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The pandemic has revealed many aspects of how the world works.

Looking at how the situation has

adversely affected us, we can see how the world economy has collapsed dramatically.

In my opinion, the pandemic exposed more of the weaknesses of our world than our strengths. The
pandemic revealed the selfishness of humans and high state of indiscipline amongst us. People couldn’t
adhere to medical experts instructions of wearing a nose mask, keeping social distance and avoiding
large gatherings.

The pandemic also exposed a lack of medical infrastructure and technology sufficient to manage the
outbreak of an epidemic. This was proved by unavailability of ventilators to aid breathing of infected
patients and protective gears for medical personnels.

The pandemic exposed lack of transparency and misinformation amongst us. Despite the warnings
issued by medical experts, a lot misinformation and conspiracy theories were peddled leading people to
relax on the seriousness of the pandemic. This resulted to widespread of infection and death of many

Notwithstanding, the pandemic revealed human creativity in solving problems through invention and
innovation. The pandemic birthed technogical inventions and innovations like the use of drones to
disinfect an area, Telemedicine, Immutouch wristbands and so on. The pandemic also showed the
kindness of human seen in the donations made by Organizations and individuals in food supplies and
medical equipments.

In conclusion, the Pandemic revealed a lot of the weaknesses of our world than our strengths. However,
we should learn to work on this weaknesses so that our world would be a better place.

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