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MAJOR TEST- 3 Time : 3:00 Hours Maximum Marks : 720 Pt | SYLLABUS ! | Physics : Full Syllabus I | Chemistry Full Syllabus I | Biology + Full Syllabus i | | Da INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATE GENERAL : This paper contains 200 Qs. There is Negative Marking. Write your Name, ID No. & Date in the space provided on this cover page of question paper. The question paper contains blank space for your rough work. No additional sheet willbe provided for rough work The answer sheet, machine readable Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) is provided separately. Do not break the seal of the question paper booklet before being instructed to do so by the invigllato. NOORone Blank papers, Clipboards, Log tables, Slide Rule, Calculators, Cellular Phones, Pagers and Electronic Gadgets in any form are not allowed to be carried inside the examination hall MARKING SCHEME : 1. This paper contains Single correct option, Sub option, Column Matching type and Diagram based questions, 2. Onlyone option is correct out of four given options. For each incorrect response, one-mark would be deducted. 3. InPhysics, Chemistry & Biology. There are 2 Sections : A&B Section Acontains 35 Questions, Each Question is compulsory & Having 4 Wiarks for Correct & —1 for incorrect. Section B contains 15 Questions. In which any 10 Questions you have to Attempt, Qt Q2 Q4 6 SEC HA|HB| the angle between A and Bis (a) 60° (b) 0° (c) 120° @) 90° The dimensional formula of angular velocity is (a) MeL! (b) MLT" (©) M°L"T! @ MULT? A man walks on a straight road from his home to.a market 2.5 kim away with a speed of 5 Aim h, Finding the market closed, he instantly turns and walks back home with a speed of 7.5 Aim/ h, The average speed of the man over the interval of time 0 to 40 min. is equal to (a) 5 konih >) 2 donih 30 45 (©) | kmh @ = kmh A weightless thread can support tension upto 30.N. A stone of mass 0.5 kg is tied to it and is, revolved in a circular path of radius 2 m ina vertical plane. If g= 10 m/s, then the maximum. angular velocity of the stone will be (a) 5 rad/s (b) 30 rads (©) JOO rad/s (d) 10 rad/s A particle moves in a plane with constant acceleration in a direction different from the initial velocity. The path of the particle will be (a) Astraightline _(b) Anare of a circle (©) A parabola (@) Anellipse In doubling the mass and acceleration of the mass, the force acting on the mass with respect to the previous value (a) Decreases to half (b) Remains unchanged (c) Increases two times (d) Increases four times Qa Q2 Q3 Qa Qs Q6 aff |A-BHA|4B) 14 Ag fe ote zt @) 60° oo (c) 120° (@) 90° sia ar or Pita ae (@) MLT (b) MILT" (c) M°L°T! (d) ML'T? we aftr om ux a 2.5 fart. AOR St aie eet Wee we S fea. /aT Ot wa 8 aan 81 aa a tae Te Wee aSey are eR A aie 7.5 fh / aver @ ae W wear ue Vga B1 a40 foe @ ercmrer S sea wf shee et wh (a) 5 km/h & 3 amin 30 45 (c) a. Aamth @ 2 kmih ye anda well 30N ae oT cna wer ay watt &) 0.5 fer wT Ww Te Me weer 24 Prom ad qaeR va A oe ater oa 4 gern orn @1 ate g=10 m/ sé, 7 eR w ater ehe oT eT (a) 5 rad/s (b) (30 rad/s (©) J60 rad/s @) 10 rads ye oo Ret wart 4 Pas oer a fq inte tr at fer & Pr fee a ay ora 8) aor ar que er (@) we Shi Rar ® Tata (c) We waa @ we ahaa aft frat ag o cam wen oT aT ct Tr ay far oy wa ag RH aM ae wat or am ante a & arer (a) amet ve OTT (b) srafteteier eer (©) aga et aT @ aR aT a ae Q7 as Q.10 Qu Quiz A body of 10 kg is acted by a force of 129.4 N if g = 9.8 m/sec’. The acceleration of the block is 10 m/s. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction (a) 0.03 (b) 0.01 (©) 030 (@) 0.25 A spring of force constant 800 N/m has an extension of Sem. The work done in extending it from Sem to 15 em is (a) 167 (b) 8 (©) 20 @ 24s ‘Two masses of 1 gm and 4 gm are moving with equal kinetic energies. The ratio of the magnitudes of their linear momenta is ) 2:1 @ 1:16 sphere and solid cylinder of same radius and density rotate about their own axis, the moment of inertia will be greater for (= R) (a) Solid sphere (b) Solideylinder (©) Both (@) Equal both Two point masses of 0.3 ky and 0.7 kg are fixed at the ends of a rod of length 1.4 m and of negligible mass. The rod is set rotating about an axis perpendicular to its length with a uniform angular speed. The point on the rod through which the axis should pass in order that the work required for rotation of the rod is minimum is located at a distance of (a) 0.4m from mass of 0.3 ke (b) 0.98 from mass of 0.3 kg (©) 0.70 m from mass of 0.7 kg (4) 0.98 m from mass of 0.7 kg The distance of the centres of moon and earth is D. The mass of earth is 81 times the mass of the moon. At what distance from the centre of the earth, the gravitational force will be zero (a) 4:1 > » 2 @ > oF 4D 9D o> @ > Q7 Qs Qs Quo Qu2 kg WFQ ® 1294 AEA we franta 1 AS 98 msec TT AY oT aAET 10 ms? Sr aa feat ar Io wT AT eT (a) 003 (b) 001 (©) 030 @ 025 ae-fracie 800 Nim are ve fit HER Sem®1 Sem B 15cm Te wea Se % fear var ord & (a) 16 ) 8y (©) 327 (@) 240 1am o4 om 3d & fies ware aftr Gut U om a we 8) ee Yeha dat a Pratt eth (a) 4:1 ) V3 (©) 1:2 (@) 1:16 war Poa a war waar & ve ste ae a we ore tot Gael aa } Re: wh eet 21 fever vem onpi athe erm = R) (a) Solid sphere (b) Solid cylinder (©) Both (@) Equal both 14m ae ea Fe a we BE S et RY WR 0.3 kg eT 0.7 ke @ HATA TA Md &1 ee et araat get @ wrk aT ahha art 8 apf far omer 81 af Bs ot gar # fear war ert =e eT 8 oo ae @ yon eT (a) 0.3 kg 2 8 0.4m Ga (b) 0.3 kg FETA B 0.98 GS (c) 0.7 kg SARAH 0.70 m oS @) O.7 kg FEMA B 0.98 m GT wae ver yet 3 dat 3 da a gD 81 yeh or zoe wan S TOM TTI ya?) qed o de a fe Gl we veret aa yy oT 2, 20. @> Os » a 2 OF @ Q.13 Qs Qus Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 The mass and diameter of a planet have twice the value of the corresponding parameters of earth. Acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the planet is (a) 9.8m/sec* (b) 4.9m/sec* (©) 980m/ sec? @) 19.6m/sec* In CGS system, the Young’s modulus of a steel wire is 2 x 10°. To double the length of a wire of unit cross-section area, the force required is. (a) 4 10°dynes (b) 2 « 10° dynes (c) 2 10" newsons (d) 2 10"dynes Small droplets of a liquid are usually more spherical in shape than larger drops of the same liquid because (a) Force of surface tension is equal and opposite to the force of gravity (b) Force of surface tension predominates the force of gravity (c) Force of gravity predominates the force of surface tension (@) Force of gravity and force of surface tension actin the same direction and are equal The value of g at a place decreases by 2%. ‘The barometric height of mercury (a) Increases by 2% (b) Decreases by 2% (c) Remains unchanged (@ Sometimes inereases and sometimes decreases A block of steel of size 5 cm x 5 cm * 5 cm is weighed in water. If the relative density of steel is 7, its apparent weight (a) 6XSx5%S of (by 44a 7 ef (])5*5xSx7 of (4x4 4x 6g ‘The absolute zero is the temperature at which (a) Water freezes (b) All substances exist in solid state (©) Molecular motion ceases (d) None of the above ‘The vapour of a substance behaves as a gas (a) Below critical temperature () Above eritical vemperature (c) At 100°C (@) At 1000°C Qs Q.16 Quay Q.18 Qs feet we ar ert ven ome yet @ ay 8) va we O oa WH aed eS (a) 9.8m/sec® (b) 4.9m/sec” (©) 980m/sec* @ 19.6m/sec* CGS wet 4 eer or aT wea WHE 2x 1078) YH go agra oe S whet Sar # fet wang of ah om s fea Fra aa a oeaen & (a) 4* 10Fdynes —(b) 2 « 10 dynes (©) 2 10? newtons (4) 2 « 10dynes feet we et xo at wre {et wr are a8 eM gern % afte atte eer 2 matte ORS (b) PS Tae acl Toca act F ag lot z (6) oct ae YS Tea wer Sas Bie E @) Fo ware aa Ve Goodly act away ce TH © fee 4 orf owt & fod wre wed aM 4 2% Bt wh ot unt @ ot aicr Foe a Gag (a) 2% eh (b) 2% Beat (o) araRtafiia eet @ wht act anh wert ea @ feet fos or ara Sem * Sem = Scm@l Sa wr aries ura 7% fies oF oe ¥ cher orn & ay amar ar shi (a) 6) wiftren ara @ afm og Oe (c) 100°C oa WR (d) 1000°C aT Q.20 Q21 Q.22 Q.23 Q24 Q.25 Q.26 A sample of gas is at 0°C. To what temperature it must be raised in order to double the rm.s. speed of the molecule (a) 270°C (b) 819°C (©) 1090°C (d) 100°C. A system performs work AW when an amount of heat is AQ added to the system, the corresponding change in the internal energy is AU. A unique function of the initial and final states (irrespective of the mode of change) is, (a) AQ >) aw (©) aU and AQ @) AU The isothermal bulk modulus of a perfect gas at normal pressure is (a) 1.013 * 10°N/m? (b) 1.013 « 10° N/m? (©) 1.013 107 Nim? (d) 1.013 = 10" Nim? ‘Two vessels of different materials are similar in size in every