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High Step-Down Nonisolated DC–DC Converter

With Coupled Inductors
Mahdi Rezvanyvardom and Amin Mirzaei

Abstract— High step-down nonisolated dc–dc converter with

coupled inductors is proposed. The converter is used a simple
lossless clamping circuit. Moreover, it produces the current ripple
cancelation at the output due to series connection between the
coupled inductors and the output. Automatic current sharing is
done in the proposed converter even if the switches have different
duty cycles. The proposed converter has lower voltage stress in
comparison with traditional Buck converter and also different
topologies of Buck converters with the coupled inductors. Besides,
the current stress on semiconductor devices is reduced due to the
interleaved structure. Finally, the converter has lower number Fig. 1. Block diagram of the high step-down dc–dc converter in PV system.
of components in comparison with the similar structures. The
mentioned advantages candidate the proposed converter to apply
in photovoltaic system. A 200-W laboratory prototype converter losses, and poor current ripple cancelation [3]. As a result,
is considered and constructed. The experimental results presented researchers proposed several high step-down nonisolated
confirm the aforementioned features and theoretical analysis.
dc–dc converters in the literature. A two-stage converter is
Index Terms— DC–DC power conversion, high step-down con- one of the important ways to obtain high step-down voltage
verters, nonisolated dc–dc converter, pulse width modulation. ratio [4], [5]. In fact, the mentioned stages convert the voltage
level from high to intermediate and then from intermediate
I. I NTRODUCTION to low. Most of the proposed structures with this technique
have low efficiency and high conduction losses due to apply
R ECENTLY, high step-down nonisolated dc–dc convert-
ers are applied in many several industrial applications
especially photovoltaic (PV) systems. If the application needs
high number of elements. On the other hand, high step-down
nonisolated dc–dc converters with single stage are proposed in
many articles. The converters in [6]–[8] are applied coupled
a source voltage different from the battery voltage (dc link),
inductors in their structure to reach high step-down voltage
another converter is used to produce the required supply
ratio by moderate duty cycle.
as displayed in Fig. 1. This structure is used in several
The important drawback of the converters is high-current
different loads, such as charging stations for mobiles, LED
ripple when their output current rises. However, a discrete
street lightening, and so on. As a result, the first converter
inductor can be used with the coupled inductor to decrease the
acts as an interface circuit between the PV and dc link
amplitude of the output current ripple. The suggested topology
by increasing the voltage level of PV panel. In contrast,
is proper for low-current applications. Another way to obtain
the second converter is used to decrease the voltage level of
high step-down voltage ratio is using transformer-based con-
dc link and feed the particular loads which is deliberated in
verters [9]. Some articles used isolated topologies (half bridge
detail in [1] and [2]. In fact, conventional Buck converter is the
and full bridge) in their converters. Along with the numerous
most popular structure between other nonisolated step-down
benefits, isolated converters have some disadvantages, such
dc–dc topologies due to its simple structure, low cost, and
as high-voltage stresses across active elements due to leakage
maturity in design techniques. However, conventional dc–dc
inductance, high size, and high complexity due to employment
Buck converter has some major drawbacks for high step-down
of isolated voltage/current sensors or applying isolated power
applications, such as extremely low duty cycle which forces
supplies or using isolated drivers [10]–[12]. Consequently,
the researchers to overdesign the output filter, high power
nonisolated transformers are used in [13] and [14] to solve
Manuscript received February 12, 2020; revised May 11, 2020; accepted these problems. Besides, the current stress and the overall
June 21, 2020. Date of publication June 29, 2020; date of current version size of the converter are reduced. The high-voltage gain is
May 28, 2021. Recommended for publication by Associate Editor Burak achieved in the converters which are presented in [14]. The
Ozpineci. (Corresponding author: Mahdi Rezvanyvardom.)
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, converters have some drawbacks, such as pulsating current
Faculty of Engineering, Arak University, Arak 38165, Iran (e-mail: and complicated gate drivers. By applying a dc–dc unregulated transformer in a Buck type converter, a new type of structure
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available
online at as quasi-parallel converter creates, which is introduced in [15]
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JESTPE.2020.3005418 and [16]. The converter has high-voltage gain with high
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See for more information.

