Sengon can be used as an indicator because in our research area,
Sengon is easily to be found. We success developing the Arduino system,
which combine natural response of Sengon (Paraserientes falcataria) with
technology of Arduino system. The Arduino system are convenient, cheap,
and reliable. Therefore, it is suitable as an early warning system for
landslide mitigation.



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