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1, JANUARY 2013 31

Genetic Algorithm for Energy-Efficient QoS Multicast Routing

Ting Lu and Jie Zhu

Abstract—The consideration of energy consumption in wireless algorithms can be seen as not adequate for supporting delay-
ad hoc networks prevents the problem of the network exhausting sensitive applications in MANETs because they may involve
batteries, thus partitioning the entire network. Power-aware a large number of iterations, new hardware implementations
multicasting is proposed to reduce the power consumption. This
letter presents an energy-efficient genetic algorithm mechanism of genetic algorithms [5] have shown their ability of fast
to resolve quality of service (QoS) multicast routing problem, computation. In this regard, the proposed genetic algorithm
which is NP-complete. The proposed genetic algorithm depends is quite promising for multicast routing in MANETs.
on bounded end-to-end delay and minimum energy cost of In this letter, we study the source-based multicast routing
the multicast tree. Simulation results show that the proposed problem using a genetic algorithm. We propose an energy-
algorithm is effective and efficient.
efficient genetic algorithm to find the delay-constrained mul-
Index Terms—Multicast routing, quality of service (QoS), ticast tree and reduce the total energy consumption of the tree.
mobile ad hoc network (MANET), energy.
Experiments have proved that our algorithm is effective and
efficient. The remainder of this letter is organized as follows.
I. I NTRODUCTION Section II states the network model and problem descrip-
mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a self-configuring tion. Section III presents the proposed genetic algorithm and
A network of mobile nodes, which can form a dynamic
topology. All the nodes cooperatively maintain network con-
analyzes its convergence. The performance of the proposed
algorithm is evaluated in Section IV. Section V concludes this
nectivity without the aid of any fixed infrastructure units such letter.
as base stations or access points in advance. Each node has
a routing function whereby it communicates by forwarding II. P ROBLEM D ESCRIPTION
packets via intermediate nodes. If two nodes are within the A. Energy Consumption Model
transmission range of each other, they communicate directly.
Otherwise, other nodes are needed to forward their packets. The models of energy consumption for a link between two
MANET is characterized by non-restricted mobility and easy nodes are studied in [6]. For a transmission of a unit message,
deployment, which makes them very promising. the model of the minimum energy needed for a link between
Power awareness is crucial in a mobile wireless network, nodes vi and vj is Pi,j = k1 (ri,j )β +k2 , where ri,j Euclidean
particularly in a MANET. Nodes need to reduce their power distance between vi and vj , k1 is a constant dependent on the
consumption to prolong their battery lifetime. Therefore, the properties of the antenna, β is the path loss exponent that
transmission power should be carefully chosen since the large depends on the propagation losses in the medium, and k2 is
transmission power level leads to the waste of battery energy. a constant that accounts for the overheads of electronics and
Several heuristic algorithms for constructing source-based digital processing. Note that we assume that each multicast
energy-efficient multicast trees have been developed [1]. Since session only multicasts a unit length message.
most multimedia applications are delay-sensitive, end-to-end
delay should be considered in multicast routing to provide B. Network Model and Problem Description
better QoS. However, energy-efficient multicast routing has We assume that each node in a MANET determines the
not always considered the delay metric. Furthermore, the distance between itself and its neighbor nodes using some
design of quality of service (QoS) multicast routing with distance estimation method [7]. The connectivity of the net-
multi-constrained metrics, i.e., multi-constrained minimum work depends on the transmission power of each node. Each
cost multicast problem [2], and degree-constrained least-cost node can dynamically change its transmission power level. A
multicast routing [3], has not always considered the energy node can use a different power level for each multicast tree in
consumption. Therefore, these QoS multicast routing schemes which it participates. All nodes use omni-directional antennas.
cannot be directly used in MANETs. Every node vi in the network has two coverage areas: (1)
It has been demonstrated that the problem of QoS multicast control coverage area (CRi ); (2) data coverage area (DRi ),
routing with multiple QoS constraints is NP-complete [4]. In where DRi ⊆ CRi . These coverage areas depend on the
the field of artificial intelligence, genetic algorithm is a power- transmission power selected by node vi to transmit its control
ful tool to solve the NP-complete problem. Although genetic and data packets, respectively.
Manuscript received July 6, 2012. The associate editor coordinating the According to the control coverage area of each node,
review of this letter and approving it for publication was S. De. a MANET can be modeled as a graph G(V, E), where
The authors are with the Department of Electronic Engineering, V = {v1 , v2 , ..., vn } is a set of nodes (mobile hosts) and
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, 200240, China (e-mail: E = {(i, j)|vi , vj ∈ V } is a set of links. (i, j) ∈ E
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LCOMM.2012.112012.121467 indicates that vi and vj are within the control coverage area
c 2013 IEEE

