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Posted by 𝙉𝙪𝙧𝙝𝙪𝙣𝙮 in *PFRM*

Edited by *Calvin Simkoko* in *PFRM*


👉Tarehe 30/07/2022

1. My name is/ My names are / I'm Mr. Kachili aged 29 years old, born and grown up in Dar es salaam,
I'm currently living in Kitavi. I started my primary education on 2000 at Mchawi Kacheza primary school
and completed on 2006, then i was selected to join a secondary education level at Kizomba sec. School
starting from 2007 up to 2010. Then, I joined TPSC where I pursue a Diploma in Records and Archives
management from 2011 to 2013. Thank you

Note: If the job require you an experience it's better to add your experience

Eg. I have an experience of 3 years in my career since I have been working within different organization
as described in my CV and currently am working at TPA as volunteer

And so on


Classification system refers to predetermined scheme used to group, organizing, indexing, capturing,
arranging and storing records and files in the organization.

3. Browser is a software or application system which used as a search engine to look on information
within the world wide web through internet.
Examples of common browser

Google Chrome.

Mozilla Firefox.

Microsoft Edge.

Internet Explorer.

4. RMA responsibilities

✓To handle incoming mails

✓To search and distribute files to users

✓ To sort and arrange files into their respectively storage location

✓ Filing documents

✓ To carry out decongestion exercise

✓To carry out other duties regarding has assigned out by supervisor

5. Advantages of electronic records

a.wide spread access or producing multiple Copies

b. Flexibility

c. Efficiency and effectiveness

d. Economic benefit

e. Facilitate smooth flow of information

6. Medical records refers to records which are created as a results of medical activities. Or

These records contain information needed to plan, provide and evaluate the care given to the patient.
Medical records are the document that explains all detail about the patient's history, clinical findings,
diagnostic test results used by hospital. Or

Medical Records means all communications related to a patient's physical or mental health or condition
that are recorded in any form or medium and that are used as evidence by a person or organization.

7. X-Stics of recorder manager

i. Knowledgeable and well educated.

ii. Understanding the system.

iii. Security minded.

iv. Customers care.

v. Good time manager.

vi. Co-operative and flexible.

vii. Tolerant.

viii. Self confident.

ix. Good in communication skills.

x. Committed.

xi. Vetted.

xii. Trainable.

xiii. Self discipline.

xiv. Smart.

xv. Keep records and good memory.

xvi. Obedient.

xvii. Self motivated.

xviii. Initiative.
xix. Ability to work with others (team building).

xx. Ambitious.

‍Na mwenye kuandika aandike✍‍‍

*Edited by Calvin simkoko:*

*POINT OF CORRECTION from 𝙉𝙪𝙧𝙝𝙪𝙣𝙮 post *

In 2000 ❌ On 2000✔️

In 2006❌. On2006✔️

NB; unapotaja miaka unapaswa kutumia On na sio In.

Pia epusha kuandika vitu ambavyo vitakuondolea mpangilio wa tenses na grammar, *mfano* baada ya
elimu ya kidato Cha nne unasema hivi:

"fortunately, I joined Tanzania public service college from 2011 to 2013 where I pursued a Diploma in
record and Archive Management.

1. Epuka kutaja kampasi,

2. Epuka maelezo ya mzunguko mfano kwenye experience

"I have an experience of 4yrs in my career since I have been working within different institution as
described in my CV and Currently am working volunteer.

To handle incoming mails

To search and distribute files to users

To sort and arrange not arranging

To arrange files into files❌

To carry out other duties as assigned by supervisor ( hii haijalishi iwe ni kazi Gani either regarding
records or not).


1. Point a&b Zina maana sawa

2. Point c&d Zina maana sawa

Tuzingatie haya ni makosa madogo madogo yanayotuangusha sana kwenye usahili

But, well-done umeonesha kuwa unajuwa Nini unajifanya. Keep it up

Prepared by

*Kelvin Simkoko*






👉 Filing system/File classification system/Records classification systems/Records classification

scheme/Filing Classification scheme

°Is a predetermined logical scheme for the physical and intellectual arrangement, storage and retrieval
of files.

👉Types Of Filing System

✓Alphabetical system

✓Numerical System

✓Alphanumerical System

✓Geographical System

✓Chronological System

✓Keywords System

2. Why security measures at all time in records office...


✓ To ensure records are protected against unauthorized access through out their Lifecycle

✓ To ensure that records are protected and handled as they should be.  

✓ To be able to detect and respond quickly to any records threat.

