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848 0702 400710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE TECHNICAL NOTES (TN) PROTECTIONS The content of this document is the property of Airbus Industrie. {tis supplied in confidence and commercial security on its contents must be maintained. ft must not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied, nor may information contained in it be disclosed to unauthorized persons. It must not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission in writing from the owners of the copyright. © Airbus Industrie 1994. All rights reserved Airbus Industrie Engineering Directora ‘31707 Blagnac Cedex France Téléphone Issue AV Page 1 November 2000 TN A-007.10003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE “ayeq pur xepuy ons} jueAgIa! 4) Je eWeU eu ‘Auo ayeorpuy ‘saBbeg asnjeubig Jeyye0 Buide: vaya ‘eiqeoydde are seins ay sisiyeioeds ayy Aq pauBis Se UOOS Se :2]0N 472 poubis ‘Poubis oN oor once _| Sl#suodsas | 1en07 peubis_ Pout eon eoon'r ware _| 40}RuIPIO0D HEL rola my peut edu Mm edu weybuwo m7 | SHASNpUI SnquTy pou peupon 4W JOOS L357 poubig eubis | 220100498 4 s9pIeUUEg we4o007 4A va SEP poubig peutis opvope epuopeu'a | epuopeu 3 vysvo eu ‘sweid YD Waued JN sondsoiey Usha o~te4 eves eutes ‘Suyunens “0 ex6010 -¥ sepues snquiicg pedis pout “yams rm” | owusen | smo srenedso.ey 00 AON 46 904 68 6ny owa AW nw iv onss| aumpubig pus owen sysi1e}00dg — uoye|Aoy pue ones} o}8eg Page 2 Issue AV @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE ‘400710003 4. PURPOSE OF THE DOCUMENT. 2. GENERAL INFORMATION FOR SURFACE TREATMENTS 2.1 Surface treatments for aluminium alloys... 2.1.1. Chemical Conversion Coating (CCC)... 2.1.2 Chromic acide anodising (CAA). 2.1.3 Sulphuric acid Anodising (SAA). 2.1.4 Hard Sulphuric Anodising (HSA)... 2.2 Surface Treatments for stools. —— 2.2.1 Cadmium Plating for Parts where R < 145 hb, 2.2.2 Phosphating wn... 2.23 Hard chromium plating. 2.2.4 Aluminium Spray 225 Zinc spray... 22.6 Siver Plating... 227. Chemical Nickel Piating. 2.2.8 Aluminium IVD.. 2.8 Surface treatments for titanium alloys. 2.3.1. Sulphuric Anodising titanium 2.8.2 Aluminium and zinc spray 2.3.3 Cadmium - Titanium contacts. 2.4 Surface treatments for stainless steel... 2.5 Surtace treatment for non metallic parts... 3. TECHNICAL DESIGN DIRECTIVES FOR CORROSION PREVENTION .. 3.1 Purpose of the chapt 3.2 Environmental categories... aT) Issue : AV Page 3 November 2000 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE 400710003 4, TECHNICAL DESIGN DIRECTIVES FOR A300 - A310 AIC .. 4.1 Protection of parts at detail sta 4.1.1 Metal parts. 4.1.2 Composite parts . 42 Assomblies ...... 4.2.1. Restrictions in assemblies... 4.2.2 Internal touch up in assemblies. 4.2.3 Intertay sealant. 4.2.4 Fastener installation .. . 4.25. Galvanic Protection assembly : aluminium aloy/carbon composite 4.3. Additional protections after assembly... a 4.3.1 Sealant beads 4.3.2. Protection touch up. creme 4.3.3. Water repellent fuids and corrosion resistant inhibitors. 4.4 Bonding wire attachment points. 4.5 Drainage 4.8 Protection for roller tracks.. 4.7 Furnishing paint... 4.8 External surfaces, paint scheme 5. SEQUENCES OF PROTECTIVE TREATMENTS - CODIFICATION. 5.1 Common selection/equivalence/codes tables 5.2 Partners sequences/codes lis 6. TREATMENTS AND PRODUCTS QUALIFIED LIST.... APPENDICES Issue AV Page 4 ‘November 2000 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE 00710003 1. PURPOSE OF THE DOCUMENT ‘This document dealing with corrosion protection definitions belongs to a serie of TN's for selection of materials and processes for AIRBUS programmes. The purpose of this document is to define General information for the proper use of surface treatments for all programmes: ~ Technical Design dicectives for corrosion prevention to be used = for establishment of A300/310 drawings 18001 for A320 * for other programmes, see specific TDD & tree '51A001F for A340/A330 — The sequences of protective treatments for single parts and assemblies and a ‘corresponding code which is indicated on drawings for all programmes for application in production. This document appiies to, ‘structural parts, + system brackets attached to the structure, + mechanical system parts. It is also a general guidance for standard or vendor parts and equipments which can be covered by separate specifications. ‘The referenced treatments and products are defined, chapter 6, — for surface treatments (application and inspection documents) — for qualified products (supplier reference, PQ numbers). ‘The list of qualified products are given in corresponding TN's, TN A 007 10 050, for paints, ~ TNA 007 10010, for sealant TNA 007 10.006, for lubricants TNA 007 10 053, for adhesives. Issue : AV Page 5 November 2000 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE ‘800710003, 2 IAL INFORMATIO! REATME! 2.1 Surface treatments for aluminium alloys 2.1.1 Chemical Conversion Coating (CCC) Properties = Metallic oxide and chromate ldyer = Thickness less than 1 micron, tolerances are preserved = Limited inherent corrosion protection without paint = Conducts electricity ~ Application of primer to CCC should be in limit specified in process document Application ~ Coupling treatment for paint adhesion. = Must be covered by a paint scheme, if used for protection purposes. ‘Restrictions — For continued operating maximum temperature less than 120°C. - Donotuse * prior to welding = prior to bonding + oncastings (2.1.2 Chromic acide anodising (CAA) Properties = Oxide layer produced electrolytically having good corrosion resistance, when sealed or primed. - Surface treatment generally unsealed providing an excellent paints and adhesives adhesion. Exception for unpainted parts (completely or partially) chromic acid anodising is sealed. — Application of primer to CAA should be in limit specified in process document. ~ The anodising thickness in the range 2 to 5 microns depends on the composition of the alloy. Issue AV Page 6 November 2000 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE ‘400710003 ‘The process in itsett does not affect the fatigue properties significantly. Some chemical pre-treatments sometimes used before anodising may cause a loss of fatigue endurance. = The use of shot peening should be considered to raise the fatigue characteristics. = Blasting prior anodising, if required, has to be called up on the drawing ‘separately. Axplication — The temperature limit in service is not affected by the oxide layer. Restrictions ~ Is an electrical insulator. ~ Oxide layer can influence close tolerance application. 