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Fig. 2. Configuration of the proposed converter.

efficiency, while it has complex structure due to involvement

of high number of switches and isolated gate driver. High
step-down voltage ratio is achieved in [17] by using a hybrid
transformer and a hybrid switching technique in a Cuk–Buck
converter. The converter has high efficiency, while its current
ripple is quite high. High-current ripple is removed in [17] by
using interleaved structure in Cuk–Buck converter. High step-
down conversion ratio can be achieved by using transformer-
less converters [18]–[22]. The voltage conversion ratio can
be extended by putting the switched capacitors into inductor-
based topology. These converters have low efficiency and
complex controller due to operate at lower range of duty cycle
Fig. 3. Converter theoretical waveforms.
for high step-down applications.
In this article, a high step-down nonisolated dc–dc con-
verter with coupled inductors is proposed. The converter is and M2 are unidirectional. In fact, switch M2 creates a path to
applied a simple lossless clamping circuit. The circuit clamps transfer the power from input to the output, while switch M1
the voltage spikes across the switch and prevents it to be manages the power transmission from the coupled inductors to
damaged. Furthermore, the proposed converter manages the capacitor CO1 . In addition, diodes D3 and D4 create the power
stored energy in leakage inductors. Besides, the converter transmission path from the secondary side of the coupled
has ultra-high step-down conversion ratio. On the other hand, inductors to the output.
the converter produces the current ripple cancelation at the Besides, CO is the output capacitor and RO is the output
output due to series connection between the coupled inductors load. The theoretical waveforms of the proposed high step-
and the output. Moreover, the automatic current sharing is down converter are illustrated in Fig. 3. The converter has four
done in the proposed converter even if the switches have modes of operation in each switching cycle. The explanations
different duty cycles. These phenomena occur due to the for each mode are presented as follows. Furthermore, the
existence of coupled inductors with similar turn ratio in two equivalent circuits are shown in Fig. 4.
interleaved paths. The proposed converter has lower voltage
stress in comparison with traditional Buck converter and
also different topologies of Buck converters with the coupled A. Mode 1 (t0 − t1 ) [see Fig. 4(a)]
inductors. It should be mentioned that the converter has the This mode starts when switch M2 is turned on at t0 . Since
advantages of interleaved structures which reduces the current the switch is connected in series with inductor L 1 which has
stress on semiconductor devices. Finally, the converter has zero current at t = t0 , then it is turned on under ZCS condition.
lower number of components in comparison with the similar When switch M2 is turned on, diode D2 will be forward biased.
structures. This article is organized as follows. In Section II, Due to the coupled inductors which have zero current at the
circuit configuration and operation modes of the proposed start of mode 1, the diode is turned on under ZCS condition.
converter are presented. Design consideration and guidelines The stored energy in capacitor CS is transferred to the output
are analyzed in Section III. The experimental results are and input through diode D2 and switch M2 , while its value
deliberated in Section IV. Lastly, conclusions are explained is decreased. The capacitance of CS is high enough so that
in Section V. it can be assumed as a constant voltage source with a value
of VCS . The value of VCS is greater than the input voltage.
II. C IRCUIT C ONFIGURATION AND O PERATION M ODES Diodes D1 , D3 , and D4 and switch M1 are turned off during
this mode. On the other hand, the capacitance of CO1 is high
The proposed converter is shown in Fig. 2. Lossless clamp-
enough so that it can be assumed as a constant voltage source
ing circuit comprises diodes D1 and D2 and capacitor CS .
with a value of VCO1 . This mode ends when the current passing
Coupled inductors L 1 and L 2 along with L 3 and L 4 create
through inductor L 1 is equal to the output current
interleaved path, which transfer the power to the output and
input, respectively. It should be mentioned that switches M1 I L1 = −n I L2 = n I L4 (1)

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Fig. 4. Equivalent circuit for each operating interval. (a) Mode 1. (b) Mode 2. (c) Mode 3. (d) Mode 4.

