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Issue No. 1 Issue Date: 07/ 20 Page 1 of 3

Assessor Guidelines for Virtual Onsite Assessment - NABH-VA-HOPE-

Assessor Guidelines for Virtual onsite assessment

1. A formal I and C document shared with the assessor with complete hospital details.
2. Assessor is assigned the Hospital formally on the HOPE portal so that the assessor can review
the documents uploaded by the hospital.
3. Assessor to download HOPE portal Android/iOS app on his /her Mobile phone.
4. On the day of the assessment the assessor to be dressed up formally for the assessment
5. Assessment to start with the NABH moderator opening the Virtual onsite assessment and then
assessor self-introducing himself/herself
6. Opening meeting by the assessor informing the scope of audit to HCO and assuring that
observations/findings of audit will be kept confidential.
7. The assessment will start with a full round of the hospital starting from the entry to the various
areas/zones. It will be the responsibility of assessor to have a written down plan of assessment
ready, considering the facilities and scope applied and the plan should be practical
8. The order of the visit to various zones of the hospital can be same as prescribed in HOPE
onsite application
9. The assessor will conduct interviews with staff members of the hospital as per plan mentioned
10. Once the full round of the hospital is over, the assessor will review all the documents as
prescribed in the onsite assessment checklist.
11. Assessor has to make sure to cover each and every question from the given checklist.
12. During the assessment, if some remarkable finding or NC is noticed by assessor, it has to be
debriefed to the HCO which will give an opportunity to HCO to justify itself.
13. After the completion of assessment, assessor may take up 5-10 minutes to review the
assessment. If any area of the hospital has to be virtually visited again, the hospital has to
oblige to the same.
14. The duration of the Virtual onsite assessment to be approximately three hours.
15. Assessor will give detailed observations against the NC’s raised to the hospital during formal
closing meeting with hospital representatives explaining the next course of action regarding
process of CAPA before disconnecting the video call.
16. After the Virtual Onsite assessment is over the Assessor to upload the observations in the
HOPE application.
17. Assessor to upload the required photographs (which should be time stamped and geotagged)
in the HOPE portal as shared by the Hospital on the day of the assessment.

Issue No. 1 Issue Date: 07/ 20 Page 2 of 3

Assessor Guidelines for Virtual Onsite Assessment - NABH-VA-HOPE-

18. The assessor to upload his photograph in the HOPE portal

19. The assessor to clearly discuss and define the Scope of services to be given to the hospital
and the same to be included in the HOPE portal

Issue No. 1 Issue Date: 07/ 20 Page 3 of 3

Quality Council of India
5th Floor, ITPI Building; 4 A, Ring Road, IP Estate
New Delhi - 110 002, India
Tel/ Fax: 91-11- 42600600

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