of each other. Each link (i, j) is associated with a delay and 

di,j and a distance li,j . di,j describes the data transmission 1, if Z ≤ 0,
Φ(Z) = (3)
delay between vi and vj , which includes queuing delay and γ, if Z > 0.
propagation delay. li,j denotes the Euclidean distance between
a is the positive real weighting coefficient. δ is the maximum
vi and vj . Both di,j and li,j are positive real numbers.
allowable delay from s to vt , where vt ∈ D. cos(T ) is
Let s ∈ V be a multicast source and D ⊆ V − {s} be
the energy cost of tree T . Φ(·) is a penalty function. The
a set of destinations. A multicast tree T (s, D) ⊆ G is a tree
value γ(0 < γ < 1) determines the degree of penalty: the
rooted at s and reaching all of the destinations in D. The delay
smaller the value of γ, the higher the degree of penalty. In our
of a path on T from s to a destination vt∈ D, denoted as
experiments, we set γ = 0.5. This letter reduces the energy
delay(pT (s, vt )), is delay (pT (s, vt )) = (i,j)∈pT (s,vt ) dij . consumption of a multicast tree to maximize the network
Then, the delay-constrained minimum Steiner tree problem is
service time. In Eq. (2), cTi is the energy cost of vi , b is
to find a minimum cost multicast tree T ∗ (s, D) such that
a positive real coefficient, and ri is the maximum distance
delay (pT ∗ (s, vt )) ≤ δ, ∀vt ∈ D, where δ is the overall
between vi and vj , where vj ∈ B(vi ). B(vi ) is the set of
allowable delay from s to a destination vt ∈ D. Once
immediate succeeding nodes of vi on T . Note that the energy
T ∗ (s, D) is found, each node on T ∗ adjusts its transmission
cost of leaf nodes is zero. Particularly, we set k1 = 1, k2 = 0,
power properly to transmit data packets along the tree.
b = 1 and β = 2 in our experiments.