respect. The same quantity of ice filled in them gets melted in 20 minutes and 30 minutes. The ratio of their thermal conductivities will be (@) 15 1 (©) 28 @4 A particle is executing simple harmonic motion with a period of 7 seconds and amplitude a metre. ‘The shortest time it takes to reach a point 'M from its mean position in seconds is Jum from its mean position ids is @T (©) 18 b) 74 (d) 16 If a particle under S.H.M. has time period 0.1 see and amplitude 2 < 10 m, It has maximum yelocity = mis J mis @ 35 ©) 36 (© sms (@) None of these ‘The minimum audible wavelength at room temperature is about (a) 024 (©) Sem to2 metre sd (d) 20mm Q.20 Q21 Q.22 Q.23 Q24 Q.25 0.26 we te rerio ® @) i fer wh fron on mie gad omy A wf mea A aft apt et ott (a) 270°C (b) 81°C, (©) 1090°C () 100°C, ferdt fora et AQ wT e ae AW ort am & wer wat 4 oftadt au @1 unite a afar feferat ar siete wert VA oad RA (@) aQ ) aw (©) au and AQ @ AU areef te or ware era ue anata oR wearers aie eter e (a) 1.013 = 10° N/m? (b) 1.013 = 10°Nim* (c) 1.013 « 10 Nim? (d) 1.013 « 10 Nim? ft age 3 pal ag waar ee H wart ara ot a we 8) er wt ae wort 20 FATE sero fe 4 af we wren 81 set eT wr age mn (a) 15 1 (©) 23 @4 wea sat aft ort EY Ye oy OT ardsera reeves ve Ta a Neve | rey fey @ em wt gw Rem fry ae get aged ane fee war aT wae (ay T (b) 1/4 (c) 18 (d) T/6 af wea anata ye amt or orators O11 see TR SEA 2108 m BY At WoT a aor wre & x ® (@) Femis © 5gms (d) None of these oR dom ow gad 23 act fas were ort (@ 024 (6) Sem to2 metre © ms (b) SA (d) 20mm Q.27 Q.28 Q.29 Q.30 Q31 Q.32 The displacement y simple harmonic w. Ea aaa "sin( 20003), The periodic time cm) produced by a wave is y and maximum velocity of the particles in the medium will respectively be (a) 10sec and 330 misee (b) 104see and 20 mise (©) 10sec and 200 m/sec (d) 102see and 2000 m/sec A total charge Q is broken in two parts Q, and Q, and they are placed at a distance R from each other. The maximum force of repulsion between them will occur, when f@) @ (b) @ ©) Q @Q& Number of electrons in one coulomb of charge will be (a) 5.46 10° (©) 1.6 10° Ohm's law is true (b) 6.25 x 10" @ 9« 10" (a) For metallic conductors at low temperature (b) For metallic conductors at high temperature (©) Forclectolytes when current passes through them (@) For diode when current flows Dimensions of a block are 1 cm > 1 cm * 100 em. If specific resistance of its material is 3 * 107 ohm-m, then the resistance between the opposite rectangular faces is (a) 3*10%0hm ——(b) 3 «107 ohm (c) 3« 10° ohm. (d) 3* 10%ohm A heater draws a current of 24 when connected to a 250V source. The rate of energy dissipation is (a) 5007 (©) 2504 (b) 10007 @ 257 Q27 2.28 Q.29 Q30 Q31 Q.32 ra aradf aT grr seaw feast 2a 0004 Jem are fear rar at meay ¥ out or sradere cen aft Tot at par & (a) 10° see TI 330 mise (b) 10sec 2H 20 misee (©) 10° sec T2200 misee (d) 10? sec Te 2000 misee fag ser Qo a amt # 9 were, 4 frre oe WER Re We WaT Ta BL aH & ea vite or ae attend eT, ua of -o-2 © @=2.9-2 @ Q& 2.9,-2 we agin ante a edagtt at dem or art err (a) 5.46 * 10" (b) 6.25 « 10" (©) 16 « 10%" (@) 9x10" she or fran wer (a) ergs arereet ob AR apr aT (b) agg aretet & fer aiff aa ae (c) faga amega 4 @ arr vanes eA we (@ writs #4 ore ae ww ara fos a AeA 1 em x 1 em x 100 om &| aie geet fre HART 3 «107 ohm -m & ao age waar & ver eRe eT (a) 3 10° ohm (b) 3 107 ohm (©) 3*10% ohm @) 3« 10% ohm wa we Hex Bt 50S we S vist oT % dae 24 oe Sor 81 Got a Re (a) 5001 (c) 2507 (b) 10007" @ 125" Q.33 Q.34 A long solenoid is formed by winding 20 turns/em. The current necessary to produce a magnetic field of 20 millitesia inside the solenoid will be approximately y C 10” tesla —metre/ampere (a) 804 (b) 4.04 (©) 2.04 (@) 1.04 A magnet of magnetic moment 20 C.GS. units is freely suspended in a uniform magnetic field of intensity 0.3 C.GS. units. ‘The amount of work done in deflecting it by an angle of 30° in C.GS. units is (@)6 () 33 @s (©) 32-3) Q.33 Q34 20 BY aft Wt BA ast oer ae wrt 81 aftaferer & fee 20 fret eer wyatt aa sors oe 3 fie sree ert ehh errr Werner \ (t: tesla ~metre/ampere an J (a) 804 (b) 4.04 (©) 204 (@ 104 we ga firwor gadia angi 20 CGS wae @, 0.3 CGS mae & waa diac wa gaa aa Fo ete acer Tar & | gwar 308 feat wet fed fra wa orf ot CGS ae A AM ert (a) 6 () 3 (©) 30-3) @ 3 SECTION Q.35 Q.36 Q37 Q.38 At a place the earth’s horizontal component of magnetic field is 0.36 * 10+ weber/m?. If the angle of dip at that place is 60°, then the vertical component of earth’s field at that place in weber/a will be approximately (a) 0.12 « 104 (b) 0.24 10+ (©) 0.40 « 104 (@) 0.62 « 104 The direction of induced e.m.f. during electromagnetic induction is given by (a) Faraday’s law (b) Lenz's law (©) Maxwell’s law (d) Ampere’s law A sinusoidal ac current flows through a resistor of resistance R. If the peak current is J, then the power dissipated is lp (b) GbR (a) Reosd Aur ‘The ratio of momenta of an electron and an a particle which are accelerated from rest by a potential difference of 100 Vis om, (b) m, m, 2m, fal (©) @ Q.35 Q.36 Q37 2.38 w ft gem wR ph oS gad oat Ato wea wr AT 0.36 « 10+ dave 81 aT we eM Wat srr 60° 8, a AS es Sey ee oy ere ort & (a) 0.12 «10% (b) 0.24% 104 (©) 0.40 10+ (@ 0.62% 104 Reegedia der fh wear A MRe Aer awa wa @ ften Par wet fae, Pert (a) OS oT (b) oa OF (c) Aaa eT @ er a Route act wietee 4 wenadf arr or were eh eer tafe free are aT A, @, tt afte wae GR (a) FReos0 ) 4p Jy (c) qhk @ qk geaght Foor wy feed B 100 F faHaraRT em ata we wR ore wet wr ag ett ez Ons », © toe @l ©) Energy of electrons can be increased by allowing them (a) To fall through electric potential (b) Tomove in high magnetic field (©) To fall from great heights (@) To pass through lead blocks An electron has a mass of 9.1 x 10 kg. It revolves round the nucleus in a circular orbit of radius 0.529 * 10 m at a speed of 2.2 * 10° mis. ‘The magnitude of its linear momentum in this motion is (a) 1.1x10kg—m/s (b) 2.0x10“kg-m/s (©) 40x10 kg—m/s (d) 4.0x10"'kg—m/s When a semiconductor is heated, its resistance (a) Decreases (b) Increases (c) Remains unchanged(d) Nothing is definite The temperature coefficient of resistance of a semiconductor (a) Is always positive (b) Is always negative (©) Is zero (@) May be positive or negative or zero A ray of light is incidenting normally on a plane mirror. The angle of reflection will be @o (b) 90° (c) Willnot bereflected(d) None of the above ‘The image formed by a convex mirror of focal length 30 em is a quarter of the size of the object. ‘The distance of the object from the mirror is (a) 30cm (b) 90cm (©) 120em_ @) 60cm, The ratio of intensiti ‘They are prod of maximum and minimum intensities will be (a) 10:8 ) 9:1 (e) 4:1 @ 21 239 Q.40 Qi Q.43 Q.44 Q.45 aeaght ot wut age or wad & ate (a) S fie fre & Pret fear one () 6% aia Ba 4 a eer ore (c) 5¥ wh Sig @ fea aT GY @ Fe Oe F Tes B ToT oT we edaght @ Sa 9.1 x 10°! kg@l us aha oa F afte & ani sik ae wa Y yaar @1 ga wer s Proar 0.529 x 10m 8 den gctagta a teita mY 2.2 < 106 m/s 8, at Wehr WaT oT afearer et (a) 11x10 kg—m/s, (b) 2.0x10™kg—m/s (©) 40x10 kg—m/s (d) 4.0%10™kg —m/s wa adam ot aH od @, at saeT afereter (a) wear & (b) dear & (c) saRafia wear (a) Ge Pat Ae adareet aor sft om yee (a) Be eae eats (b) Bag zee State (c) Ga eran 2 (@) Few OIA A YT et Toa s ercet ator oe ue for afteraay arate Sw 8) watt oF a er (a) 0° (b) 90° (o) wate ae Er (a) GERD Ha a ET 30 S41 wed Gl aa sae aire ar are wftftra a ono wey a voces a1 ain a ag HM oh (a) 30cm (b) 90cm. (©) 120cm @) 60cm a wat at diam 9:13 agua 4 8 ak a after ver ay whe) ner we ape cirmalt ar arguer eh (a) 10:8 b) 9:1 (4:1 @ 2:1 Q.46 Q47 Q.48 Q49 Q.50 A particle moves along a circle of radius 20 ‘ = | mwith constant tangential acceleration. If the velocity of the particle is 80 mvs at the end of the second revolution after motion has begin, the tangential acceleration is :— (a) 40 ms? (b) 640 7 ms* (©) 160 x ms? (d) 40. ms? The vector sum of two forces is perpendicular to their vector differences. In that case, the forees -— (@) Are equal to each other. (b) Are equal to each other in magnitude. (©) Are not equal to each other in magnitude, (d) Cannot be predicted. An observer moves towards a stationary source of sound with a speed 1/Sth of the speed of sound. The wavelength and frequency of the source emitted are 2. and f respectively. The apparent frequency and wavelength recorded by the observer are respectively (@) 1.26, 1.2% (b) 1.26% LIM (a) 0.86, 0.8 An ideal gas heat engine operates in a Carnot cycle between 227°C and 127°C. It absorbs 6 keal at the higher temperature. ‘The amount of heat (in keal) converted into work is equal to : (48 ()3.5 (16 @12 The velocity of electromagnetic