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Article1 [Preamble and Purpose]

Women Power Our Rights recognizes as innate and inalienable the rights which
protect women from discrimination. Women Power Our Rights principal objective is
to encourage international observance and respect for these fundamental rights of
human beings, as laid out in binding international law, which protect the women’s

The purposes of the Women Power Our Rights, hereinafter referred to as 'the
Society', are:
(1) To achieve universal respect for and observance of human rights and, in
particular, to provide support and relief to women. The society wishes to promote
the international idea of tolerance in all fields of culture and the idea of
understanding between women and men.
(2) All measures of the Society shall both morally and legally be based on:
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations,
- The UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against
- African Charter on the Rights of women in Africa,
- African Charter on Human Rights the People’s Rights,
- African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the child,
- American Convention on Human Rights,
- American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man,
- Inter-American Convention on the Nationality of Women,
- Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of
Violence Against Women,
- International Convention on Civil and Political Rights,
- International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights,
- United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for Treatment of Prisoners,
(3) To provide support only to those people or associations who, in their struggle
for human rights, uphold the equality of all people.

Article 2 [Relationship with International Organizations]

(1) The Society, as an international non-governmental organization, which
promotes the global acceptance and observance of human rights by peaceful
means, should seek relationship with the United Nations in accordance with Article
71 of the Charter of the United Nations.
(2) The Society should also on matters within its objectives, seek consultation
and co-operation with other inter-governmental, governmental and non-
governmental organizations.

Article 3 [Membership]
(1) Membership in the Society is obtained through membership in a
National Section. Separation from a National Section terminates membership in
the Society. Payment of a members fee is an obligation to the relevant
National Section only.
(2) In countries in which no National Section exists, membership can be
obtained through the International Secretariat (Individual Membership) if a Group
or a Section of the Society cannot be established in the country for political
reasons. The International Council shall decide on the amount of the individual
membership fee. Separation from the Society is obtained by notification in writing
to the International Secretariat. Individual members automatically become
members of the national formations of the Society as soon as they are established
according to the relevant national law.

Article 4 [Structure]
(1) The Society is composed of International Organs, National Sections,
National Groups and Regional Committees.
(2) a) National Sections are, in compliance with their national law, independent
legal bodies. They shall promote the establishment of as many working groups as
possible on a community level.
b) To keep the status of a National Section the section yearly has to prove
the existence of an executing board and at least ten members. If the
requirements are not fulfilled, the section automatically becomes a National
Group pursuant to the following paragraph.
(3) National Groups are working groups of the Society in a country in which no
National Section yet exists. If a National Group does not report any activities to the
International Secretary for more than four years the Secretary General in
accordance with the President shall prepare a decision on the closure of the National
Group to the International Council.
(4) Regional Committees of the Society are composed of least three National
Sections or National Groups in a geographical or cultural coherent region which are
being created by initiative of the Vice-Presidents and a decision of the International
Council. The membership in a Regional Committee is voluntary. The membership
has to be confirmed by its members every year through a special declaration given
to the International Secretary in the report according to Article 15 (3).
Article 5 [International Organs]
International organs of the Society are:
1. The International Council
2. The President
3. The Board of the Society
Article 6 [International Council]
(1) The International Council is composed of the President, the Vice-
Presidents, Secretary-General, the Treasurer and representatives of National
(2) The chairmen of the National Sections represent their country-sections on the
International Council. Each National Section shall delegate such number of members
to the International Council as the number of members of the National Section can
be divided by 500. The number of each section's representatives is limited to three
delegates and votes. If the annual contribution of the Section according to the
Financial Order has not been paid, the number of representatives and votes is
limited to one. For the purpose of this article the relevant number of members is
identical with the number of members on which the annual financial contribution
according to Article 17 is based on. For determining the number of seats in the
International Council the fixed term is September 30 of the preceding year
(3) The membership of the International Council of representatives of National
Sections shall cease,