D. Selection of Parents
A. Coding
In the proposed genetic algorithm, an elitist model is
The representation of candidate solutions is critical for
adopted as the selection operator. First, we select the best
designing a well-performed genetic algorithm. A number of
individuals and directly copy them to the next generation.
representations for a tree, such as one-dimensional binary code
Then, we select the rest by the roulette wheel selection model.
[8], Prüfer numbers [9] and sequence and topology encoding
The probability for selecting a parent Ti , denoted as p(Ti ), is
(ST encoding) [10], have been developed. However, these
given by:
representations are likely to generate illegal trees (e.g., ST
f (Ti )
encoding), or have poor locality (e.g., Prüfer numbers), or p(Ti ) = Np (4)
have low efficiency that the required search space increases j=1 f (Tj )
remarkably with the increase of the network size (e.g., one-
dimensional binary code). Recent studies on network opti-
E. Crossover Scheme
mization [11] avoid these problems by directly manipulating
trees, i.e., using a data structure of a tree to describe the Based on the roulette wheel selection, a pair of chromo-
chromosome. With this method, a tree directly represents a somes is selected as the parents to produce a single offspring.
chromosome. Therefore, the coding/decoding operations are Let Ta and Tb be the selected parents. The crossover operator
omitted. In our study, we use the tree structure coding method, generates a child Tc by identifying the same links between Ta
in which a chromosome represents a multicast tree directly. and Tb , and retaining these common links in Tc . According
to the definition of fitness function, the “better” individual
has higher probability of being selected as a parent. Thus,
B. Initial Population the common links between two parents are more likely to
Two issues should be considered in the process of popu- represent the “good” traits. However, retaining these common
lation initialization: (1) population size Np ; (2) the method links in Tc may generate some separate sub-trees. Therefore,
of population formation. Np is set by the system. In the pro- links are needed to be selected to connect these sub-trees into
posed algorithm, the formation of initial population (random a multicast tree.
multicast Steiner trees) is based on the random depth-first The process of connecting separate sub-trees is as follows.
search algorithm [12]. The searching process begins at s and First, two separate sub-trees are randomly selected among
randomly selects an unvisited node for next visit. This process these sub-trees. Then, the selected sub-trees are connected by
terminates when all destinations have been visited. the least-delay path to form a new sub-tree. The connecting
process repeats until a multicast tree is constructed. In order
to find the least-delay path between two sub-trees, we add two
C. Fitness Function
nodes. One node is connected to all of the nodes of one sub-
The fitness function should reflect the individual perfor- tree with links which have zero delay associated with them.
mance: the “good individual” has bigger fitness than the “bad Similarly, the other node is connected to all the nodes of the
one”. The definition of the fitness function is as follows: other sub-tree with zero-delay links. Hence, the least-delay
a  path between two sub-trees is the least-delay path between
f (T ) = Φ (delay (pT (s, vt )) − δ) (1)
cost (T ) vt ∈D the two added nodes. Clearly, there are no routing loops in
the multicast tree with this connecting method. An example
  of crossover procedure is shown in Fig. 1. The same links of
cost (T ) = cTi = b[k1 (ri ) + k2 ] (2) Ta and Tb are retained in Tc . Then, all sub-trees are connected
vi ∈T
vi ∈T with least-delay paths which are denoted as dot lines in Tc .

3,21 1,13 3,21 1,13

proposed algorithm
8 9 12 13 8 9 12 13
3,20 3,20


3,5 6,14

3,5 30 delay bound 18
11 11
15 15
3,21 3,5 7 3,5 7
5,3 5,3

4,6 1
6,7 4,4 1,38 6,7 4,4 1,38
3 3,24 4 11,7 6 4,35 14 3 3,24 4 11,7 6 4,35 14

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Ta Tb

3,21 1,13

8 9 12 13

3,20 source node
proposed algorithm
6,14 3,5
10 3,2

11 4,15 destination node
3,5 7

1 2
(delay, distance)
6,7 4,4 1,38

3 3,24 4 11,7 6 4,35 14

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Fig. 1. Example of crossover operation.
Fig. 3. Convergence process of the proposed genetic algorithm with δ = 18.
Proposed_GA G s D ( , , )

1. for (i=1; i<= Np; i++) {

2. Chromosome(i) = RandomDFS(G, s, D); a C++ Library of Genetic Algorithm. The experiments were

. }

for (j=1; j<=Ng; j++) {

select the best individuals and copy them into the next
performed on a PC with Pentium Dual-core 2.5GHz CPU
(2 GB memory). Preliminary tests suggest that the mutation
generation; probability pm = 0.05, the crossover probability pc = 1, and
5. for (k=1; k<=Np-Noptimal; k++) { the population size Np = 15 performed well. The proposed
6. Ta=MSTSelect (Chromosome)
7. Tb= MSTSelect (Chromosome) algorithm is compared with the least delay multicast tree
8. Tc=Crossover(Ta, Tb); algorithm (LDT). Among all the delay-constrained multicast
9. if (rand() < pm) routing algorithms, LDT has the highest successful ratio
10. Mutation(Tc);
because it connects the source and each destination with the
} least delay path. The successful ratio (SR) of an algorithm is
11. Select the best individual and output it; defined as the number of requests successfully routed divided
by the total number of routing requests. When the multicast
Fig. 2. The pseudo code of the proposed genetic algorithm. tree constructed by the algorithm satisfies the delay constraint,
the routing request is considered as successfully routed one.

