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21st century demands a lot of changes, development and re-engineering of systems in different
fields for this generation to thrive. In the field of education, most of the changes have focused on
teaching and learning. Preparing and equipping the teachers to cater to the needs of the 21 st century
learners are part of the adjustments being done in the education system.
 Curricula are updated to address the needs of the community in relation to the demands of
the 21st century. This aspect of teaching and learning has been given its share of focus, the
various components/factors analyzed and updated to ensure that students’ learning will be at
par with the demands of the 21st century.
 Although there are a lot of changes that has been made on the different facets of education,
there are some members of the educational community calling for a corresponding
development or changes in the educational assessment.
 Viewing educational assessment as agent of educational change is of great importance.
 21st century skills must be built on the core literacy and numeracy that all students must
master. Students need to think critically and creatively, communicate and collaborate
effectively, and work globally to be productive, accountable citizens and leaders. These
skills to be honed must be assesses, not just simply to get numerical results but more so, to
take the results of assessments as guide to take further actions.
 Education need to focus on: what to teach; how to teach; and how to assessed (Greenstein,
2012; Schmoker, 2011)
 Assessment in the 21st century acknowledges that students learn and succeed in different
ways, as students are all unique. Although assessment still exist in the 21 st century
education, it exists in ways that differ from what familiar with in traditional education. The
key understanding of assessment in the 21st century education is the that they are made to
tailor to student needs and to encourage every students’ success. In order for students to see
what they know about the topic before they begin to learn deeply about it. Through this
process, teachers will understand their students’ strengths and weaknesses so that they can
change their instruction to fit students’ needs.
 Students are assessed to receive feedback, whether they are learning or not. By so doing,
teachers could evaluate whether their teaching is effective or not, an adjustment will be done
to meet the needs of students.
The following eight characteristics of 21 st century assessment is essential guide for
preparation of assessment activities by educators. It is necessary to refer to these characteristics to
ensure that learners are being assessed towards the skills and demand of the 212st century.
1. Responsive- visible performance-based work (as a result of assessment generates data that
inform curriculum and instruction.
2. Flexible- assessment need to be adaptable to students’ settings. Rather than the identical
approach that works in traditional assessment, 21st century approaches are more versatile.
3. Integrated- assessments are to be incorporated into day-to-day practice rather than as add-
ons at the end of instruction or during a single specified week of the school calendar.
4. Informative- the desired 21st century goals and objectives are clearly stated and explicitly
taught. Students display their range of emerging knowledge and skills. Exemplars routinely
guide students toward achievement of targets.
5. Multiple methods- as assessment continuum that includes a spectrum of strategies in the
6. Communicated- communication of assessment data is clear and transparent for all.
7. Technically sound- adjustments and accommodations are made in the assessment process to
meet the students’ needs and fairness.
8. Systematic- 21st century assessment is part of a comprehensive and well-aligned assessment
system that is balanced and inclusive of all students, constituents, and stakeholders and
designed to support improvement at all levels.
The major objective of educational assessment is to have a holistic appraisal of a learner,
his/her environment and accomplishments.
The educational assessments process starts in analyzing the criterion together with the
teaching-learning environment. It is done to determine the effect of the environment to the
teaching-learning situation after which, the kind of evidence that are appropriate to use for
assessment of the individuals are set. This helps to determine the strengths, weaknesses,
needs and personality characteristics, skills and abilities of the learner.
It is clear that educational assessment encompasses the total educational setting and not
limited to the teacher-student engagement. It is not merely based on a single aspect such as
taking a test, and checking it. In totality, the processes of measurement and evaluation are
subsumed in the educational assessment process.
Assessment is constantly taking place in educational settings. Decisions are made about
content/subject matter and specific targets, nature of students and faculty, morale and satisfaction of
both the teachers and the students, as well as the extent of which student performances meet the
standard and/or deliver the outcomes expected from them by the teacher.
Assessments can be used as basis for decision-making at different phases of the teaching-
learning process. The table below depicts the different phases of the teaching-learning process, how
and what decisions are made by the teachers.


Before starting teaching Content to cover Informal observation
during following day, of students during
week, month, grading class
period, and so on. Conversation with
Abilities of students students’ previous
considering the teachers
cultural background, Knowledge of
interests and skills of student’s personal
students in planning family circumstances
the teaching activities.
Materials appropriate
to use with the students
Learning activities that
will engage both the
teacher and students as
the lesson is being
Learning targets that
the teacher wants to
achieve as a result of
Organization and
arrangement of
students in class in
consideration of the
lessons and activities.
During Teaching Students learning on Observation of
what and how the students during
lesson is presented learning activities
Improvement needed Students’ responses to
to make the lesson questions the teachers
work better asked them
What feedback to give Observation of
each student about students’ interaction
how well the student is Diagnosis of the types
learning of errors the students
Readiness of the made or erroneous
students to move to the thinking the students
next activity as are using
planned in the learning Look for alternative
sequence ways to teach the
Identify if there are
students who are not
participating and
acting appropriately

After a Teaching Segment How well students Classroom tests,

achieve the short- and projects, observations
long-term instructional Interviews with
targets students
Strengths and Standardized test
weaknesses to be given results
as feedback to parents Observations of each
or guardians of student’s classroom
students participation
Grade to be given to Review each student’s
each student for the homework results
lesson or unit, grading Review each student’s
period or end of the standardized
course achievement and
Effectiveness of scholastic aptitude test
teaching the lesson to results
the students Review information
Effectiveness of the about a student’s
curriculum and personal family
materials used for the circumstances
lesson Informal observation
of how well the student
has attained the
intended learning
Summaries of the
class’s performance on
the important
instructional targets
Summaries of the
class’ performance on
selected questions on
standardized tests
Summaries of how
well the students liked
the activities and
lesson materials
Summaries of the
class’ achievement on
classroom tests that
match the curriculum