wave is Q.46 Qa7 Q.48 Q.49 Q.50 We oT ww wn wee ae a we TT fares) roar (22) om, Fg eer th farmer 8 anata qa S a aay ort ag aff ower a7 80 mvs et OTT 3 a enffa ae of art et (a) 40 ms? (b) 640 = ms* (©) 160 x ms? (4) 40 x ms? @ act a ate ar wae afer sie & oraaq 81 ga feet F @) Far WH QRS ara s (b) Feit wr aARaTeT wen GER away B (c) aa on after ger GER away ae B (d) Teil B a A BE He waa ae we tae um fee ef ear oF oie chy aa Of saad 8 ust wr 2) we a seater mended afte angi wren a der f 81 dao ant et wg sie ongftr ate mre mr 8: (@) 1.28, 1.2% (0) 1.26, (L122 (086,087. we orest te Gor gor wri-aw H227°C wr arcs aa oe oem @1 ae gr GRR TM UR 6 keal SEN wT ey BT BI ard 4 Rafer wor a ara (keal 4) Sf:— (48 (35 O16 @12 ga Gaeta wet or aT aie to & (a) BeE@ (b) ExBd (©) Et @ Be CO TONY ISNA Full Syllabus Sree Qsi © Number of atoms in 560g of Fe (atomic mass 36g mot") is : (a) Twice that of 70g N (b) Half that of 20g H. (©) Both (A) and (B) (a) None of these What are the products of the following reaction ? €)-ocn.ct.0H (@) p Br — CH, ~ OCH,CH, ~ Br (b) Ph ~ Br + Br-CH,CH,-OH (©) Ph Br + Br— CH,CH, ~ Br (@) Ph ~ OH + CH,-CHBr, Aryl halides are less reactive towards nucleophilic substitution reactions as compared to alkyl halides due to (a) The formation of less stable earbanion (b) Longer carbon halogen bond (c) The inductive effect (@)_sp*-hybridized carbon attached to the halogen Write the product of the following reaction . Opn i 41. Excess HBr RTE, a A+B cn, Br-CH,-(CH,),-Ci1 ~Br+CH,NH, —+ Product Poduct of the reaction is : cody) (b) N 4 © Lise oy bu, 4 ‘cH, Q.55 560 UT Fe F TRAST a Wea (GRA, FO 56g mol) ® : (a) 0gN 1 GAT (b) 20gH GI ste (©) (A) (B) SAY (a) FA A EET Pret after @ vcore 8? Qrooncnon (a) p Br - C,H, ~ OCH,CH, ~ Br (b) Ph ~ Br + Br-CH,CH;-OH (©) Ph Br + Br- CH,CH, ~ Br (@) Ph - OH + CHy-CHBr, carer vier afira 3 wit yer sags, vewa sags wt gam 4 oF fran & calf (a) 3H ert aréearert oT frat (b) afte ards Setter gar orang (©) Srefres sree (© Baw WHY gp? oka ard aga Bare) fre aftr or sere feftary + ofora Har Las at = A+B (b) Me ©) «) ca, Br-CH,{CH,);-ca — Br+ CH;NH, —> ST afta sere & ? (a) (b) Sw H © ree @y oH, CH, Among celluose, poly vinyl chloride, nylon and natural rubber, the polymer in which the intermolecular force of attraction is weakest is : (a) Nylon (b) Poly vinyl chloride (©)Cellulose (d) Natural Rubber The two forms of D-Glucopyranose obtained from solution of D-Glucose are known as (b) Anomers (d) Geometrical Isomers (a) Epimers (c) Enantiomers Select the correct statement(s) (a) The normal oxide formed by the element on extreme left is the most basic. (b) The tendeney of group IA (i.e. 1* group) to form oxygen rich compounds increases from top to bottom, (c) Oxides of metals are called as basic anhydrides. (4) Allare correct Which of the statemen s correct about SO, (a) two 6, two wand no Lone pair of electrons (b) twoo and one x (€) two ©, two wand one lone pair (A) none of these The ion which is not tetrahedral in shape is : (a) BE, (b) NH, (©) Xe0, @Icl, Which of the following is a wrong order with respect to the property mentioned against each (a) NO™> NO > NO* ~bond length (b) H, > H,! > He,’ -bond energy (©) Of > 0, > 0," -paramagnetic moment (@) NO,‘ > NO, > NO,-~bond angle Cryolite is = (a) Na,AIF, and is used in the clectrolysis of alumina for decreasing electrical conductivity. (b) Na,AIF, and is used in the electrolysis of alumina for lowering the melting point of alumina, (©) Na,AIF, and is used in the electrolytic purification of alumina. (a) Na,AIF, and is used in the electrolysis of alumina for increasing the melting point and electrical conductivity. Q.60 Vacs, vier frnga antes, age ote rafter wae aS ae ag frat aioe ag srreriot at gio & Pte: (a) self (by Sie free ints (o) eet (a) arepfere wae pageta & Ret 8 pzqetoetr a @ deen ora el 8, firs wed & (a) Tir ) RT (©) sears wr (a) sarftey wrareerdt we Se oT car SEI (a) Se ait sie ooftert cer aR GP are Sry sierarss waiters enter ert B 1 (b) Steettorr ert atfinet & Prater a 1A wf Gora, wah a art aA agit ores Ba om haath &) (©) ang stergel ot enti treegies wed 8 @ sure wet SO,% fort fret 4S Stren wer wet 3? (a) Vo, B xcen HI wera Selah ye eT ©) Vow ix ©) Boa coer ww Yor getaghs YA @ Sra 48 we Et fra are at arefy agercata we 21 (@) BF, (b) NH,’ (©) Xe0, @ic, Sie S arr afta fee ay amt & wet 4, Pera a ett qed Bs — (a) NO > NO> NO‘ ar wars (b) H,>H,' > He, Tt Gul (©) 02 > 0,> 02 -ygHrta set (@ NO, > NO, > NO, 4 GT writege + (a) Na,AIP, cen YeaPr teaver Hae arora # aa wet & fag GaaT eet BI () Na, AIF, cen Reta d degt-soaes F era By review Peg Hae awe ole IRR AB (©) Na AIF, war Yara & aga—seresta ‘ofeaen H nga ee SI @ Na AlF, oF oI taf S dee set Hi raraien fey cen Ae cree wy aay & fer fren wren 2) Q.63 Q.64 Q.65 Q.66 Q.67 Q.68 Consider the following statements ; s, The ionization energy of molecular nitrogen is greater than that of atomic nitrogen. The ionization energy of molecular oxygen is less than that of atomic oxygen. Sy: Between SiCI, and CCI, , only reacts with water because SiCl, and CCl, is covalent. O, >is paramagnetic and has bond order less than O, - and select the correct statement. (@)S,,S,andS, (0) S, and S, ()S,S,and, (@)S, and 8, ‘Two element have electronegativity of 1.2 and 3.0. Bond formed between them would be : (a ionic (©) polar Covalent (©) co-ordinate (@) metallic Asoluti “ont ing 0.1 mol of a metal chloride ‘MCI, requires 500 ml of 0.8 M AgNO, solution for complete reaction MCI, + xAgNO, > xAgCl + M(NO,),. Then the value of x is @l (b)2 4 3 If the positions of Na’ and CI” are interchanged in NaCl, the erystal lattice with respect to Na* and CT" is : (a) unchanged (b) changes to 8 : 8 coordination from 6 : 6 (©) additivity of ionic radii for "ais lost (a) none Pt| Cl, (P, atm) | HCI (0.1 M) | Cl, (P, atm) | Pt, cell reaction will be spontaneous if. (a) P,=P, @P,>P, ()P,>P, (@P,=P,=1 am Equivalent conductance of 1M CH,COOH is 10 ohm* em* equiv and that at infinite dilution is 200 ohm” cm*, equiv’. Hence % ionisation of CH,COOH is : (a) 5% () 2% (0) 4% 1% Q.63 Q.64 Q.65 Q.66 Q.67 Q.68 Re eet or sector aire S,:anfae aggtaa a araaa wut pals eater Soe ae 1 S: afta ater a aaa out gore efector ga # ooh 1 var cc, 4 a aa é we saa Cl, fear aT & PAG Sich, ware @ wT CCl, TERA FI S,:0,- aypar tin & wer wT wa O, a oF am @ we set aft @S,.8,7TS, (WS, TTS, (©) 8,8, S, (@S, TTS, et oat GY frea—aeere 1.2 cer 3.0 81 wad aa or oe FT em (@) safe (b) eilter sreeizitores (©) SiMeeaitor =) emer aw Poet ret wr aiPifber aA D fee ag acikigs MCI, oT 0.1 et & fery 08 M AgNO, Rcret B 500 mi A severe eh & MCI + xAgNO, > xAgCl + M(NO,),,x OT FT -® @t (b)2 ()4 (a3 afe NaCl ® Nat ae cr a Reft ot ora ofa ae fear one, at Nat wer Cr é wet F frecita cree & (a) araRRafefa | (0) Se4 wera Gea 6: 68 8: 8H aRafe ert | (ora fee arate Peers or ar eT TR THT | (d) arg =F Pt | Cl, (P, atm) | HCI (0.1 M) | Cl, (P, atm) | Pe, Ga aftfear eae: ert ate @P,=P, (oP, >P, OP>P, (@)P,=P,= 1 atm IM CH,COOH f rule aTEPTTIO ohnr* em? equiv! Te SMT Tye We Geet Aree 200 ohne! cm*, equiv? &1 3%t CH,COOH @ % aren & (a) 5% 4% () 2% @ 1% Q.09 Q.70 Qn Qn Q73 Q.74 Q.75 Q.76 How many moles of KMnO, are needed to oxidised a mixture of 1 mole of each FeSO, & FeC,O, in acidic medium ; (a) 45 (b) 5/4 (©) 3/4 @) 53 Which of the following may act both as an oxidizing and a reducing agent : (9) H,0, ()Mn0, (c) SO, (d) All of these A colloidal solution is subjected to an electrical field. The particles move towards anode. The coagulation of the same solution is studied using NaCl, BaCl, and AICI, solutions. Their coagulating power should be (a) NaCl > BaCl, >AICL, (b) BaCl, > AICI, > NaCl (©) AICI, > BaCl, > NaCl (@ BaCl, > NaCl > AlCl, The ratio of dissociation constant of two weak acids HA and HB is 4. At what moar concentration ratio, the two acids will have same pH in separate solutions: (a)2 (0.5 4 (0.25 is obtained when ammonium dichromate is heated. (a) nitrogen (c) ammonia (b) oxygen (d) none In the ostwald’s process, nitric acid is prepared by the cat @N, (©N,0, (a) NO, Which of the following s-block metals has the lowest first ionisation energy ? (@) Mg (b) Be (Na @Li Given van der Waals constant for NH, H, and CO, are respectively 4.17, 0.244, 1.36 and 3.59, which one of the following gases is most easily liquefied? (a) NH, ©0, oH, 00, Q.69 Q.70 qm an Q.73 Q.74 Q.75 Q.76 ara area ¥ FeSO, Te FeC,0, IG 1 ater frat at sitetg oe & fee KMnO, @ feat alt sravap & : (a) 45 (b) 54 (©) 34 d) 93 fra a a a siefore cer sree aH a ae orf oer: (@ H,0, (b) Mn0, (©) SO, (orient i Ww Hag far we aa oniitt fear one @, fort ar ot att ae owt &) wi fier ¢ wea oO maT NaCl, BaCl, V4 AICI, Reread @r STAT ax fear oie 81 Sigh kore ara