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No one can evade the absolute necessity of technology in our daily lives

and routine. Each and everyone of us rely heavily on technology that

we cannot do anything easily without it. The evolvement of modern
technology has brought about great changes in way of living.
Technology has really impacted out culture, religion, socialization,
education, manufacturing, communication, Building and construction
and so many other areas of life..

Technology can defined as a comprehensive process of applying

science and knowledge in many areas of life in an orderly and thoughtful
manner to achieve the important and valuable purposes for individuals
and communities. In other words, technology can be defined as the
practical application of science and knowledge in the development of
methods, tools and devices to make life easier. Technology in itself is
endless as its evolvement is strengthened by innovation.

One of the technology I use and interact with everyday is a Smart

Television (Smart TV). A Smart TV, also known as Connected TV is a
television that is integrated with the internet and have interactive Web
2.0 features, which give users access to stream music and videos, browse
the internet, and view photos etc. In other words, a Smart TV is a
television set with integrated Internet capabilities that offers more
advanced computing ability and connectivity than a contemporary basic
television set. Smart TV’s are rapidly replacing traditional TV set as
they have better utility to offer.

Technology has always be known to make life easier. The innovation of

Smart TV (a product of technology) has a lot of benefits. Smart TV has
the unique ability of connecting to the internet. This makes it possible
for you to watch videos and content from the internet at a higher
resolution. A Smart TV also has voice command or gesture command
that makes you to perform some actions like changing the channel,
pausing a video, increasing the volume and so on. In addition, Smart
TVs allows the installation of games and other applications which you
can interact with.

Benefits of a Smart TV

The following are the benefits of Smart TVs:

1. Low cost of maintenance: One main the advantage of using a

smart TV is that you don’t have any other device for streaming,
DVD player, or gaming devices. The Smart TV has all this
function integrated in one unit; do you don’t need to get other
devices as regards Television accessories.
2. Watch what you want at your own convenience: With a Smart TV
you can watch any content at your own schedule unlike traditional
TV which you have to be active to watch a live programme. Smart
TV give you the chance to catch up with series, soap operas and
drama at your own convenience.

3. Compatible with other electronic devices: Smart TVs can easily be

connected to mobile phone and PC or laptop. You can share your
screen from your mobile device or laptop to your Smart TV for a
high graphic resolution. You can also play media files from your
smart phone, Laptop or PC on your Smart TV.

4. No positional restraint: Smart TVs has no positional restraint in

our homes as regards the position of the antenna, cables and so on.
Since it’s is usually connected to WiFi, you can easily move it with
the WIFI to ant part of your house as it doesn’t require Cables or
antenna to work.

5. Access to Internet: Smart TV gives you access to content from the

internet. You can surf the web, watch videos online, stream a live
programme, play online games, chat with friends and family and
also check the news about happening all over the world
Notwithstanding, there are risk associated with using a Smart TV. One
of the major risk is exposure to malware, viruses and spyware from
phishing websites. In addition, the comfort of using a Smart TV can
cause addiction and unproductivity to teenagers and children. In the
same vein, children and teens that have a Smart TV at home has a high
risk of exposure to X rated contents which can have a negative influence
on them.

Despite the risk associated with using a Smart TV, there are several
ways of reducing the risk associated with it. The risk of your TV getting
hacked or attacked by malware, spyware and viruses can be reduced by
connecting to the internet through a secured server (VPN). Teenagers are
Children can be safe from the risk of exposure to X rated content by the
use of filtered content which helps to restrict them from accessing x
rated content.

Notwithstanding the risk associated with using a Smart TV, their

extermination from the society would create discomfort as they’re
rapidly replacing traditional TV. The extermination of Smart TV would
mean that there wouldn’t be access to ease of streaming live
programmes and convenience of accessing the internet through your

In conclusion, as regards who to decide if a technology outweighs the

potential risk, I think an independent organization from the government
with experience, expertise and knowledge should be given the mandate
to certify if the benefit of a technology outweighs its risk. The
independence of the organization will make them unbiased in
recognizing and sanctioning technological innovations or products
whose benefits outweighs their potential risks.

Question 2

Mobile phones have greatly affected the way we live and do things by
improving communication among friends and family across a far
distance round the globe. With our mobile phone, we have access to the
internet which have a lot resources and benefits. We can send media
files through emails and all other social media apps to our family,
friends and loved ones. The mobile phone has revolutionize the way of
buying and selling. With a mobile phone, you can shop products online
and get them delivered at your doorsteps. Mobile phone has a
remarkable influence in our dispensation. The mobile phone as become
part and parcel of us that it’s absence in our lives will create a
conspicuous negative result.

The use of a mobile phone is associated with risks and misuse. Criminal
minded individuals use it as a tool for committing crimes such as taking
inappropriate pictures or videos without a person’s consent, Hacking a
person’s phone in order to steal their data such as passwords, credit card
information, sensitive files and documents. In addition, some
individuals use the mobile phone for cyber bullying and the spread of
hate speech. Impersonation too is a very common crime committed with
the mobile phone.

The negative use of mobile phones for the perpetration of criminal

activities is disapproved by the government and individuals in the
society as it’s creates inconvenience, fear and panic among people in the
society . This negative use made the government to make laws to curb
the criminal use if mobile phones. This approach by the government has
resulted in the ban of mobile phones in some specific places like Public
Toilets, Fitness centres, Parks and so on. In my own opinion, the, ban of
phones in specific places by government and organizations is a good
approach of curbing the use of mobile phones for criminal activities.
Every technology has its bad sides and it is our responsibility to promote
the good use of technology for the benefit of mankind. Mobile phones
were made to make life easier not for perpetrating criminal activities .
The misuse of the mobile phone for criminal activities has unarguably
created an inconvenience in the use of the technology. In my own
opinion, the government decision in banning the use of mobile phones in
some specific places is a good approach of curbing it’s criminal use.

Notwithstanding, there are several ways to control the abuse of the

mobile phone. One powerful way of controlling the use of mobile phone
without banning is by educating users on the positive values and benefits
that can are associated send with the appropriate use of a mobile phone
and also educating them on the negative outcome of using a smartphone
for criminal activities. There is a common saying that “if the use of a
thing is unknown, abuse becomes is unavoidable”. This saying applies
also to mobile phones. If individuals are well equipped with the right
knowledge on usage of the phone for positive values, there wouldn’t be
abuse of it or in a worse case the abuse would be minimal.

In order to discourage the abuse of mobile phones, I believe in my own

that there should be stringent punishment for committing a crime with a
mobile phone. The severe penalty would discourage potential
perpetrators and make them evade the negative use of a mobile phone
Therefore, there should be serious punishment for anyone who uses the
mobile phone for criminal activity. I believe this approach will prevent
its misuse and encourage the productive use if mobile phones.





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