2.1.3 Sulphurle acid Anodising (SAA) Propertios = Electrottic treatment ~ Al oxide fi layer thicker than with CAA ~ Used on normal case without paint — For decorative purpose may be coloured or painted = Good corrosion and mechanical erosion resistance = Better corrosion resistance than CAA when unpainted — Significantly more influence of fatigue strength than CAA — Thickness in the range 5 to 15 microns according to the composition of aluminium alloys Application Layer used on fretting surfaces. Issue AV Page 7 November 2000 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE ‘400710003, Bestrictions ts an electrical insulator Sulphuric anodising should not be used on : ~ tems with deep cavities ~ Asa pre-treatment prior bonding or welding ~ Parts stressed by fatigue ~ Castings 2.14 Hard Suiphurle Anodising (HSA) ‘Properties — Electrolytic treatment producing a very hard oxide layer (500 vickers) ~ Thickness range : 30 to 100 microns = Good erosion resistance ‘Application — Layer usad on fretting surfaces Restriction ~ Isan electrical insulator — Hard sulphuric anodising should not be used : + On aluminium alloys containing copper > 5% or silicon > 7%. = On parts subject to fatigue stress * Asa pre-treatment prior bonding * On castings Issue AV Page 8 ‘November 2000 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE ‘400710003 2.2 Surface Treatments for steels 2.2.1 Cadmium Plating for Parts where R < 145 hb Properties Electrolytic treatment for the protection of parts made of non-stainless steel, Stainless stee! or copper alloy. ‘The Cadmium plating processes must comprise a passivation. generally followed by an application of paint. ‘The cadmium plating conducts electricity. Agolication 3 = Reduced Cadmium plating (Cadmium 7) thickness = 7+ “ microns 0 (a) on threaded parts (b) on springs where diameter or thickness > 1 mm Normal Cadmium plating (Cadmium 10) thickness = 15 2 ° microns on other steel parts . Restrictions ~ Limited use in contact with titanium (refer § 2.3.3) No Cd plating in the following cases : {@) Friction portion of moving parts (b) Adjustment of tightly fitting parts {c) Cavities not accessible to Cd plating (@) Parts where R > 145 hb (see nota) (e) Parts subsequently welded (f) Parts for which the temperature in service is higher than 235°C (@) Springs where diameter or thickness < 1 mm, solid strength springs, gear teeth, cables, fixed or sliding keyways = Direct contact between cadmium plating and oii, fuel or hydraulic fluid is forbidden Issue AV Page 9 November 2000 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE ‘400710003, Nota : ‘No embritting Cd plating for parts where Az 145 hb Specific process to avoid hydrogen embrittement in steel with R 2 145 hb. 2.2.2 Phosphating Properties — Non electrolytic protection process. — Surface treatment applied in a bath. — Thickness of phosphate layer range 5 up to 10 microns. Zn phosphating is followed by paint. = Mn phosphating is followed by lubricant. — Non conductive treatment. Application — Fretting areas : little stress,. relatively small movement, with addition of lubricant. — Springs where diameter or thickness < 1 mm — Possibility of phosphating stee! parts where 145 hb < R < 178 hb. — Where cadmium plating cannot be used. Restrictions : Phosphating must not be used Onparts with close tolerances = On parts of which the operating temperature is higher than 80°C. — All non-stainless steels in the form of simple parts or welded items for which : + The total of alloying elements > 5% = Crcontent > 1.2% ~ Where parts or certain portions are painted and other portions subject to friction, only manganese phosphating will be applied. {fesue AV Page 10 November 2000 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE ‘A00740003 2.2.38 Hard chromium plating Properties ~ Wear resistance. ~ Very hard (800-900 Vickers) electrolytically deposited coating. = Cr plating has an effect on the mechanical properties of the base metal : = the drop in R 0.2 may be as much as 10% * fatigue limit down to as much as 60% of its original value. = Coating thickness : 75 to 120 microns. ‘Note : The influence upon fatigue is reduced by suitable treatment of the surfaces either before Cr plating (e.g. shot peening) or after Cr plating (0.9. by suitable heat treatment) Application = Where used as a moving bearing the assembly shall be lubricated. = Allsteels where R < 145 hb, possibly heat treated, but not case-hardened. ~ Coating of surfaces subject to friction — Use recommended on pins in bronze bushes. Restrictions - Chrome plating must not be used : of stress concentration, On are On parts where the operating temperature is higher than 450 ‘On stee! having a strength of R > 145 hb. On steel parts having a strength of R < 145 hb if these parts are subjected to load cycles or high stresses or fatigue. Nota : These Parts, before chromium plating, must be shot peened if they are used at a working temperature < 250°C. Issue AV Page 11 November 2000 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE ‘400710003 2.2.4 Aluminium Spray Properties Cathodic protection of parts by sacrificial deposit in the case of galvanic couples. Good electrical conductivity. ~ Thickness : 60 to 80 microns, but practically the maximum thickness can reach 200 microns. ‘Application ~ This treatment is suitable on steals of any strength. — On parts of any dimension, non-stainlass steel This process is applied in its own right as a protection, it may be subsequently painted. Restrictions Aluminium spray must not be used : on parts where the operating temperature higher than 500°C ~ on parts with close tolerances or interference fit = on areas subject to friction 2.25 Zine spray Properties - Provides cathodic protection by a sacrificial deposit in the case of galvani couples. — Conducts electricity. ~ Thickness categories : 40, 80, 120 microns. ‘As an undercoat a thickness of 40 microns is sufficient, unless otherwise Specified. If there is no paint the thickness of the zinc plating is to be stated on the drawing. Application — Itisused as a galvanic protection on steels. It may be subsequently painted. ~ Suitable as protection on large parts which could otherwise be cadmium Plated. Issue AV Page 12 November 2000 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE 400710003 2.26 Silver Plating Properties This electrolytic process is used for its electrical conductive properties, its improved resistance agains fretting corrosion under hot conditions. — Conducts electricity. ~~ Thickness : 10 microns. Application Cu alloys, stainless and non-stainless steel. Bestrictions : Silver plating must not be used — When stee! parts have a working temperature higher than 500°C. — When for steal the value of R 2 145 hb. 2.27 Chemical Nickel Plating Properties This treatment is used on parts subject to friction. Is used where good abrasion resistance is required, and good surface hardness (450- 900 Vickers). In order to obtain these properties a specific heat treatment is required (see Production Manual) This protection is good for : Ensuring an uniform thickness of coating on complex shapes. Conducts electricity. ~ Thickness : 20-40 microns. Application — Non-stainless steels. Restrictions ‘Not to be used : — For structural parts and parts of flying controls, — For parts having a strength of R > 145 hb ~ For parts of which the operating temperature is higher than 400°C. Nota : Nickel plating is difficult to be applied after welding. Issue AV Page 13 November 2000 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE ‘400710003 2.28 Aluminium VD Properties ~ Corrosion resistance with a complementary chromating conversion coat. ~ Prevents the hydrogen embrittlement. — Galvanic compatiblity with aluminium alloy parts. ~ Film thickness : 25 to 50 microns. Application — Steals, specially steel with strength of R = 145 hb. — Applicable as replacement for cadmium plating operations for limited applications. Restrictions — For parts with service temperature higher than 495% ~ Parts subjected to friction (fretting surfaces). 2.3 Surface treatments for titanium alloys 2.3.1 \odisi nium Properties The electrolytic treatment make it possible : = To slightly reduce the galvanic couple in case of contact with other metals. = Tovobtain adhesion of organic coatings : paints, lubricant for threaded parts. — Very thin thickness - loss than one micron. ~ Porous film. — Conducts electricity Application — Applicable on sheet, fasteners (bolts and rivets) forgings, die-forgings, machined parts. Issue AV Page 14 November 2000 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE ‘A90710003 Restrictions Not to be used on parts or assemblies where there is a risk of retaining humidity ‘spot welded parts, brazed parts. 