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Quarte Content Standard Performance Standard
r Most Essential Learning Duration
The learners demonstrate The learners should be Competencies
understanding of... able to...
1st 1. how the different conduct an information Explain how the respiratory and Week 1-2 S9LT-la-b-26
structures of the circulatory and dissemination activity on circulatory systems work together
respiratory systems work together effective ways of taking care to transport nutrients, gases, and
to transport oxygen-rich blood of the respiratory and other molecules to and from the
and nutrients to the different parts circulatory systems based on different parts of the body
of the body data gathered from the school Infer how one’s lifestyle can Week 2 S9LT-lc-27
or local health workers affect the functioning of
2. the prevention, detection, and respiratory and circulatory
treatment of diseases affecting the systems
circulatory and respiratory

1. how genetic information is Explain the different Week 3-4 S9LT-Id-29

organized in genes on patterns of non Mendelian
chromosomes inheritance
2. the different patterns of

how changes in the environment make a multimedia Relate species extinction to the Week 5 S9LT-Ie-f-30
may affect species extinction presentation of a timeline of failure of populations of
extinction of representative organisms to adapt to abrupt
microorganisms, plants, and changes in the environment
1. the structure and function of design and conduct an Differentiate basic features and Week 6-7 S9LT-lg-j-31
plant parts and organelles investigation to provide importance of photosynthesis and
involved in photosynthesis evidence that plants can respiration
2. the structure and function of manufacture their own food
mitochondrion as the main
organelle involved in respiration
2nd 1. the development of atomic Explain how the Quantum Week 1
models that led to the description Mechanical Model of the atom
of the behavior of electrons within describes the energies and
atoms positions of the electrons
2. how atoms combine with other
atoms by transferring or by
sharing electrons
3. forces that hold metals
Recognize different types of Week 2
compounds (ionic or covalent) S9MT-IIb-14
based on their properties such as
melting point, hardness, polarity,
and electrical and thermal

Explain how ions are formed; Week 3 S9MT-IIe-f-16

the type of bonds that Explain how the structure of the Week 4-5
carbon S9MT-IIg-17
carbon forms that result in the
diversity of carbon compounds atom affects the type of bonds it
Recognize the general classes Week 6
and uses of organic S9MT-IIh-18
the unit, mole, that quantitatively analyze the percentage Use the mole concept to express Week 7
measures the number of very composition of different mass of substances; and S9MT-IIi-19
small particles of matter brands of two food products
and decide on the products’
appropriate percentage
Determine the percentage Week 8
composition of a compound
given its chemical formula and S9MT-IIj-20
vice versa.
3rd volcanoes found in the Describe the different types of Week 1
Philippines volcanoes and volcanic eruption
Explain what happens when Week 2 S9ES -IIIb-28
volcanoes erupt
Illustrate how energy from Week 3-4 S9ES –IIIc-d-29
volcanoes may be tapped for
human use
factors that affect climate, and the participate in activities that Explain how different factors Week 5-6 S9ES-IIIe-30
effects of changing climate and reduce risks and lessen effects affect the climate of an area
how to adapt accordingly of climate change
Describe certain climatic Week 6-7 S9ES-IIIf-31
phenomena that occur on a
global level
the relationship between the discuss whether or not Show which constellations Week 8-9 S9ES-IIIj-35
visible constellations in popular beliefs and practices may be observed at different
the sky and Earth’s position along with regard to constellations times of the year using
its orbit and astrology have scientific models
4th projectile motion, impulse and propose ways to enhance Describe the horizontal and Week 1 S9FE-IVa-34
momentum, and conservation of sports related to projectile vertical motions of a projectile
linear momentum motion
Investigate the relationship Week 1-2 S9FE-IVa-35
between the angle of release and
the height and range of the
Relate impulse and momentum to Week 3 S9FE-IVb-36
collision of objects (e.g.,
vehicular collision)

Infer that the total momentum Week 3 S9FE-IVb-37

before and
after collision is equal

conservation of mechanical energy create a device that shows Perform activities to Week 4 S9FE-IVd-40
conservation of mechanical demonstrate conservation
energy of mechanical energy
the relationship among heat, work, analyze how power plants Construct a model to Week 5 S9FE-IVe-42
and efficiency generate and transmit electrical demonstrate that heat can do
energy work
Explain how heat transfer and Week 6 S9FE-IVg-45
energy transformation make heat
engines work
generation, transmission, and Explain how electrical energy is Week 6-7 S9FE-IVh-j-46
distribution of electrical energy generated, transmitted, and
from power plants (hydroelectric, distributed
geothermal, wind, nuclear) to

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