er arity (a) NaCl > BaCl,> AICI, (b) BaCl, > AICI, > NaCi (c) AICI, > BaCl, > NaCl (@) BaCl, > NaCl> AlCl, a gda ora HA CATH @ feator Reria ar agar ¢) foe stae arRar wy, eet areit & yer Part atpH war Shh ? @2 (b)0.5 4 (02s wa oie cremhte of wt fren ore & va —— mre tit 31 (a) TSI (b) stferstort (©) srr @) Fa a we ae ators ven ¥ age oa feud sera stator & aR TaN wT ge (@) Ny (©) NH, (©) NOs @ No, fra 4 a fee sate ag tower ord out wat ort? (a) Mg () Be (© Na @ui NH, H, we CO, # fey awsraren Reria FART: 4.17, 0.244, 1.36 Te 3.59 fey AT 21 Prefer 4 @ ataet te wat arent O sft a ont & (a) NH, ©0, () @ co, Qa O78 Q.79 Q.80 Qsi Q.82 The compound A on treatment with Na gives B, and with PCI, gives C. B and C react together to give diethyl ether. A, B and C are in the order (@ GHLOH, CH, CHCl (b) CHO, C.H,C1, C.H,ONa (©) GHC, CH, C,HOH (@ C,HOH, C,H,ONa, C,H,CL Hydrocarbon (A) reacts with bromine by substitution to form an alkyl bromide which by Wurtz reaction is converted to gaseous hydrocarbon containing less than four carbon atoms. (A) is (@) CH=CH (b) CH=CH, (©) CH,-CH, (@ CH, ‘The compound C,H, undergoes the following reactions : CH, 24 542 gy Bg The product 'C' is (a) m-bromotoluene (b)o-bromotoluene (c)3-bromo-2,4,6-trichlorotoluene (d)p-bromotoluene Which oxide of nitrogen is not a common pollutant introduced into the atmosphere both due to natural and human activity ? (@) N,0, (b) NO, (©N,O (@) NO For the redox reaction MnO, + C,03+ H > Mn* + CO, + H,0 the correct coefficients of the reactants for the balanced equation are MnO, C02 i (a) 16 # 2 2 5 16 © 2 16 3 @ 3 16 2 Which one of the following conditions will fayour maximum formation of the product in the reaction, A,(8)+B,(g)==X, (8) AH =-XkI (a) Low temperature and high pressure (b) Low temperature and low pressure Qn Q.78 Q.79 Q.80 Q.81 Q.82 (a) CHOH, GH, CHCl (©) C.H,OH, C.H,C1, CH,ONa (©) CHCl, CH, C,H, (@) C.H,OK, CH,ONa, CHCl tin @ fort fe a 8 om ody Team &1 (A) (a) CH=CH (b) CH=CH, (©) CH,-CH, (@) CH, we aie CH, PafeRaa aftr a pe & CH, 4 Be gp) ce va Ce @) marrige (b) oats (c) 3-32 4, 6-creTeiRIciget (@) parities grea 4 weft wd ara farsi eto faffa aeglaa ot otra afeargs wee wae vee (@) N,0, (b) NO, © NO (@ NO {ies aftifea MnO, + C,02+ H* > Mn* + CO, + H,0 @ fay aged wie o fay afreret 3 wa Piet MnO, C,0- Hw @ 16 3 2 ) 2 3 16 © 2 16 3 @ 3 16 2 afitrar 4 Prafefa ¥ a eth een aR wore Pair & fore caart & A,(g)+B,(:)==X, (g) AH =-XkF (a) PT ary gd wea ere (b) ea ara ad fT a (©) High temperature and high pressure (@) High temperature and low pressure The correction factor 'a' to the ideal gas equation corresponds to Q.83 (a) density of the gas molecules (b) volume of the gas molecules (©) electric field present between the gas molecules @ forces of auraction between the gas molecules When initial concentration of the reactant is doubled, the half-life period of a zero order reaction (a) is halved (b)is doubled (0)is tripled (d) remains unchanged The bond dissociation energies of X,Y, and XY are in the ratio of 1 : 0.5: 1. AH for the formation of XY is -200 kJ mol. The bond dissociation energy of X, will be (a) 200 kI mot! (b) 100 kJ mol" (©) 800 kJ mol (4) 400 kJ mol Q.84 va Ww oa Ta @ Fe a od Pre ae ret the wAtereor 4 igh are ‘at Wafer G@) te spit & aT (b) tre aryl & Hea seer ae (©) tte armpit ae safer Page eae @ at sup & ora H wa aftene 3 ane area a SIT for ort at ya ae A aftr o fore srdargeret (@) aren Bhat (by araftateier echt & (o) feeran eret & (d) gy ei @ KY, a XY @ ore fate cutsit or OY 1:05:18) XYS Re A Wet AH = -200 kJ mot"! X, @ sider frat wat er (a) 200 KJ mol (©) 800 kJ mol” (b) 100 kJ mol (4) 400 kJ mot" Exe Q.87 the major products P, Q and R in the following sequence of reaction : Q.86 gon Qyercrcr.c— 2 eStore an (CH.CH,CH,, 10 © yey croton CH.CH.CH, CHO COOH ore) (CH), OH (c) ’ CHSCHIOHICHs, i CHICH)), 0 OP J ovcoan Which of the following compounds can form a zwitterion? (a) Aniline (©) Benzoie acid Q.87 (b) Acetanilide (Glycine Prefefea fiir seen 4 yer sore RQ RA wea whee” 06 Qpecteccnc rian Ok Pe Q R CHCCH.CH, CHO 0 & owen CH.CHCH, CHO COOH 5S S CH(CH)), OH © d arcrona, on CHICH), om OQ: ait-c0-c1 Prafeftar 4 8 etre dire feerex sree or aT wom (a) Rr (©) Huilsw ara (b) rareeiia @ wheres Q.88 Q.89 Q.90 Q91 Q.92 Q.93 ‘The type of isomerism shown by the complex [CoCl,(en),] is (a) Geometrical isomerism (b) Coordination isomerism (c) Ionization isomerism: (@) Linkage isomerism. Which one of the following ions exhibits 4-4 transition and paramagnetism as well? @) C10} (b) Cr,03 © Mn0, (@) Mn0} ‘The geometry and magnetic behaviour of the complex [Ni(CO),| are (a) square planar geometry and diamagnetic (b) tetrahedral geometry and diamagnetic (c) square planar geometry and paramagnetic (@) tetrahedral geometry and paramagnetic Iron carbonyl, Fe(CO), is () tetranuctear (b) mononuclear (c) tinuclear (@) dinuclear Mateh the metal ions given in Column I with the spin magnetic moments of the ions given in Column I and assign the correct code : Column 1 Column It a. Co* i, J BM. b. Cr (35 BM. e. Fe V3 BM. d. NE iv. 24 BM. vy. JIS BM. a boc a @ wow i i oi i o@ Ww @ wi ii @® # vii Pair of groups exerting (-I) effect is - (@)-NO,&-CH, (6) NO, &-C1 (@-C1&-CH, (@)-CH, &-CH, Q.88 Q.89 Q.90 Q91 Q.92 Q.93 WHA [CoCl,(en),] AT Fea warsracy wm oR @ (a) senftie, wareract (b) ae ware (c) era area (@ sraReiorrs warrcerT frafeftar 4 8 etre ae da dT earn & cer ae Hf aggre he (a) COP (b) Cr,O (©) MnO, (@) Mn0¢ IN(CO),] Bega SF venfBA ea Brae aT at wart cathita wi wage (b) cgereraira veNPA Meh argqepare (oe wach oan eet arIaFachte (@) agency sank ve wfrgrrata araet wraifra, Fe(CO), & agenda (6) Rdrra (0) Baw (@ wom ater 14 Re my ang area wt atom % Re ay oR S ae gael omit OS Promgy cer wet ede at Ase site wien 1 wir a, Co™ i, V8 BM. b. Cre ii. /35 BM. c. Fe* ii, J3 BM. a. NB iv. J24 BM. vy. Vis BM. boc a @ iv ii ® i i iv © wii ai ft @ v i il CD wre IY are BT oT WE (a)-NO,&-CH, —(b)-NO, &-Cl ()-Cl&-CH, (@)- CH, &-CH, Qo4 Q96 Q97 Q.98 Which of the following carbocations is expected to be most stable ? 0, fa) o. (b) rs Wo, 40, rf © 3 @ O ¥ Which of the following molecules represents the order of hybridisation sp*, sp*, sp, sp from. left to right atoms 2 (@HC =C-C =CH (b) CH, = CH-C = CH (©) CH, = CH CH= CH, (d) CH, - CH= CH - CH, In a set of the given reactions, acetic acid yielded a product C. CH,cooH+ Pel, + AS, > BSE 5c product C would be :- : (a) CH,CHOMNCH, (b) CH,COC,! CH, (©) CHCHOH)CH, (@ cu, Gorey Four diatomic species are listed below. Identify the correct order in which the bond order is increasing in them : (a) C2 < Hes <0, ) WT (©) =RrereR (d) RTT HT Q.110 wt A aT wae an ete (a) siftrert (b) Yass wT (©) serra airy (a) AoA FIT Qu eet tat wd @ artower () aRawgee (6) forse (a) Brae Q.112 Agere ot onal qe at Be (a) aed) aed @) faeeh acters Q.113 RA wa ae o gM 3 fa oT war eh (@) Br®O7 KC, As Gin (&) Broo” “KiCuAiG © Breo” “KeCAn Ger (@) Fr ® OK, CAsGey Quid QS Qui6 Q.ui7 Qs Axillary buds develops from :- Q.114 sere Sfrert Petia ead a (a) Root apical meristem @) Fa wit fro a (b) Intercalary meristem (©) arate fase 8 (c) Shoot apical meristem (©) Wate ent fein F @) (a) and (¢) both (@) (@) ae (©) a system of classification is Q.115 @fowr @ unfaqeta safe anenftr art 8 (a) arta wert oe (b) Chemical constituents &) waTaR® wer (©) Evolutionary relationships (c) Seftorita Sa (d) Floral characters @ gia wer Observe the following figures and identify Q.116 Fret feat @ seenPre — them : @ SF gp “ " (a) A-gefar BPR, C-rtRaw (a) A-Euglena, B-Paramectum, C-Agaricus (by A-grotay, BeohRuy, C- are (b) A-Euglena, B-Planaria, C-Agaricus (©) A-Planaria, B-Paramecium, C-Agaricus (0) A- whiter, B-detaPrer, C- paar (@) A-Euglena, B-Paramecium, C-Aspergillus (d) A-zeofa, B- der Rrere, C- ceaeferenr How many characters in the list given below Q-117 “a RA we Et FS foot ae ga are correct for this diagrame? fa oom aa & (i) Non-oxygenic photosynthesis @ wade ver dew N2-fixation N2—-Retrerer }) Decomposer sae (iv) Stored food similar to plants dy) aa ae Tent S WAT () Production of antibiotics (vy) wae er Prater (vi) Peptidoglyean cell wall (wi Vergehergda wien Pile (@)iviiiv Wii (@)i ii iv (ii, vi (Diisive vi @iiiiii,v ii iv,y, vi ii itv The correct floral formula of Colchicum Q.118 @fawa sterta wy aT eH autumnale ? (@) BBQ” Py AssGus(b) BEQ”HA,,Go, (2) BbrEO” Puy As 3G (b) BEBO” PA, Gy (©) BrOQ? PLA, Go) @) B%O7 Ky.0A, pk - wsfigy (©) BOQ’ PA, Gy) @) BI%O" Ky.AysGo, Quis Q.120 Qu2 Q.122 Q.123 Q.124 Q.125 Bryophytes are called “Amphibians of the plant kingdom:” because : (a) They are found in only water (b) Plants live in moist soil butare dependent on water for sexual reproduction (©) They needs water for spore formation (@) Water is essential for its survival Which type of vascular bundles are present orca GD \@ @) ‘e0o Which of the following statement is not related to red algae ? (a) Floridean starch (reserve food) (a) Conjoint open (b) Radial (©) Concentric (@) Conjoint closed (b) Spore and gamete are non-motile (c) Post-fertilization development is like other algae (@) Redalgae can vary theirratio ofphotosynthetic pigments depending upon the light conditions Which of the following is correct about class Deuteromycetes ? (a) Some members are saprophytes or parasites (b) A large number of members are decomposers oflitter and help in mineral cycling (©) Alternaria, Colletotrichum and Trichoderma are deuteromyeetes (@)Allof these Incitrus plant which type of stem modification present ? (a) Phylloclade (b) Stem thom (©) Cladode (d) Stemtendrill Which plant have syncarpous ovary ? (a) Papaver (b) Rose (©) Lotus (@) Michellia Select incorrect statement :- (a) Apical meristem and intercalary meristem are ‘examples of primary meristem (b) Secondary phloem and periderm are included in bark (c) In a isobilateral leaf, xylem is adaxial in position in the vascular bundle. (@) Ina dorsoventral leaf, xylem is abaxial in position in the vascular bundle. Qu Q.120 Qu21 Q.122 Q.123 Qu24 Q.125 eaieEcy TT TIT S waa weet & aati — @) % daa wa Fae ond #1 () Tau aH Aa A wed 2 wg afte aa & fry aa we fre ort #1 (©) dary Prater & fey cet anaes etc 81 @ wa shea & fere srazaa etot 81 fe fea at faa ¥ Wort qa a ain ver sated 8? @ dant ga (b) ana £02 >) (© vex See) @ vigat Te fre Ss re ton e wed A adh a? (@) veiisas ert (Gita stra) () Feary a ae ariel eter (©) aa sare & Ba wea Pitas fore erm 1 (@) ater Sarat wore UR a GER. weoTET weer afer & orga 4 uRais ax Ha fe ae arn of arate o wat 4% wel 8? (@) Qe wees yctaohd aT wey ad 8 (b) og wees fer or sacT a ura ar Howes @1 (©) seven, atecigian 7 gisele eprgetdta 31 (@) Stat eit iq ual ¥ fra wor or wT WUT UT wT 8? @ won err ) wr as (c) Wort vd (a) oA war fea cer 4 gash sve oe oR (a) ser (b) era (c) are (@ wr oe ot oT aa wee! (a) ahr fewer wer arate asec grit first & sere #1 (Rees ween er ARH ore HP Cy Be oer A a Refer spaer ert &1 @) Qorunt wt a das yet a Grace at Rett carrer Brel Q.126 Q.127 Q.128 Q.29 Q.130 Qu31 Q.132 Naked cytoplasm, multinucleated and saprophytic are the characteristics of (a) Monera () Protista (©) Fungi (d) Slimemolds The embryo sac of an Angiosperm is made up of (@) cells (b) 7cellsand Smuclei (©) Tnuclei (@) 7cells and 7 nuclei Which one of the following is snake? (a) Cobra, (b) Viper (c) Python (@) Krait Roots developed from parts of the plant other than radiele are called (a) Tap roots (b) Fibrous roots (©) Adventitious roots (d) Nodular roots jot a poisonous Cross section of animal bod: Which one of the following animals will satisfy the above cross section? (a) Hydra (b) Syeon (¢) Planaria (@) Fuspongia Match the followings and choose the correct answer A. Hermaphrodite i, Produces blood cells ‘und haemoglobin B. Direetdevelopment ii, Testisand ovary in ‘the same animal G. Chemoreceptor Larval formabsent D. Blood glandin ix earthworm, Sensitive of chemical substances Options: (a) Adi, Bali, C-iv, Dei (b) Aviii, Bail, Cv, Di (©) Adi, Beli, C-iv, Doli (d) Asi, Bev, Cli, Di Select one which is not true for ribosome (@) Made of two sub units (b) Form polysome (©) May attach to mRNA (@) Have no role in protein synthesis, Q.126 Qu27 Q.128 Q.129 Q.130 Qu31 Q.132 aga Pitre, aeehea den yaoi feat siftraeror & @ are () sifeeer ©) raR (@) arin ree agate wr ar Bier wr eet B @ sani @ &) Taito aan sdaat a (o) Toaat (@) 7 via TENT Saat Prafeftrt wtat 4 ata wiv fate et eto (a) Ort (b) ag (©) WRT (@) ot TEM o afeRer tet é ora amt & freftia ws (qe) wean & (a) eT os (b) HOST AT (©) arene yt (d) are ART ug wae om agree oe Am ft ame Ue agra ore foe we vig 8 wai (a) orEx7 (b) wrerrrT (©) oHiRer @ genio Prefer or Prat ziftrg ote wet free wr mat airy A watt i oft sift ser erivatfer srt er @] B wean oRats ii, We St ooh 4 gar ger stsrert at Sr Cc whe i, Saw wo agate Dag awie ok wT Woes wife Ray sderetter fawer (a) A-ii, B-iii, C-iv, D-i (b) A-iii, B-ii, C-iv, D-i (©) Ai, Baii, Civ, Dai @ Adi, Biv, Coli, Da Preafeittrcr Sate gor afy ot wrest Sar twa wee (a) & wagers or ar eta & (b) Sifereity are & (©) mRNA & Brey Gs ete F (@) sea eischo F geremt ag avast Ste Q.133 Qu34 Q.135 Q.136 Q.137 Q.138 Which of the following feature is common to prokaryotes and many eukaryotes? (a) Chromosomes present (b) Cell wall present (©) Nuclear membrane present (@) Sub cellular organelles present Meiosis occurs in organism during (@) Sexual reproduction (b) Vegetative reproduction (c) Both sexual and vegetative reproduction (@) None of the above Amoeba and Yeast reproduce asexually by fission and budding respectively, becai they are: (a) Microscopie organisms (b) Heterotrophic organisms (©) Unicellular organisms (d) Uninucleate organisms. Seon In the embryos of a typical dicot and a grass, true homologous structures are: (a) Coleorhiza and coleoptile (b) Coleoptile and seutellum (©) Cotyledons and seutetlum (@) Hypocotyl and radicle. Identify the correct match from column I and Column II : Column - Column - 11 (A) Big bang theory (i) Oparin and Haldane (B) Theory of special (ii) Abbe Lemaitre creation (©) Theory of biogenesis (D) Artificial (iv) Harvey and synthetic theory Huxley (@) Ai, Bai, Cli, Div (b) A-ii, Bai, Civ, Di (Acti, Bei, Ci, Deiv (4) As, Bai, Cli, Di Oparin prepared some protobionts artificially in the laboratory. He called them :- (ii) Father Saurez (a) Microsphere (e) Eobiont (b) Coacervate (@) Nucleoprotein Q.133 Q.134 Q.135 Q.136 Q.137 Q.138 Pret cent HY aa cer sregtrafeh othe atone ysefirat A -wara we A gar ore B (a) Treat wr gra OAT (b) wire eT sre HFT (©) Sable Pech er gran Gr (@ samira wiftroiy wr gear GIFT vidt # ake @rkephfercr) fer ch ee @ (a) afre ort & eer (b) wife ora & hers (©) aie sik atte ar wor & ors & Ser (@ ween wh orhar ten are fravet wer YET aT adits oF art @ aulfe ae eet (a) Gere oa (b) fame citer (co) werent ier (@) wodraeita Ha we urefte Raed ate ore S aot a wea WHT TE 1 (a) Heriage Ga wiagecter (b) wiegeriter ea weer (© dora ta eee (@ aor wa ARIEE ert Laer eer a eet fart A seat afer :- wa -1 (fet a far (B) fate gfe oT or fran (Qtr oF frart wry - yah eae (@) Asi, Beit, Cali, Deiv_ (0) Asii, Bai, Civ, Di (Adi, BAii, Ci, D-iv @) Av, Bai, Citi, D4 att F wirene 4 ehrr wry ae wielarvew dare fre gvet wer wan: (@) FIgRERR (b) PIRI (© satarive (@ saeseinTe Q.139 Q.140 Quai Qua Q.143 Quad Qu4s Palacontological evidences of the organic evolution are the evidences from :- (a) Preserved impressions or hard parts of past. organisms, (b) External and internal structures of organisms (c) Distribution of organisms on earth (@) Embryonic development of organisms According to Lamarckism :~ (a) Organisms have some internal vital forces which helps them in growth of their size (b) Environmentaffects the individuals to produce new structures (©) Constantly used organ grows in size (@) All of the above Mutations are :- (a) Small (b) Continuous source of variations (c) Inheritable (d) Directional Excess use of herbicides, pesticides, antibiotics etc. hhas resulted in selection of resistant varieties in a much lesser time scales, these are example of evolution by (@) Mutation (b) Artificial selection (©)Natural selection (4) Genetie drift (ptq)' = p? + 2pq + q? = 1 represents an equation used in (a) Population genetics (b) Mendelian genetics (c) Biometrics (@) Molecular genetics Identify the incorreet match :~ (a) Homo habilis - Cranial capacity 650 - 800 ce (b) Homo erectus - Fossils discovered in java (©) Neanderthal man - Cranial capacity 900 ce (@) Homo sapiens - Started pre historic cave art The appearance of drug resistance pathogens is an example of : (a) Natural selection (b) Evolution by anthropogenic actions (e) Both (a) and (b) (@) Convergent evolution Q.139 Q.140 Q.141 Q.142 Q.143 Q.144 Q.145 ore Rend & wart ¥ chareta saree fed ma &- (a) yeeorehts water a feels fare ere ace aT (b) oitat ot aren cer siete ei (o) gaat ae aie ar Rereor (@) Stat er apie fore dada & agar. (a) Sidi 4 qu siafte sta get Bre F ot Ga crane A gfe ererer wee @ (b) TaTaRET Gia wt aE GIy TIT HET Ferg went axe & (co) afte aed ¥ air aren ait eer et oat & (@) Seta ert weatata et 2: (@) ay (b) fats & waq Gt (©) darn @ Renerw |, Bresreret, wtsifret anf # aatie sratt @ dara oF erarater Sac wtRta@ fret or Reng a siet &, 2 vata a Peer saeet & @satads ob) ERA TU aT (o) wrap aor er (a) sirgaRrer fra wT (pq) = p? + 2pq+ @ when fre a want eat e— Ca) rae agar (b) R8teRT aI (©) anager (a) aia BRIG — wouTet ETAT 850-800 ce (b) oh staer — Grae aren # ara Ay (© Prevexere