2.3.2 Aluminium and zine spray Seo §2.2.4 and2.2.5, 2.3.3 Cadmium - Titanium contacts Contact of these two materials should be avoided wherever possible, because of ‘the risk of embrittlement. ‘When the two materials are in contact the maximum operating temperature shall be considered: - Assembly of Cd-plated steel with titanium is permitted up to 80°C. ~ The resistance limit of 120°C applies under the following conditions: - the titanium partis sulphuric acid anodised or Al-sprayed or Zn-sprayed, or the fitanium and steel partis painted after surface treatment, = 0F a corrosion resistant steel washer or bush is inserted between both materials as a barrier layer, ~and sealants are used. - This assembly is forbidden in case ot: high assembly stresses. relative movements of parts: 2.4 Surface treatments for stainless 3! In general, corrosion resistant steel is passivated. However when in contact with aluminium alloys, the following surtace treatments for stainless steels can be applied: cadmium plating § 2.2.1 hard chromium plating § 2.2.3, aluminium spray § 2.2.4 zine spray § 2.2.5 Issue AV Page 15 November 2000 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE a90710003 25 n metallic parts lssue AV neral case — Make it sure that release agents have been removed. ~ Degrease and abrade the parts. Specitic case 1 a non-metallic foil (e.g. Tedlar foil) is applied on a composite part, it has to be treated as a non-metallic part. fa metallic foil (¢.g. aluminium foil) is applied on a composite part it has to be treated as a metallic part excepted for pure aluminium, which is abraded. Page 16 November 2000 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE 400710003 3. TECHNICAL DESIGN DIRECTIVES FOR CORROSION PREVENTION This Chapter deals with general information. 3.1 Purpose of the chapter This chapter details the protection definitions to be applied on drawings in order to comply with the aircraft Standard Specification. ‘Some other aspects, which are very important for anticorrosion purpose, need to be considered. = Metallic materials selection and directions for use (e.g. when the short transverse direction is sensitive to stress corrosion). ~ Rounding of edges. = Fasteners (material, interference fit, cold hole expansion, ...) selection on direction for use, These aspects are treated in corresponding documents tor materials and fasteners. 3.2 Et mental categories ‘The corrosion prevention is linked to the environment. Environmental categories are defined in relation to the environment to which a certain A/C area is exposed. = The categories apply to A/C structure internal areas which are not visible from the outside ( e.g. areas behind fairings ) — The different categories are defined as follows : Category A: Contact with air, in general, dry and easy access areas Category B: Tanks and associated pipes. Category C: Areas exposed to humidity, accumulation of water, difficult access and temporarily contaminated by hydraulic fuid, tolet or galley fluids. See appendix 1, the sketches showing environmental categories for A300-A310. For A320, A340, Category C has been divided in C1 and C2 categories depending Con the severity of environment (see the relevant TDD) for A320, and for A340. Remarks relating to categorias B and C : the parts or sections in contact with Category B must not be given the protection for category C. Issue AV Page 17 ‘November 2000 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE ‘400710003, Remarks relating to categories A and C (1) In the event that partial or intermittent contact with aggressive fluids is ‘expected, the protective finish which meets extreme conditions will be chosen, (2) Mf such a part has to be fitted in two areas of which corresponds to a different ‘environmental category it must always be protected as if it were fitted in the environment exposing it on the severest conditions. Issue AV Page 18 November 2000 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE 00710003 4, TECHNICAL DESIGN DIRECTIVES FOR A300 - A310 A/C This chapter applies to A300/A310 aircraft only. For A320/A340 see the relevant TOD. 4.1 Protection of parts at detail stage 44.4 Metal parts ‘General Issue AV ‘As a general rule, detail components have a double protection: a surface treatment and a paint or a lubricant according to the relevant function of the part. surface treatments for Aluminium all Basically, for internal parts, several surface treatments have been used: sealed and unsealed chromic acid anodising, or chemical conversion coating or sulfochromic pickling betore bonding, External parts were delivered before final assembly with bonding primer. = Currently, for intemal parts, as a general rule chromic acid anodising unsealed is the basic treatment. — The use of chemical conversion coating is permitted to clad parts, clad sheet not subsequently bonded and pipes. — Parts subject to wear are treated with sulphuric anodising, — Allexternal parts are treated with unsealed chromic anodising, — For bonded parts unsealed chromic acid anodising is mandatory, the bonded Joint must meet the AIPS 02-01-001 requirements. ‘Surface treatments for steels Cadmium plating is used for most of the non-corrosion resistant steel parts. Where cadmium plating can not be applied it shall be replaced by e.g. phosphating, or metal spray. Generally wearing surfaces are chromium plated. Corrosion resistant steels are passivated. When in contact with aluminium alloy, CRS must be cadmium plated / or zine sprayed / or aluminium sprayed / or blasting + primer coated. Page 19 November 2000 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE 400710003 Issue AV ‘Surface treatments for titanium alloys Basically titanium alloys are considered as corrosion resistant materials and. require no protection. In assemblies whore there is a galvanic incompatibility issue, the Ti is coated in Corder to protact the more susceptible material from attack. In this case a surface pre treatment is required, following alternatives may be Used on titanium parts. ~ Wet blasting, and primer (use preferably instead of sulphuric anodising and primer). — Alkaline etching plus primer. — Wet blasting, zinc or aluminium spray and primer. — Aluminium coating or SAA for botts. For Cadmium Titanium contact see paragraph 2.3.3 Ps ‘of me il ‘According to the relevant AIMS 04-04-001 and AIMS 04-04-0083. As a general rule all metallic parts must be painted. Some exceptions are indicated, see restrictions here after. inting required A environment = Primer B environment = Primer environment = Primer + Top coat Painting restrictions ~ Mechanical adjustments. ~ Threads. ~ Contact faces of moving parts. = Currently all fuselage and empennage extemal surfaces, but the external surlace of a part included in a joint must be primed. — Parts and areas referred on the drawings for operational reasons, — In bonded joints. Note : Top coat may be omitted : = for system rods (mechanical controls and flight controls) — and aluminium pipes in pressurised areas, Page 20 November 2000 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE ‘400710003 ial painting for Currently for fuselage : — The bonding primer application is authorised on the whole internal surface of ‘a bonded part. ‘On external surface, there is no bonding primer. = The paint primer is applied after bonding on internal surfaces, and on the portion of extemal surfaces. = For other bonded parts, bonding primer is used on intemal and external surlaces. ‘On bonded parts, the total system with bonding primer + primer must meet the relevant AIMS 04-04-01 requirements. 