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Барак Обама намтар Barack Obama’s biography

1 Барак Хусейн Обама 1961 оны 8 дугаар

сарын 4 нд Хавай мужийн Хонолулуд төржээ.
Barack Hussein Obama was born in
Honolulu , Hawai state on August
2 Түүний аав ноён, Кени улсын Няанза аймгийн
Луо омогт төржээ.
His father was born in luo tremble of Nyanza, Kenza

3 Аавнь Английн зарц байсан бөгөөд

эцэгтэйгээ цуг ямаа хариулж өсчээ.
His father was servant of England and
he grew up to herding goats with his

4 Тэрбээр Муслимчдын дунд ад үзэгдэж

байсан ч хожим нь шашингүйн үзэлтэн
He was being despised among the Muslims,
but Afterwards, he became an atheist.

5 Обамагийн ээж Стэнли Энн Данхэм

Кансасын Вичитад өсчээ.
Obama’s mother, Stanly Ann Dunham grew
up in Wichita ,Kansas.

6 Түүний эцэг Их хямралын үеэр тосны

машин дээр ажилладаг байв.
Her father used to work on the oil machine
during the great depression.

7 Перл-Харборын Японы халдлагын дараа

тэрээр дэлхийн 2 дугаар дайнд явахаар
бүртгүүлж, Паттоны армид Европыг
He registered to go the world 2nd war After
The Japanese attacked of Pearl harbor,
and crossed to Europe in Patton’s army.
8 Дунхамын ээж бөмбөг үйлдвэрлэх
үйлдвэрт ажилладаг байв.
Dunham’s mother used to work in a bomb

9 Дайны дараа тэд хамт Г.И Билл-д суралцаж,

холбооны гэржүүлэх хөтөлбөрийн дагуу байр
худалдаж авч Хавай руу нүүжээ.
After the war, They studied in G,I Bill together,
bought a house along the federal house’s program
and moved to Hawai.
10 Баракынаав энэ хооронд Кэниг орхин
Хавайд сурах тэтгэлэг хожиж мөрөөдлөө
биелүүлэх боломж олджээ.
In meantime,
Barack’s father left to Ken ,
won scholarship to study in Hawaii,
pursued his dream.

11 Обамаг төрөх цагт эцэг эх нь

Манаод Хавайн их сургуулийн Ийст —
Вест төвийн оюутнууд байжээ.
When Obama was born,His parents were
the students of the East-west center at
Hawaii university, Manao
12Обамаг хоёр настайд эцэг эх нь
тус тусдаа амьдрах болж эцэст нь
When Obama was 2 years old, His
parents lived to discrete then end of

Обамагийн аав нь Харвардад

докторын зэрэгт суралцахаар явж дараа
нь Кени руу буцав.

Obama’s father went to study for doctor

degree at Harvard university, then
returned to Kenya.
14 Түүний ээж Лоло Суторо гэгч Ийст Вест
товийн өөр нэг оюутан Индонези иргэнтэй
His mother married with Lolo Sutoro who
another Indonesian student of the east and
west center.
His mother married with other Indonesian
student with Lolo Sutoro who is student of
east - west center.

15 1967онд Жакарта руу гэр бүлээрээ нүүж

тэнд Обамагийн эх нэгт дүү Маяа Соеторо

In 1967, The family moved to Jakarta where

Obama’s half sister Maya Soetoro was born
16 Обама Жакартад сургуульд сурч
Индонез хэлээр хичээл үзэж байв.
Obama who studied at school of
Jakarta,learned lesson by Indonesian.

17 Дөрвөн жилийн дараа Барак (түүнийг

багад нь Барри гэж дууддаг байж)-ыг 10
настай байхад тэр Хавай руу ээжийнхээ эцэг
эх Станлеи болон Маделин Дунхамтай,
дараа нь ээжтэйгээ амьдрахаар нүүж очив.