a) after the President has been notified by the board of a National Section
that the member will no longer represent this National Section, or
b) the member has notified the President of his separation from office.
Article 7 [International Council - Competency]
(1) The International Council elects the President, five Vice Presidents and the
Treasurer in separate ballots with the simple majority of the members present for a
period of four years. As President such a personality may be elected who is not a
members of a board of a National Section.
(2) The function of the International Council shall also be:
(a) To admit and to suspend National Sections and National Groups and the right
to use the label of the Society;
(b) To establish the budget for the following two years;
(c) To decide on legal transactions in accordance with Article 18;
(d) Admission of the international honorary members;
(e) To establish special committees of members from several National Sections or
Groups to coordinate specific common activities or concepts;
(f) To decide on any other activities in accordance with the Statute;
(g) To decide on guidelines (including policy issues) of the Board of the Society.
Article 8 [International Council- Meetings, Decisions]
(1) The International Council shall meet upon one month's notice at least every
two years and in the year between within a period of three months upon request of
two thirds of the members of the International Council.
(2) One third of the members present at the International Council shall constitute
a quorum or as provided as follows: Except the President and the Secretary-General,
the members on the International Council may be represented by another member
of the board of their National Sections, provided a written power of attorney has
been submitted. A member of the International Council is entitled to vote on behalf
of absent members of the same National Section, if a written power of attorney has
been submitted. Representation by members of other National Sections shall not be
(3) Decisions of the International Council shall be taken by a two-thirds majority
vote of those members present and voting, unless provided otherwise in the
statutes. Members who abstain from voting shall be considered as not voting.
(4) In respect of arrears in contribution by a National Section in accordance with
Article 17 for a period of longer than one year the representatives of such a National
Section forfeit their right to vote on the International Council, unless the
International Council waives this provision.
(5) Each session of the International Council shall be recorded and the protocol
shall be signed by the President together with the recorder. The recorder will be
appointed by the President and need not be a member of the International Council.
(6) If the President thinks it is appropriate, decisions of the International Council
may be made by write-in ballot. Such a vote shall be considered valid if it has been
received by the International Secretariat within a period predetermined by the
President from the date at which the request voting has been mailed. The period
must be at least four weeks. A decision reached by write-in is only valid, if, including
expressive abstentions, at least half of the Members of the International Council
have cast their votes in time.
Article 9 [The President]
(1) The President is the representative of the Society. He shall conduct
relationships with international organisations.
(2) In accordance with the relevant decisions of the International Council the
President shall take such steps
necessary to bring the Society into relationship with the United Nations and other
international organisations as provided in Article 2. Prior to significant decisions, the
President may consult the Vice-Presidents.
(3) The President shall chair the meeting of the International Council. He shall
supervise the conduct of business by the Secretary-General in accordance with
Article 11. Before taking any decision of importance to the Society the President
should consult the Board of the Society.

Article 10 [The Board of the Society]