4.1.2 Composite parts Issue AV Internal surfaces In general case, no paint is required. The paint (P or P + TC) may be required by the design authority only for an easier faults detection, e.g. where access is frequently used for maintenance operations. rnal sur In general paint is required. Parts with electrical requirements on current A/C : — Parts exposed to lightning, sae TDD 20A001 ; when the lightning protection is applied no antistatic paint is required. — Other parts must meet the AIMS 04-04-005 with an antistatic paint applied on GFAP and AFRP. Generally for parts with anti-erosion requirements, a special anti-erosion paint must be applied Page 21 November 2000 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE ‘400710003, 4.2 Assemblies 4.2.1 Restrictions in assemblies Current practice for galvanic corrosion reasons, the following associations are forbidden. — Aluminium or aluminised fasteners and cadmium steel fasteners in CFRP. ~ Non cadmium plated stainless steel fasteners in aluminium alloy structure. — Steel parts in contact with CFRP parts. 4.22. Internal touch up in assemblies When a part has to be fitted in an assembly by a machining operator destroying the initial protections (e.g. surface treatment and paint), these protections must be recovered by an approved touch up process. 4.23. Intertay sealant ‘The TN A 007 10010 shows the use of sealants. The detailed application of ‘sealants are described on drawing according to the following directives : Interfay sealant is required at least in mechanical assemblies. ~ In corrosion critical areas (environment category C) — Parts attached to the a/c skin. - Where dissimilar materials producing galvanic effect are in contact. — Fatigue loaded joints. — Alljoints including CFRP part. Fuel tank envelope. In the pyton structure, interfay sealants are not used, when hydraulic fluid or fuel ‘can come into contact. For the unbonded stringer ends at the fuselage assembly sections, an interfay ‘sealant has to be injected between the stringer and the skin (in this unbonded area the parts are only covered with bonding primer). Issue AV Page 22 November 2000 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE 400710003 4.24 Fastener installation Wot installation of fasteners is required at least for, — Allstee! fasteners, — Allfasteners going through the fuselage skin (countersunk fasteners), + in bonded joints below fuselage stringer 25 for galley - toilets and entry areas + below cargo floor under stringer 43. ~ Holes in CFRP parts, For the engine pylon, the wet assembly of fasteners is a general practice, Interference fi In the case of interference fit fastener at least the countersink must be protected with sealant, except for drivmatic riveting. Anchor nuts All anchor nuts have to be fitted wet with an interfay sealant between the nut plate and the part, at least in the areas of the cargo hold, entrances, galleys, lavatories. .5 Galvanic Protection assembly : aluminium alloy/earton composite Galvanic protection assembly for aluminium alloy parts in contact with carbon fibre parts. This assembly shall be protected at least as follows : ~ The aluminium partis anodized and painted. ~ It is necessary to apply during molding of the composite, a protective foil (e.g. Tediar foil or glass or aramid fibre layer) or paint on the whole surface. ‘The parts are assembled with an interfay sealant. Issue AV Page 23 ‘November 2000 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE 400710003 4.3 Additional protections after assembly 4.3.1 Sealant boads The TN A 007 10010 shows the use of sealant beads, the detailed application of beads are in drawings according to the following directives. ‘Additional sealant bead is required at least for : — Alllap joints bond lines. Stringer bond lines in C areas. = Riveted stringers under cargo floor where exposed to hydraulic fluid. ~ Drivematic riveted joints if iterfay sealant can not be applied. = Pylon joints where interfay is not appliod. — External sandwich sealing where necessary — Aluminium alloy / CFRP bond lines. — Dissimilar materials assemblies where necessary. — External surfaces for aerodynamic reasons, non flush parts. In areas likely to be contaminated by hydraulic fluids the sealant beads must be protected by a special vamish or hydraulic fluid resistant product, 4.3.2 Protection touch up Easteners Basically, on fasteners a touch up using flexible varnish or paint is mandatory 'side the A/C except in the cases or under the conditions given below : * Ina B environment category : When the intemal fasteners ends are treated with a si necessary to touch up the paint. nt itis not = Inall environment categories : Stoel, Titanium or aluminium alloys fasteners which are not directly in contact with the structure are not touched up, e.g. fasteners on equipment ‘supports. (This concession does not apply to non stainless steel cadmium plated fasteners which must be protected by paint and for mechanical Controls which must be coated by a protective compound). Issue AV Page 26 November 2000 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE 00710003 * Spocial case of the external surface No touching up of the heads of fasteners ; they receive the external paint system after assembly of the aircratt. ‘Scratches or other damage Such damages must be smoothed and touched up according to a process, subject to design approval. 4.3.3 Water repelient fluids and corrosion resistant inhibitors (On current A300/A310 A/C and basically on A310 AVC, in addition to the painting protection some intemal areas of the structure receive an application of water repellent fluid after assembly of the structure, in order to reduce the risk of water penetration into small gaps. ‘The areas concermed are indicated on drawings enclosed in Appendix 1 Protection of cadmium plated non stainless steel parts, on current A30O/A310 ‘AIC and basically on A310 A/C. There must not be on the structure or systems any cadmium plated non stainless stee! parts unpainted or without additional protection. ‘When paint cannot be applied (rotating assemblies, threads and items which have to be removed frequently) it must be replaced by a protective corrosion inhibiting compound, qualified according to TN A-007-10138 or AIMS 09-08-003, Nota : This compound is not allowed to be used in fuel tank areas and in areas where the temperature is over 80°C (engine pylons) 4.4 Bonding wi chment, Locally the surface treatment and paint are removed until bare metal Alter assembly the protection must be touched up according to one of the two following spec = AUK ABP 7-1245 for AUK or AS NSA 936 002 for AS or FA 80-T- ‘40-3312 for DA. Issue AV Page 25 November 2000 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE ‘400710003 4.5 Drainage ‘The drainage precautions must be carefully considered at the design stage in ‘order to avoid fluids accumulation. ‘As.a standard use drain hole diameter of 6 mm. 4.6 Pt for ks = On current A/C, all holes must be drilled before anodising, except electrical bonding points. ~ Stainloss steel parts must be cadmium plated. ~ Silver plated parts are not allowed. ~ Receptacles, capped are not allowed. ~ Wet installation for all fasteners, fixed joints with sealant, removable joints with removable sealant. ~ Sealant between roller tracks and anchor nuts or receptacles. — Electrical bonding must be protected with sealant after installation ~ Alter installation all fasteners must be protected with water repellent fluid plus corrosion inhibitor according TN 10138 type |. grade 2 plus type II, grade 2. 