VCS = Vin + VL2 − VL4 (2) C. Mode 3 (t2 − t3 ) [see Fig. 4(c)]
VL1 = nV L2 , VL4 = nV L3 (3) This mode starts when switch M1 is turned on at t2 , while
VL1 = VCS − VO − VCO1 (4) switch M2 is still turned off. Due to zero current of inductors
L 1 and L 3 which are connected in series with the switch,
ICS = −(n + 1)I L2 (5)
M1 is turned on under ZCS condition. Hence, its current
VL4 = Vin + (n − 1)VL1 − VO − VCO1 is increased linearly. By turning on switch M1 , the stored
= (n + 1)VCS − n(VO − VCO1 ) − Vin (6) energy in capacitor Co1 is transferred to inductors L 1 and
L 1 × IO L 3 . Furthermore, the voltage across capacitor Co1 decreases,
t1 − t0 = (7)
(VCS − VO − VCO1 ) while inductor currents (IL1 and IL3 ) increase. Consequently,
(n + 1)VCS − n(VO − VCO1 ) − Vin the current that flows through inductors L 2 and L 4 (in the
i L4 (t) = (t − t0 ) (8) direction shown in Fig. 3) increases and leads to charge
VCS − VCO1 − VO capacitor CS . Moreover, at t = t2 , diode D1 is turned on under
i L1 (t) = (t − t0 ). (9) ZCS condition due to its series connection with inductors L 2
and L 4 . During this mode, diode D1 is forward biased and
diode D2 is reverse biased. Since the currents that flow through
B. Mode 2 (t1 − t2 ) [see Fig. 4(b)] inductors L 1 and L 3 are equal, power transmission is not done
in this mode and capacitor Co supplies the output load
This mode starts when switch M2 is turned off at t1 . During
this mode, the switch remains turn off. As a result, diode D3 VCO1 VCo1
i L3 (t) = i L1 (t) = (t − t2 ) = (t − t2 ) (15)
is turned on and the stored energy in coupled inductors L 1 and (L 1 + L 3 ) 2L 3
L 2 is transferred to the input and output by diodes D2 and D3 . VCS = VL4 − VL2 (16)
Besides, the stored energy in capacitor CS is transferred to the VCo1 = VL3 − VL1 (17)
input through diode D2
VCS = nV Co1 (18)
VL1 = −V O , VL2 = −nVO (10) VCo1
i CS (t) = (t − t2 ). (19)
2n L 3
VL4 = VCS − Vin − nVO (11)
VO This mode ends when the current passing through inductor
i L1 (t) = IO − (t − t1 ). (12) L 3 reaches the output current value
2L 3 × IO
At the end of this mode (t = t2 ), the current flows through t3 − t2 = . (20)
inductors L 1 , L 2 , and L 4 reach zero and their energy will be
fully discharged. Consequently, diodes D2 and D3 are turned
off under ZCS condition at the end of this mode D. Mode 4 (t3 − t4 ) [see Fig. 4(d)]
When the current passing through inductor L 3 reaches the
L 1 × IO
t2 − t1 = (13) output current at t = t3 , switch M1 is turned off and mode 4
VO starts. Therefore, diode D4 is turned on to allow the current
L1 VO to pass through inductor L 3 . As a result, the stored energy
= (14)
L4 n(VCS − Vin − nV O ). in inductor L 3 is transferred to the output through diode D4

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during this mode. Furthermore, the stored energy in capacitor TABLE I

CO1 is constant throughout this mode, while capacitor CS is C ONVERTER S PECIFICATIONS
storing energy as same as Mode 3. Besides, the stored energy
in inductor L 4 is transferred to capacitor CS through diode D1 ,
while diode D2 is reverse biased. When M1 is turned off at
t3 , the energy is transferred from the secondary to the primary
in coupled inductors L 1 and L 2 . In fact, the stored energy in
inductor L 1 is transferred to inductor L 2 . During this mode,
the energy of coupled inductors (L 1 and L 2 ) is transferred
to capacitor CS . This mode ends when the stored energy
in inductor L 3 is totally transferred to the output. Similarly,
the energy in inductors L 2 and L 4 is fully transferred to
capacitor CS

