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1. List five (5) personalities behind Polygraph Machine and state some of their

Ans: Pioneers of Polygraph Machine

1. Dr. William M. Marston - Invention of a primitive form of the lie detector

developed in 1915 and he was the Father of the Modern Polygraph.
2. Leonard Keeler - He conducted the first use of his invention the Keeler
Polygraph otherwise known lie detector and he was the Father of Polygraph
3. John Larson - first person to measure and record continuously and
simultaneously the heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory variation of a
person during interrogation.
4. Sir James Mackenzie - He study the Pulse and he described an instrument of
his own device that called “ POLYGRAPH”
5. Harold Burtt - Determined that the respiratory changes that systolic pressure
changes are valuable in determining deception. It based in systolic blood
pressure of bp

2. What are the factors affecting Polygraph Examination? And give some ideas of
thoughts about it.

Ans: The factors affecting Polygraph Examination are;

1. Instrument - The instrument that is determined here is the machine itself if the
Polygraph machine is not working well it can affect the Polygraph Examination.
The machine is very important. We can call it the core in the Polygraph
Examination Test. We can't determine if the person is lying because his/her body
responds and if the examiner is skillful and if the machine is not good to function
examination can affect a lot.

2. Condition of the Subject - The Condition of the Subject can affect an example if
the subject is insane or it has a mental condition that can affect how to solve the
Polygraph Examination.
3. Condition of the examination room - The Condition of the Examination room can
affect let say the temperature of the room, the ambiance of the room or what
surrounds it that can affect a subject, machine or examiner that is hard to focus.

4. Qualification and skills of the Examiner - The Qualification and Skills of the
Examiner can affect in Polygraph Examination if those three; the condition of
instrument, condition is subject and condition of the room is good but the skills of
the examiner is the not qualified to determine or use the polygraph machine it
can affect how to solve the Polygraph Examination.

3. How effective is the Polygraph Machine? State facts and reliable information.

Ans: The effectiveness of the Polygraph Machine is depend on the instrument, subject,
the room and the examiner is those are good possible the examination can have a good
result but usually Polygraph Examination or Polygraph Machine can be effective up to
85% - 98% like I say it depends on the condition of instrument, condition of the subject,
condition of the room and qualification of the examiner.

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