Decision Description Example

Instructional This decision is normally made After a test was given by the
by individual classroom teacher, the result is not so
teacher, as necessary to meet satisfactory thus the teacher
the targets or objectives set may decide to re-teach the
during classroom engagement. lesson using a different
Decisions are reached strategy so as improve the
according to the results of test learning and meet the
administered to a class. objective/target set for that
particular lesson.
Grading It is usually based on teacher- A quarterly grade is based on
made tests. Grades are the following: result of the
assigned to the students using teacher-made test, class
assessment as one of the participation, projects and
factors. attendance
Diagnostic It is made to determine a A teacher gave an essay test.
student’s strengths and The teacher noticed that the
weaknesses and the reason or students were able to write
reasons. more than five grammatically
correct sentences but the
coherence of the ideas
contained in the paragraph is
poor. So the result shows that
the students still need more
help in understanding the
principles of writing a good
Selection It involves accepting or College or University Entrance
rejecting the examinee based Examinations, Choosing
on the results of assessment, School Representative for a
for admission or qualifications National Quiz Bee
to a program or school activity.
The decisions are made not by
classroom teachers but by
specialists such as guidance
counselors, administrators or
the selection committee.
Placement It is made after a student has A diagnostic test on English
been admitted to school. It and Math were given to
involves the process of freshmen to determine who
identifying students who needs among them may encounter
remediation or may be difficulty in these areas. Those
recommended for enrichment who will get a below-average
program of the school. scores will be included in the
remediation program to help
the students cope with the
lessons in English and Math.
Guidance & Counseling It utilizes tests data to assist The NCAE helps to identify
students in making their which career path the student
personal choices for future may pursue that matches
career and help them know his/her interests and skills,
their strengths and weaknesses whether academic, vocational
by means of standardized tests. or technical programs.

On the other hand, teachers

may use the results of socio-
metric tests to identify who
among the students are popular
or unpopular maybe be given
help for them to gain friends
and become more sociable.
Program or Curriculum It is made not at the level of the The decision to implement the
teachers but on higher level K to 12 Curriculum in order to
such as division, regional or avoid mismatch among
national level. Based on the graduates and the industry and
result of assessment and to be at par with the
evaluation, educational Curriculum implemented in the
decisions may be reached: to Philippines’ neighboring
continue, discontinue, revise or countries.
replace a curriculum or
program being implemented.
Administrative Policy It involves determining the To conduct a remediation
implications to resources class, additional budget is
including financial necessarily for the logistics
consideration in order to (classroom, instructional
improve the student learning as materials, assessment
a result of an assessment. It materials, etc.) and the
may entail acquisition of additional pay for the teachers
Instructional materials, books, that will handle the remedial
etc. to raise the level of classes.
students’ performance in
academic or non-academic or
NAME: John Anthony L. Beberino DATE: 10/27/2022
COURSE: BSED-Unit Earner

Directions: Read each statement carefully. Identify what characteristics of the 21 st century
assessment is being emphasized.
1. Assessment need to be adaptable to students setting.
Ans. Flexible
2. Assessment should also be fair to ethnic, gender and socio-economic groups.
Ans. Technically Sound
3. Students as well as their parents, keep track of their achievements.
Ans. Communicated
4. Ms. Pangatungan uses different strategies and techniques in assessing her students.
Ans. Multi Methods
5. After every discussion, Mr. Tamsi let his students answer a check-up quiz.
Ans. Integrated
6. Ms. Trajano asks us to give our insights for today’s lesson.
Ans. Responsive
7. 21st century assessment is balanced and inclusive of all students, constituents and
Ans. Systematic
8. Ms. Limpangag always shares the objective to us before the lesson proper.
Ans. Informative
9. Assessment data is clear and transparent for all stakeholders.
Ans. Communicated
10. Ms Ompad asked us for a 1/8 sheet of paper. There she wrote our grade for Prelim which is
Ans. Communicated

NAME: John Anthony L. Beberino DATE: 10/27/22
COURSE: BSED-Unit Earner

Directions: Below are sample encountered in school setting. Identify the best assessment that could
be used as input in order to come up with a sound decision. Include the type of decision wherein the
results of assessment will be used. Justify your proposed assessment.
Case 1
Based on the previous school year’s data, particularly the new enrollees, there were students (since
they have different backgrounds) who cannot cope well in the general basic subjects particularly in
English and Mathematics. In preparation for the coming school year, the administration mandated the
Academic team to improve the situation and plan a program that will help the students improve their
skills in those subjects.
Type of decision wherein this assessment will be used Placement Assessment
Justification: To identify the strength and weakness of the students make a reading

comprehension and remediation to make the students improve their skill in those
subjects. To determine the prerequisite skills and degree of mastery of the subject.

Case 2
The school received an invitation to join an international competition in the field of Mathematics. In
the invitation, the organizer asked for five representatives from the school a week after the letter of
invitation was received, since there will be an orientation and coaching schedules. The VP for
Academic Affairs endorsed the said invitation to the Subject Area Coordinator (SAC). What should
be the next step(s) to be undertaken by the SAC?
Type of decision wherein this assessment will be used Formative Assessment
Justification: The SAC will do a quiz bee game in the students and select the five
students that who got a higher score

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