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Dear Jim,

Although we are already on track and came out of our comfort zone, but last week is
really exhausted for me. There are many things which I had to deal with but reading
articles was the toughest part from me. The problem with the articles were that they
are five in numbers and after reading all these articles it is difficult to relate them with
each other or derive a conclusion from them. Plus, it’s become impossible to create
a link of these articles with my first minor paper.
Moreover, there is Othello and podcast of AI. The more you add material the more it
becomes difficult. And Marie also said that we must consider next week research
articles before finishing the paper. Although we have lot of time, but things are
getting weird day by day. I am feeling lost. It feels like that I am in rush. If you
complete one task, then there are two more to finish.
On the other hand, I really like this week case and case ticket activity and the
discussion we have in classroom. This in the only activity where everyone took part
in discussion and make the discussion interesting.
Anyhow I am trying my best to coup with the situation but still feels that we must
spent more time on real world cases like Kodak and Amazon instead of reading
lengthy and boring articles. Because these cases create a curiosity in us.

Thank You

Bilal Younis

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