4 years later, He moved to live Hawaii with his

grandparents Stanley and Madelin Dunkham
When Barack/he was called Barry as a child /
was 10 years old,
then he moved to live with his mother.
18 Тэр эцэг эхээ салснаас хойш төрсөн
аавтайгаа 1971 онд ганц удаа уулзсан.
He met his father once in 1971 since his
parents divorced.
Since His parents divorced ,He met his father
once in 1971

19 (Эцэг нь 1982 онд машины ослоор нас

баржээ) Бас тэрбээр идэр залуу насандаа
архи тамхи, кокайн, марихуан хэрэглэж
байснаа мөн номондоо хүлээн зөвшөөрчээ.
/His father dead by accident of car in 1982/
Also when He was a young, used to use
alcohol, smoke, cocaine and marihuana , which
He agreed in his book
20 Ахлах сургууль төгсөөд
Обама Лос Анжелес дахь Окксидентал
коллежид хоёр жил сураад
дараа нь
Нью-Йорк дахь Колумбийн Их Сургуульд
1983 онд улс төрийн ухааны мэргэжлээр
төгссөн юм.
After Obama graduated high school,
has studied in Occidental college, Los Angeles
for 2 years
then transferred to Columbia university, New
york and graduated as political science degree
in 1983.
21 Бизнесийн Олон Улсын корпораци
(корпорацийн үйлчлүүлэгчдийг ОУ-ын
бизнесийн мэдээллээр хангадаг компани)
мөн Нью-Йоркийн олон нийтийн сонирхлын
судалгааны бүлэг зэрэгт ажиллаж байгаад
Обама 1985 онд Чикаго руу нүүжээ.
Obama was working such as for the
International Business Corporation (a company
that provides corporate business information to
international clients) and Public Interest
Research Group of New York then moved to
Chicago in 1985.
22 Тэрээр Чикагогийн Росленд дахь доогуур
орлоготой иргэдийн дунд олон нийтийн ажил
зохион байгуулж, хотын өмнөд хэсэг дэх
Алтгелд Гарденс-ийн нийтийн орон
сууцжуулах хөтөлбөрийн ажилд оролцож
He organized community work for among the
low-income people in Rosland, Chicago and
participated in the southern part of the city,
Altgeld Gardens’s public housing program.
23Шүтлэгтэй гэр бүлд өсөөгүй гэж ярьдаг
байсан Обама Чикагод ажиллаж байх
үеэр Христийн Тринитигийн Нэгдсэн
Сүмд нэгдэн оржээ.
Obama who used to say not grown up in a
religious family, joined the United Trinity
Christian Church while was working in
24 Тэрбээр мөн Кенид байдаг хамаатнууд
болон төрсөн эцэг, болоод өвөг эцгийнхээ
шарил дээр очжээ.
Also He has been to cemetery/ tombs of his
relatives and his father and grandfather in

25 Обама 1988 онд Харвардын Хуулийн

сургуульд элсэн орж, 1990 онд Харвардын
Хуулийн сэтгүүлийн анхны хар арьст Америк
эрхлэгчээр сонгогджээ.
Obama enrolled at Harvard Law school in 1988
and was elected the first afro American as an
editor of Harvard law magazine in 1990.
26 Обама 1991 онд академийн хоёр дахь
дээд хүндэтгэлт үнэлгээтэй төгссөн байна.
Obama graduated with the second the highest
honors of the academy in 1991.
27 Хуулийн сургуулийг төгсөөд N Обама иргэний
эрхийн өмгөөлөгч, хуульчаар ажиллахаар Чикаго
руу буцаж V Минер, Барнхилл ба Галланд хэмээх
хуулийн байгууллагад ажиллах болсон юм N
After Obama graduated from law school,returned to
Chicago to work as a civil rights attorney and a
lawyer at Miner, Barnhill and Galland of legislative

28 Мөн тэрбээр Чикагогийн Их Сургуулийн Хуулийн

сургуульд хичээл зааж,
1992 онд Билл Клинтоны ерөнхийлөгчийн сонгуульд
сонгогчдын бүртгэлийг зохион байгуулах комисст
ажиллаж байжээ.
Also He taught at law University of Chicago, was
working on the a voters’ registration commission in
Bill Clinton’s presidential election of in 1992.
Also He taught at law University of Chicago, was
working in Bill Clinton’s presidential election as a
voters’ registration commission in 1992.
also He taught lesson at the Chicago university,
was working on the organizing commission of voter’s
register in the Bill Clinton President’s election in

28 Обама 1995 онд “Аавын Минь Хүсэл Мөрөөдлүүд:

Гарал, Угсаа Өвгийн тухай Өгүүлэл” хэмээх өөрийн
намтар зохиолоо хэвлүүлжээ.

In 1995, Obama was published ‘’his

autobiography, My father’s dreams a
compilation of race and inheritance.
In 1995, Obama was published his
autobiography which named “My father’s
dreams: An article about Origin, Ethnicity,

29 Энэхүү номынхоо аудио хэлбэрээр нь Грамми-гийн

шагнал хүртжээ.
The audio version of the book was won a Grammy
He won Grammy awards for audio version of
the book.