VL3 = −V O (21)
i L3 (t) = (t − t3 ) + IO (22)
VL2 = −(nVO + VCS ) (23)
i L2 (t) = − (t − t3 ) (24)
n L2
= (25)
L2 n(nV O + VCS )
IO × L 3 IO × L 2
t4 − t3 = = . (26)
VO n(nVO + VCS ) Inductor L 1 volt-second balance condition is computed as
n 2n
In this section, design process and important formulas to According to the converter operation, the following equa-
compute the values of elements in the proposed converter are tions can be calculated regarding the relationship between the
clarified. The converter specifications are presented in Table I. time intervals of the modes
According to the converter operation in mode 1, inductor
current IL1 varies from zero to IO during this mode. Moreover, d2 + d3 + d4 = (1 − D) (32)
the converter operates well if L 2 = L 4 and L 1 = L 3 d4
→ L 1 = L 3 → d2 = d4 (33)
d2 L1
D(VCS −VO −VCo1 ) 0.3(76 − 12 − 33)
L1 = L3 ≥ = d3 2L 3 IO VO 2V O 2nV O
IO × f SW 16 × 100000 = = = (34)
d2 L 1 IO VCo1 VCo1 VCS
= 25.6 μH. (27) 2nV O
d3 = d2 (35)
Based on [27], the turn ratio is obtained as follows. VCS
   (1 − D)VCS
d2 = (36)
Vin 1 200 2V CS + 2nV O
n≤ +1= +1= +1∼ =5 (28)
Vo M 12 2n(1 − D)VO
= d3 . (37)
2V CS + 2nV O
where M is the voltage gain of the proposed converter.
According to the converter specifications, the turn ratio is The duty cycle of the proposed converter is achieved as
equal to two. Furthermore, the values of inductors L 2 and follows:
L 4 are calculated by (27). Clamping capacitor CS can be VCS VO
computed as follows: D=   . (38)
(n − 2
1)VCS + VCS VO n 2 − 2n + 1 − n 2 VO2
IO ×(n +1)D 16×(2+1)×0.3 Also
CS ≥ = = 20.5 μF. (29)
V CS × f SW 7×100000
= nV in . (39)
Capacitor CO1 is obtained according to the following
equation: Finally, the voltage gain of the proposed converter is
IO · D 16 × 0.3 obtained as follows:
CO1 ≥
V Co1 × f SW
7 × 100000
= 16 μF. (30) 
D(n − 1)2 + 1 − D(n − 1)2 + 1 +4n D 2 (n −1)
According to the output voltage variations, output current M= .
2n D
and the load, filter capacitor CO can be calculated [28]. (40)

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Fig. 8. Voltage (top waveform) and current (bottom waveform) of switch

M1 (vertical scale is 50 V/div or 4 A/div and time scale is 2.5 μs/div).
Fig. 5. Experimental prototype of the proposed converter.

Fig. 6. Output voltage ripple (vertical scale is 100 mV/div). Fig. 9. Voltage (top waveform) and current (bottom waveform) of switch
M2 (vertical scale is 100 V/div or 5 A/div and time scale is 2.5 μs/div).


Fig. 7. Voltage (top waveform) and current (bottom waveform) of diodes D1

and D2 (vertical scale is 100 V/div or 5 A/div and time scale is 2.5 μs/div).


A 200-W prototype of the proposed high step-down which have zero passing current. Furthermore, the current and
dc–dc converter is implemented. Circuit parameters with voltage waveforms for switch M2 are depicted in Fig. 9. Since
details including type of materials and their values based on the current that flows through inductor L 1 is zero at t0 and L 1
the design considerations are presented in Table II. is connected in series with M2 , the switch is turned on under
The picture of the experimental prototype circuit is dis- ZCS condition.
played in Fig. 5. Fig. 6 shows the output voltage ripple. The Voltage and current waveforms for diode D3 are shown
secondary windings of the coupled inductors connected in in Fig. 10. According to the converter operation in mode 2,
series with the output, which causes the low output current the diode is turned on to transfer the power of coupled
ripple. Consequently, the output voltage ripple is very low inductors L 1 and L 2 to the output. In addition, diode D3 is
(200 mV). turned off under ZCS condition when the current that flows
Voltage and current waveforms for diodes D1 and D2 are through inductor L 1 falls to zero. Fig. 11 depicts the voltage
shown in Fig. 7. Based on the converter operation in modes and current waveforms for diode D4 . Performance of diode D4
1 and 3, the diodes are switched (turn on/off) under ZCS is similar to diode D3 and applied to transfer the power of
condition. This is done because the primary windings of the coupled inductors L 3 and L 4 to the output. Based on the
coupled inductors connected in series with the diodes. Fig. 8 converter operation in mode 4, the diode is turned off under
illustrates the voltage and current waveforms for switch M1 . ZCS condition when the current that flows through inductor
Based on mode 3, the switch is turned on under ZCS condition L 3 falls to zero. In the proposed converter, the energy stored
due to the series connection of M1 with inductors L 1 and L 3 , in the primary side of the coupled inductors is transferred

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Fig. 10. Voltage (top waveform) and current (bottom waveform) of diode D3 Fig. 11. Voltage (top waveform) and current (bottom waveform) of Diode D4
(vertical scale is 10 V/div or 9 A/div and time scale is 2.5 μs/div). (vertical scale is 10 V/div or 2.5 A/div and time scale is 2.5 μs/div).