4.7 Furnishing paint Priming for decoration only for A300 B2 B4 38.1. Internal parts made of ABS, PVC, Laminates, to be painted with a primer. ‘The primer is generally coloured, and acts as a keying coat for the finish, It conforms to the specification DA.4-653-89. and DA.4-653-94. 38.2, Internal parts made of Polycarbonate to be painted. This coloured primer acts as a keying coat for the finish, impedes contamination of the polycarbonate by the thinner of the finishing coat and can be formed at the same time as the part. It conforms to specification DA.4-563-90. Decorative finish For. A300, 82, 84 This coat of coloured or uncoloured finish gives the desired external appearance. itis resistant to scratches and cleaning products and conforms to specttication. DA.4-653-91. Issue AV Page 26 November 2000 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE ‘400710003 4310 and. Decorative paint for inner parts of FRP (DAN 1278 part 1 and DAN 1200 part 1), PC, PVC, ABS and aluminium (DAN 1200 part 1) is generally coloured according to the required shade. 4.8 Extern: int me Currently, on the external surfaces of the fully assembled A/C, the paint scheme, which must meet the AIMS 04-04-012 requirements is : ~ wash primer (WP) primer ~ flexible UVR top coat. However on the wing box and THS (trimming horizontal stabiliser) top surface an aluminized elastomeric top coat is used. Generally for composite parts the wash primer can be omitted and, for the radome the WP is not applied. When an antistatic paint is used, the above basic scheme applies. When an antierosion paint is used it is in principle not covered except for decorative purpose, in this case the adhesion must be demonstrated. Leading edges of engine air intakes and slats are not painted. Door scuff plates are made with polished stainless steel. Staintess steel or titanium parts can be not painted. Cabin window frames are painted at detail stage with primer + top coat. Other details like sensors, static port areas, etc..., are not painted. Issue AV Page 27 November 2000 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE ‘400710003 5. jENCI CTIVE TREATMENTS - CODIFICATION 5.1 Common selection/equivalence/codes tables ‘The tables contents allow to select the right sequence for protection according to = Type of material. — Type of product/partunction ~ Environmental category. Each sequence is defined by a code which must be indicated on the drawings. ‘The tables show the code equivalence between partners and AIRBUS programmes. ‘These tables are given in Appendix 2 It a code is not found in these tables, see Appendix 3 to 8. (On subsequent tables a line "/* means no relevant code. 5.2 Partners sequences/codes list ‘These lists content all partners code which are used on drawings by each partner. ‘Some codes, no more used, or specific of a partner/part which are not mentioned in the tables of Appendix 2, are indicated in these lists. ‘Appendix = AS. ‘Appendix 4 ‘Appondix 5 Appendix 6 Appendix 7 Appendix 8 Issue AV Page 28, November 2000 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE 400710003 6. TAI ANI Ie) JALIFIED Li QUALIFIED PRODUCTS REF CATEGORY ™ ITEM REFERENCE 1_| Epoxy primer ‘00710050 1 2 | Polyurethane primer ‘00710050 2 3_| interior polyurethane top coat 00710050_| 3 4 | Solid fim lubricant ‘oo710006_| 41 5_|Wash primer Aoo710050_| 24 6 _| Silicone paint oo710050_| 7 7_| Hydraulic oil FHS: Aoo710006_| 5: 8_| Synthetic grease ‘Aoo710006 | 15 9. | Antistatic paint Aoo710050 | 17 (general use) 10 | Anti static paint Aoo710050 | 18 (radome, antenna fairing) { 11_| Polyurethane top coat on fasteners lined and sealant beads | Aoo710050_| 53 12_| Cockpit paint Aoo710050_| 33 13_| Paint for electrical racks A0710050_| 37 14_| Fluoro carbon sealant Agorio010_| 150 16_| Primer for fluoro carbon sealant Ago710010_|_ 151 w 18 | Varnish for metallic honeycomb sandwich Aoo710050_| 52 19_| High temperature paint for touching up 0710050 | 14 ‘issue AV Page 23 November 2000 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE ana iae REF CATEGORY ™N ITEM REFERENCE 20_| Nylon varnish over sealant beads A00710050_ 54 21_| Protective coating for unpainted steel ‘A00710050 58 22 | Aerodynamic sealant A00710010 8 22 | Ederor naxble top coat aoo7100s0_|_ 22 25 _| Primer for internal laminates ‘A00710050 70 26 _| Primer for polycarbonate parts 400710050 71 27 _| Primer for ABS and PVC parts 00710050, 72 28 | Top coat for furnishings A00710050 73 29 | Filler for laminates 00710050, 76 30_| Anti erosion and anti static paint ‘A00710050 40 31_| Ant erosion top coat ‘a00710060_| 41 32_| Luminescent paint A00710050. 7 33_| Colouriess varnish A00710050 78 34 _| Decorative top coat for furnishing parts A00710050 74 35_| Tediar A00710058 102 6 _|Fuoro carbon sealant aoo7s0010_| ist 38 _| Polysulfide sealant for wet installation 00710010. 140 39_| Removable polysulfide sealant 00710010 146 40_| Antifretting varnish A00710050, 32 41_| Removable sealant A00710010 42 42_| Polysulfide sealant 00710010 144, 43 _| Protective compound A00710050_ 90 Iesue AV Page 30 November 2000 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE 400710003 REF CATEGORY N TEM REFERENCE. 44 | Water repelient coating oo710050 | $8 45. | Primer without chromate for composite parts Aoo7100s0 | 38 46 | Temporary protective type Ill aoo7i00s0 | 530 Note : As far as the products qualified are concerned, AS uses PQ references. For example for item 1, the PQ ref. is 10050-001.00. Issue AV Page 31 November 2000 A00710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE Ob-Lo Gugeydsoug| 6S 26-20 pre ounudins Buisipoue prey} = 8S 01-20 ‘shoye winuew 40 Bulsipoue prow ounyding | ZS. 60-20 ‘shoye winiuruinye jo Guisipoue pire ounyding | 9g 80-20 Bursipour pioe wo1ug| sg 10-20 Buned song] 95 theo Syed owo.yo pre] €s sez GUSH «up eued.o} unroen pun Bod une MaMNGUe-WON| oP $00 130V ‘Wnyuey puB shoe Nie 's}99}S 40) Buyeoo jueysyse. seeM| = LS me ashi 5 4 WWM sued 0; ured umupeD| os s8300ue snauy SNOUYNISSO au SINSWLVSEL SOVIENS 9UALIVHO Page : 92 November 2000 Issue: AV 400710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE ser yeooIn, yim wounwon oewo4D | 4 Sumye00 uonepHto-WUe 601 HA "PAH 220.10 41 OPN.) OL 2255 001m Aq Buideing | 69 zz0 : voeassed| 99 uvi-t0 7 ~ mgnaen| 29 2-20 - Suyeid exon] 99 aivi-t0 sea noden| 49 2-20 feidg ouz] 09 sz-20 feds unuuny | 29 ee-20 Suyeid oxo yeowweug| 19 90-20 SSuyeoo uojsionuoo eonoyo| 09 SS300ud SNE ‘SNOUWNDISIO Bu Wau SOW 9 WALdVHO Page : 33 November 2000, legue: AV 400710003 QAIRBUS INDUSTRIE Buyuoed toys Aig ve Bupeyd wnjuipeo + jeyou ped e Buyeyd wnywipeo ped zu ‘300ud Snaul SNOLLYNOIS3G (P3003) SINSWLVaUL SovaEnS 9ULdVHO Page : 34 November 2000 ‘seve: AV @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE ‘500710003 APPENDIX 1 Environmental Categories sketches Issue AV Page 35 November 2000 400710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE APPENDIX 1 yeoo doy ng + sewud : 9 Aobeyeo Fy yewud : y A08e129 0) a Tyo 7 et fat firms sovoGezeo jeyuewuosAug - Buyuyed jeusoyu; obejesng uo}UusAeid UOISO09 OLEW Issue AV Page 36 November 2000 00710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE APPENDIX 1 seeve