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Bilal Younis

Space Invaders Letter to Jim: 3

Dear Jim,
At the end of this week, I have mixed feelings. Few things ended in good way and few things
did not. Let’s start with the result of café seminar 1. I received this result on Wednesday and
its was not as per my expectations. It’s difficult for me to accept this that I did not pass it.
Although Marie did not fail me, and I still have the chance to complete it. I put all my effort in
it while preparing the assignment. I felt ashamed and was in depression. Anyhow then I
shared this with one of my friends in Stockholm and he simply said no need to worry about.
Its just a normal thing. You are new here, but you will get adjusted to system. Then I feel a
little bit relaxed. One more reason is that then I came to know that I am not alone and there
are other students.
Very next day I received one email, and that email has some good news for me. I passed my
first case ticket assignment. There are few tips for next assignment, but I finally felt relaxed.
This was my first assignment which I passed.
Finally at the end of this week, I have completed my first minor paper and now waiting for
the results. Feeling little relaxed now because this minor paper was stretched over two weeks
which is now over and now, I will be on my next journey from Monday in the form of next
minor paper.
In the end I will say last week has some good news and some not good news, but now I have
a clear picture in mind regarding the assignments and will do my best.

Thank You
Bilal Younis

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