to the secondary side through two interleaved paths to reach to reduce the Ohmic losses. Another factor to improve the
the output. By using the interleaved paths, the current stress performance of the converter is achieving the appropriate
on the power components and the output current ripple are voltage gain in the low duty cycle of the switches. This reduces
reduced. This reduces the conduction losses of the elements conduction losses of the switches. Due to low output current
and improves the converter efficiency. Reducing the current stress, a large filter is not required at the output of the proposed
stress in the proposed converter prevents the converter to use converter, which is also effective to reduce losses, volume, and
heat sinks for switches and diodes. As can be seen from weight and to increase the efficiency. Based on the converter
the proposed structure, the number of circuit elements is operation, the switch and diode voltage and current stresses are
less compared with similar high step-down topologies. Thus, presented in Table III. The comparison of power losses in the
the volume and weight of the circuit as well as the conduction high step-down soft switching full-bridge interleaved Flyback
losses are decreased. Furthermore, the performance of this converter in [29] and the proposed high step-down dc–dc
converter is very simple and it has only four operation modes converter are shown in Table IV. The following definitions
that do not use any resonant path to increase the voltage gain. are used to prepare Table IV.
Another factor to improve the converter specifications is that These definitions are the switching times at turn on and
the switches are turned on under soft switching condition. turn off instants as ton and to f f , respectively, the diode reverse
Although the switches are turned off under hard switching con- recovery time as trr , the diode reverse recovery current as Irr ,
dition, but the soft switching condition at the turn on instants switches output capacitance as Cout , average current of diodes
greatly reduces switching losses in the proposed converter. as Iave , forward voltage of diodes as VF , the switches on
Consequently, choosing 100 kHz as switching frequency has state resistance as Rds , the constant for core material as K 1 ,
been very effective to improve the converter operation and the peak flux density as B, the frequency exponent as x,

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ripple cancelation at the output, automatic current sharing,

lower voltage stress in comparison with traditional Buck con-
verter, low-current stress due to the interleaved structure, and
lower number of components in comparison with the similar
structures. A 200-W laboratory prototype of the converter
operating at 100 kHz is constructed. High step-down voltage
gain is achieved by using 200 V as input voltage and 12 V
as output voltage. The efficiency of the proposed converter
is 96.1% at the full load. Lastly, the experimental results are
presented to confirm the converter operation.

Fig. 12. Efficiency of the proposed converter versus the output.
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USA, Mar. 2015, pp. 1966–1973. ulty of Engineering, Arak University, Arak, Iran.
[20] K. I. Hwu, W. Z. Jiang, and P. Y. Wu, “An expandable four-phase His research interests include power electronics,
interleaved high step-down converter with low switch voltage stress and dc–dc converters, soft switching converters, and data
automatic uniform current sharing,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 63, converters.
no. 10, pp. 6064–6072, Oct. 2016.
[21] M. Esteki, B. Poorali, E. Adib, and H. Farzanehfard, “Interleaved buck
converter with continuous input current, extremely low output current
ripple, low switching losses, and improved step-down conversion ratio,”
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 62, no. 8, pp. 4769–4776, Aug. 2015.
[22] C.-T. Pan, C.-F. Chuang, and C.-C. Chu, “A novel transformerless
interleaved high step-down conversion ratio DC-DC converter with low
switch voltage stress,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 61, no. 10, Amin Mirzaei was born in Rasht, Guilan, Iran.
pp. 5290–5299, Oct. 2014. He received the M.Eng. degree from the Isfahan Uni-
[23] D. Cheshmdehmam, E. Adib, and H. Farzanehfard, “Soft-switched versity of Technology (IUT), Isfahan, Iran, in 2008,
nonisolated high step-down converter,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., and the Ph.D. degree from Universiti Teknologi
vol. 66, no. 1, pp. 183–190, Jan. 2019. Malaysia (UTM), Johor Bahru, Malaysia, in 2012.
[24] M. Amiri, H. Farzanehfard, and E. Adib, “A nonisolated ultrahigh step He is currently an Assistant Professor with the
down DC-DC converter with low voltage stress,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of
Electron., vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 1273–1280, Feb. 2018. Engineering, Arak University, Arak, Iran. His cur-
[25] M. Hajiheidari, H. Farzanehfard, and E. Adib, “High-step-down DC-DC rent research interests include dc–dc converters, soft
converter with continuous output current using coupled-inductors,” IEEE switching techniques, and renewable energies.
Trans. Power Electron., vol. 34, no. 11, pp. 10936–10944, Nov. 2019.

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