(1) The President, the Vice-Presidents, and the Treasurer constitute the Board
of the Society. The Boardof the Society meets at least once a year.
(2) The function of the board of the Society is:
(a) To co-ordinate the international activities of the National Sections and
National Groups;
(b) To prepare guidelines of works;
(c) To appoint the Secretary General;
(d) To approve statutes and amendments to statutes of National Sections and
National Groups in compliance with the international statutes;
(e) To determine the contribution to the budget of the International Secretariat
by National Sections on the basis of financial estimates;
(f) To establish and administrate the "Fund of Mutual Assistance" to promote
financial support to financially weaker National Sections by financially stronger
National Sections;
(g) To decide on guide lines and the financial budget for the work of the
International Secretariat.
(3) The Vice Presidents initiate and chair the Regional Committees with the
consent of the Board of the Society. They take care for a mutual support and the
exchange of information within the committee and with the International Secretariat.
For that purpose the Vice Presidents initiate meetings between individuals, define
common aims and direct common activities. If a Vice-President is not able to fully
comply with the tasks towards the Regional Committee he may delegate them to one
of the chairmen of the member groups or sections.
Article 11 [International Secretariat]
(1) The International Secretariat shall maintain all such records as may be
necessary for the efficient discharge of the functions of the Society and shall
accomplish the decisions of the International Council in respect of the international
obligations of the Society. To this end the site of the International Secretariat shall
be Frankfurt/Main. Such number of personnel shall be recruited to the International
Secretariat as may be necessary.
(2) The International Secretariat shall, in particular, perform the following
a) Investigation and documentation of violations of human rights in
preparation of measures to be taken by the Society for the purpose of case-care;
b) central registry of cases supported by the Society;
c) to advise and to inform National Sections, National Groups or Working
d) edition and publication of an English language periodical and other
brochures, leaflets and special publications;
e) planning and pursuance of central activities.
Article 12 [The Secretary-General]
(1) The Secretary-General shall be the chief administrator of the International
Secretariat. He conducts the current business of the Society. He executes the
decisions of the International Council and assists the President in performing his
duties. The International Council may advise the Secretary-General in respect to the
functions of the International Secretariat. The Secretary General is present at the
meetings of the Board of the Society without the right to vote.
(2) The President may, at any time, request and receive from the Secretary-
General any information he or she wishes concerning the conduct of business. If
the President raises his or her concern in respect to the fulfilment of the Secretary-
General's duties according to paragraph 1 the Secretary-General shall comply with
the expressed concern.
(3) If the President raises his concern in respect to an action to be taken by the
Secretary-General, such action shall be deferred until the International Council
have decided otherwise. Regarding actions which require communication with
international organisations the opinion of the President shall overrule any decision
of the International Council not taken unanimously.
(4) Notwithstanding the Secretary-General's competencies according to this
Statute the duties and competencies may also be object of an employment contract
with a National Section. In this case the appointment of the Secretary General
according to Art 10, para. 2 c) needs to be approved by the board of the employing
section. The President may dispense the Secretary General from office if the
employment contract has been terminated.
(5) If the Secretary-General is unable to conduct his office or in case of absence
from office, the President may authorise a Member of the International Council or a
staff member of the International Secretariat to take charge of the International
Secretariat until the next regular session of the International Council. The President
may himself take charge of the duties of the Secretary-General, partly or in total.
Article 13 [Honorary Office]
The offices of the President, the Vice Presidents and the Treasurer and of the
representatives of National Sections on the International Council are honorary
positions. Remuneration shall not be made unless the International Council has so
decided. The International Council may decide on exceptional remuneration for one
of its members, provided such a remuneration is justified by an extraordinary
amount of work.
Article 14 [Recalling Officers]
The term of office of the President, the Secretary-General and the Treasurer may be
terminated by the International Council upon request of half of its Members,
provided, this decision has been taken by a two-thirds majority vote of the Members
present. Such a decision cannot be made by write-in ballot.
Article 15 [National Sections and National Groups]
(1) National Sections and National Groups initiate their own work in compliance
with the international organs and the basis of the working guidelines and aims of the
Society as adopted by the International Council. The International Council may
decide in accordance with the working guidelines which measures shall remain within
the competence of the international organs.
(2) National Sections and National Groups shall be responsible that measures
taken by their members comply with the purposes and with the working
guidelines of the Society.
(3) The Secretary-General is entitled to request any information from the
chairman of each National Section and National Group. The National Sections are
obliged to send to the International Secretariat each year by the end of January an
activity report and a copy of their current statute and a protocol of the last Annual
Meeting. If a National Section fails to submit this report until two weeks before the
next International Council Meeting the Section is suspended from any decision-
making during the International Council Meeting.
(4) The Secretary-General shall express his concern about measures taken by
National Sections and National Groups to their boards in respect to the compliance of
such measures with the purpose and working guidelines of the Society. If no
agreement can be reached, such contested measures must be discontinued until the
International Council has decided upon them. In urgent cases the Secretary-General,
in consultation with the President and the Treasurer may take appropriate action to
interdict such measures and even provisionally suspend a National Section, National
Group or Regional Committee from membership until the next meeting of the
International Council.
(5) The International Council may suspend a National Section or National Group
from membership in the Society if such a National Section or National Group despite
earlier dissuasion by the Secretary-General from gross violation of the purposes, the
working guidelines, the statutes of the Society or the principles of democratic
procedures in the internal decision making process, continues such violation. The
decision to suspend a National Section or National Group shall be carried out by a
two-thirds majority of the members of the International Council present and shall
not be made by write-in ballot.
(6) Upon the receipt of the decision of the International Council to suspend
the National Section or National Group concerned from membership in the
Society such a National Section or National Group is no longer entitled to use the
full name or any other title which could be mistaken for the name of the Society.

