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Gas Exchange in

Animals and Plants

Gas Exchange in
 The uptake of molecular oxygen
from the environment and the
discharge of carbon dioxide to
the environment. Respiratory Surface
 Enables you to harvest energy
1. Tracheal System (Insects)
from the food molecules the
 Trachea, tracheoles, and
digestive system provided you.
 Carbon dioxide must be released
 Spiracles are round valve-
to prevent physiological ph in
like openings, running along
tissues from being acidic
the abdomen. Oxygen and
 It is often called respiratory Carbon dioxide enter and
exchange. leave via the spiracles. The
trachea attach to these
 The trachea is a network of
internal tubes.
 The trachea branch into
smaller tubes, called
 The part of the animal’s body tracheoles. These extend
where gas exchange with the throughout all the tissues in
environment occurs is called the insects to deliver oxygen
respiratory surface. to all respiring cells.
 Respiratory surfaces are made up
of living cells, their plasma
membrane must be wet to
function properly. Thus,
respiratory surfaces are always
 Gas exchange happens in
 Diffusion is the process whereby
gaseous atoms and molecules are
transferred from regions of
relatively high concentration to
regions of relatively low

2. Cutaneous Respiration
 Breathing through skin.
 Integumentary exchange –
refers to the general body
surface or skin used by
animals with high surface-
to-volume radio.

3. Internal Gills
 Rows of slits or pockets in
adult fishes positioned at the
back of mouth such that
water that enters the mouth
can flow over them as it
exits just behind the head.
 Respiration in Frogs
 Tadpoles use gills to
 Frog don’t have gills
and they have to use
another factors for
respiration such:
 Skin
 Lungs
 Lining of mouth  Respiration via 4 pairs of
 Respiration of Earthworms Gills
 Use their outer surfaces  Gills are tissues made
as gas exchange up of feathery structures
surface. called gill filaments
 Have a series of thin- providing a large
walled blood vessels surface area for
known as capillaries. exchange of gases.
 A large surface area is
crucial for gas exchange
in aquatic organisms as
water contains very
little amount of
dissolved oxygen. The
filaments in fish gills
are organized in rows in
 Respiration in Unicellular
the gill arch. Each
filament comprises
 The distance is so small
lamellae, which are
that diffusion is rapid
discs supplied with
enough for the cell’s
capillaries. Blood
moves in and out of the
gills through these small
blood vessels.
 Gills on each side
covered by single, flap-
like operculum.
 The blood absorbs the oxygen,
and then carries it around the
body to every cell where it is
needed for respiration.
 The blood flows through the
blood vessels in the opposite
direction to the water flowing
through the lamellae. This is 5. Avian
called the counter-current  Use a system of air sacs as
system. blower to keep air flowing
 The counter-current system through the lungs in one
allows the maximum amount of direction only.
oxygen to diffuse into the blood  Consists of paired lungs, and
from the water available. This
connected air sacs, which
is important because there isn't
much oxygen in the water, and expand and contract causing
fish need to absorb enough air to move through the
oxygen to survive. lungs.
 Facilitates efficient
exchange of carbon dioxide
and oxygen via continuous
unidirectional (one-way)
airflow and air sacs.
 A breath of oxygen-rich
inhaled air remains in the
respiratory system for two
complete inhalation and
exhalation cycles before it is
used and exhaled out the
4. External Gills body.
 Thin, vascularized epidermis  First inhalation. As the bird
that project from the body inhales, fresh air flows into
surface of a few amphibians. the posterior air sacs and
 When water passes over the partly into the lungs.
gills, the dissolved oxygen  First exhalation. As the bird
in the water rapidly diffuses exhales, air from the
across the gills into the posterior air sacs is forced
bloodstream. The circulatory into the lungs.
system can then carry the
oxygenated blood to the
other parts of the body.
gases between the aerial parts
of the plant and the atmosphere.
Water vapour and oxygen
molecules exit the leaf through
the same path as CO2 enters.

 Second inhalation. Air from

 The gases diffuse into the
the first breath moves into
intercellular spaces of the
the lungs. Air from the
second inhalation flows into leaf through pores, which
the posterior sacs. are normally on the
 Second exhalation. Most of underside of the leaf –
the air from the first stomata, from these spaces
inhalation leaves the body, they will diffuse into the
and the air from the second cells that require them.
inhalation flows into the  Respiration occurs
lungs. throughout the day and
Gas Exchange in Plants night, providing the plant
with a supply of
1. Stomata energy. Photosynthesis can
 Tiny openings present on the
only occur during sunlight
epidermis of leaves.
 An important role in gaseous hours so it stops at night. A
exchange and photosynthesis. product of respiration is
carbon dioxide.
 This can be used directly by
the plant in photosynthesis.
 During the day,
photosynthesis can be going
10 or even 20 times faster
than respiration, so the
stomata must stay open so
that the plant has enough
carbon dioxide, most of
which diffuses in from the
external atmosphere.

 Facilitate not only the uptake of 2. Lenticels

CO2 but also the exchange of all
 Circular groups of surface and facilitate the
protruding air-filled cells aeration necessary for root
with opening (stomata). respiration in hydrophytic
3. Root Hairs trees such as many
mangrove species.

 Long tubular-shaped
outgrowths from root
epidermal cells. In
arabidopsis, root hairs are
approximately 10 mm in
diameter and can grow to be
1 mm or more in length.
 They vastly increase the root
surface area and effectively
increase the root diameter,
root hairs are generally
thought to aid plants in
nutrient acquisition,
anchorage, and microbe

4. Pneumatophores
 Specialized root structures
that grow out from the water

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