jewoyul (Wue}eainbe 20 ¢ Sa) piny wualjedes s9}eM YIM payEas | seeze ewan i Jooyuigeo PAN EMOT mojeq pehesds 898 yj0q J00}} 1134900 mojeq pekesds 6B) yy X\ peouynqeinssard yy = aed peeing eunssaid piemio4 eels JOZIIGEIS FeO}WeA Aq pesenco Bory wel oloox a ota! sease jBUJa}xa puke jeusajul aBejasny - suomsajoid Aresoduiay uonuanaid uolso09 OLEy Page 37 November 2000 Issue AV 800710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE APPENDIX 1 piny jueiede, sajem yum pereen seeryE] aie (4g ewes) Lb toeiees (e9 ewes) I Dp uoRoeS 3g uonoes 1 (vai ower) (z ewes) ag uoRoes 99 UoRoeS AG YoRSeS Wy uoRzes s11e]eq - Sease jeuse}U! eBejesn4 - suojoejoud Avesodwie, uolueneid UO1SO109 OLEV Issue AV Page 38 Noverntber 2000, 400710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE APPENDIX 1 © Sd uM pofeuds eve seee esau) UIYUM syed OeIOW IY EB S19ZI]1GE1S - SUONIe}O1d Asesodwie, UONUBAeId UOISO1I09 OLEV Page 39 November 2000 Issue AV ‘400710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE APPENDIX 1 yoo doy nd + soud : 9 Abe L soupd : y Abe [] ‘seso6ayze0 jejUeWUOAUQ - GBuyUled jeuse}u! ebejesng uo}UeAeId UOISO.09 009-00EV Page 40 November 2000 Issue AV 400710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE APPENDIX 1 soon eu! (iuoreninbe 40 € Sd7) Piny jWeREdes eVEM YY PeyEEN seer pura 200} uigeo mojeq petexds sa0Bj uid 2001) ydx009 mojeq paresis 98} Uy peeping einssaxd uy Peon aunesaxd pats 7 filet ded od sbase jeUusa}xe puke jeuJayU! aBejesny - suoNoajoid Asesoduiay uo}jUusAesd UOISO1I09 009-008 Page 4 November 2000 Issue AV 400710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE APPENDIX 1 piny juspede: soem um porwon seory FY (pz “Bty 098) s00y juewyedwoo o67e0 104 (vz1 ewes) ‘20 woRses gguojeg §— YY UHSS s]]!8}0q - Seose jeUsE}U! ebejeSN, - SUOOO}OId Aueiodwe| UO}J}UBAVId UO!ISO1I09 009-00EV Page 42 November 2000 Issue AV ‘400710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE APPENDIX 1 £ Sd UM pokeuds axe seese esau) UIYTIM Sued ONNeOW Hy BB SuazITIGe}S - sud}}90}01d Asesodwa) uoNUaAaid UOISO1109 009-00EV Page 43 Noveber 2000 Issue AV @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE 400710003 APPENDIX 2 Common Selection / Equivalence / Codes tables Issue AV pageae November 2000 A00710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE (os)100. 100 100 vownos s00 100 100 soo | vovo a vars vzaee wave | swe | save | mv vzew oy usi2 row | tov 100 ov oxy one 12108 100 100 100 va (ewer. pue ewan) pow seye (z) sound Sy 204 ‘sere owoxo ‘soqmn feanionaig ao Pur yewselu! u! pordde s| ied Segni feumonuis 04] y sored pei i t ‘ 0001 (a) souuud + (09) pereen erewonso, oays pEID wey | oY | | ay lbobeg uous voc vauy | enpoig ook $3000 NIU saoTI HNN Page: 45, November 2000 Issue: AV A00710003 @AIRBUS INDUSTRIE Tose vyownos oar osy oy oxy oxy oxy vsvo sare +] 7 seers Od 1se29 1se2'9 ae | aw | aw ca ozev 20) 2512 cay fav Lev - o0ew 01 2108. Sov soy oxy sv = BOW Joye (2) sound Sy 204 or os os va “2upys ewsopeo sv seseo jpneds aro 20) ous pe sued popIOM ! 1 a 0001 (1) sownd + (6s) payeesun Susipoue prov wow |v sed pouyoeyy Ovew Oley ‘Bupeo jy oe ozev mean, ‘sue49g vONDeIONL vauy tonpotd yo odk ‘$3000 ONIMYHO SAOTIVWNININ TY Page: 46 Novemhar 2000 Issue: AV A00710003 @AIRBUS INDUSTRIE ] 1 ' 1 vownos f ' 1 vsvo ’ ' 1 os ozev 0s y2si2 ’ ‘ ' yny otevioney 1 L108 sv 30 = pon 188 (2) oud gy 103 vow ov 200 sv sow 400 400 400 va stove ‘cee ‘azev 10) Sogn anions jo uoneroid soon einionag ao send peg ! ! z e000 (1) sound + (09) pereen erewoyn| yaous peg oy cozy oy Supoo ty ‘aways wos06}01d vauy qonpoig yo ody Cod ov | so sowed 3000 oNmvua sAoTW WnINAMY Page : 47 Newembar an Issue: AV 400710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE (osie00 e200 800 vovNos: 00 7 7 ‘800 vS¥O eeeze + 7 eeeze + os ware zee ozey 194 paste uve uve uta pny ote - ooev 40} 2108 Z0¥ OV ‘800 sv Popy eye (2) sowud sy 104 seave jeuonxo £00 800 00 va ue (ewioiut uo pede si juied saqny jeanjansis 0.4 - (@6ed au 09s 20 Bere 10)) seqniyesmionas amo soyeid pei, 1 ’ e 20001 (€) yotuy + (1) sound + (09) poreen erewosy| 894s PeID ovev orev ‘Bupoo Ty ozew feweyos YORE vauy yonpoid jo @dAy. orev ooew Jo s08ued, $3000 ONIMVEG SAOTTV WINININATY Page: 48 November 2000 Issue: AV 00710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE (os)900 sy sy isy yonos vy vr (e) uous 1 vsvo sp isp ‘souetsio1 jounhys UBwl 10} yz @8n YSYO 104 wero + 7 were + od 1ser'9 1509 ozey 10) res} wow | uw | une yoy obey - 008v.05 21.08 vay vay oy soye (2) sound gy 104 ev fv sr sv sr sy is va ue 29 40 eeu ao ea eds pue 20 10) 1904s peID a ! ve £0001 ud + (68) paeesun Busipoue poe nwo] 9 | sued poprem syed pouyoeW on on Bapoow 7 oztv ev peo @WAYOS UONDEIOd vay yanpoug 40 adh ovey ovey | vosowed $3000 ONIMWHO SAOTIV WnINNW Page : 49 —Wvember 2000 Issue: AV A00710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE 7 7 7 VowNOS 7 7 00 vevo 7 7 7 oa wow | auew | aiew | ony cv cav cee 1 vest2 soy sov 00 sv o1ev-006¥ 2012108 ow soye (2) 04nd By 204 oar oar om va m0 se6eo ads 0004s peg i t * ‘0001 jd + (gs) payeesun Guisipour poe woud] sued papjam sued peuiysew, psa ozev a pomee BWEYOS VOHOSIOLY vaHv Fonpoid jo edAy ovey coy | sosouvea 4 $3009 ONIMVEG SAOTIV WNININATY Issue: AV Page : 50, November 2000 A00710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE (os6eo 00 00 00 yovNnos 7 7 7 vevo sero + i sero + ~ sere 1se2'9 os aerov | aurov | aurov nw ozev 10) v1s1z (@esy : obey - o0e¥ 20) £408 sov ‘sov (y) Soo sv PO; seye (Z) Jewud Sy 405, oy oy 300 vo ao i i s ‘20001 (1) sound + (gg) poeesun Buisipour pre o1wosyd | av ‘sOunsed orev ey | Supoonw ‘ocev ozev vey wre @WEYOS UONDB}Od Wauv onpoid Jo dA $3000 ONIMYEG. SAOTIV WAININN'TY Page : 51 November 2000 Issue: AV A00710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE 7 7 7 vowNOS 900 900 200 vsvo we +] 7 wee 19019 tse os czey 01 2512 uiroy | uutov | urov | onv o1ev -oev 0) £108 ev av 300) ov on sou (2) ound ‘Sy 04 ro sr 300 va 2 (©) usiwy 1 1 9 2000; | +1) s0upd + (98) preosun Susrpoue pie owowso| 9 soinseo ore oaey orev | gupoow owes voNnEI vauy | __onpoig echt vey cory | oomes $3000 ONIMVEG SAOTIV WnINIWTY Page : 52 November 2000 Jesue: AV (shoo 00710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE ) 1 400 | vowNos i i , vsvo ! 1 1 od 2 1 D ony ozev 10) pesiz Oley - oge¥ 20} 108 (@)19y voy vv (w) £00 sv + POW Joye (z) oud "Sy 04 | ’ ! 100 va ao 1 1 ‘ ‘60001 (1) sound + (09) pareon orewouu | e'¥ 6.04 010 ovev ozey ley Bunpoo ty |Ur0 49s UOHoeIO!d vauy 1onpoid Jo odkt orev 0E¥ 30 J0uyed $3000 ONIMVHG SAOTIV NNININMTY Page : 53 November 2000 Issue: AV A00710003 @AIRBUS INDUSTRIE (osye00 ! 1 800 vovNos, t 1 800 vsvo / 1 / os ozev 04 pzs12 1 ! ! ony ‘Ote¥ / 008 204 108 7 7 ‘800 sv Powy saye (2) sound ‘gy 104 7 7 ‘800 va ao 1 1 8 0001 (€) uswuy + (1) sownd + (09) pareen orewoxud | 9 sbuy610} 010 orev ozey orev Supoo ty aWeYOS LOHDBIO‘Y vauv tanpoid jo of oeey ooey 20 Jouve 83009 ONIMVHG SAOTIV WNNININNTY Page : 54 Novemnar ana tecue: AV A00710003 @AIRBUS INDUSTRIE (seco 600 600 600 vowNos 1 ! 1 vsvo seerg + 1 sero + 19829 19829 o4 suoy suey au nv ozey 10) psi Ley - 00820} £108 Sov sov 600 sv OW Jowe (2) souid "Sy 104 os 08 600 vo ao / ! 