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Examples of Assessment FOR Learning

(InspirED style)
Any of these activities can be used for assessment for learning. Take into account the

Before test:
Students should be given instructions in advance, and all vocabulary items, structures, functions to be
assessed must be clearly stated and revised before the day of the activity.

Agree upon test day in advance and provide clear instructions for students to feel safe during
assessment time.

During test
We are creating these activities to help students feel relaxed so they can produce at their best during the
test. However, as a teacher you must be clear about WHAT your are assessing, HOW and WHY. Have
your assessment grid ready so you can get information about students performance clearly outlined
during the test.

After test
Provide FEEDBACK: use everything that happened during the activity to make students REFLECT. You
can implement self-correction, peer- correction strategies, ask students how they felt during the test,
what they would do differently next time, etc

Send us the information about students performance within due dates.

Some sample activities….
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Mini presentation… a classic

Motivational speech
Students prepare a mini
presentation on their own.
Students prepare a mini
motivational speech on their own.
Or… you create flashcards so that
they have to produce a 3 min talk
during the class.
Remember: provide sts with some
sample topics, and the target
Remember: sts should use
vocabulary, structures and
vocabulary, structures and
functions they should use.
functions seen with you in class
during this period.
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This is me video
Roleplays - another classic
Students prepare a mini video on
Students prepare the role-play with their cell phone about themselves:
you, based on real situations they interesting facts, challenges in life,
have to face. etc

Remember: sts should use Remember: provide sts with some

vocabulary, structures and the target vocabulary, structures
functions seen with you in class and functions they should use.
during this period. These are the ones you will be
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Swapping roles
My life timeline
Students become teachers, and the
Students prepare an artistic life
teacher becomes a participant.
timeline about themselves and
share it with the class.
Each student is assigned a topic
(the ones you have seen in class
with them) and has to re-teach that
Remember: provide sts with some
topic or vocabulary list for the rest
the target vocabulary, structures
of the class.
and functions they should use.
This could be played as a game
These are the ones you will be
where they can have different
topics to teach to each other.
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Script writing Debate

Students write a script about a Use some materials from the skills
topic, using and accounting for the development section to have a
use of vocabulary and structures. debate about a topic.

They can also role-play the script in Be specific about the functions,
class! vocabulary and structures
participants should use.
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Use word wall activities to trigger

discussions or use of vocabulary

Your own ideas!!!!!!

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