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Unit 5 Test Name:

Score: / 30 points

1 Look at the photos. Write the correct food or drink. (5 points)

1. 2.

3. 4.


2 Write a, some, or any. (5 points)
1. There isn’t juice in the refrigerator.

2. I always put ketchup on my burger.

3. Can I have cheese sandwich, please?

4. Are there restaurants in your town?

5. We eat lot of chocolate.

3 Circle the correct answer. (5 points)

1. I usually drink a plate / glass / bag of water or juice with my lunch.

2. I eat a big plate / slice / bottle of pasta every day.

3. We get a plate / bag / bottle of potatoes when we go shopping.

4. Jack has two bowls / glasses / slices of bread. He wants to make a sandwich.

5. Can I have a glass / bag / bowl of soup, please?

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4 Read the text. Circle the correct answer. (5 points)
My favorite place is a diner called Spice. I live in a small village but my family
and I often travel into the city center to go shopping, and we always eat at Spice
when we’re there. It’s a small place, and you can buy big plates of noodles and
vegetables there. They don’t cook any meat or fish, but that’s OK. I like vegetables
and I love watching the robots. That's right, robots! They’re the really good thing
about Spice. People don’t make your food – robots do! They cook the food and put it
on plates for you!

1. Spice is a diner in a small village / the city center.

2. Spice is / isn’t a very big diner.

3. You can eat fish / noodles at Spice.

4. The writer likes meat / vegetables when she’s at Spice.

5. At Spice, robots cook your food / take your food to your table.

5 Listen. Circle the correct answer.   TR: 9 (5 points)

1. Ms. Carla likes / doesn’t like eating out.

2. Ms. Carla’s favorite restaurant cooks Mexican / Chinese food.

3. Ms. Carla’s favorite restaurant is near her house / in the city center.

4. Ms. Carla likes eating soup / noodles when she eats out.

5. Ms. Carla thinks the vegetable dishes at her favorite restaurant are really good /
really bad.

6 Listen. Complete the words.   TR: 10 (5 points)

1. Joe always ch ses to eat pasta on T sday.

2. Anna’s bl shoes are h .

3. The r l r is on the comp r.

4. There’s a big ball n in the classr m.

5. It’s tr – I love sm thies!

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