6 ‘0001 (1) sawud + (gs) payeasun Bussipoue proe sway! y s6u16.0} 01g orev ozey ouev ‘B.npoo 1y ‘eweYEG UONDBIOd vauy tonpoid yo edKL orev ooey Jo sued $3009 SNIMVEG ‘SAOTIV WTININTTY Page : 55, November 2000 Issue: AV A00710003 @AIRBUS INDUSTRIE (0s)900 o10 o10 o10 vowNos 010 010 010 Evo seca +] eee + 1sev9 sare os ur | ute | Le anv ozey 0} pes12 obey - 00} 2108 ov ov oo sv = POW s6ye (2) s9uHd Sy 204 Sy 7 010 va ao (e) usuy 1 1 o 20001 | + (1) sound + (¢8) peyeesun 6usspoue proe won| 9 8u6s0} a0 ovey ozey orev | Supooiy ‘sweu9s vonoaiorg vauy tonpog jo od orev vey 40 saUped $3000 ONIMYUO SAOTIYV WNININNTY Page : 56 Nouamher 2000 Issue: AV 00710003 ‘VOWNOS: vsvo @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE 4 ozev 40) pzsi2 ole / O0€¥ 20} L108 (g)soy 1 ) (vy) Lo sv OW J0Ue (2) s0wud “Sy J04 Zs i 7 0 va mo ii 1 u 20001 (1) sowud + (09) pareen erewonug | av suotioeg pepruea orev ozev ovey Bupoo ty ‘eweyog vorooio1d vauy tonpote yo edd. orev ooey so s0uNed $3000 ONIMYEG. SAOTIV WNININNTY Page : 57 November 2000 Issue: AV 00710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE 7 7 VOVNOS: 7 a0 vsvo 7 7 os fi 1 ny ozey 40) pzsiz Oley - ove 0) 2108 1 zo sv Pow seye (2) sound ‘sy 405 1 zo va ao 1 a ‘80001 (€) usiuy + (4) sound + (09) parwan syewouyg | 9 suoqoeg pepruxa, ozey ovey ‘Supoo iy ‘eweyog vonDeIosd vauv 1onpoid jo dk nev 40 J0UNEd ‘3009 SNIMWHG SAOTIV NNININNTY Page : 58 November 2900 Issue: AV A00710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE TosTees e10 £10 e10 vowNos 1 ! esr vsvo seg + ! sere + tsez'9 ‘829 o4 ozey 10} esi2 s8OW ayo suo pnw vey - o0e¥ 10) 2108 sov sov e10 sv ow Joye (2) sound ‘sy 204 OF oF 10 wd mo 1 ' oh 0001 (1) sounid + (96) poreesun Bussipove pie o1woNg |v suonoeg pepnixg orev ozev orev Buppoo iy wey2g vonoeioid vauy tonpoid Jo eck. oeey ooey so soured ‘$3000 ONIMYHO SAOTIV NNININTTY Page: 59 November 2000 lesue: AV A00710003 @AIRBUS INDUSTRIE TOs!s00 vio a) 0 vovNos: v0 v0 m0 ysvo geeo + 1 acevo + 1829 t9ar9 os BLO ube BLO ony ozev 20) vesiz. 0v soy vio sv Oley - one 20} 2108 | ty 1s» 10 va OW Joye (2) sound ‘Sy 103 ao (©) usu 1 1 vb 20001 | + (1) sound + (¢9) pereesun Buisipoue proe oy} ‘suonoes pepruxg, orev ozev ouey Burpoo iv ‘eweyos uoHDeIe1d, vauv onpoie 10 edAL, orev ooev Jo s0uyed 3000 ONIMvEG. SAOTIY MINIT Page: Nun nf Issue: AV A00710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE vowNos: vsvo od sto sv sto sto S10 va ot ao ‘20001 (2) sud 51 pasn oq 0} 10.14 out ‘Sy 104 ()s9uud + (g) sound ysem + (96) Buisipoue proe ounyding | seam ch ofan ‘syed WeIap pue syes eos, oeey ozev ovev ‘Buypoo iy 20 s0uyed ‘eweYoS uonoEIe:d vauv ‘npoig Jo edky $3009 SNIMYEG. SAOTIV WIININTTY Page : 61 November 2000 Isoue: AV A00710003 QAIRBUS INDUSTRIE vowNnos vsvo os nv sv 910 s10 va a ano 0001 (2) sowud Aq pooeida: (8) usiuy + (1) sound + (G) sound ysem + (95) Busipoue poe ounyding | 9, 120m 04 palqns | sued yep pue syed wag ozey ouey Bupoo iy 10 souyeg ‘9urayos vorDeioid 1onpoid 10 dA ‘$3000 ONIMVEO SAOTIY WININTTY Page : 62 November 2000 Issue: AV 400710003 @AIRBUS INDUSTRIE (oshios a0 x10 460 vownos | / ! ! vsvo 1sar9 ! tsez'9 o4 ow ay av pnw zov zov 210 sv a0 240 440 vo a0 wounds / ’ a 0004 (3) perees Gusipoue poe awosya | Oay | 10 sued 20) soseo yeeds orev ozev orey | Bupoo 1 ououng vooroid vauy pnpoig 0 od obey coey | so veuyeg $3000 ONIMVEG SAOTIV WOININNTY Page: 63 November 2000 Issue: AV A00710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE I 1 ' vownos i 1 1 vysvo eo + see9 19829 1 bsex9 os 1 1 oy ony tev tev 10 sv 810 810 810 va ao ) ii 1 aL £20001 | iweougny Ap + (ss) pereesun Buisipoue poe wo1uD| Oy ‘sued popes ovev ozew o1ew Supos iy @WEYDS UONDAIOL vauy ronpoid Jo edt orev ooey so J9uyed ‘$3000 ONIMYHG. SAOTIV WNININNTY Page : 64 November 2000, fesue: AV A00710003 @AIRBUS INDUSTRIE 1 1 1 YOWNOS ’ 1 ’ vsvo osex'9 ' osez’9 od ’ 1 ! maw cov ov 610 sv 610 610 610 va ao ss¥0u oqo! wewidinbe ' 1 6 0001 (gs) Bussipoue poe ounuding | Say 10 syed 10} ose0 rervads ovey ozey orev ‘uspeo ty ‘aweyog voH2aI01d vauy Jonpoid jo edk, orev ‘o0ev Jo s0uyed ‘$3000 DNIMVHG SAOTIV NMININTY Page : 65 Novembar 2000 Issue: AV vownos A00710003 QAIRBUS INDUSTRIE gov ozo sv 020 zo va a0 (») 1ueouqn Kup + (gs) Bu'sipoue proe ounyding | oay sued popeanys | ozey vey Bupoo rv 20 soured, ‘e1uoyog UoRDeIOLe vauy onpoid 40 edA1, $3000 ONIMVEG. SAOTIV WNININNTY Page : 66 November 2000 Issue: AV 00710003 @AIRBUS INDUSTRIE 120 Tostreo | stseo SeOSTT 3-081 2 (osiezo | (osieo | vovNos 1 1 ’ vsvo seer + sero + ere + sere + ‘pisino pue eprsul 0} owud ozs 1 oeve9 od ue sowyd 6uypuog out °va puE YOVNOS ‘0404 7 7 7 ny ozev 0) pzs1z 1 1 ¥z0 sv vey / o0ew 401 L108 oyy Jaye (2) sowud ‘Sy J04 1 ’ 420 va (urs ebeiesry 11 P1841 64) Uo) (1) sOWUd Jo Ye00 e : BuIpLoG LeWy Ferou 04 quookevoy re) episul sound 40 jeyou 0} jou Bupuog 1 ! 420 ‘e001 ‘Supuog + (ss) pereesun yy : BuIpucd aiojog |v -Joays pepun 20 peID orev ozev ovev ‘uipoo iy ‘aweyog voH2e10sd vauy yonpoig jo odky. orev ooev 30 J0uyed 83000 ONIMVEG ‘SAOTIV WNININNTY Page : 67 ‘November 2000 Issue: AV 00710003 @AIRBUS INDUSTRIE T 7 7 VO¥NOS: ! 1 1 ysvo ecera + sez + episino (1) s0wud + sound BuDUOQ size + gies + opisut (e) ows ' ozre9 03 | usjuy+ (4) sowud + seund Buipuod : va pue O4 104 : ' ’ ony ozey 04 p1s12 ! ! zo sv ! ! zo vo opps ou v0) (6) ust rejow o} mo onrsu sound quooteuoy 10 e1su 0 OU ! ! z £0004 Supvog + (gs) pawesun vv : Bupuog xojeq)| 9 | BupuoG-ie0ys peUN 10 eID orev ozev olew ‘Buypoo ty @WOYOS UONDEIO vay yonpoig jo @cKy oeey ooey 40 Ue $3000 ONIMVHG SAOTTV WAININTTTY Page : 68 November 2000 Issue: AV A00710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE vownos o4 sv vo ez mo ‘20001 (2) oud : Buipuog sony sewd Bupuog + (68) v9 Burpuog eio}og} eeys pe Bjou 0} quookevoy Bupuog vey orev ouey ‘upoo 1y wo s8uued yonpoid jo dks ‘$3009 ONIMVHG ‘SAOTIV NNINININTY Page : 69 Novernber 2000 Issue: AV A00710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE ! 1 1 vovNos 1 1 1 vsvo 1 1 1 os ozey 20) pzsi2 1 1 1 ony Oley - one 40) 2408 i 1 0 sv ow s04e (2) sound ‘sy 104 1 J 1 va ao 1 1 a ‘e000: (ov) usin + (1) sowud + (¢) pereesun yo] ¥ s2upeies ees ewes} 00g ovev ozev ouey 6upoo 1y ‘eweyog uonDe}o1d vauy tonpoid jo odk orev ooey 30 J0uued, 3000 SNIMYHG. SAOTIV WhINININTY Page :70 Novernber 2000, Issue: AV 400710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE 1 1 1 vowNos 820 t t SV A t t Os TVET eg | SUAVE | JAVED ozev 40) vesi2 agi =| aac | ges yay oe -o0ev 0 4108] (a) 6s By aly tw) 820 sv POW Jaye (2) sewd ‘Sy 405 820 820 820 va (y) sauned + (08) poyean sewonyo:v0re3 ao i V 8 ‘0001 (09) payean eyewosyo : 1ovewu)| B'y ‘sad1d 1eny papjemun, orey ozey oiey | Supoowy ewoy2g vonooiaia vauy | onpoigo edt oeey ooev | sosoureg ‘$3000 ONIMVHO SAOTIV WINK Page 71 November 2000 Issue: AV 400710003 @AIRBUS INDUSTRIE 1 t 1 vowNnos 620 ! 1 vysvo i ii 1 o4 suey aay aah ony 1 / ' sv 1 ii ! va a0 ‘i ' e 0001 (4) sound + (6s) poreasun Buispoue poe wong} @ ‘sadid jory papjemun orev ozey o1ey Burpoo iy 2WOUDS LOO vauy yonpoig 40 eds fey ooey Jo Joupred, $3000 ONIMVHG SAOTI WNININTTY Page :72 November 2000 fssue: AV A00710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE 1 1 , vownos , ! ’ vsvo ! 1 / os ozey 10) reste 1 ! , anv obey - o0ev 20) £408 , / oc sv pow Joye (2) sowd ‘sy 403 say + 060 co. oe va wo ‘sv 104 100% J oe 60001 (09) pareay ayewonyg : ove] ‘sedjd ian} popyemun, ovev ozey ouey Supoo tv ewey2g voN2eI01d vauy onpo.d jo odé orev ooev Jo Jeuued, ‘$3009 ONIMWEG SAOTIV WhININN TY Page :73, November 2000 Issue: AV A00710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE 1 1 ’ YOWNOS: 1 1 1 vsvo ' 1 1 os ozey 20) pisiz 1 1 1 pnw ‘Lev - o0ev 20) £108 Teor av a (w) 460 sv + Poyy eye (2) sowud "Sy 104 920 ‘820 te0 va (1) sows + (09) poreen erewosys : soos, ao ! 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THAIS SS3TNVIS NON Page : 108 November 2000, Issue: AV @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE A00710003 ! 