Ha — ware SFA 900 ce (@ Ser ierer wR ApH Paes BI yOTET wage & uit uf wrerel er weet we saree 8 (a) repre agar zr (b) Adiga frensi aRr fren aT (©) (a) ae (b) at (d) aftartt frore oT Q.146 Q.147 Qu4s Q149 Q.150 Which of the following combination(s) is/are correctly matched? (a) Trichomes —_Unicellular; helps in gaseous exchagne (b) Root hairs Multicellular; Protect from infections (©) Trichomes — Multicellular; Prevent water loss due to transpiration Unicellular absorb water and mineral from soil (@) Root Hairs {a) Only A (b) AandB (©) OnlyB (@) Cand D In which of the following case the F, ‘generation resembles either one of the parents? (a) Co-dominance (b) Incomplete dominance (©) Dominance (d) Both (b) and (c) Identify group of phylums which is exclusively marine (a) Mollusca, hemichordata, porifera (b) Arthropoda, coelentrata, ctenophora (©) Ctenophora, chordata, echinodermata (@) Hemichordata, echinodermata, ctenophora During contraction of skeletal muscle which is mostly likely to oces (a) Disappearance of sarcomere (b) Increase length of *A’ band (c) ATP is hydrolysed into ADP and inorganic phosphate (@) Actin filaments slide over Z-line Which of the following affects Hardy- Weinburg equilibrium? (a) Genetic drift (b) Mutation (c) Natural selection (d) All Q.146 Qu.47 Q148 Q.149 Q.1so fer 4 8 ehra/ are water wel Wafer a @ warty wwaifirata; ter RP y were (b) FERN wearers ar ar (© wana agora; arsiicrchite wa am ten @ ae a yooltate yar Y oe ve ahi of ameter (@ aa A b) Aw (©) WB (@ Ca D fret 4 @ fee Raft ae, ae Ret ww ome @ warrar eerfor & (a) wesnfear (b) sget wef (©) seater @ (b) TET (@) SH dal 3 wr we oo wae wt pia: lh Sarser, gorgneta, Sone seria th @ dqa é eke eT wt afte sryar 8? (a) Waiter oI aged BT (o) ‘A ds A carer ar ae (c) ATP @r ADP va serie @Tebe 4 arraet @) wer ageil er Zar ae TREAT Per 48 ot oréi-agrat of arr werfat areal 82 (@) argaiftre frat (by smutty (o) are we (a) wh Seon Qust In which of the following condiction biomass degraded at fastest rate- (a) N, rich content, warm & moist condition (b) cold and dry condition (c) Biomass which is rich of plastic waste (@) Solid waste rich in heavy metals Q.151 Pr 4 a fra amen 4 teu or faaer wat do eh (a) N, Wax Arar 1 cer sist are (b) OS eM YEH sre (© TiRee ome gaa do (a) 8 cag @ aR She ara Q.152 Q.153 Q.154 Q155 Q.156 Q.157 Q.158 Which of the following inheritance is possible im the given pedigree? éunoe | i (a) Autosomal recessive (b) Xlinked dominant (©) Autosomal dominant (@) X-linked recessive External fertilization is found in (a) Entire pisces and tetrapoda (b) Phylum arthropoda and phylum porifera (c) Phylum echinodermata and phylum hemichordata (@) Phylum ctenophora and phytum porifera This is age related disorder and decline in level of a sex hormone is a common cause for this disorder. Iden (a) Muscular dystrophy (b) Tetany (©) Arthritis (@ Osteoporosis Cranial capacity of Homo habilis was {a) 1400 ce (b) 650-800 ce (©) 450 ce (4) 900 ce ‘Statins commercially used as blood cholesterol lowering agents are produced by (a) Monascus purpureus (b) Trichoderma (©) Agrobacterium (@) Acetobacter Stored food of red algae is similar to : (a) Chitin (b) Mannitol (c) Amylopectin and glycogen (d) Glycogen and chitin Examples of dense-regular connective tissue are: (@) Ligament (©) Both (a) and (b) (b) Tendon (d) Blood Q.152 Q.153 Q.154 Q.155 Q.156 Q.157 Q.158 @ wa denach ¥ ote deat war & > (a) afer wre oe sore (b) X-te wITet (o) afer serine oe ard (a) X-wwer gH area fer Per Foe orn a (a) wel ree a agErel H (b) de artist g de abe (c) Wa Warsststcr 7 we Shes (@ we rier a Be Teer A Us Wo og ddd for 8 Wi geo HAT orn we fin dhs 3 er 4 wt tl A vente (a) baie gether (b) srerer (© wR ster @ afer afta ahi} safer A oars erat ef (a) 1400 ce (b) 650-800 ce (©) 450 ce (4) 900 ce eer Or i wer GeReT Ge OTH fer SHeaART sar fear cen & ferae weer Bers (a) eRe TET 0b) giswisat (©) saidagiitear (@) SRreidaer aa tare @ dee aor fred wr & (a) wastes (b) fete (o) THEdtaftes cen Tarra (@) TarI@hor en wre wer Prafia wast ore S varewt & (a) FY, (b) Ber (©) (a) wen (b) a (dy aT Q.159 Q.160 Q.161 Q.162 Q.163 Q.164 Q.165 Which of the following isa cartilaginous joint? (a) Joint between skull bones (b) Joint between adjacent vertebrae (©) Joint between pubis bones (@) Both (b) and (e) Which antibody exists in pentamer form ? (a) IsG (b) IgM (A (@) gD Which is a potent force for organic evolution? (a) Intra specitic competition (b) Interspecific competition (©) Predation (@) Parasitism Ringworm disease in human is caused by (@) Virus (b) Bacteria (©) Fungi (a) Nematode Given diagram represents head region of cockroach and parts of head region. Identify structure which forms upper lip. fa (byb (ec (dd Match the column w.rt. different types of neurons Type of neuron Occurrence A. Unipolar i, Retina of eye B. Bipolar Embryonic stage C. Multipolar iii, Cerebral cortex (@) ABC/i, (B) ABC /ii, i itt (ABC iti, i, fi (@) ABC (i, ii, ji Examples of passive immunity are (@) Vaccination (b) Infections through pathogens (©) Antibodies against snake venom (@) Both (a) and (¢) Q.159 Q.160 Q.161 Q.162 Q.163 Q.164 Q.165 fra 28 aver safer gar at ® (a) wart aiterdt ate wt (b) Racal oxtwarsit & dra afer (c) fe eiReril & ara a (A) (b) aeM () SHE obrit wfter or aftaca tere F eit ® (a) IgG (b) IgM (©) IgA. (@ gD ta fore 4 ata after ar & (a) ait ort erat (>) sie ore eaEf (c) Bene (@ weer ama 4 fered ter fered err ert 8 (a) TER (b) sitar, (c) rae @) PRs tng dee frog? S Ree a at ee aa Re S aw 81 oa Sea wt ueMD art ats or Raft oath & fa (bb je @d fir ver a afer sifrerat dda Fo ots fren afte. ther ster & wer wit wrt Awe gétr i fa a gfe ver B. faegate got oraeent c. weg iii, TARTS Ie (a) ABC/i, iii (b) ABC ii, ii (©) ABC/ ii, iii (@) ABC /i, ii, i fatter witren $ varewt & (a) Serer (b) SersrTet Er ey ae TT (o) We orfter & fea wires (@) (a) 32H (©) SHE Q.166 Q.167 Q.168 Q.169 Q.170 Quam Qu72 Q.173 Enzyme required to obtain protoplast from (a) Proteolytic enzyme (b) Cellulase (c) Lysozyme (d) Lipase In which of the following aspect mutation breeding is better than conventional breeding- (a) Constraint by availability of desired genes. (b) May produce new desired combination of trait. (©) Use radiation (@) Less expensive Identify set of enzymes found in pancreatic juice? (a) Trypsinogen, prorennin, ptyalin (b) Chymotrypsinogen, lipase, nuclease (©) Maltase, suerase, trypsinogen (@) Pancreatic amylase, lactase, dipeptidase Duringrepolarisation of a neuron, permeability of axonal membrane is higher for @ kK (by Nat (© Ca> (@ Both (a) and (b) Genome of HIV is : (a) Single stranded RNA (b) Double stranded RNA (©) Single stranded DNA. (@) Double stranded DNA. Which one of the following layer does not surround the microsporangium ? (a) Epidermis (b) Endodermis (©) Middle layer (4) Tapetum In Asparagus, inflorescence is (a) Spadix. (b) Umbellate clusters (c) Catkin (@) Corymb A: Stomach stores food for 4-5 hours. B: Carbohydrates in the chyme are hydrolysed by pancreatic amylase into disaccharides. (a) Only A correct (b) Only B correct (©) Both A and B correct, (@) Both wrong Q.166 Q.167 Q.168 Q.169 Q.170 Quam Qu Q.173 ware wey otter @ ulcer yore oe 4 oot eh cen toner — (a) sifeeifeee Gong (b) Vase (©) crgetons (a) orgs Prt a 8 re vee, a caftatt wor TRERMT Torr W Aer B (a) afte oi & suerte H (b) a8 diffe oH ar ers ae Hae (©) Rafter suet @) oF aden oar w aoa or ad wore 3 RE ot wear (a) fRRrtor, SRA, crater )) aisaifgitector, ongtet, after (o) Hictat, esha, PRR @) sre verges, cacteaerssat we ier Are ¢ wafer oF eer doe fect A oer eT fey wer ert & @K (b) Nav (© Ca” (a) (a) eH (b) St word or agate vert &- (@) wo ata aeTay (b) fae areery (©) we ata Seay (@) f& ya Seay fay a ote wa agdormert et erit 82 (a) saferert (by woth (a eR (a) etter verre % yam F (a) waar (b) Bam ys (o) defer (@) watrr A: STATE stort OY 45 de eafSt aT z B: wren 4 waftert wraleregee wr amr earn wrest a setergey ¥ fea orm @1 (a) Fam ATE () daa Bae B (©) Aver Berit wae @ art ara & Q.74 QU75 Q.176 Q:177 Q.178 Q.179 Q.180 Q.181 Limbie system includes : (a) Amygdala and hippocampus (b) Mid brain and hind brain. (©) Pons and medulla (@) Olfactory lobe and medulla X-rays are associated with (a) Treatment of tumours (b) Generation of tumours, (©) Detection of tumours (@Allof these ‘Which of the followingis the most common cause of trisomy and mental retardation in children ? (a) Klinefelter’s syndrome (b) Turner's syndrome (©) Down's syndrome (@) Sickle cell Anaemia Peat is obtained from (a) Riceta (©) Sphagnum Normal inspiration is (b) Chara (@) Chloreita iated by (a) Contraction of diaphragm (b) Relaxation of EICM (©) Contraction of ICM (@) Contraction of both EICM and ICM Select correct