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Identity and Expression: Gender Inclusivity of the Leyte Normal University Dress Code

Among Students of the LGBTQIA+ Community

Background of the Study

Sex and gender are terms mistakenly used interchangeably however, the two are

different. Sex refers to the physiological characteristic that includes genitalia and chromosome

composition- it is based on anatomical markers. Internal and external genitalia, distinct hormonal

and chromosomal makeups are factors to assign sex. Meanwhile, gender exists on a broad

spectrum contrasting the definition if sex (Newman, 2021). Gender is a personal sense- it refers

to an identity. Gender relates to what it means to be a man or woman- it is the socially

constructed categories (Abrams, 2022).

Moreover, gender also includes identity, expression and presentation. Gender identity, as

an individual is the conceptualization of your own gender- a personal sense of self. Gender

expression is the expectation of your gender- it may be through clothing, behaviour and gestures.

In simple terms, it is the expression of your gender identity. Lastly, gender presentation, which is

often used interchangeably with gender expression- is how one presents as one gender when they

actually identify with another (Abrams, 2022).

Inclusivity, with regards to gender, means services, establishments, institutions and

agencies are welcoming all regardless of gender identity or expression (Prismic, n.d.). Gender

Inclusivity gives the idea that all gender identities and expressions should be validated and

included (Gender Diversity and Inclusivity in the Classroom, n.d.). A school dress code refers to

the rules and regulations with regards to clothing and appearance in a learning environment.

Supposedly, the implementation of the dress code intends to provide students with the freedom
of expression using their wardrobe- additionally, to create a specific atmosphere in schools

(Importance of Dress Code in School – Essay, 2019).

Dress codes should allow students the most choice possible in a way that neither creates a

hostile environment nor restrict their individuality. Dress code rules and regulations should be

guided by the assumption that ‘a dress code should never target specific identities.’ There are a

number of considerations for non-discriminatory dress codes, as such: (1) It should not enforce

gender stereotypes and instead allow all students the same clothing choices regardless of gender;

(2) Students should be allowed to dress in a manner that is comfortable to them, conductive to

their learning and in accordance with their gender identity; (3) Dress code infractions should be

minor and not involve discipline that removes a child from their learning environment (Fink,


The dress codes are used too often to promote race and sex discrimination. Policies as

such directly undermine the social-emotional learning that focuses on teaching students on

regulating behaviour and emotions (also known as self-management), and positive mind-sets

(self-efficacy) that help the belief in one’s ability to achieve goals and succeed at tasks.

Nonetheless, if schools are unable to create the safe and supportive learning environments that

students need social emotional skills and positive mind-sets that are being taught are likely to be

wasted (Duchesneau, 2019).

Significance of the Study

Gender identity and expression are central to discussions about diversity and inclusion in

school, especially the mandated school uniform and dress code. School uniforms, which are
supposedly meant to bring a sense of inclusiveness among students, can have a completely

different impact on the psychological and mental health of some students, especially

transgenders and diverse genders (Banchariya, 2021). It is evident that there is a need for more

enlightened and empathetic understanding of the role of gender in all aspects of our day to day

life (Ivanovska & Ahmeti, 2007).

This study will provide research-based information on the gender inclusivity of the Leyte

Normal University dress code among students of the LGBTQIA+ community as well as their

their gender identity and expression.

Specifically, this research will benefit the following:

Community, this study will spread awareness to the community about gender identity

and importance of unrestricted gender expression. In addition this study will promote gradual

acceptance and recognition of LGBTQIA+ individuals and their freedom of expressing


Academic Institutions and Administrators, through this research, academic institutions

and administrators will consider the gender identity and expression of students in implementing

or establishing students’ dress code and uniform policies.

Leyte Normal University (LNU) Administrators, the results obtained in this study will

serve as a guide of the school administration on how they will establish a school dress code and

uniform policies with regards to students’ gender identity.

Future Researchers, the analysis that will be presented in this study will convey

valuable information for future research that will explore the gender inclusivity of dress codes.
Thus the result of this study can be used for future discussions on the inclusion of students’

gender identity to the mandated school policies or dress code.

Parents and Guardians, this study may open the eyes of every parent to their child’s

gender expression as important part of their identity. Moreover, this may convince parents and

guardians to comfort and support their child’s gender identity as well as their child’s gender


Students, students will directly benefit from this research as it will provide students with

the opportunity to express their views and give them the courage to discuss their position on

gender inclusion in school.

Scope of the Study

This study will explore the existence, or lack thereof, of gender inclusivity of Leyte

Normal University’s dress code towards LGBTQIA+ students. The respondents are bona fide

Leyte Normal University students—from different programs—who are members of the

LGBTQIA+ community, randomly selected by the research team themselves. The data will be

collected via questionnaire from October 3-14, 2022.


Abrams, M. (2022, February 9). 68 terms that describe gender identity and expression.

Healthline Media.


Banchariya, S. (2021, December 1). School uniforms: Struggles, trauma of gender diverse

students. The Indian Express.


Duchesneau, N. (2019, April 24). What Purpose Does Your Dress Code Serve? Why Inclusive

School Policies Matter. The Education Trust.


Fink, K. (2017, January 30). The importance of inclusive school dress codes. Human Rights


Gender diversity and inclusivity in the classroom. (n.d.). Retrieved September 21, 2022, from


Importance of dress code in school – essay. (2019, January 15). EdgeArticles.

Ivanovska, M., & Ahmeti, X. (2007). Кон Iris Marion Young, on female body experience:

“Throwing Like a Girl” and other essays. Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and

Culture, 6(1), 221–225.

Newman, T. (2021, May 11). Sex and gender: What is the difference? Medical News Today.
Prismic. (n.d.). What is a gender inclusive world. Gender Spectrum. Retrieved September 21,

2022, from

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