✓ To reduce risk of crisis in record office

✓ To ensure effectiveness and efficiency operation in record office

3. Procedure of loss or theft of classified document

✓ File a loss report/First information Report

✓ Submit a loss report within the respectively authority

✓ Publish an advertisement and placed it on notice board

✓ Create or obtain a duplicate of a document which was lost- so as to continue on undertaking a

respective action or decision making

✓ Maintain a proof of action taken

4. Decongestion is the systematic process of identifying records in an office that are no longer required
for day to day administrative business of an organisation. The identified records are either transferred to
low cost storage area such as a departmental store, a records centre or straight to the National Archives
for appraisal and disposal.

👉 7 Importance of decongestion of records

✓ It obviously save record office space

✓ It ensure that any records which may be required by an organisation for operational or legal

are retained.

✓ It minimise risk in destruction of records and prevent the illegal destruction of records.

✓ It help to support the maintenance of an organisation‟s vital records protection programme

✓ It enable an organisation to respond efficiently to enquiries, allowing information to be provided

quickly at the least possible cost

✓ It help record staff in the easy performance of their tasks

✓ It help to identify records which are no longer needed for current operation.

Mwenye cha kuongeza ataongeza mwenye cha kurekebisha harekebishe na mwenye kuandika aandike
‍na nilowatonesha kidonda mnisamehe tuzidi kukaza buti hadi kieleweke.✍‍‍ ‍

Oral Kahama01/08/ 2022

1.Explain your education background

2.uses of values of records

3.Defn.special records, .personal records

4..Explain special records

5.sources of incoming mails

6. codes of public servant

Oral chunya 01/08/2022

1..Introduce your self basin on education background

2..Source of incoming mail

3..Meaning general record

4..Meaning of classified mail

5..Importance of records

6..define incoming mail


*QN1 *What are the procedure of creating file code*

*QN2 Why do we need to maintain standards of hygiene and house keeping in the archives*

*QN3 Eplain the characteristic of filing system*

*QN4 What are the importance of record life cycle concept*

Maswal ya oral interview busega 9/7/2020

1.Introduce your historical back ground

2. What is your duties of keeping non records in archives

3.define the following

a)Previewing mail

b)bring up diary

4.what is filling

b)what are the common file

*Maswali ya Tanga city council*

1-what are the characteristics of open and confidential registry

2-what are the functions of filling

3-what is standardization of registry procedures

4-Explain the following terms

(a)legal value

(b)bring up diary

(c) ephemeral records



1-Introduce UA self

2-how to work with classified doc

3-Functions of RMA


5-How do we decongest records

6-why do we keep records

7-Stages of records life cycle.

Oral Tanga 1.short story about your self to keep confidential information 3 .why we keep records
4.qualities of public servants 5. Swali la tano amelisahau

Maswal ya oral interview busega 9/7/2020

1.Introduce your historical back ground

2. What is your duties of keeping non records in archives

3.define the following

a)Previewing mail

b)bring up diary

4.what is filling

b)what are the common file



1-3classification of file.
2-Purpose of record center issued sticker/red pen maker.

3-Features of records.

4-Purpose of capturing records to record keeping system.

TANESCO 24/6/2019

1.Explain 3 Classification of files with


2.what are the Purpose of Capturing Records into Records keeping System

3.Records contain dinstictive features which makes them unique in relation to another or sort of
information explain some these features

4.Records Centre issue sticker red marker that can be attached to the front cover of Records explain the


1.There are common method for protecting vital records Narrate them with example.

2..Explain clearly why should an organization conduct regular review of its mgt programmer and
.3A Record is more than its information contents what should be contained in the Records

4.Records contain distinctive features which make them unique in relation to other forms or sort of
information explain four feature behind it.

WRITTEN TAA.8/6/2019.

1.What do you think are the right equipment and materials for the maintenance and storage of
records?, Explain them.

2.What are the objectives of records retention and disposal schedule?.

3.What should be taken into consideration when selecting records management software?.

4.What are the types of files should not opened?.


1.Mention importance of land records.

2.Mention 5 disaster occur in record office.

3.Mention 5 disaster related to environment.

4.Mention 2 advantage & disadvantage of non-storage site.

WRITTEN TRA 2019/2018

1.Explain the factors you will consider before you decide what equipment will be used for housing files.

2.Filling aid's are the list & indexes that supplement the collection of folders. The file list shows the case
file name within the department, the date of coverage for the files,the classification number & the
transfer date.Explain clearly types of filling aids.

3.Describe major factors you will consider when choosing a file classification system.

4.Explain the causes of records & archives deterioration.

WRITTEN UDSM 4/7/2020.

1.Benefit of keyword filling system.

2.Mention 5 issues to be consider when introducing record management system.




1.What is registry offices, Name the major types of registry.

2.What is pre- conditions of working with classified files.

3.Mention advantages of good filling systems.

4.How to decongest records in registry.


1.Tell us your background education.

2.Importance of good record keeping system.

3.Types of classified files.

4.Why we keep record

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