statement : (a) Twilight vision is function of cones (b) Todopsin is also called visual purple (©) Optic nerve leaves eye at blind spot (@) Vitreous chamber is filled with thin watery fuid “Bhang? and ‘Ganja’ are (a) Extract of hemp plant — Cannabis sativa (b) Ripe poppy fruits and leaves (c) Dried leaves, flowers and buds of Cannabis indica plant (@) None of the above Which enzyme catalyse polymerisation of lagging strand in prokaryote (a) DNA polymerase (b) DNA ligase (©) RNA polymerase (@) Poly (A) polymerase Qau74 Q475 Q.176 Quay Q.178 Q.179 Q.180 Q.181 fertae da 4 uftafer @ : (a) yftrrsrean a fectere (b) Fea afte a ora ARTE (c) et 7 Heer (@ ror wae a eet xfowl Per a afer 8 (a) oe oT STE (b) ae Br seufer (©) 3a ot sift @ ora wt Pea 48 ahr tet aed 4 ga cen OTT ante ft a wat aye ot (a) ToreTbcee RST (bo) ete igh (©) sree Rigi (@) froa te wife We ura fear or & (@) Rewer (b) oer (©) rT (@) aoa ware sear Fer A grr weer el B (a) Wyse wT QA (&) EICM a vig (c) ICM @ egg (@) SFT EICM ee ICM & apt BRT wa wr af: (a) Reerergeafere Gite: efay ar wr & (>) sreiisifterr wr site art wed (o) ge cra ster fay oe after & anew Preveht & (@) Bray Bs veel wea aver B ae wea B ait cen mien war & (a) Pree dergar HHA wr AT (b) art & ofaaa wet ua ofeet (©) Bare estar ta A ah a, BS pferera (@ oa 4S og Ht aa alae wares vishal F wed fear @ agetoet Fo soar eit (a) DNA polymerase (b) DNA ligase (©) RNA polymerase (4) Poly (A) polymerase Qusz Q.183 Q.isd Q.185 Read the following statements— (Golgi cisternae are concentrically arranged near the nucleus with distinct concave cis or convex maturing face. Gii) The cis and the trans faces of the golgi body are entirely different and not inter connected. Gi) Lipases, proteases, carbohydrases are hydrolytic enzymes. (iv) Extrinsic proteins are present only at outer surface of plasma membrane (a) Onl (b) Only (ii) correct (©) Both (i) and (ii) comect, (d) Only (iv) correct Which of the following factors shift oxygen dissociation curve to right ? (a) HighpO,, low pCO,, lesser H’ concentration (b) Low pO,, high pCO,, high Hconcentration (©) High temperature, low pCO,, lesser H° ‘concentration (a) Low pO,, less temperature, high H° concentration Perilymph is found in (a) Scala media and scala vestibuli (b) Scala vestibuli and scala tympani (©) Scala media and scala tympani (@) All of the above The average value of end diastolic volume in a normal cardiac cycle is (a) 120 mL. (b) 50 mL. (c) 70 mL. (d) 60 mL. Q.182 Q.183 Q.184 Q.185 Praia cert or aera afr @ ateoh Reet dae B wha dd Paa wrt aahtea eft & fire saa fra a eae giv AR et 21 Gi) Tieoht eta a fra a git UE yer: fra ek @ cen gat @ sia waite at ert & Gi) wEta, Vides, onfesga oe smaerort yoret ert & Gy) wer wet arom fresh H daa ate wae Ww ain & (a) BAe (iii) THT SF (b) dat (iii) EB (e) () wen Gil) THE aE (d) Gaet (iv) HAS fra Fa oh 8 one siete far am ot cht oie frenfta ot & (a) Sz pO,, FFT pCO,, Fret Ht wrEaT (b) FFT pO,, Feq pCO, Tea Hara (0) Sea TAM, FT pCO,, Seat HART (d) PT pO, Pt aH, Sea HP AAT wate we fea too om @ (a) on Aa a wher Hee (b) eer teggeh a eer eH (c) tent thse a weer fart a) SoRtet we ve ar gaa wee Foie fret are ahr ar et & (a) 120 mL. (©) 70 mL. (b) 50m.L. (@) 60mL. SECTION-B Q.186 =8 Selectively permeable membrane If some solutes molecules are added in system B then net movement of solvent is ~ (a) Ato B by active transport (b) B to by passive transport (©) Ato B by passive transport (4) No movement at solvent moleculer Q.186 WHY, Selectively permeable membrane wa Ba ge fata @ oy fren oy fara or Ae wate (@) A@ Butta oat aT (b) B@ A faite oRaet RT (©) Ad B faftra oRaet arr (@ fener & swat amr ahs Ht aT ae wr Q.187 Q.188 Q.189 Q.190 Q191 Q.192 ‘Which of the following floral formula belongs (a) Ebr @9 K,,,C,A,,,G., () Br ed Epi, , KOA, Gy, ©) Br%d KC, , 2. Awe: Gs @) Br%d K,0,A, Ga, Identify given animals A and B respectively- -. (a) Euspongia,adamsia (b) Spongilla, pleurobrachia (©) Euspongia, pleurobrachia (@) Sycon, Aurelia Otolith organ is composed of (a) Saccule and semicircular ducts (b) Unricle and organ of corti (c) Saccule and utricle (@) Utricle and semicircular duets Concentration of ‘A’ ion is higher in ECF of a resting neuron while concentration of *B’ ion is higher in cytoplasm of the same. Permeability of axonal membrane is higher for ‘B’ in the *C” state. Identify A, B and C respect (a) Na’, K’, resting (b) Na’, K’, excited (c) K*, Na’, excited @ Ki,Na’, resting Which of the following cross is utilized to Know the location of gene ? (a) Test cross (b) Out eross (©) Inbreeding (d) Reciprocal cross Examples of evolution by anthropogenic action is/are :- (a) Industrial melanism. (b) Herbicide resistant plants (©) Antibiotic resistance in bacteria (@) Allof the above Q.187 Q.188 Q.189 Q.190 Q.191 Qu92 fe 4a ahr phe aa ott ge a waft 3? (@) Ebr @¢ K,..C,A,., Go, (b) Br 09 Epi, , KG, Gy, (©) Br %¢ KyC, 5 Ages Gs @ Br%S Ky CA, By fey ay Urge Ader Bat mae deUTE gp @ (a) qeuifeiar, WS fRear (b) wafsren, qRraferan (co) Reifeen, wRIaferar (@ wraeia, sfieferan orelferer sit fret er war era & (a) weer 7 Seino AAeOTE (b) aera a Biers wr sh (c) agar a Yfewet @) afew a aa wero afer ye fearraen dfret eifrer ECF # sa" aR OL Wet wea eft & waft st fet atte 3 atRreraa H «Be ara @ area yea eldl @1 dfrorr free @ oreract «BY fery arawer +c” HY vea sil @, A,B den Cot waRT: uearhra: (a) Na’, Ke, fara seer (b) Na, K’, Safer sre (o) K’, Na‘, Seaford gree (@) K'Na’, fear sree frefefar + 8 fea whe or wodrr oh @ Rafe orm & fay fear on ® (a) Terref sR (b) ase TT (©) sick TORT (@) agen aR arrdgadl firarsit grr ore er saree & (a) sttehree earat (b) sree wfereerar che (o) WRN BEER rare @ ster wh Q.193 0.194 Q.195 Q.196 Q.197 In the following statements choose wrong options:- (a) Wasp laying egg in a fig fruit is an example of mutual relationship (b) Mycorthiza is an example of ectoparasitism, (©) Physiological ecology is ecology at organism level (4) Competitive exclusion principle was given by Connell (ake (©) band d In a Ecosystem : (2) Cyclingofenergy andmusrentsisa coupled process (b) Cycling of energy is an independent process (c) Movement of energy is unidirectional acd (db, cand d (@) Both macro and micro consumers are necessary component, Choose correct statement(s) : (a) Only a (b) Only € (©)aandc both (@ Only d ‘The central body cavity of poriferans called:- (a) Gastro vascular cavity (b) Spongocoel (©)Coclom (a) Hypostome Read the following (A-D) statements :~ (A) Connective tissue are most abundant and widely distributed in the body of complex organism. (B) Connective tissue helps in linking and supporting other tissue or organs in of the body. (C) Cartilage is a type of dense connective tisue. (D) Connective tissue does not secrete its matrix. Choose the cortect statements is @AC&D (b) Aand B (©) CandD (@) Only D Which of the following cell have maximum Diffusion Pressure Deficit (DPD) (a)Fullyturgidcell _(b) Partially turgid cell (©) Flaceid cell (a) Plasmotysed cell Q.193 Q.194 Q.195 Q.196 Q.197 fra Rest Fa naa at Be (@ ae w aise Soa a a8 BH Ww Uelvenar G1 Saree F (0) wae Ae Cer area CAT or ere B (c) wife unit herferaht a ere aA caferferat & (@) eo oraaaia Re ater Rea er (faja&e (b)a,e,d (c)bandd (d) b,c andd fet afte da & (@) oral a Shue or spor oh8 wy # oma “ener wore (0) Sat a wom Ue vada ohare (©) st ar wens ew Reefer Star (@) qoora ag dai seman gravee Hew e wal Gort oT aert afte: @ oa a ) daa (aren cart (@ aa d uta a dala toy sear 2: (a) worafe Tet (b) aoryET (c) 9ST (d) ergs Pr wert wr aed (A-D) (Ay etoh rere oat sare a ate ageTERT cai fiege wa 8 bor gor we OTe (B) Wash sere area oereet ud st aT UH TRE S ohst ed aneiat wart wee & (© ware wert watah wee wr YH wo & (D) eeitaht aera ste omens varhe ET HRT wea Geri @) oeaihy: (@A,C&D ATT B () Cam D (d) dae D fre 2a fire wien or freer are ETA (DPD) Etat 8? (a) wi wile FR (b) siifkree wa wet (©) weer aire (4) Paar afer wT Q.198 When facces are retained with in the rectum as bowel movements occur irregularly, itis called :- (@) Diarrhoea (b) Vomiting (c) Constipation (d) Jaundice Q.199 Sympathetic nervous system is not related tor (a) Tachycardia (b) Bronchodilation (©) Constriction of pupil (d) Ejaculation Q.200 The person with AB+ blood group, who was seriously injured during an accident, can recieve the blood of following individual : @a’ (b) B oo (d) All of the above Q.198 Ga Fa Fa F we oe ak sia FH cafeetrar afrafir ef ord, a wed & (a) anger (b) 7H (©) wreaRT (@) fear Q.199 aqeeh fret da walt adi 8: (a) 84a RST (b) aePrer freer (ata & ga A (a) eae Q.200 ABET HE gaa wafet it fe ya gear Fou woe aaa et wa @) fre fetter afr Y wi wet ax wom & (@ Aa (b) BE Oo (@ sata wht Major Test - 3 Date: 13.02.2022 Physics — Full Syllabus ‘TOTAL CORRECT RESPONSES: ‘TOTAL WRONG RESPONSE/S ‘MARKS Chemistry - Full Syllabus ‘TOTAL CORRECT RESPONSES TOTAL WRONG RESPONSES MARKS Biology ~ Full Syllabus Ques. 101102103 104105106107 108 109 110111112113, 1415 A COTTE CET CANTEEN CECT TET) Correa ey SEED ES NEC ECSU CSOT ET SOC OCS CY CC 7 COTE CCIE CME CME COME ECs Cy Cr CT) CoTemNET MOECSON MZ CO CSCC COMMENCED eT) [Orr CEC CC CC) TOTAL CORRECT TOTAL WRONG RESPONSES RESPONSE/S MARKS TOTAL SCORE OUT OF 720 = Take an oath and improve your score in next test pape! Qu Q2 Q3 Qs Q8 PHYSICS Pa @) (@) Angular velocity = . [ol= wer iT" @ Aman walks from his home to market with a speed. of 5 km/h , Distance= 2.5 km and time 1 = hr .and he retums back with speed ov 5 of 7.5 kmh in rest of time of 10 minutes. 