30 Обамагийн өмгөөлөгчийн ажил нь түүнийг

Ардчилсан намаас Иллинойсийн Мужийн Сенатад
нэр дэвшихэд хүргэсэн юм.

Obama’s a lawyer’s work, was led him to

nominate in Illinois’ state senate from the
democratic party.
31 Тэрээр 1996 онд Хайд Паркын өмнөд хэсгээс
сонгогдсон билээ.

he was elected from the southern of Hyde park

in 1996.

32 Энэ он жилүүдэд Обама Ардчилсан болон Бүгд

Найрамдах намуудын аль алинтай хамтран ёс зүйн,
өргөжүүлсэн эрүүл мэндийн халамжийн үйлчилгээний
болон ядуу хүүхдүүдийн боловсролын хөтөлбөрийн
хуулийг сайжруулан шинэчлэх тал дээр ажиллав.
Over the years, Obama worked to improve the law
the poor children education program, of
expanded health care’s services and ethics with
both Democrats and Republic party.

33 Тэр мөн ажил эрхлэгч ядуучуудад зориулсан

өөрсдөө ажиллаж олох татварын кредитийн хөтөлбөр
He also designed credit program of a self-working tax for
the working in the poors.
34 Мөн
цаазаар авах ялтай шоронгийн хэдэн хоригдлууд
буруугүй болох нь мэдэгдэхэд V Обама хуулийн
байгууллагынхантай хамтранN бүх томоохон
хэргүүдийг мөрдөн байцаах, ярилцах явцад Nзаавал
видео бичлэг хийлгэж байхыг шаардуулсан билээ.V
Also when Several inmates of death reported to acquitted,
Obama required with law enforcement, must videotapes to
be made during the investigation and discussion of all
35 2000 онд Обама Ардчилсан намаас АНУ-ын
төлөөлөгчдийн танхимын тэргүүний сунгаанд нэр
боловч дөрвөн удаа сонгогдсон Бобби Рашд ялагдсан
In 2000, Obama nominated from the Democratic party to
run for the USA house head of representatives,
but was lost to four time elected Bobby Rush.

36 9 дүгээр сарын 11-ний халдлагаас үүдсэн

Ерөнхийлөгч Жорж Бушийн Ирак дахь дайныг эртнээс
эсэргүүцэгчдийн нэг нь Обама байсан.

Due to of the September 11 attack, Obama

was one of president George Bush’s longtime
opponent of the war in Iraq.

37 Чикагогийн Холбооны Плазад болсон цуглаан дээр

Иракт хүч хэрэглэх шийдвэрийг гаргасны эсрэг
байгаагаа илэрхийлэх үед буюу 2002 оны 10 дугаар
сард Обама мужийн сенатч байсан юм.
At a conference in federal plaza of Chicago, Obama was a
senator of state in October 2002, by the time/when he
protested against the decision to use force in IRAQ.

38 “Би бүх дайны эсрэг биш.

Би зөвхөн тэнэг дайны эсрэг байдаг.
I am not against of all war.
I only against a stupid war.
39 Би юуг эсэргүүцээд байна вэ гэвэл
Ричард Пэрлэ, Пол Волфовоц нар болон энэхүү
засгийн газрын удирдлагын бусад түр зуурын
баатар болох гэсэн хүмүүсийн өөрсдийн үзэл
бодлоо бусдын амь нас, зовлон зүдгүүрийг
үл харгалзан бидний хоолой руу албадан шахах
гэсэн явдлыг эсэргүүцэж байна” гэж тэр хэлжээ.
What I am protesting against is that Richard Perle , Paul
Wolfowitz and other interim heroes of this government
head are trying to force their views into their throats,
regardless of the lives and suffer others that He said
40 Иракийн удирдагч Садцам Хуссейний талаар тэрээр
“Тэр бол тун өөдгүй нөхөр’’.
He said that Iraq leader Saddam Hussein ‘’He is very
scaly man’’

41 Энэ дэлхий болон Иракийн ард түмэн түүнгүйгээр

сайхан амьдрах боломжтой.
The world and the people of Iraq are able to live without