F. Mutation
A. Results for Fixed Network
When a new offspring is produced, the mutation operation
These experiments mainly test the convergence ability and
is performed according to the mutation probability pm . First,
involve the deterministic, weighted network topology (15
mutation procedure randomly selects a subset of nodes and
nodes) depicted in Fig. 1. Node 1 is the source and nodes 3,
breaks the multicast tree into some separate sub-trees by
6, 7, 9, 15 are the destinations. Fig. 3 shows the convergence
removing all the links that connect these selected nodes and
processes of the proposed algorithm under δ = 18. As shown
their farthest child node on T . Then, it re-connects these
in Fig. 3, the proposed algorithm can converge to the solution
separate sub-trees into a new multicast tree with least-delay
satisfying the delay bound and having low cost quickly (i.e.,
paths. Fig. 2 shows the pseuso code of the proposed genetic
after eight generations). It is seen that the cost of the proposed
algorithm. As shown in Fig. 2, RandomDF S() denotes
algorithm is small than that of LDT.
random depth-first search algorithm, Ng is the number of
generations, Noptimal is the number of the best individuals.
B. Results for Random Networks
G. Analysis of convergence In this section, we verify that the previous result holds for
all kinds of networks (networks scales). The simulation studies
According to the Theorem 2.7 in [13], the proposed algo-
involve random networks with 20-100 nodes. The distance of
rithm could finally converge to the global optimal solution.
each link is uniformly distributed in [10,200] and the delay
For a large-scale network, it is time-consuming to obtain
of each link in [0,50]. The maximum allowable delay is
the optimal solution to this NP-complete problem. This can
uniformly distributed in [30,160]. For each request, the source
be overcome by setting an appropriate iteration time for the
and destinations are randomly generated. MANETs can be
genetic algorithm. In this way, we can obtain a near-optimal
used in applications including military battlefield (e.g., moving
solution within a reasonable time limit.
platoon or company), rescue missions, conference room and
so on. These applications involve networks with sizes that
IV. E XPERIMENT range from small to medium, e.g., tens of nodes. Simulations
We have implemented the proposed genetic algorithm in reflect this practical reality. For larger networks, some cluster
MS VC++ 6.0 using the genetic algorithmlib [14] which is based schemes can be used. These experiments mainly test

proposed algorithm and grows slowly with the size of the network. Even for the
0.8 network with 100 nodes, the running time of the proposed
algorithm is fairly desirable.
Power awareness is crucial in mobile wireless networks,
0.2 particularly in MANETs. Nodes need to reduce their power
consumption to prolong their battery lifetime. In this letter,
0 we proposed the energy-efficient delay-constrained multicast
20 40 60 80 100
number of nodes
routing algorithm. The proposed algorithm is a source-based
Fig. 4. Comparison of SR between the proposed algorithm and LDT. algorithm which takes into account energy consumption as
well as end-to-end delay in route selection. The proposed
LDT algorithm applies crossover and mutation operations directly
proposed algorithm
60,000 on trees, which simplifies the coding operation and omits
50,000 the coding/decoding process. Heuristic mutation technique can
improve the total energy consumption of a multicast tree. A
c series of experiments was performed to verify the convergence
30,000 performance, SR and running time of the proposed algorithm.
20,000 The results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is effec-
tive and efficient. This study only focuses on source-based
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 routing trees. Future works could apply the proposed algorithm
number of nodes
to shared multicasting trees.
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