Article 16 [Institutional membership/affiliation of other

humanitarian organisations with ISHR]
(1) National Sections of the Society may accept related national humanitarian
organisations or formal groups in their country as institutional members or affiliates.
The final decision about such membership or affiliation can only be made after
consulting the Secretary-General (in line with Article 15 of the statutes.) The rights
and duties of such an organisation or group applying for membership of affiliation
with a National Section have to be clearly defined (membership fee, voting rights in
membership meeting, use of name of ISHR National Section on the stationary and
other printed material, etc.)
(2) To protect or support related humanitarian organisations or groups, a status
of affiliation can be provided through the Society on the international level. The
International Council of the Society or, provisionally, the International Secretary
General in the time between its meetings, decide about applications for affiliation.
The cancellation of such a status of affiliation can only be decided in accordance
with Article 15 (5) of the international statutes. Organisations or groups enjoying
the status of affiliation should contribute to the Society on the international level
through an annual fee.
(3) Groups enjoying affiliated status with the Society shall provide an annual
activities report to the International Secretariat two months before the date of the
International Council or be liable to disaffiliation without further notice at the
following meeting of the International Council.

Article 17 [Finances]
National Sections contribute to the budget of the International Organs and to the
working fund of the International Secretariat. Details shall be provided by the
Financial Order adopted by the International Council.
Article 18 [Representation]
(1) The President and the Treasurer are, each of them on his own, entitled to
represent the Society in transactions and in legal proceedings. They can authorize
the Secretary General with single business transactions. Contracts representing a
value in each single case representing a value of more than fifty thousand Euro
(EUR) shall be concluded only by the President or by the Secretary-General together
with the Treasurer. Contracts which commit the Society to pay in each single case
more than one hundred thousand Euro (EUR) are binding for the Society only if the
Board of the Society and the International Council have approved them. The
provision of the
preceding sentence is also applicable in respect of employment contracts with the
Secretary-General and paid professional staff on the International Secretariat, as
well as in respect to amendments of such contracts. The International Council
may approve such contracts or amendments thereto prior to their conclusion.
(2) The President shall apply his power of substitution only subject to the
provision of Article 12 or, after the Secretary-General has been suspended from
such representation by law. The Treasurer shall only be entitled to apply his power
of representation in urgent cases in which the President, the Board of the Society
and the Secretary-General are prevented from representing the Society.
(3) In all contracts concluded on behalf of the Society only the property of
the Society shall be liable as compensation.

Article 19 [Auditors]
The daily conduct of the business and the financial situation of the Society shall be
reviewed by auditors at least every two years. The International Council shall
appoint the auditors who are not members of the International Council.
Article 20 [Disbandment]
(1) The Society shall be disbanded upon the decision of the International Council
by a two-thirds majority of its members present. The decision shall not be made by
write-in ballot.
(2) In case of disbandment of the Society the property of the Society shall be
apportioned among the existing National Sections in relation to their numbers of
Article 21 [Amendments]
Amendments to the present statute shall be effected by the provisions of Article 15
Article 22 [Effective date]
The present statutes shall go into effect on the day after the International Council
has decided on it.

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