42 Гэхдээ би Саддамыг Америкийн Нэгдсэн Улс болон

эргэн тойрныхоо хөрш орнуудад хандсан илэрхий аюул
занал байхгүй гэдгийг,
Иракийн эдийн засаг муу байгааг,
Иракийн цэргийн хүч өмнөхөөсөө хэд дахин суларсныг,
бас Олон Улс хамтын хүчээр түүнийг бусад өөдгүй
удирдагчдын адилаар түүхийн хогийн саванд замхран
ортол хадгалан барьж байж чадна гэдгийг мэдэж
байна” гэж хэлжээ.
But I know that Saddam isn’t dangerous to the USA and
its neighbors country, that Iraq’s economy is a weak , The
Iraqi military is weakening many times over, and
international community power is saving him until fade
away to dustbin of history , like as other bad leaders. ’’I
know it can do it’’ that he said about him

Barack Obama’s biography

Barack Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu of Hawai on august 4,1961.

His father was born in Luo county of Nyanza, Kenza who was a servant in
England, and He grew up herding a goat with his father. He was despised
among the Muslims, but later he became an atheist. Obama’s mother,
Stanly Ann Dunham grew up in Wichita of Kansas. Her father used to work
on the oil machine during the great depression. After the Japanese
attacked Pearl Harbor, He registered to go to the world 2nd war in Patton’s
army and crossed Europe. Dunham’s mother used to work in a bomb
factory. After the war, They studied in G, I Bill together, bought a house
along with the federal house’s program, and moved to Hawai.

       In meantime, Barack’s father left Ken, won a scholarship to study in

Hawaii, pursued his dream. At this time of Obama birth, His parents were
the students of the East-west center at Hawaii University, Manao. When
Obama was 2 years old, His parents lived to the discrete end of divorced
Obama’s father went to study for a doctorate at Harvard University, then his
father returned to Kenya. His mother married Lolo Sutoro, who another
Indonesian student of the east and west center. In 1967, The family moved
to Jakarta, where Obama’s half-sister Maya Soetoro was born. Obama
studied in Jakarta and learned the lesson by Indonesian.  

    4 years later, When Barack/he was called Barry as a child / was 10 years
old, He moved to Hawaii live with his grandparents Stanley and Madelin
Dunham, then he moved to live with his mother. He met his father once in
1971 since whose parents divorced. Since His parents divorced, He met
his father once in 1971/His father died by accident of car in 1982/ also He
agreed in his book, who used to alcohol, smoke, cocaine, and marihuana
when was young After graduated high school, Obama has studied in
Occidental College, Los Angeles for 2 years then he transferred to
Columbia University, New York who finished as political science degree in

Obama moved to Chicago in 1985 after working for the International

Business Corporation (a company that provides corporate business
information to international clients) and Public Interest Research Group of
New York   

He has organized community work among the low-income people in

Rosland, Chicago who participated in the Altgeld Gardens public housing
program in the southern part of the city. Obama, who used to say, haven’t
grown up in a religious family, joined the United Trinity Christian Church
while working in Chicago. Also, He went to the cemetery/ tombs of his
relatives in Kenya and his father and grandfather. Obama enrolled at
Harvard Law school in 1988 and was elected the first black American as an
editor of Harvard law magazine in 1990. Obama graduated with his
second-highest honors of the academy in 1991. After graduated from law
school, Obama returned to Chicago to work as a civil rights attorney and
lawyer at Miner, Barnhill, and Galland. 

Also, He taught at law University of Chicago, worked on the Bill Clinton

presidential election a voter registration commission in 1992In 1995,
Obama published his autobiography, Dreams from My father a story of race
and inheritance The audio version of the book won a Grammy award 

Obama’s lawyer work led him to nominate/run from the democratic party in
the Illinois state senate. He was selected from the southern of Hyde park in
1996. Over the years, Obama worked to improve the law of the poor
children education program, expanded health care and ethics, with both
Democrats and Republic. He also designed a self-working tax credit
program for the working poor. 
Also when Several inmates of death reported to acquitted, Obama along
with law enforcement, demand videotapes be made during the investigation
and discussion of all cases In 2000, Obama was nominated by the
Democratic party to run for the USA house head of representatives, but lost
to four-time elected Bobby Rush.

Obama was one of President George Bush’s longtime opponents of the

war in Iraq in wake of the September 11 attack. At a conference at a
federal plaza in Chicago, Obama was a senator in October 2002, by the
time/when he protested against the decision to use force in IRAQ. I am not
against all war. I only against a stupid war.