10 =75x— Distance rh 25km Loe So, Average speed“ h= ut + at (25+1.25)km _ 45 40/60)hr 8 fa) km/hr, Qua Tow Ty, =Mo},.r+mg > SE corte Force = Mass * Acceleration. If mass and acceleration both are doubled then force will become four times © . wag, QT Net force on the body = Applied force — Friction ma = F—j,mg F-ma_ 129.4-10x10 =—— = 503 Q.18 =a he 10x98 (b) Qus 1 1 Q.21 Wa F(a —x)) = 5 «800% 05" 5) 10 =8) © en P= 2m, If E are same then Pc Jm Fie [Boe fl 2 4-2 () ‘To double the length of wire, Stress = Young's ‘modulus Fly cio? Ste A om If4= 1 then F=2* 10” dine ) @) 1 h oho ig @Pand pare constant) pe Ifvalue of g decreased by 2% then A will increase by 2%. (@) Apparent weight = Vip-o)g = 5x5x5(7—-Dg= 6x5x5xS af © At absolute zero (ie, 0K) v,,, becomes zero. (b) Q.20" (b) @ Change in internal energy (AU) depends upon. initial an find state of the function while AQ and AI are path dependent also, @) E, =P=1.013%10°N/m*? Q.23 Q.26 Q.27 Q.28 Q.29 Q.30 Q31 (a) KAQ@,-0,)t g-AO ao, in both the cases , 4, / and (0,-0,) are same so Kt = constant Ky 30.3 7k, & 0 2715 © wasin21 = 4 sasin Tt Vg, 80 ol @ Since maxinwm audible frequency is 20,000 Hz, hence v M40 Tym 20,000 a, mm «© Comparing with y=asin(ot ~kx) kQ(Q-Q) From (i) and (ii) F = 5 Ho For F'to be maximum gq ~ => Q= (b) qa.) _ e 16x10" =6.25x10" (@) Because with rise in temperature resistance of conductor increase, so graph between V and 7 becomes non linear. (oy Length = 1 em =107m Q.32 Q.33 Q.34 Q.36 Q.37 Q.38 Q.39 Q40 ‘Area of cross-section A = 1 em x 100 cm = 100 cat? = 102 m* 10? Resistance R ho «107 x 3x 1079 Beyisi- 220x108 Hom 4x10 20> 100 = 7.9amp = Samp («) Work done W =MB, (| ~cos®) = 200.3(1—cos30°) = (d) From the relation B,, = Beosand B, =Bsing "andor B, =B, tang = 0.36107 xtan.60° = 0.623104 Wb/m? () () >p=V20mv = px YQm — Pe_ [xm _ | me =p, \2exm, 2m, (@) Kinetic energy « Potential difference ) Linear momentum = my =9.1x10°" x2.2%10° =2.0x10 “kg—m/s Qal Q.42 Quas Quad Q45 Q46 (@) With temperature rise conductivity of semiconductors increases, (b) The temperature co-efficient of resistance of a semiconductor is always negative. @) A=BG, () Source is stationary == constant & @ (o) CHEMISTRY ang ey Qsl © ‘The natural rubber has intermolecular forces 560g of Fe which are weak dispersion force (van-der-waal forces of attraction) and is an example of an No. of moles elastomer (polymer). Q.57 (b) 70g oN c-D-Glucopyranose and f-D-Glucopyranose are 14g= | mole atom of N anomers, moles o&N Qs8 @ All statements are correct. Q.59 () Ph-O-CH,-CH,-OH i> oe Q 2 9 Ph-O-CH,-CH, —> Ph-O-CH-CH, _8r US Ph-0-H-0H, ar, LOH + Be-ptt- cH, ; c 5 Br Q.60 (a) as oy BF, , NH,’and XeO, are tetrahedral with sp* In aryl halides the C—X bond has partial double hybridisation. But ICI, is square planar. bond character due to resonance so the cleavage a 9. ol ‘of C—X bond becomes difficult. WA x: ot (jse sare panar(od) <> Q.61 (©) (A) NO >NO > —NO* (bond length) Q54 Bond order 200 25° 3 (B)H, > Hy > — He,* (bond energy) Bond order 1 05) 05 (more antibonding) (©) 0, > 0, > 0, (paramagnetic moment) No.of unpairede 0 0 2 (D) NO," > NO, > NO, (bond length) Bond angle 180? 133° S® ) Q.55 Cryolite is Na, AIF, and is used in the electrolysis, of alumina, Itreduces the melting point of alumina om and increase the electrical conductivity of electrolyte. CH,— (0H), —CH— ars oH, — Q63 © oe zt S, + Inmolecular nitrogen the electron is removed from bonding molecular orbital. 2 GH S, : The ionized electron isremoved from less stable Sil cit, iin — (cH), cH <8 antibonding orbital, requiring less energy. S,: SiCl, has d— orbital, so it gets hydrolysed and. ~fs er SiCI, and CCI, both are covalent compounds. $,: 0, has one unpaired electron and it has cy oy, 1 nye Jowers bond order (4) than oxygen (2). om ese thr Q.64 Q.65 Q.66 Q.67 Q.68 Q.069 Q.70 Qn Qn Q.73 Q74 @ Electronegativity difference between two combining elements must be larger for ionic compound and itis, the essential condition for the formation of ionic compounds. It is ionic because clectronezativity difference between two combining elements is 1.8. © MCI, +x AgNO, —> xAgCl-+M(NO,), Mole of MCI, _ Mole of AgNO 1 x 4 04 O1= 5 0.5*0.8) =e" 07 @ Since C.N. is 6:6. 0, no change. (c) 90591, Panes, EBay = Ee 3 80, Hg 208 gg Be = 0 tog IfP, 4NO(g) + 6H,0(8) NO + 1/20, —+NO, ;3NO,+H,O Q75 Q.76 QT Q78 Q.79 Q.80 Qst » HNO, +NO. © lonisation energy depends on electronic configuration and atomic size. Mgand Behas[inert gas] ns* configuration and, therefore have higher 1* ionisation energies. Li and Na has [inert gas] ns' configuration and thus belong to same group ie. alkali metal. Down the group the size of atoms inereases and so the distance of valence shell electron from nucleus increases and ionisation energy decreases. Hence sodium (Na) has lowest first ionisation energy. (a) Critical temperature « vanderwaal constant(a) maximum "a" = gas with maximum T, => easiest liquification = NH, @ HOH ® CHONe ® HOH S45 cH ® © SS CHO-CH, Dries ether delete CH, > CH, -Br—3->CH, -CH, (less than four 'C') @) Ch LL * mbromotoiene @) Nitrous oxide (N,O) occurs naturally in environment, In automobile engine, when fossil is burnt dinitrogen & dioxygen combine to yield NO & NO, ) Mn0; —>Mn? ; Se” gain a) Cloz—+€0, ; 26° loss 2) multiplying (1) by 2 and (2) by 5 to balance 2MnO, +5C,0,. —>2Mn* +10CO, on balancing charge; 2MnO, +SC,0,? +16H’ —>2Mn’ +10CO, +8H,O —ve and An, ve Q.83 Q.84 Q.85 Q.86 Q.87 Q.88 Q.89 High P, Low T, favour product formation «@ Vanderwaal constant (a) sc forces of attraction (b) (en A If[A], = doubled, t,, = doubled © let BE. of x, , y, & xy are x kJ mol", 0.5x kJ mol and x kJ mol respectively 200 kImol eel 4x, +Ly, 94H aa AH =-200=3(BE),..., —2(BE), [} x(x)+— }x(o5x) + [1x(x)] BE. of X, = 800 kJ mol! @ Mech: cri cH cH -c1-8Sky c,-CH-CH AlCl, AH cH sa “ SS cation P) bi - O-oH Cpe, Camere Hydroperoxide OH ‘I oye Phenol MOM Q @ The molecule which forms zwitter ion is glycine. HOOC-CH, NH, —=00C-CH, -NH, Zwitter ion (a) a es ehcp Shop CHS HO b i nas = (dd) CO? Cr°“dimagnetic C10? Cr'“dimagnetie MnO,? —-Mn""dimagnetic MnO; Mn"’Paramagnetie ET [1] Unpaired electron is present so d-d transition is possible oD ao mM Belore ‘Alter transition tanstion ) tetrahedral geometry and dimagnetic Ni—>3d" 4s? sp’ hybridisation (b) Fe(CO), EAN = Z-0.N. + 2(C.N.) 6+ 10 6 only one central metal atonvion is present and it follows EAN rule, so it is mononuclear. @) Magnetic moment (u) = n(n +2)BM. (a) Co” + Is’2s’2p"3s°3p*4s°3d° at aad 4(4+2) = V24BM. (b) Cr’* ~+ s*2s*2p*3s*3p*4s°3d° AT a=3 w= 3642) =VI5 BM. (©) Fe™ — Is’2s?2p°3s? 3p°4s°3d° 4 {441} 4]4 w= \56+2) = V35BM. Q.93 Q.94 Q.9s Q.96 (d) Ni - Is*2s*2p°3s*3p*4s°3d* CH3COOH +PCls — CHyCOCl 1 4 w= 2242) =V8 BM. () effect is caused by more Electronegative atom eg No,,Cl © -NO, group is meta-directing group No, NO, : vou (Less stable due to more e~ withdrawing effect, of -NO,) No, No, No, « 4, 1 ye ¥ ¥ (More stable due to less e- withdrawing effect of -NO,) (b) CH, =CH- (d) When carboxylie acid reacts with PCl,, acid chloride formed and acid chloride on reaction with benzene (or its derivatives) forms ketones and this process is known as Freidal Craft acylation carried out in presence of anhydrous AICl,. ketones on reaction with Grignard reagent form tertiary alcohols, ae? Clls ~ COCKHs J CattyMeBr/ether on Ho -6 catty cats (2 — phenyl — butan — 2 — ol) Q.97 (b) Given ions (C2 Gi) He, (iii) O, (iv) NO Totale 14 3 17 15 Bondinge 1021010 ‘Anti 4 I 7 5 bonding e B.O. 10-4 2 10-7 10-5 2 2 2 2 3 S li =25 Q98 @) Down the group in Gr—16 hydrides M-H bond length increases (due to increases in size) Hence acidic nature increases Hence Kat while pKa Q.99 @ because Na,Cr,0, is hygroscopic hence give less priority. Q.100 (a) On strong heating only Li gives normal oxide while other alkali metlas gives peroxide or super oxide

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