1 i voWNOS evi 1 i vsvo 9seu'9 ’ 9se'9 od sa sa 90 wn ezamza | eza0z3 ert sv er ert rh va ao I ! ort ‘0001 (€) 6uneid wnwowyo preH| OV 320m o1 oAIgNS sued orev ozey ovev Bupoo wy ‘owoypg uondeioid vauy ronpoig jo odd, orev ooey 20 s0uyed, 83000 ONIMYEG ‘aALS SSIINIVIS NON Page: 109 November 2000 Issue: AV A00710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE Tlosies0 | osveso oe oot 1 vowNos: 'uny ptios + exeudsoud . 7 7 7 WSO weouqny quesuany + 19929 1 +9829 od lors ors | WOtsH anv 903 908 veh sv 1 4 ve. va mo ! 1 ve 80001 (6) esees6 + (6s) ereydsoud| Ov Je0m 0} palqns sued orev cee ovey Surpoo wy ‘2wr042g UoWDeIOd vauy anpoid yo odky orev o0ey 30 J0uyed $3000 eNIMYEG ‘ARIS SSTINVIS NON Page : 110 November 2000 Issue: AV A00710003 vowNos: vsvo @AIRBUS INDUSTRIE o4 sv sv vo ao £0001 (19) Sunes exo equ] ov Jom 01 wolgns sued ozey oney ooew Buypoo 1 yosouyed ‘eueyag uoNDe1o%4 vauy Janpoid 40 ods $3000 ONIMVEG ‘BLS SSTINIVIS NON Page : 111 Novernber 2000 Issue: AV A00710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE 7 7 7 ‘WOWNOS ! 1 ii vsvo ! 1 / od er aor woyr:pg| wo yripg ozey 29) visiz auvaH sw] awsHsu| ony Oley - one 40) £408 , 1 ost sv sowyd ‘gy 105 ost ost ost va (1) sownd + (€9 40 29) 1y 20 uz : 40403 ao ! 1 ost ‘20001 (1) sound + (68) eveydsoyd : souewwi| y ‘Sodid esmonus PeprenA ovey ozey oney Buspoo iv ‘swoyog uoNDeo1g vauv Jenpoid Jo odh orev ooey 10 Jouyed S300 ONIMVG ‘7aBLS SSTINIVIS NON Page : 112 November 2000 Issue: AV A00710003 @AIRBUS INDUSTRIE 7 7 7 VOWNOS ’ 1 ii vsvo ! 1 / od arer aLer Bier | vowr:ya] sovrsya) ovr] ay ozev 405 eus4z auvSH ui] JuASH stu] gueaH sur Oey - EV 29) 2108, ’ ! ist sv = POW Joye (2) sowud ‘sy 404 ist ist ist va sua + jauad + (¢9 10 z9) Absds my 40 UZ : souaDeS ao 1 ' ish ‘0001 1ud + (69) a1eydsoud : J04 9 ‘sodid yeamionas poprora | ovev ozev o1ey Suppo iv ‘eweuos uoHDoIord vauy ronporg yo odky orev cory | so vowed ‘8300 ONIMWHG 79a1S SSITNIVLS NON Page : 113 November 2000 Issue: AV A00710003 @AIRBUS INDUSTRIE 1 1 1 YowNnos ! 1 1 vsvo 1 ! ! od aurea ayaa aurea aut3H sut3H 44/3 pny ozey 40) ezs1z Le - 0020} L108 1 1 zsh sv OW soWe (2) sound ‘sy 304 zsg/0st zssi0si zs va amo Sedid resnjonns 1 1 zsh ‘20001 (1) sound + (68) ereydsoyd :zovew)| y | pepjem vou seewep yours ovew ozev orev Burpoo ty eweyog voRD@O1g vauy ‘onpold jo ech orev 0e¥ Jo souyed $3000 ONIMYEG. THALS SSITNIVLS NON Page : 114 November 2000 Issue: AV A00710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE 1 ’ 1 vowNos ! / ! vsvo / ’ 1 od uLt80 uiteo | uta ozey 10) peste 4u*3H auaH | 4ur3H ony tev - 0020) 2408 1 1 est sv ow Joye (2) od ‘gy 04 essist | essist est vo (6) ystun + (1) oud + (9g) wrnuped : souoDe ao sodid ! 1 est ‘£000 (1) sownd + (63) ereydsoud :sovawyy| 9 | pepiem vow seyeurHHp ews orev ozev orev Buapoo 1y wows vonooroid vauy tonpoig jo ok. orev ooey sos0uyed ‘$3009 ONIMVEO 7331S SSINIVIS NON Page : 115 November 2000 Issue: AV 400710003 @AIRBUS INDUSTRIE 1 1 1 voWNOS: 1 1 1 vsvo ’ , 1 od ozey 10) p2giz au su su nv Lev o0ey 405 2108 z03 z03 vi sv = Pow seye (2) sewnd "Sy 105 ussiost ta vs va ao sod jeunjonas 1 1 vb ‘20001 (u) sound + (98) wniwped | —y | papjom uou Jo}oWeIp of167 orev ozev o1ey Suipo0 1y ‘eteyog von2eIo1g vauy tonpoid Jo edkL oeey ogy 10 souyeg S300 ONIMVEG THAIS SSIINIVIS NON Page: 116 November 2000 Issue: AV A00710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE ' 1 1 YOWNOS / 1 ) vsvo 1 1 , os ua iro wire yay ozev 0} vzs1z Ley - O9eW 10) 2108 £03 e0a 31 sv + pow oye (z) sowud ‘sy 203 assist zh ss va ano did snyonuis ! 1 ss ‘20001 und + (08) wnwpeg| 9 | pepjem vou sorowerp oGve7 ovev ozev o1ey Buipoo ty ‘2U1949$ UONDeIOsd vauy 1anpore yo odk, orev ‘ooev 10 souyed ‘$3000 ONIMVO 7331S SSTINIVIS NON Page: 117 ‘November 2000 Issue: AV 400710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE TOST600 102 102 woz | vowNos: ! 1 1 vsvo Teer 7 SES oI ozey 101 v5 1 1 1 yay ey -o0ey 01 1108 wis oa 12 (o'v) 102, sv Pow Joye (Z) sould “Sy 104 102 soz oz va ao ‘sAOME WnWN|B Jo SUB | ’ / soz £0008 (1) sound + 49) 861 neA.0 (ra) sea NOdeA| AY | Bre UM IoEWUCD w seDeLNE ovev ozev orev ‘Supoo iy OWOYDS UONDE}OLd vauv yonpoid 40 odky orev cosy | sosousea $3009 ONIMVHO ‘T3318 SSFINIVLS Page : 118 November 2000 lesue: AV 400710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE Toshiog 202 zo zoe vowNos 202 ! J vsvo Tears 7 Tors oF 1 s 1 mov soa 103 02 sv zz 202 202 va ao shojo wntuwnye jo sued 1 1 zoe ‘20001 (0s) 6uyejd wipe] y | \fews ym petUco us SeoeyNg covey ozew o1ev Bupoo iy ‘oweyos UOHDeIO%d, vauv ronpord 40 odd oeey ooev 10 19uyeg $3000 ONIMVUG 7BaLS SSTINIVIS Page 119 November 2000 Issue: AV A00710003 @AIRBUS INDUSTRIE 1 ! 1 vowNos ! 1 ! vsvo ’ 4 1 os 1 y / pny ozey 40 vza12. ‘Lev / 08 40) 2108) 03 z03 02 sv ‘9 Pue y evoBereo u pow sey (2) sowd ‘Sy 204 be 02 02 va a0 shoye wnnujwnre syed 1 1 £02 £20004 (1) sound + (0) wwped | o'e'v Wm pe WoO ut seoepng, orev ozev ove Burpoo iy fewi949g LOH Deol vauy tonpoid jo ok ocey cory =| so soueg $3009 ONIMVEG TwaLS SS31NIVS Page : 120 November 2000 Issue: AV A00710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE ' 1 1 vowNos ' 1 1 vsvo ’ ! 1 os ar ar er pny 1 / 1 sv 1 1 02 va ao sued shoye wnyuunye 1 1 02, 20001 (¢9) Aesds ouz| ov ‘gm wequoo uw eoepng ovey ozey orev ‘Supoo ry ‘eweyog vopoeioid vauv tonpote 10 odA, orev ooev 20 J0uyed $3000 SNIMVEG. 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THAIS SS3TNVIS Page : 124 November 2000 Issue: AV 400710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE vowNos oa ez30z3 hee ou oz hizo, va Lazo ao 20001 {p) meouan ip (gs) Buneyd wniwowyo pie} O'W oom 0} 0olons sued ovev orev ouev ooev ‘Bupoo iv wo souyeg ‘eweyos voHDeo1d 1onpoil yo odd $3000 ONIMVEG Twas SSJINVIS Page :125 November 2000 Issue: AV A00710003 @AIRBUS INDUSTRIE zie fosi9s | losis | vovnos aie ane ' vsvo exs9 1 ezse9 o4 ! i ’ ony aa a3 ’ sv ae ae az va Sumeup oL ev / oe 998 Sv 404 mo i / ze 0001 (g9) vowensed| o'e'v losis seouneis, orev ozev o1ey Supco iy ‘ewes vonDerold vauy yonpoie Jo eck, osey ooey | so seuyey $3009 ONIMVEG 7BALS SSTINWIS Page : 126 November 2000 tesue: AV YoWNOS A00710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE we wsvo oa 99 29 99 boa 103 we sv bye bee lve ao 20001 (05) ere14 unjuipeo + ysey oOIN| O'V sero je10N09 oney Bupoo ty 20 UNE ‘aweyos vonDerold vauy tonpoid 10 eck, $3000 ONIMVEG. SAOTIV H3dd09 Page: 127 November 2000 Issue: AV 400710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE (os)io9 eve eve eve. vowNnos t ' 1 vsvo $0829 / seo os 99 99 99 ny toa toa eve. sv 1 1 1 va ao / 1 eve 0001 (os) wnwpe9 | ‘sBuiyeng jo syed soars ovey orev oney Bupoo iv fwey9g LONDeIOg vauy Yonpota Jo eddy oeey ooey 20 19uyeg ‘s3c09 ONIMYH SAOTIV H3dd09 Page : 128 November 2000 Issue: AV A00710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE vownos os ov ove, sv ove. ove, vo ove, mo ‘20001 (os) Buperd senig | o'v oxtuoe eoUIDeI 88 ouey Bupoo iv so s0uyed, ‘woyag voNPeIo1d vauy tonpolg 40 ody, ‘3000 ONIMYHO. SAOTI W3dd09 Page : 129 November 2000 Issue: AV 400710003 @ AIRBUS INDUSTRIE TOSTO0E 192 v92, 192 vownos, 4009 4009 1009 vsvo ‘zy su 09g) ! 1 1 od au au au ony ozey 40) vzsiz Lev - ooey 405 L108 192 192, 192 sv oyy soye (2) sound ‘gy 104 ose os9 192 va ‘Ove/0eE/0ZE¥ 10} VOVNOS pny pue O430} (1) ao ‘uo ozeW 20) YOYNOS — (2) t ! 19% ‘20001 WSvO pue va 10} (sy) sound] Shed reuay : soyeuwe), orev ozey orev Supoo tv ewes voqDeIOd vauy vonpoid jo dha fey ooey so s0uyed 3009 SNIMWEG ‘STVIUBLVW OITIVIaW NON Page : 130 November 2000, Issue: AV

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