What I am protesting against is that Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, and

other interim heroes of this government head are trying to force their views
into their throats, regardless of the lives and suffer others He said that Iraq
leader Saddam Hussein ‘’He is very bad man’’ The world and the people of
Iraq can live without him. But I know that Saddam isn’t dangerous to the
USA and its neighbors country, that Iraq’s economy is weak, The Iraqi
military is weakening many times over, and the international community is
saving him until fades away to the dustbin of history, like as other bad
leaders. ’’I know it can do it’’ That said  
Barack Obama’s biography

Barack Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu of Hawai on august 4,1961.

His father was born in Luo county of Nyanza, Kenza who was a servant in
England, and He grew up herding a goat with his father. He was despised
among the Muslims, but later he became an atheist. Obama’s mother,
Stanly Ann Dunham grew up in Wichita of Kansas. Her father used to work
on the oil machine during the great depression. After the Japanese
attacked Pearl Harbor, He registered to go to the world 2nd war in Patton’s
army and crossed Europe. Dunham’s mother used to work in a bomb
factory. After the war, They studied in G, I Bill together, bought a house
along with the federal house’s program, and moved to Hawai.

       In meantime, Barack’s father left Ken, won a scholarship to study in

Hawaii, pursued his dream. At this time of Obama birth, His parents were
the students of the East-west center at Hawaii University, Manao. When
Obama was 2 years old, His parents lived to the discrete end of divorced
Obama’s father went to study for a doctorate at Harvard University, then his
father returned to Kenya. His mother married Lolo Sutoro, who another
Indonesian student of the east and west center. In 1967, The family moved
to Jakarta, where Obama’s half-sister Maya Soetoro was born. Obama
studied in Jakarta and learned the lesson by Indonesian.  

    4 years later, When Barack/he was called Barry as a child / was 10 years
old, He moved to Hawaii live with his grandparents Stanley and Madelin
Dunham, then he moved to live with his mother. He met his father once in
1971 since whose parents divorced. Since His parents divorced, He met
his father once in 1971/His father died by accident of car in 1982/ also He
agreed in his book, who used to alcohol, smoke, cocaine, and marihuana
when was young After graduated high school, Obama has studied in
Occidental College, Los Angeles for 2 years then he transferred to
Columbia University, New York who finished as political science degree in

Obama moved to Chicago in 1985 after working for the International

Business Corporation (a company that provides corporate business
information to international clients) and Public Interest Research Group of
New York   

He has organized community work among the low-income people in

Rosland, Chicago who participated in the Altgeld Gardens public housing
program in the southern part of the city. Obama, who used to say, haven’t
grown up in a religious family, joined the United Trinity Christian Church
while working in Chicago. Also, He went to the cemetery/ tombs of his
relatives in Kenya and his father and grandfather. Obama enrolled at
Harvard Law school in 1988 and was elected the first black American as an
editor of Harvard law magazine in 1990. Obama graduated with his
second-highest honors of the academy in 1991. After graduated from law
school, Obama returned to Chicago to work as a civil rights attorney and
lawyer at Miner, Barnhill, and Galland. 

Also, He taught at law University of Chicago, worked on the Bill Clinton

presidential election a voter registration commission in 1992In 1995,
Obama published his autobiography, Dreams from My father a story of race
and inheritance The audio version of the book won a Grammy award 

Obama’s lawyer work led him to nominate/run from the democratic party in
the Illinois state senate. He was selected from the southern of Hyde park in
1996. Over the years, Obama worked to improve the law of the poor
children education program, expanded health care and ethics, with both
Democrats and Republic. He also designed a self-working tax credit
program for the working poor. 

Also when Several inmates of death reported to acquitted, Obama along

with law enforcement, demand videotapes be made during the investigation
and discussion of all cases In 2000, Obama was nominated by the
Democratic party to run for the USA house head of representatives, but lost
to four-time elected Bobby Rush.

Obama was one of President George Bush’s longtime opponents of the

war in Iraq in wake of the September 11 attack. At a conference at a
federal plaza in Chicago, Obama was a senator in October 2002, by the
time/when he protested against the decision to use force in IRAQ. I am not
against all war. I only against a stupid war.

What I am protesting against is that Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, and

other interim heroes of this government head are trying to force their views
into their throats, regardless of the lives and suffer others He said that Iraq
leader Saddam Hussein ‘’He is very bad man’’ The world and the people of
Iraq can live without him. But I know that Saddam isn’t dangerous to the
USA and its neighbors country, that Iraq’s economy is weak, The Iraqi
military is weakening many times over, and the international community is
saving him until fades away to the dustbin of history, like as other bad
leaders. ’’I know it can do it’’ He said  

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